Recent Publications on the History ofMining Compiled by Lysa Wegman-French The following list contains atticles and disser­ Bailey, Rebecca]. "Matewan Before the Mas­ tations that relate to the history of mining. It sacre: Politics, Coal, and the Roots of Conflict in includes all types of mining in North America. Mingo County, [West Virginia,] 1793-1920." Ph.D. It does not include books, since they are covered diss. , West Virginia University, 2001. in the book review section of the journal, nor does it include book review art icles. Thanks to Barksdale, John Allen. "A Construction of those who sent in suggestions for this installment. Community among Miners during the Califotnia We welcome citations for inclusion in the next Gold Rush. " Ph.D. diss., Bowling Green State update. University, 2002. Amundson, Michael A. "Mining the Grand Bartos, Paul]. "Colorado School of Mines Canyon to Save It: The Orphan Lode Uranium Geology Museum." Rocles&Minerals, 76, no. 6 Mine and National Security." Western Historical (Novembet/December 2001): 406+. Quarterly 32 (Autumn 2001): 320-345. "Blair, Nevada." Centra/Nevada's Glorious Anderson, Enoch. "The Morning After the Past 24, no. 1 (May 2001): 18-20. [Reprint of Gold Rush: Uournalist] Prentice Mulford and the 1907 atticle .] American Dream (California)." Ph.D. diss., The Claremont Graduate University, 2002. Boswell, Teny and John Brueggemann. "La­ bor Market Segmentation and the Cultural Divi­ Armfield, Felix L. "Fire on the Prairies: The sion of Labor in the [Arizona] Copper Mining 1895 Spring Valley Race Riot." j ountal ofIlli ­ Industry, 1880-1920." Resem"cb in Social Move­ nois Histmy 3, no. 3 (2000): 185-200. [Italian vs. ments, Conflicts and Change 22 (2000): 193-217. African Ametican coal miners.] Browning-Aiken, Anne. "The Transforma­ Arnold, Andrew Bernard. "Ordeting Coal: La­ tion of Mexican Copper Miners [in Cananea, bor, Law, and Business in Central Pennsylvania, Sonora]: The Dynamics of Social Agency and 1870-1900." Ph.D. diss., The University of Notth Mineral Policy as Economic Development Tools." Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002. Ph.D. diss., University of Arizona, 2000. "Assessing a Centuty of Mining: Huge Safety Brueggemann,Jolm and Cliff Brown. "Stt·a­ Gains." OccupationalHea/tb &Safety69, no. 4 tegic Labor Organizing in the Era of Industrial (April 2000): 20+. Transformation: A Comparative Histotical Analy­ sis of Unionization in Steel and Coal, 1870-1916." 84 2002 Mining History journal Review ofRadic al Political Economics 32, no. 4 Clements, Eric L. "Black Hawk's Jackpot De­ (September 2000): 541-76. Available: cade: A Metamotphosis in Three Acts." jounzal www.elsevier. com/inca/ publications/ store/6/ 2/ of the West 41, no. 3 (Summer 2002): 59-70. 0/ 1/ 7/ 2/ [Gaming in historic Colorado towns.] Brugge, Doug and Rob Goble. "The Histoty Cmtis, Kent Alexander. "An Ecology of In­ of Uranium Mining and the Navajo People." dustty: Mit1ing and Nature in [Butte & Anaconda] Americanjournal ofPubli c Health, 92, no.9 (Sep­ Western Montana, 1860-1907." Ph.D. cliss., Uni­ tember 2002): 1410+ . versity of Kansas, 2001. Burnett, Nancy Svet. "'Where the Rails Turn Davey, William and Richard MacKinnon. Up": Slovenes Come to Richwood [West Vir­ "Nicknaming Patterns and Traditions among ginia]." Goldenseal26, no. 4 (2000): 38-45. Cape Breton Coal Miners." Acadiensis[Canada] 30, no. 2 (2001): 71-83. Byerly, Edward A. "F. Hoffman and the Cali­ fornia State Geographical Survey, 1860-1874." D obado, Ragel and Gustavo Marrero. Southern California Quarterly82, no. 4 (2000): "Mineria, crecimiento economico y costes de la 343-364. independencia en Mexico." Revista de Historia Economica 19, no. 3 (Fall-Winter 2001): 573-611. Camargo, ].A. "Contribution of Spanish­ [Relationship between mining expansion and eco­ Amelican Silver Mines (1570-1820) to d1e Present nomic growth in New Spain; the detem1inants High Mercllly Concentrations in d1e Global En­ of d1e silver production; and an estimate of d1e vironment: A Review." Chemosphere48, no. 1 economic cost of independence for Mexico.] Ouly 2002): 51-7. Dobb, Edwin. "New Life in a Death Trap." Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Chronol­ Discover21, no. 12 (December 2000): 86+. [Al­ og)lofMineralsDeuelopmentin Canada. Ottawa, gae in d1e acidic waters of d1e fom1er open-pit Ontario, 2000. [Available d1rough NTIS.] copper mine in Butte, Montana.] Case, Clu·istopher Stephen. "Goldfield, Ne­ Doster, Alexis and Berthold Steinhilber, vada: A Case Study of Colonialism in d1e Atneri­ photog. "Ghost Towns by Night Light." can West, 1900-1920." Ph.D. diss, NOtthernAt·i­ Smithsonian 32, no. 2 (2001): 110-118. [Photo­ zona University, 2002. graphs of ghost towns in California, Utah, Colo­ rado, and New Mexico.] "Central Nevada Mine Accidents, 1917-1918." Central Nevada's Glorio·us Past 24, no. 1 (May Dublin, TI1omas and Melissa Doak. "Miner's 2001): 13-17. Son, [Coal] Miners' Photographer: The Life and Work of George Hatvan. "jounzalfor Multime­ Clu·istensen, Bonnie. "'Nod1ing up Here but diaHistory3 (2000). 3. Atticle and 280 photo­ Foreigners and Coal Slack': World War I and d1e graphs available at www.albany.edu.jmmh Transformation of Red Lodge." Montana 52, no. 3 (Autunm 2002): 16-29. Recent Publications 85 Evanko, Paul]. "Answeting the Call of Honor: Gerard, David. "Transaction Costs and the The Origins of the Pennsylvania State Police." Value of Mining Claims." LandEconomics77, Pennsylvania Heritage27, no. 3 (2001): 22-29. no. 3 (August 2001): 371-84. ['The decline in claim [Established due to union activity in coal mines.] disputes reduced ilie value of full title , and the d emand for patents decreased.] Availability: Faust, 13ob. "Lead in the Water: Powet~ Pro­ www.wisc.edu/ wiscon sinpress/ journals/ gressivism, and Resource Control in a Missouri landccon.hU11l Mining Community." AgriculturaiHistoly76, no. 2 (Spring 2002): 405-418. Goin, Peter and Elizabeth Raymond. "Living in Antlu-acite: Mining Landscape and Sense of F~rry, Elizabeth Emma. "Veins of Value: Pat­ Place in Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania." Public rimony and the Reprocluction of Power in a Mexi­ Historian 23, no. 2 (Spting 2001): 29+. can Mining Cooperative." Ph.D. diss., The Johns Hopkins University, 2001. lThe Santa Fe Coop­ "Goldfield Photos." Central Nevada's Glo­ erative in Guanajuato, 1939-1990s.] riousPast24, no. 1 (May 2001): 3-6. [Selection fi·om over 50 Goldfield photos recently acquired "First Year's Record of Bullfrog, Nevada and by histotical society.) its Matvelous Mines." Central Nevada's Glori­ ousPast25, no. 2 (November2002): 16-19. [Re­ Gower, Shirley. "A Home in Cassity [West Vir­ print from 1905.] ginia]." Goldenseal 28, no. 2 (2002): 50-55. Fish, Peter. "King Soapy. Su nset(National edi­ Gray, Roland F. "Let Them Dig Coal." tion) 207, no. 1 (July 2001): 79-81. [Soapy Smith.J JlifontblyReview54, no. 4 (September 2002): 51. [Plans to use I !-bomb in Inuit-occupied area to Fleischman, Richard K. and Davis Oldroyd. create harbor in order to ship coal.] "An Imperial Connection? Contrasting Account­ ing Practices in the Coal Mines of North-East I Ia llahan, Kirk "Ivy Lee and the Rockefellers' England and Nova Scotia, 1825-1900." Account­ Hesponse to d1e 1913-1914 Colorado Coal Snike." ing llistoriansjournal28, no. 2 (2001): 31-62. Journal ofPublic Relations Researcb 1-1, no. 4 (October 2002): 265+. [Ludlow Massacre.] Fuller, Craig. "Finns and d1e Winter Quarters Mine Disaster." Utab Historical Quarter/y70, I Talsey,John R. "Native Copper." Micbigctn no. 2 (Spting 2002): 123-139. Hist01yMagaz ine85, no. 6 (2001): 20-25. [Na­ tive American use of copper before European Gardine r, Harvey. "Mining Among the contact.] Clouds: 1he Mosquito Range and d1e Otigins of Colorado's Silver Boom." Colorado Histmy no. Hatcher, Paul. "The Deaili of Arizona Min­ 6 (2002): 1-132. ing Towns and the Effect Their Demise had on Phoenix and Tucson." M.A. thesis, California Garrett, Donald E. "Sodium Sulfate- 5,000 State University, Dominguez I-Iills; 2001. Years of.Mining and Processing Salt Cake." illfin­ ing Engineering 54, no. 2 (Februaty 2002): 17- 22. 86 2002Mining Hist01y]ounta! Hendricks, Rick. "Searching for Lost Padre: 1930s.") Dvedomovini/TwoHomelands 13 Eighteenth-Centuty Mining Claims in the Organ (2001): 73-99. Mountains and Greater El Paso Del Notte Area." Password 46, no. 2 (2001): 55-78. [Spanish at­ Krist, Bill. "Phoenix Wobblies Remember tempts to make its northern colonies economi­ Bisbee Deportation." Industrial Wodeer98, no. cally viable.] 7 (September 2001): 10. Hidalgo, Tom. "En Las Montanas: Spaniards Krueger, James Robert. "Relocating Regula­ in Southern West Virginia." Goldensea/27, no. 4 tion: Environmental Politics and the Montana (2001): 52-59. [Early twentieth century coal min­ Gold Mining Industry." Ph.D. cliss., Clark Uni­ ers.] versity, 2001. Hotson, Freel W. "The Knob Lake Airlift." Krupar,]oseph].Jr. "The Ghost Town of Sil­ C.A .H.S. [Canada] 38, no. 3 (2000): 94-101, 115- ver Creek: A Remnant of the Clear Creek Silver 116. [Support for remote northern Labrador Boom." ColomdoHeritage(Surnmer 2002): 16- mining and railroad projects, 1946-47.] 21. Howard, Walter T. 'The National Miners Langford, Tom and Chris Frazer. "The Cold Union: Communists and Miners in the Pennsyl­ War and Working-Class [socialist] Politics in the vania Anthracite, 1928-1931." Pennsylvania Coal Mining Communities of the Crowsnest Pass, Jl!Iagazine ojHisto1y andBiogt'CijJhy 125, no. 1-2 1945-1958." Laho·wfle T1-availno. 49 (Spring, (2001): 91-124. 2002): 43-81. [British Columbia/ Alberta border] Jenkins, Robert F. andJeny A. Lorengo. "Min­ Lasell, Rebecca Renee. "Gold Rush Commer­ erals, Mines, and History [Butte, Montana]." Jl1in­ cial Characteristics: An Examination of "Fire­ eralogicalRecord33, no. 1 Qanuary/ February proof'' Storefronts and the Blood, Brother and 2002): 5+. Company Mercantile in Elizabethtown, Califor­ nia." M.A. thesis, University of Nevada, Reno, Johanningsmeier, Edward . "The Trade Union 2000. Unity League: American Communists and the Transition to Industrial Unionism: 1928-1934." Lee, B. "It Started with a (Mining) Boom." LaborHistoly42, no.
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