Recent acquisitions: correspondence 31 subject searching will be possible. Our initial goal is to consolidate Bibliographies/archival this and the previous Russell listings in the Inventory. The large recent acquisitions have been dealt with thus. The George Allen & Unwin Papers (copies of the Russell files), Alys inventories Russell Papers (microfilm and printout), and Lady Ottoline Mor­ rell Papers (Russell files, microfilm and printout) were all acquired before the last listing in 1981, when they were reported only briefly. The present listing includes all third-party correspondence with Russell. Allen & Unwin is now Unwin Hyman Ltd. The Alys Russell Papers owned by Barbara Halpern now belong to Camellia Recent acquisitions: correspondence Investments. The Dora Russell Papers, Rupert Crawshay­ by Sheila Turcon Williams Papers, and Kate Amberley's Album have received their own listings in RusseZf.2 The Lady Constance Malleson Papers and Catherine Marshall Papers (copies ofthe Russell-related files) are reported here for the first time, following the guidelines outlined SINCE THE LAST update, in 1981, of the correspondence held in in the second paragraph. The remaining material in the Malleson Recent Acquisitions! the holdings of Russell Archives have im­ Papers is catalogued in the Russell Archives card index. Material proved dramatically. The S.S.H.R.C.C. funding ofthe Russell Edi­ about Russell in the Marshall Papers has been flagged, but no cards torial Project in 1980 meant that for a number of years several prepared. The Edith, Countess Russell Papers are sorted but re­ researchers worked on tracing Russell's correspondence in reposi­ main uncatalogued. I hope to begin work on them this summer. tories and private hands around the world. As well, a major duty of It is only possible to estimate the size of the correspondence the Assistant Archivist and Archives Cataloguer positions created by reported here. All recent acquisitions are filed in succession by date the Project grant has been to trace documents. of receipt. Therefore it is not possible to give a physical measure­ The results over nine years have been so spectacular that only the ment ofthe letters because the acquisitions also contain manuscripts, new correspondence to and from Russell can be reported. The large audio tapes, photographs, etc. In addition, many of the recent amount ofcorrespondence between other parties concerning Russell acquisitions are ,not reported here for reasons stated earlier. There and by various members of his family is catalogued in a card index are, however, 404 entries in this listing, covering approximately available in the Russell Archives. Correspondence written on his 2,700 letters, telegrams and postcards. We are especially grateful to behalf by his wives and secretaries is included here but only under 88 institutional libraries for sharing their holdings with us. The latest the name of the recipient. A large number of correspondents could acquisition reported is no. 1,095, which arrived on 30 April 1990. be reported under more than one point ofreference. The solution has The following abbreviations should be noted: c. = card; L(s). or been to provide only one butgive cross-references wherever they are l(s). = letter(s); NCF = No-Conscription Fellowship; pes). or pes). needed, with the exception ofhis wives and secretaries and also Sir = photocopy(ies); p.c(s). = post card(s); pmk. = postmarked. Stanley Unwin. The latter appears in so many entries that cross­ referencing would not be practical. Subjects discussed in the letters The Benrand Russell Archives are listed in the entries, but no subject index is provided. Once these McMaster University Library letters are fully entered into our computerized Archives Inventory, 1 The first three updates in this archival inventory series were compiled by Darlene Booth and appeared in Russell, nos. 2-7 (1971-72); nos. 9-11 (1973); 2 Respectively, in Russell, n.s. 9 (1989): 157-67, by Sheila Turcon; n.s. 3 and no. 13 (1974). Carl Spadoni's update appeared in n.s. 1 (1981): 43-67. (1983): 29-40, by Carl Spadoni; n.s. 7 (1987): 71-8, by Spadoni. 32 Russell summer 1990 Recent acquisitions: correspondence 33 CORRESPONDENCE UPDATE, 1981-90 AnnesIey, Priscilla, Lady 2 Is. from lawny L. from BR, 12 Aug. 1927. Re BR, 1918-28. Re sending her Mysti­ BR's inability to attend the memorial Adam, Sir Ronald See British Council. Ps., courtesy of Mudd Manuscript cism and Logic and accepting her unveiling for Joseph Conrad. P., Adams, Taylor L. from BR, 23 June Library, Princeton U. REC. ACQ. dinner invitation. The first 1. is pub­ courtesy of Berg Collection, New 1961. Re Adams' participation in 701. lished in Bertrand Russell: Philos­ York Public Library. REC. ACQ. Committee of 100 demonstrations American Committee for Cultural opher ofthe Century (London: Allen 704. during his trip to England, BR's grati­ Freedom (James Farrell, Sol Stein, & Unwin, 1967), p. 17. Purchase Atwntie Monthly, The (Ellery Sedg­ tude to J.F. Stone, and BR's 1. to J.F. Daniel Bell) 2 Is. from BR to Daniel (Malleson Papers). REC. ACQ. 596. wick) 19 Is. to BR, 1915-16. Re the Kennedy. Purchase. REC. ACQ. 940. Bell and 1. to BR from Daniel Bell, Anonymous L. from BR, 25 Oct. 1923. publication of BR's articles on World Alexander, Samuel SIs. and p.c. from 1953. Transcript of 1. from BR to "I do not fit into any recognized ortho­ War J. Ps., courtesy of W. Stratton BR, 1906-15. Re A.E. Taylor's criti­ Irving Kristol, 14 June 1953. Re the doxy, Conservative, Liberal, Labour, from the Atlantic Monthly Co. REC. cism of BR's views about existence nature of the Committee and BR's or Communist...." Purchase. REC. ACQ. 927. (Thecorrespondencefrom and subjectivism, BR's dispersion ofa membership. Transcript of 1. to BR ACQ. 949.. BR to Sedgwick has been previously method of substitution, his visits to from Sol Stein, 23 March 1954. Re Anonymous Draft of l. to BR and 1. reported.) Manchester, and his Herbert Spencer BR's message to Einstein. Transcript from, 25 Oct. 1925. Rean explanation TranscriptofJ. to BR,8 Feb. 1930. lecture at Oxford. Encl. notes on an ofl. to BR from James Farrell,S April ofEuclid's 47th proposition in answer Re permission to reprint "War and unidentified writing of Alexander's. 1956. Re Morton Sobell and the Ros­ to a query from a readerofTheA.B. C. Non-Resistance" for A.M. Drum­ Ps., courtesyofRylandsU. Library of enbergs. Ps., courtesy of Tamiment ofRelativity. Purchase. REC. ACQ. mond. Enc1. with 1. to Unwin of 3 Manchester. REC. ACQ. 801. Collection, Bobst Library, New York 1,055. March 1930. P., courtesy of Allen & Allen, Clifford L. to BR, 17 May 1917, U. REC. ACQ. 870. Anonymous L. from BR, 6 Dec. 1925. Unwin. REC. ACQ. 70, Box 1. for presentation to the NCF National American Hebrew See Ewen, David. Contains biography and photograph. Transcripts of41s. to BR, 1936-37. Committee. Re the feelings of American Humanist Association (Ed­ Purchase. REC. ACQ. 150a. Re a book on philosophers. Also draft absolutists in prison. Microfilm and win H. Wilson) L. from BR, 1953 and Anonymous Telegram from BR, I. to BR from Edward Weeks, 28 Nov. printout, courtesy of Cumbria Record transcripts of2ls. to, 1953-56. Re the [1937]. Announces his impending 1938. Re an article on university Office (Marshall Papers). REC. ACQ. publication of "The Prelate and the arrival in Hull. P. (provenance education. Sent to W.W. Norton for 982. See also under Malleson, Lady Commissar" and invitations to join the unknown). REC. ACQ. 926. his advice. Ps., courtesy of Butler Constance. Association and the Humanist Ad­ Anonymous L. to BR, 26 Sept. 1939. Library (W.W. Norton Papers), Col­ Allen (George) & Unwin Ltd. Tran­ vance Committee. Ps., courtesy of Re a Spanish edition of The Conquest umbia U. REC. ACQ. 983. scripts of 9 Is. from BR and 6 Is. to, E.W. Wtlson and H. Vogt. REC. ofHappiness. P., courtesy ofAllen & Attlee, Clement L. from BR, 9 Oct. 1927-34. L. to BR, 1934. Ps., cour­ ACQ. 587 and 619. Unwin. REC. ACQ. 70, Box2. 1945. Encl. article on atomic bomb. tesy of W. Stratton from Butler (Bette [Elizabeth] Chambers) 2 Is. Anonymous L. from BR, 23 July 1957. P., courtesy of Bodleian Library (At­ Library (W.W. Norton Papers), Col­ from BR, 1962-68. Re the Cuban Agrees to autograph Nightmares of tlee Papers), REC. ACQ. 806. umbia U. REC. ACQ. 968d. Missile Crisis and denial of his con­ Eminent Persons. Purchase. REC. Auger, Pierre See Unesco. L. to BR, 30 Jan. 1953. Purchase version to Christianity. Ps., courtesy ACQ.150a. Ayonrinde, Kola L. to BR, 3 July (Themerson Papers). REC. ACQ. ofHarry Ruja and Jack Ragsdale from Anshen, Ruth Nanda L. from BR, 23 1958. ReobtainingBR's books for use 867. originals in Mrs. Chambers' posses­ Jan. 1940. Re capitalization ofproper in Nigeria. P., courtesy of Allen & Allen, Joseph L. from BR, 7 Feb. sion. REC. ACQ. 825. names. P., courtesy of Butler Library Unwin. REC. ACQ. 70, Box3. 1901. In reply to Allen's request for (Mary E. Elding) Facsimile of 1. (Anshen Papers), Columbia U. REC. Balch, Emily Greene L. from BR, 27 further information on BR's paper from BR, 28 Sept. 1963. Contains ACQ.976a. May 1937. Re the efficacy of non­ given at the Paris Philosophical Con­ messageon "thedangerofdogma". In Arambulo, Faustino J. L. to BR, 10 payment of taxes by pacifists. P., gress. P., courtesy of Schlesinger Russell Society News, no. 43 (Aug. May 1965. Re BR's writings. P., courtesyofSwarthmore CollegePeace Library (Annie Ware Allen Papers), 1984): 3. REC. ACQ. 881. courtesy of Allen & Unwin.
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