Saint Veronica Church Established 1951 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 4, 2021 - Independence Day 434 Alida Way South San Francisco, CA 94080 Phone: 650-588-1455 www.stveronicassf.com Fax: 650-588-1481 Saint Veronica Parish Parish Office Hours MASS INTENTIONS Monday to Friday for the Week of July 4, 2021 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed for lunch from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. (unless otherwise posted) Sun 07/04 7:00 † Maria Loan Dinh Phone: 650-588-1455 Fax: 650-588-1481 8:30 † Romerico Otet Dumlao 10:00 People of Saint Veronica Parish Staff 11:30 † Evangeline Chaves Terrel Father Patrick J. Driscoll, Pastor, Ext. 106 1:30 † Francisco & Berenice Velarde Father Cameron Pollette, Parochial Vicar Mon 07/05 6:30 † Patrick Kerrigan Deacon Roger Beaudry 8:30 † John Mosunic Tue 07/06 6:30 † Ernesto M. Aquino Mary Martin, Administrative Assistant, Ext.101 8:30 † Francisca De Vera Silvia Reyes, Bookkeeper, Ext.102 Wed 07/07 6:30 Annemarie Martin Karen Guglielmoni, Faith Formation & 8:30 † Howard Connolly Wedding Coordinator, Ext.103 Thu 07/08 6:30 † Pacifico Ambat Carmen Perlas, Music Coordinator 8:30 † Gloria Garaman Jim Rodriguez, Custodian Juan Gutierrez, Maintenance Fri 07/09 6:30 † Francisco M. Aquino 8:30 † Alonzo Posadas Saint Veronica Catholic School Sat 07/10 8:30 † Dominic Vinh www.saintveronicassf.org Phone: 650-589-3909 Ms. Mary Boland, Principal June 27, 2021 Offering Totals First offering: SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION $5,662.00 Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are to be arranged through the Parish Office. Second offering (Peter’s Pence): Please call for information and to make arrangements. $1,878.20 Baptismal Preparation classes are held once a month. Call the Parish Office at 650-588-1455 Thank you to all the parishioners who have been mailing in or dropping off their Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) offering envelopes at the parish office, Call the Parish Office to register 650-588-1455 those who contribute during Mass, and those who contribute online! Faith Formation: 650-588-1455 ext. 103 Visit our parish website, Catechetical instructions (1st to 8th grades) www.stveronicassf.com, Confirmation Classes: 650-588-1455 ext. 103 for on-line giving information. Parish Office email: [email protected] News from Catholic Charities - Job Opening Catholic Charities CYO Transportation Services of Daly City The Sanctuary Candle seeks a Supervisor of Vehicle Maintenance for school bus and fleet vehicles. CYO Transportation gets hundreds of Bay Area children safely to and from school each day and also helps this week is hosted in memory of support some of the Bay Area’s most vulnerable children, adults, and seniors through Catholic Charities programs and Lydia White services. Contact Marty Rea, General Manager at 650-757- 2118 or [email protected]. and Visit https://www.catholiccharitiessf.org/who-we-are/ careers.html to view the job description. Flowers for the Blessed Virgin Mary this week are hosted The City of South San Francisco Technology Access Program (TAP) is offering free laptops and in memory of home internet access to qualified individuals and families who lack access to a computer or internet Ray De Nardi at home. Learn more about this program and apply at www.SSF.net/laptops. Applications are also available at the parish office. If you would like to sponsor the El Programa de Acceso a la Tecnología (TAP) sanctuary candle or flowers, de la Ciudad del Sur de San Francisco ofrece com- please contact the parish office putadoras portátiles y acceso a internet en el hogar to check on available dates. gratis a personas y familias calificadas que no tienen acceso a una computadora o Internet en el hogar. Obtenga más información sobre este pro- grama y presente su solicitud en www.SSF.net/ laptops. Las solicitudes también están disponibles en la oficina parroquial. Parish Registration Please complete and return form to the parish office, Mass Schedule or simply drop it in the collection basket. Sundays: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30AM (English) Kindly print all information. 1:30PM (Spanish) Full Name(s)/Relationship(s): ____________________ Holy Days: 6:30, 8:30AM, & 6:30PM Monday - Friday: 6:30 & 8:30AM ___________________________________________ Saturdays 8:30AM ___________________________________________ Confessions Address: ____________________________________ Saturdays: 3:30 - 4:30PM (or by appointment) ___________________________________________ City & Zip: __________________________________ Eucharistic Adoration Monday - Friday: 9:00AM - 12Noon Phone: ______________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Saint Veronica Parish Livestream Primary language spoken at home: ________________ The link for our weekly livestreamed Sunday Mass is sent out via Flocknote on Saturdays. If you Updating Current Parish Registration are not receiving either emails or texts with the livestream links, please call the parish office at 650- Moving / Please remove from mailing list 588-1455 with your name and (as applicable) email and cell phone number, or sign up at saintveroni- ___This is a new registration Please call me caparish.flocknote.com by entering your contact in- formation and clicking “Sign Me Up”. The Eucharistic Adorers at Saint Veronica Church invite you to a special workshop Eucharistic Adoration in the Catholic Tradition A workshop for enrichment of devotion to our Eucharistic Lord Adore the Lord in His Holy Court (Ps 95) Friday, July 9, 2021, from 6:30 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Saturday, July 10, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Saint Veronica Church 434 Alida Way South San Francisco Presenter: Reverend James Garcia, a priest of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, will lead two study sessions. Cost: Free-will donations accepted Schedule: First Session: Friday, July 9, 2021, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. in the Church ♦ Why the Lord Jesus left His Church the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist ♦ The Old Testament roots and the New Testament flowering of the Sacrament Second Session: Saturday, July 10, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Church ♦ If the Holy Mass is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, why does it look like a meal? ♦ How am I supposed to enter into the Lord’s sacrifice? ♦ How the Eucharistic Sacrament changes people … Christifies them - by Holy Communion - by thanksgiving after Holy Mass - by spiritual communion - by Eucharistic adoration Live Stream Option: Available from parish website www.stveronicassf.com For More Information Contact Saint Veronica Parish 650-588-1455 It is with great joy that we welcome into our church and community the Pray for our Beloved Deceased following child who received the In your prayers this week, please remember the repose of Sacrament of Baptism at our Church the souls of our deceased parishioners, especially: on June 26, 2021 Martin A. Gamble Jr. died June 17, 2021 Jade Hernandez “Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord . .” WELCOME BACK!! From the Archdiocese of San Francisco: Reopening for Public Masses - as of June 14, 2021 To be Retained ♦ Doors and windows are to stay open to ensure maximum ventilation. ♦ Congregants are to wear masks during Mass indoors (unless they have a physical or personal difficulty). ♦ Churches should continue to maintain visible signage encouraging social distancing and washing of hands and maintaining hygienic protocols. ♦ Hand sanitizers are to be readily available. ♦ No procession with the offerings to the altar. ♦ Sign of Peace to be exchanged by the people reverently bowing to those near them. ♦ The current procedure for the distribution of Communion is to continue (wear mask, sanitize hands). ♦ Distribution of Communion under the species of bread only. To be Dropped ♦ Effective June 24, 2021, dispensation from Sunday obligation ends (Note: this does not apply to those per- sons restricted from coming to Mass for health reasons). ♦ Contact information lists and consent forms. ♦ Sanitizing pews and other-high touch areas before services. ♦ Wearing of masks for outdoor services. To be Restored (All but the first are at the discretion of the pastor) ♦ Effective June 24, 2021, the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is once again in effect. ♦ Use of missalettes, hymnals, cards, worship aids. ♦ Holy water in stoups at entrances to the church. These should be regularly cleaned and maintained. ♦ The resumption of pre-Covid 19 Mass schedule in parishes. To be Modified ♦ Social distancing reduced to three feet between households. ♦ Small choirs allowed with members wearing masks and keeping a minimum of twelve feet from each other. ♦ Congregational singing (presuming that, when indoors, the people are wearing masks). ♦ Liturgical ministers do not wear masks while carrying out their liturgical ministry (including cantor at the ambo, provided the closest person is at least twenty feet away). ♦ Concelebrating priests do not wear masks unless they cannot remain a minimum of six feet from each other. Please Note: ♦ PEOPLE WISHING TO RECEIVE COMMUNION ON THE TONGUE MUST BE ALLOWED TO DO SO. ♦ PEOPLE ARE NOT TO BE ASKED IF THEY HAVE BEEN VACCINATED (IN ORDER TO BE ALLOWED INDOORS FOR MASS). FORMED Picks of the Week for July 4, 2021 FORMED is a Catholic media subscription service Traveling this Summer? provided free to our parishioners. To subscribe: 1. Go to formed.org/signup Find A Catholic 2. Enter either “94080” or “St. Veronica” and se- Church anywhere in lect our parish from the list provided. 3. Provide your name and email address. the World visit the website 4. Check your email to log in and start browsing www.masstimes.org through thousands of videos, podcasts, and e- books! New content is added on a regular basis. MassTimes.org is a non-profit web site that allows traveling Catholics Faith Formation Registration to locate Mass times and infor- for 2021-22 mation for Catholic Churches Those interested in the parish youth Faith Formation around the world.
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