VOL. XLV-NO. 11 MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 12.1903. WHOLE NO. 3203. WEWH IN RRIEP. Mrs. Mary Searl has rented the Ad* W. C. T. U. Convention. kiuH house on Okemos street. EVERYONE KNOWS The weather of the paat week bears As there la liable to be some w The annual convention of the sixth Church and Society. IndlcHthin of an early Hpring. LOST—A pair of nose glasses. Find­ district of the Woman's Christian Wtmt Dry Hot Air Ballis will rto for er leave at this office and receive re­ confusion in arranging our sub- ' Temperance Union will be held lu the ull liiiMlH of UlteiiinatiHiii, Specific DiH> A blK muHkral waa hilled In front ward. • sorlptlon list to the new rural Presbyterian church In this city next msoH, diaeaBeH of tlie aliin itnd blood, of the armory laat Saturday. There will te work on the E. A. de­ A number of Mason tlieatre lovers routes, wo would ask our stiib- week, commencing Tuesday at 1:30 p. gree at Masonic ball Tuesday evening, «nlHrge(l JoiiilM, acute colda, IsKfippe M. A. Randall haa moved Into hia m. and closing at noon Thursday. and cnridilioiiH dependent on olMseity will attend "Miss Simplicity" by scribers, so far as they can, to in­ March 17. new reMidence on Maple street. Frank Daniels at Lansing tomorrow Tuesday afternoon Mrs. A. S. Benja­ <too niuuli fat) and any otlier coiidi- form us by postal card or other­ The Ys will meet in the parlor of linim CHUiied liy non-elitiiinalion of Next Saturday, apecial sale on coffee evening. min will iclve a parliamentary drill, at 8(! per pound at Vandercook'a. * wise, as to the route upon which which will be very benefluial lo all so­ the Presbyterian church at 3 p. m. olinoxious and waste material from It seenm to be tlie opinion of all they are located. Sunday. tlie fiyfltem, Albert Her/Jg will complete this that the condition of the roads has not cieties that WIHII help in Ihal line, week a larice new barn at hIa re8l> Tuesday evening (here will be a gold The Mason Tourist Club qieets with To tlioHe troubled with any of the been so bad In years as at present, In medal contest, condiicled by Miss P. nliove coiiditiouB [ WIHII to aay that I deuce on West Maple street. this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. F. £. Mills next Wed­ Lucy Hayes of Highland. nesday evening. huve purcliaHed ii niaciiine by which Win. H. llOMe didn't like the rules Scott Lane lias this week installed Born, March 8, to Mr. and Mrs. On Wednesday afternmn at 1:45, Don't forget the convention next I can g\ve tlie treatnicnta that are now at the Soldiera' Home and has return­ the Adrian gas liglit in Glassford's "A Purity Chart Lesson with Ques­ ()uiMK adopted Uy a (treat many of the ed to his old home in luKliam. aaloou. This makes Ave places on Frank jNIcCormick of Vevuy, a daugh­ week. You will ffnd announcement ter. tion Box and Open Parliament," by in another column. iniiieral t)atli efltabliRhmenta which F. N. Fianusfcau has sold his liowl- Maple street, side by side, using this Mrs. Mary E. Teats of California, are Kiving better reHultn than the mill* Ing alley iixturea to H. Foster of light. Ed. H. Fields has sold his pair of which every mother sliould hear. The Loyal Sisters will iheet in Steele «rai liatha have heretofore given. All ChesaniiiK, and it has gone hence. Tlie motion lo continue tlie case ponies lo Roy Adams for use on the Wednesday evening the r,oyal Tem­ Broa.' Post rooms over posloffice, medicine necet)i<ary for a cane while against ex-Senator John Holbrook is R. F. D. Friday afternoon at 2:30. under treatment hirniahed free. The Vaiitowu-Maaou Mutual Tele­ perance Legion and Y, W. C T. U. phone Cotnpany liaye an otilaial seal, still held In abeyance, and at all events D, E. Watts is helping In Hamner's will give songs, recitations and a drill, Stratford club meets with Mrs. E, G. E. MANN, M, D., Mason. and issued their certilicales of slock. it is certain llie matter will not come grocery and would be pleased to have after which Mrs. Teats, a national Strupe next Tuesday evening. Les­ to trial until late In the term. lecturer, will give an address, "The son, Act II, of the "Taming of the Tlie personal property of the late his friends call on him. Shrew." Henry Phillips will lie sold at auction George Every, living one mile north New Home of the New Century," a of the Whipple school house in Ing­ Geo. R, .Huntington has bought feast for all. Everyone invited and it The L. A. S. of Eden will have a at the home in Aureliua, March 26, Herm. Frazel'a roadster to assist him 1903, ham, will sell his personal property at is to be lioped that the church will be aoclal at ihe church Tuesday evening, auction on Thursday, March 10, com­ In carrying Uncle Sam's mall In ru­ niled both evenings by the fathers and March 17. Warm;sugar, biscuila and UntoreU at Itie I'ontofllvo .MHKOII, The Donnelly Houne has received ral district No. 28. moiliers and ull lovers of good, pure butler will be served. Everybody uiiiocoml-oluDNinaUur Home extensive reiiairs the paat Week— mencing at one o'clock p.m. Col. L. H. lyea, auctioneer. The M. C. R. R, Co Is laying pipes liomea, pure people and pure children. come. Pabll8li«itBv«ryThiiriidayby the wash room changed and office en* Bring your dimea and quarters to help larged. Bert Stowell, the Stockbridge man In front of the passenger depot with a Be sure that you attend Mrs, A. S. who pleaded guilty to Illegal lit|Uor view of removing the water tank from the ladies with their expenses. The Benjamin's Parllamenlary drill next A.. JLi. JIOSE:. Conim'r of Schools Wilson would Its present location. Presbyterian ladies will serve meals. like the address of several good teach­ selling, was oil Tuesday ffned $200 and Tuesday p. m. at the Preebyteriaa $IOcost, and toaerve 60 days in jail. Dinner, 15e; supper, Kkt, ehurcii, Siie is a natural parliamen­ ers not haviiiK engiiged a school for A. J. Hall has purchased of F. P. • ^ . On* r«,r, II.OO; «ix moMh,, SO (tut* I Ihrat If flue \H not paid in CO days to serve a tarian. montht, 3S etnla—i* idvinct the spriiiK term. * Millbury the residence property on further imprisonment of six months. Cherry atreet now occupied by A. G. Peacefully Resting. The Ladies Aid of the Baptist ABVCIITISINa KATES. Palmer & Glass are llttlng up a nest* Alta BiiHid, daughter of M. A. Iv attired amokiiig room at their driiK Next Saturday, special sale on coffee Wilson and family. church will have a thimble party at JnriidvertlalnKrateH made k nownal oflloe at 8c iier pound at Vandercook's, Blood, was born June 23, 1881, and thehomeofMrs. F. W. Webb Wed- 0 lalneaHoardR II a line per year. Htore, for the convenience of antokers. There will be a Green dancing parly died March 2, 1903 rf consumption, at iienday, March IS, from 2 until 5 BiHlnemilooalNtlveaentBper line eaebaud Try it—sure cure for blues. Steele Brothers' Post of the G. A. R. given at the nrmerv on Monday even­ Ofery Insertion. certttiiily iiave the slickest quarters her sister's, Mrs. C. J. Looniis', in this o'clock, Ten cenis. Karrliti;e,blrtli,{ind dontli notloeRfree, LOST—in Mason, March 10, $40 in ing, March IG. Musio furnislied by city. She always lived in Vevay with twoii;:20 ItillH. A liliHral reward for re­ now of any place where the old boys Miss Mabel Johnson of Jackson. All The W. F. M. S. of tli^ M. E. church Oliltiiary notloen, reiolntlona of rMpaot the exception of two years she lived In will meet with Urs, A. L. Chapman, Hrdi ortliaukii etcUvo aenla it line. turn of Htiiie to tills office. coiigreguie in this neck of the woods,. Invited. Jackson. While there she contracted AVACiOONKK Biios,, Aurellus' Postmaster Browne allowed them to Friday afternoon at 2:30. The subject pitch their tents In his building to suit The judiciary committee of the house the deadly disease which callci^her oflhe program will be "India's Inva­ Itiisiness Gunls. Election is not far away. 'Tia time themselves. has reported out with a favorable rec- home. From.that time she gradually sion." Leader, Mrs. A. G. Ball. Re­ to be tlilnkliii! about the men who grew worse until her Master called Miss Cora Frazelle and Mr. Glenn oiiimendation the resolution provid­ freshments will be served. ATTOKWKYN. shall direct the uffnirs of the several ing for submitting to the people a con­ her to come up higiier where pain und cities and townships for the coming Auuiond will give a musicale for their deatli are never known. Her sickness At a recent meeting of the W. G. T. W. prcAIRNS. friends at the home of tlie former, on stitutional amendment ffxiiig the sal­ U. the follf)wlng members from the year. ary of the legislators at $5()0 a year, was borne with patience, always look­ TI'OUMRV ANDCOlINSICLOll AT LAW. Saturday evening, March 14. Miss ing for the lime she might enjoy life's local union were appointed delegates A Oilliioovor McUiosrtOH'H iiliiiriuiicy, M«- John Samann of Holt has purchased Mabel Barber and Grover and Russel with no extras, mileage or compensa­ to dlHlricl convention to lie held In HO.I, Mlllll.
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