Sugar: More than Just a Sweetener Family and Consumer Sciences Robin Eubank, Barber County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent Sugar is a carbohydrate found in every fruit and vegetable. All green plants manufacture sugar though photosynthesis, but sugar cane and sugar beets have the highest natural concentrations. Beet sugar and cane sugar — identical products that may be used inter- changeably — are the most common sources for the sugar used in the United States. Understanding the variety of sugars available and their functions in food will help consum- ers determine when sugar can be replaced or combined with nonnutritive sweeteners. Confectioner’s or powdered sugar is gran- Variety of Sugars ulated sugar ground to a smooth powder and then sifted. It contains about 3 percent Sugar comes in many forms. The following cornstarch to prevent caking. The type in is a list of sugars, mostly made from sugar grocery stores is the finest of three types. cane or sugar beets. The other two are used by industrial bakers. Table sugar — granulated white, extra fine Coarse sugar is larger than regular granu- or fine sugar — is found in nearly every lated sugar. It tends not to change color or home. It is the sugar used most because its break down at high temperatures. fine crystals are ideal for bulk handling and Sanding sugar is another large sugar crystal. not susceptible to caking. It is used mainly in the baking and con- Fact Sheet Fact Fruit sugar is slightly finer and has a more fectionary industries to sprinkle on top of uniform crystal size than table sugar. It is baked goods or on gelled or gummed candy. used in dry mixes, such as gelatin desserts, This sugar adds sparkle to confections. pudding mixes, and drink mixes. Its unifor- Turbinado sugar is raw sugar that has been mity prevents separation or settling in mixes. only partially processed, removing the sur- Crystalline fructose is derived from corn. It face molasses. It is a blond color with a mild consists of at least 98 percent pure fructose. brown sugar flavor. Compared to table sugar, it is 20 percent Brown sugar retains some of the molasses sweeter. Crystalline fructose is considered syrup, which imparts a pleasant flavor. It safe by nutritionists, but the FDA has not tends to clump because it has more mois- yet added it to the list of food additives des- ture than white sugar. Dark brown sugar ignated Generally Recognized as Safe. has more color and stronger molasses flavor Superfine or ultrafine sugar is the smallest than light brown sugar. crystal size of all types of granulated sugar. Liquid sugars come in several types. Liquid It is ideal for extra-fine textured cakes and sucrose is essentially water and white sugar meringues. In England, a sugar very similar and can be used wherever dissolved sugar to superfine sugar is known as caster. might be used. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service Nonnutritive Sweeteners It is often found in chewing gums, soft drinks, frozen desserts, yogurt products, The Institute of Medicine of the National puddings, and fillings. Academy of Sciences recommends that no more than 25 percent of calories consumed Saccharin (sold as Sweet’N Low) is highly come from added sugars. These are sug- stable and can be used in cooking or baking. ars not naturally occurring in foods. In an It is used in tabletop sweeteners, beverages, attempt to reduce added sugars, more non- juice, chewing gum, dairy products, desserts, nutritive sweeteners are being used. puddings, jams, and jellies. In 1977, the FDA proposed baning saccharin use. After These sweeteners are considered nonnutri- more studies, the FDA approved it, but tive because few products must include a label statement that or no calories are Sugar Calories it has caused cancer in laboratory animals. absorbed by the Alcohol per Gram body. While some Erythritol 0.2 Stevia (sold as Truvia or PureVia) is highly have up to 4 calories Mannitol 1.6 stable and can be used in cooking or baking. It is used in tabletop sweeteners, beverages, per gram (the same Isomalt 2.0 as sugar), they are protein drinks, energy bars, and other food not consumed in Lactitol 2.0 products. It comes from the plant leaves of large enough quan- Xylitol 2.4 the stevia rebaudiana plant. It has a men- tities to add many Sorbitol 2.6 thol-like bitter aftertaste that diminishes calories to food with increasing purity of the extract. Maltitol 2.1 products. According Sucralose (sold as Splenda) is highly to a 2004 Calorie stable and can be used in cooking or bak- Control Council ing. It is used in tabletop sweeteners, baked survey, 84 percent of consumers use low- goods, desserts, dairy products, beverages, calorie, reduced-sugar, and sugar-free foods juices, jams, pie fillings, and chewing gum. and beverages. Sucralose is made from sugar, but it is not Acesulfame potassium (sold as Sunett) is absorbed by the body. highly stable and can be used in cooking or Sugar alcohols are hydrogenated from baking. It is used in chewing gum, baked carbohydrates. They are incompletely goods, dairy products, desserts, sauces, and absorbed in the small intestine, which alcoholic beverages. results in a smaller rise in blood glucose Aspartame (sold as Equal and NutraS- than other sugars. Incomplete digestion of weet) breaks down when heated and is these sweeteners may lead to stomach dis- best used in cold food or beverages. It tress. Some are required to carry the warn- is used in chewing gum, dairy products, ing “Excessive consumption may cause desserts, puddings, jams, jellies, and gastrointestinal problems.” Year Times Sweeter Calories breakfast cereals. Upon digestion, it Name breaks down to aspartic acid, a small Approved than Sucrose Per Gram Acesulfame amount of methanol, and phenylala- 1988 200 0 nine. Therefore, it must bear a label Potassium statement that the product contains Aspartame 1981 200 4 phenylalanine, which is hazardous Neotame 2002 8,000 0 for people who cannot process this 1970 – Interim amino acid. Saccharin 300 to 500 0 2000 – Final Neotame (part of the NutraSweet brand, not available commercially) Sucralose 1998 600 0 2 can be used in cooking and baking. Stevia 2008 250-300 0 Cooking incorporating air into the shortening. The with Nonnutritive Sweeteners air is trapped in the fat on the face of sugar’s irregular crystals. During baking, these air Check the food label on sweetener packages pockets expand. Small bubbles in large quan- for usage. Some can be measured cup for tities contribute to a finer textured cake. cup like sugar. Others are sweeter and less product is needed. Delayed coagulation: In cakes without shortening, sugar molecules mix with egg Recipes prepared with nonnutritive sweet- proteins to delay bond formation, allowing eners may turn out differently than recipes cakes to rise. made with sugar. Use any sweetener in recipes that do not require heat — such as Enhanced flavors: In frozen foods, low cold beverages, salads, chilled soups, frozen temperatures tend to numb the taste buds, desserts, or fruit sauces. and sugar acts to enhance flavors. Also, sugar balances sour, bitter, and spicy flavors. Expect a lower volume and less brown- ing when cooking and baking with intense Enhanced mouthfeel: Sugar increases the sweeteners instead of sugar. Sugar adds thickness of frozen desserts, which helps to bulk. Try a half-and-half mix by substitut- create a thick, creamy mouthfeel. ing half the amount of sugar with a nonnu- Longer shelf life: Sugar increases the length tritive sweetener. of time foods remain safe to consume. Functions of Sugar in Foods Gelatinization: Sugar slows gelatinization by competing with the starch for liquid. By Sugar serves many purposes in a variety of absorbing part of the liquid, sugar allows food products. Following is an alphabetical the volume of a bakery item to increase. The list of the functions sugar has as it interacts result is a fine, uniform grain with a soft, with other ingredients. smooth texture. Caramelization: Sugar caramelizes when Gelling: Sugar is essential in making jams, heated above its melting point, adding flavor. preserves, and jellies because it attracts Caramelization also leads to surface brown- and holds water during the gelling process. ing, which improves moisture retention in Gelled fruit juices are trapped in a network baked products. In baked goods, carameliza- of fibers. Pectin can form gel only in the tion takes place under high temperatures. presence of sugar and acid. The golden brown, flavorful, and slightly crisp surface of breads, cakes, and cookies not Gluten development: Sugar serves as a only tastes good, but helps retain moisture. tenderizing agent in baked products. By Caramelization also takes place in fruits and preventing gluten development, sugar helps vegetables when natural sugars are exposed give the final baked product a tender texture to high temperatures, such as during grilling. and good volume. Color and texture retention: Added sugar Leavening: Sugar increases the effective- helps retain the color of fruit through its ness of yeast by providing an immediate, capacity to attract and hold water. The sugar usable source of nourishment for its growth. prevents fruit from absorbing water, which With correct moisture and warmth, sugar is would cause its color to fade through dilu- broken down by the yeast cells and carbon tion. Additionally, this keeps the fruit from dioxide gas is released, causing the product becoming mushy. to rise. Creaming: When shortening and sugar Lowered freezing point: In mixtures to be are creamed together, sugar crystals mix frozen, the dissolved sugar’s ability to attract with the shortening molecules. In cakes and and hold water reduces the water available 3 cookies, sugar helps promote lightness by for crystallization during freezing.
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