FOR DOCUMENTATION her to Fig NOT FOR SALE get ht C To o PURPOSES AMONG g rr n u i p PARTNERS ONLY k t r i o o n W CCorruptionorruption MonitorMonitor Issue 4 - March 2008 Clean Monthly review of corruption-related stories in the Cambodian media PEOPLE PESSIMISTIC ABOUT CORRUPTION THIS MONTH The Corruption Barometer opin- A Transparency International survey gal system within the past year paid a ion poll by Transparency Internation- reveals that 72 percent of Cambodians bribe and 62 percent paid a bribe to al was released in detail this month, reported paying a bribe to receive a police within the same period. Though sparking much debate about the public service within the last year, local 30 percent of those in contact with the pervasiveness of petty corruption in media reported. education system paid a bribe, this is Cambodia. Amongst its findings the The survey showed that 61 percent worrisome because it undermines edu- poll showed that in particular the judi- of Cambodians do not expect corrup- cational integrity and teaches children ciary and police are widely suspected tion to decrease in the next three years the wrong messages about corruption of corruption by most Cambodians. and 42 percents of respondents expect from an early age, VOD reported. Prime Minister Hun Sen acknowl- corruption to rise over that period, VOD Only 29 percent of respondents view edged early February during a speech broadcast February 20. the Cambodian government’s action ei- that the Cambodian judicial system The poor and those in remote areas ther very or somewhat effective in fight- is unfair and affects the interests of are particularly pessimistic, with 48 per- ing corruption. The high levels of cor- the Government and Cambodian na- cent of remote respondents and 50 per- ruption and low expectation of changes tionals as a whole. This Month’s issue cent of those whose monthly household suggest that existing anti-corruption again demonstrates the wide ranging, income is less than US$100 predicting mechanisms are ineffective and incon- and sometimes very ugly side of cor- that corruption will rise, VOD added. sistently enforced, the survey reported. ruption: a serial rapist that impreg- The survey also revealed that Cam- Interior Ministry Spokesman Khieu nated a mentally disabled woman was bodians view police and judiciary as Sopheak completely denied that police exempted from jail after paying a $10 more corrupt than other government and judicial institutions are corrupt, but bribe (summarized story of Koh San- and non-government agencies, RFA re- acknowledged that there are corrupt in- tepheap on page 3). Customs is this ported February 21 and Sralanh Khmer dividuals in those institutions, Moneak- month’s highlighted theme (page 2), the following day. sekar Khmer reported on February 22. where smuggling is extremely prob- Nearly 45 percent of respondents “I acknowledge that there are corrupt lematic. that came into contact with the le- Continued on page 3 PM: CAMBODIAN COURT IS UNFAIR COMFREL ISSUES REPORT ON VERBAL ATTACKS AMONG LAWMAKERS Prime Minister Hun Sen School marched in protest has acknowledged that against the Appeal Court’s The Committee for Free Cambodia are like mafia who Cambodia’s judicial system ruling January 24 — which al- and Fair Elections in Cam- commit bribery, corruption is unfair, while NGOs have lowed 672 square meters of bodia (Comfrel) on Febru- and other illegal activities, claimed that the government the facility’s land to be sold ary 12 issued a report noting the report said, according to is still interfering in the Cam- off, according to news ar- the unprecedented January Koh Santepheap February bodian court system, VOD chives. 12 trading of verbal attacks 14. reported February 4. Adhoc President Thun Sa- between CPP and SRP law- In response to the verbal Unfair trials are a viola- ray welcomed the premier’s makers during a session of attack, Finance Minister Keat tion of the government and claim, adding that it is good the National Assembly, local Chhon said that SRP lawmak- can affect the interests of all if Cambodia has a law which media reported. ers always raise irrelevant Cambodians, Hun Sen said punishes judges and pros- The report claimed that, topics, adding that, if opposi- February 4 during an inau- ecutors who are not fair. during the National Assem- tion lawmakers did not enjoy guration of a high school in “This is a problem which bly’s meeting on draft law on impunity, they would have Kampong Speu province’s has happened for a long time, Cambodian-Japanese agree- been sued for their words, Oudong district. and we all also recognize the ment on liberalization, law- wrote Rasmei Kampuchea. The remark was made af- issue. The remarks empha- makers from the opposition National Assembly Presi- ter the Appeals Court ruled size that even the leader of party made harsh criticisms of dent Heng Samrin confirmed in favor of a businessman the government acknowledg- the government for rampant that the troublemakers are whom villagers and teach- es that the Cambodian courts corruption, one speaking say- SRP lawmakers who repeat- ers accused of grabbing land are unfair. So, the important ing he considered Cambodia edly made irrelevant state- from Hun Sen Ang Snoul High thing to do is that all possible “the most corrupt nation in ments about forest crime, cor- School in Kandal province’s means must be sought to turn the world,” reported Rasmei ruption and prices of gasoline Ang Snoul district. the Cambodian court system Kampuchea February 14. to gain political advantages in In January, at least 2,300 into one which can provide Opposition lawmakers the upcoming national elec- teachers and students from justice to our citizens,” Saray also alleged large inter- tion, reported National Radio Hun Sen Ang Snoul High added. national firms investing in AM 918 February 13. No.4 • March 2008 Corruption Monitor CORRUPTION & CUSTOMS motorbikes to sell in other provinces or before trucking it to Phnom Penh, ac- in Phnom Penh, they must also pay taxes cording to economic police officials at * The customs chief and deputy chief [money] to customs officials. the Ministry of Interior, reported Mo- at the Phnom Preuk border crossing in Customs officials denied the accu- neaksekar Khmer February 19. Battambang province’s Phnom Preuk sations, advising that impounding mo- The same source claimed there are district, have colluded with merchants torbikes without number plates would three offices dealing in this business to smuggle commodities from Thailand decrease the smuggling. - two in Svay Rieng’s Svay Chrum and into Cambodia, Sralanh Khmer report- * Villagers in Kampot province’s Chan Trea districts and the other in Prey ed anonymous customs officials at the Prey Tonle commune, located near the Veng’s Peam Chor district, adding that crossing as saying February 21. Vietnamese province of Kieng Yang, the offices had been protected by a Vuthy, customs official at the cross- have claimed that smugglers are using high-ranking official at the Customs and ing, told Sralanh Khmer February 7 new methods to smuggle gasoline from Excise Department. that the customs chief and deputy chief Vietnam into Kampot, Koh Santepheap The officials said the companies can colluded with Battambang provincial reported February 6. smuggle from 160,000 to 240,000 liters authorities and merchants to smuggle They said that in the dry season mer- of gasoline to Phnom Penh each night, commodities including sugar and fake chants use motorbikes or bicycles to while customs officials at the border cigarettes, which resulted in a heavy smuggle gasoline from Vietnam, while crossings pretend not to notice, as they loss of state tax revenue. The accused some smugglers tie containers full of accept bribes from these firms. could not be contacted for comment. smuggled gasoline to ropes, and drag * Gasoline sellers on National Road * Police officials at the district’s them into Cambodia along shallow 6A in Siem Reap, who buy gasoline Boeung Trokoun border crossing in Bat- canals. In the rainy season merchants smuggled from Thailand, said that most tambang said about 50 to 60 motorbikes smuggle gasoline on boats along the people involved in selling smuggled have been smuggled [from Thailand] commune’s An Sa canal. gasoline are police and military offi- through Mohou Srop border crossing A smuggler said that 300 to 400 cials in Siem Reap district, Kampuchea in Romeat commune. The same source containers could be dragged by a mo- Thmey reported February 21. claimed merchants also used O Bei tor-driven boat along the canal from They said that gasoline was smug- Chorn border crossing to operate this Vietnam into Kampot, with border au- gled from Thailand through the Anlong business, Koh Santepheap reported thorities claiming to have never no- Veng border crossing and that at least February 13. ticed any misdemeanor. He said the 20 truck-loads’ worth per week was Anonymous merchants said that, with- authorities protected illegal merchants smuggled into Siem Reap province. out a green light given by relevant au- because the perpetrators bribed them Another source claimed that mer- thorities, they would not have managed from 150,000 to 200,000 riel [about chants need to pay 500,000 riel [about to smuggle motorbikes to the province, US$40 to 50] per boat. US$120] in exchange for the green light adding that they were obliged to give * At least two gasoline companies from customs officials. about 180,000 riel [approximately US$45] in Cambodia have opened offices to per motorbike
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