National survey of ornamental fishes in Nigeria inland water bodies Item Type monograph Publisher National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research Download date 24/09/2021 21:31:09 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/1834/18708 Report Prepared Iy NATOONAL SURVEY OF ORNAMENTAL ASHES fiN NfiGERfiA fiNLAND WATER BODIIES A REPORT PREPARED BY NATfiONAL fiNSTfiTUTE FOR FRESHWATER FfiSHERfiES RESEARCH (NWFR) FederalMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development PMB.6OO6,NEW BUSSA, MGERfiA prfiL 2002 National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research (NIFFR), P.M.B6006, New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria. Tel:03 1-670-444; 031-670-241 Fax: 031-670-444. Published and Printed in Nigeria by NIFFR, New Bussa, Niger State. © NIFFR 2002. All rights reserved, no part of this publication may be produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. ISBN 978-177-050-3 For bibliographic purposes, the document should be cited as follows: National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research (NIFFR), 2002 National Surveys of Ornamental Fishes in Nigeria Inland Water bodies NIFFR Occasional Paper No.3. viii, 4Op. ISSN 0794-2451, ISBN 978-177-050-3 LIST OF PARTICIPATING SCIENTISTS 1.UPPERILOWER NIGER RIVER BASINS F.Daddy N. 0. Bankole B.C. Azionu S.0. Alamu F. Adepoju J. Issah 2.UPPER/LOWER BENUE RIVER BASINS F.C.Okoye 0.D.Sule A.A. Dada A.M.Sule E.G. Okwondu I. Asekome A. Abubakar 3.HADEJIA!JAMAR'ARE AND SOKOTO RIVER BASINS J.0.Ayanda I .G. Mbagwu G.0. Adesina E.0. Adelowo G. Woru 4.OSUN,OGUN AND OWENA RIVER BASINS •S.I.Ovie W.S. Omorinkoba F.C. Odunze J.K. Okomoda Umaru Isah B. Adigun 5.ANAMBRA, IMO,NIGERDELTA AND CROSSRIVER BASINS T.I.I.Ibiwoye P.O. Aluko B.M. Yesufu J.A. Abiodun B.A. Falayi 6. CO-ORDINATORS Dr. A.A. Eyo Dr. A.N. Okaeme XCUTNV SUPMARY Thesurvey of ornamental fishes was carried out by the National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research for all the thirty six states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja in the year 2001. The survey was carried out under the five River Basins in the country i.e.: I .The Upper/Lower Benue River and Chad Basins 2.The F-ladejia-Jama'are/Sokoto Rima River Basins 3.The Upper/Lower Niger River Basins 4.Osun-OgUn and Owena river Basins 5 Anambra/Imo Niger Delta and Cross river basins The study has as its main objectives the acquisition of basic information on: The inventory of ornamental fishes in Nigeria. The present level of ornamental fisheries production in Nigeria in the areas of collection, breeding, keeping and marketing. o Constraints facing the ornamental fisheries and the potentials of the fishery. 1. The Upper/Lower BenueRiverand Chad Basins There are eight different fish species of ornamental value within the River Basin area. They include; Alestes spp, Barbus spp, Hemichromis fasciatus, Synodontis spp, Protopterus spp, Oreochromis nioticus, Tilapia zulu and Cit ha rinus cit ha rus These species of fish are found in all the rivers in the Zone. There was generally low level of awareness of the potentials of ornamental fishes in the zone. As a result, most of these fishes that would have been preserved for ornamental purposes are harvested for human consumption. Furthermore, limited information is a,ailable on the different levels of ornamental fisheries in the zone. 2. The Hadejia-Jama'are ISokoto Rima River Basins. The River Basin area has up to eight different fish species that are of ornamental value. Hemichromis fasciatus,Alestes spp,Barbus occidentalis, Polypterusspp, RedtilGitongbiyayo, Tilapiazilli, Oreochromis niloticus,H.bidorsalis and Gold fish (Carassius auratus) The use of Goldfish (Carassius auratus) an imported fish species is very widespread in this zone.There was an improved awareness of the value of ornamental fisheriesinthis area as records abound of fishermen collecting ornamental fishes which were sold to hotels and other related Institutions. 3 The UpperlLower Niger River Basins Ornamental fishery is well developed in this River Basin area. Both indigenous and exotic fish species are utilized for ornamental purposes in the Zone. III There were records of Breeders, Collectors and Keepers of ornamental fishes in this zone. The suitable climatic condition prevalent within this zone favours the breeding of exotic fish species in the area. Altogether, a total. of seventeen fish species are recorded for ornamental purposes in the zone. Of this figure, five are imported while the remaining are indigenous. The area offers great potential for ornamental fishery in Nigeria. 4.Osun-Ogun and Owena River Basins A totalof eighteen fish species were recorded for ornamental purposes in the zone. Out of the figure, four are exotic while the rest are indigenous fish species. Within this Zone ornamental fishery is taken both as a full time business and also as a hobby. Some considerable exportation of ornamental fishes was observed to be going on within the zone. However, the people involved in the trade were quite unwilling to volunteer any useful information for fear of taxation as well as the possible loss of their lucrative trade. Fingerlings of indigenous fish species being used for ornamental purposes cost between Nb- N 30 while the fingerlings of exotic fish species attract between Nb- NI 00 Adult gold fish cost as much as *42,000. There are also the Breeders, Collectors and Keepers of ornamental fishes in this zone. 5.Anambra/ImoNigerDeltaandCrossRiverBasins Twenty-one ornamental fish species are represented in this zone. Of the figure seven are reported being bred, eighteen are collected while eleven are kept. Out of the twenty-one fish species mentioned above, four are exotic species while the rest are indigenous. Ornamental fishery is developing steadily in this Zone as there are reports of importation of fish feed from France. B.M.B. LADU Director/CEO National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research (NIFFR) iv TABLE OF COPIThP4TS Study Teams Executive Sunmary J. iiiji Table ofcontents v List of Tables viii List of figures viii Chapter One Introduction I Aims and Objectives I 1.3. StudyAreas 3 1.3.1 Upper/Lower Benue river and Chad Basins 3 1.31.1. Location 3 Vegetation 3 Climate 3 Soil 3 Water Resources 3 1.3.2. Hadejia-Jama'are and Sokoto- Rima River Basins 4 Location 4 Climate 4 Vegetation 4 Soil 4 Hydrology 4 Population 5 1.3.3. Upper Lower Niger R. Basin 5 Location 5 Climate 5 Vegetation 5 Soil and Geology 5 1.3.4 Osun — Ogun and Owena R. Basin 5 Location 5 Vegetation 6 Drainage system 6 1.3.5 Anambra Imo Niger —Delta and Cross R. Basin 6 Location 6 V Climate . 6 1 3 5 3 Drainage 7 The Cross River System 7 The Anambra Manu system 7 1.3,5.3.3. The Manu Basin 7 The Imo system 8 forest 8 1, Saltwaterforest 8 Freshwaterswampforest 8 Rain Forest 8 Derived Savanna 9 Semi — Montane Forest and Grassland 9 9 Population 9 1.4 Methodology 9 Chapter Two 2.0 Results.. 11 2.1 Upper! Lower Benue Rivers and Chad basin 11 2.1.1 Ornamental fish types 11 2.2 Hadejia — Jama'are and Sokoto River-Rima River Basin 12 2.2.1 Ornamental fishes encountered 12 2..2.2 Kebbi State 12 2.2.3. Sokoto State 13 2.2.4 Zamfara State 13 2.2.5 Katsina State .13 2.2.6. Kano State 13 2.2.7. Jigawa State 14 2.3. Upper I Lower Niger River Basin 14 2.3.1 Ornamental fish types 14 2.3.1 a Ornamental fishes in use by breeders 15 2.3.1 b. Ornamental fishes preferred by Collectors 16 2.3.1,c. Ornamental fishes cherished by keepers . 16 2.4 Osun-Ogun and Owena river Basin 19 2.4.1 Ornamental fish types 19 2.4.2Feeding practices 24 vi 2.4.3Marketing . 24 2.5 1 Anambra-lmo Niger Delta & CIR.Basin 24 2.5.1 Ornamental fish types 24 Chapter Three 3.0 Discussion 31 3.1 Upper/lower Benue River& Chad Basin 31 3.2. Hadejia — Jama'are and Sokoto River-Rima River Basin 31 3.3. Upper I Lower Niger River Basin 31 3.4 Osun — Ogun and Owena river Basin 31 3.5 Anambra-lmo Niger Delta & CIR.Basin 32 3.6 Marketing of ornamental fishes 32 3.7 Constraints 32 4.1 Conclusion and Recommendation 32 Appendices 34 References 38 Acknowledgements 39 VII UST OF TALES Content Page Table I Ornamental fishes in the Uppe and Lower Benue Rivers and Chad basin 11 Table 2. List of fish species in use for ornamental purposes and their Distribution within the Hadejia/Jama'are and Sokoto rima River basin 12 Table 3.
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