Federal Republic of Nigeria — Official Gazette "No. 84 Tabos 8th1 October, 1964 . Vol. 51 CONTENTS | ‘ Page. , Page Movementsof Officers 1522-9 ‘Feachers’ Grade IIT Certificate Examination, Oo 1963—Results - . ve >» , 1550 Nigerian Navy—Commissions vee 4529 7 . Tenders oe 1550-2 Designation of Secretarytoto the Bodyofof Appeal : Commissioners, ws 1829° Vacancies LA 1882-8 * Appointnent of an Appeal Commissioner _ 1529 _ Board of Customs- gnd Excise—Sale of Goods 1558-60 _ Federal Land Registry—LostCertificates . 1530. ~ - : sO Official Cazetie-Renewal Notice... .. 1561 Federal Land Registey—Applications for First Registration :’. 1530-1 AmendedList of7egalPractitioners who have ; - InpEx To Lecan Notices 1s SuPPLEMENT paid theirir Practising Fees:for 1943... 1532-43 LN. Na. , . Short Title Page ‘National, remium Bonds—se vinth Public 113) M. Mounir Thomas—Prohibited 8 Pring” raw ee loa os .. «1544 | Immigrants Order, 1964 ‘o _ BSL sue Court of Nigeria—Date of Sitting 1545 114 -Mefrchant Shipping (Declaration of Certificates) Order, 1964 . 3B531 ‘Supreme Court of Nigeria—Cause List 1545-6. y 115 Merchant Shipping (Recognition of : Schools of Nautical: Cookery) . “Loss of Local Purchase Orders, ete, es 1547 ‘Regulations, 14964 1 .. B532 . Teachers’. Grade II Certificate Examination, . -- - 116 Merchant Shipping (Marine Boards) , 1963—Results ee - we 1547-9 - Regulations, 1964 : «» B533 ‘ wet 3 - ; : e - e . : oo . .. 1522 . OFFICIAL GAZETTE -. _ No. 84, Vol. 51 $ co Government Notice No. 1798 : NEW APPOINTMENT AND OTHER STAFF CHANGES Thefollowing are notified for general information :— — mL 8 \ * NEW APPOINTMENTS Departinent : Name Appoirtiment : / Date of Date of . a . slppointment Arrival Administration .. Abu, A... oe Secretary-Typist . cs. 16-9-61 — So, . Dokubo, S. | . Stenographer, Grade II we 1-90-64 2 "Agricultural Research ., Olatunbosun,A. .. 3rd ClassClerk .. 0. 29-72-64 ne : Ekeocha, R.J. .. 3rd Class Agricultural Labb-- : ft = ratory Technician s. 3-964 _ Audit .. / .. Ajuba, J.P... 3rdClass Clerk ... ve 19-564 . Customs and Excise -.. 1Baiye, A. ., 3rdClass Officer .. -. 18-5-64 _— : ~Ebiekuta, J. .. 3rd Class Officer .. oa 8-6-64 — Leigh, MissS.O. .,. Clerical Assistant. oes {~1-64 Nsotor, R. O, .. Preventive Officer .. 7) «66-5-64 — 28 *Talabi,B. 4. 3rd Class Clerk .. (ee. 255-640 A. - . Federal Public Service Igmaila, Miss R. O, .. Typist, Grade III my 14-64 —_ Gomihission A Udensi, Miss C. O. .. Typist, Grade ITI. - +2.) 1-464 _ — Mibicy of Aviation v» Idiod:, K. U..- .. Air T'raffic Control Gommuni- . ST cator ee, os 3-2-6+ _ ' Ministry of Commerce Agwanihu, P. N. .. Produce Inspector, Grade Ills 22~8-64 ‘and Industry -Akalonu, R. L. .. ‘Produce Inspector, Grade ITI 25-8-6+ . Akwuaowo, P. J, .. Produce Inspector, Grade III 24-8-64 Ekwueme, 5S. , . Produce Inspector, Grade IIL +» 24-8-64 Emukih, C. - .. Produce Inspector, Grade IIT 248-64 om Nwafor, A.I. .. Produce Inspector, Grade ITI 24-864 — Nwaokorie, B. - .. Produce Inspector, Grade III | 22-8-64 _ Okoro, C. _.+ Produce Inspector, Grade IIT 24-8-64- — : Oke, J. O. .. Produce Inspector, Grade III 24-8-64 _ Olumha, G. G. ‘,. Produce Inspector, Grade TIT. 228-64 —_— -‘Undiandéye, 3S. .. , Produce Inspector, Grade III © 24-8-64 _ Usenekong, EWE. O. Produce Inspector, Grade IIL 22-8-64 — _ Uzoagbala N. O. .. _ Produce Inspector, Grade II] 24-8-64 _ Ninistry-of Communi- Adeniran, P. .. ‘Telephone Operator . .. 159-64 _ cations ' Tdibe, Nu... we Assistant Technical Officer- SO , . in-Training .. 15-864 — “ Agbogidi, G.O. M... Assistant Technical Officer mo in-‘Lraining ... 1-+9-64. _ : Anaduaka,C.D. .. Assistant Technical Officer- , {oo Lo. in-Training .. - ry. 1~9-64 = " ' D’Almeida, A. .. Telephone Operator Lot... 1+9-64 —_— ‘Dike, Miss P. .. Telephone Operator. te -1-9-64 _ Egwuagu, U.N. -» Assistant Technical Officer-.f° Coo - . in<Training .. ae. 1-9~64 —_ Fagbuyi, Miss ’T. .. Postal Officer, .. .. 18-864. — Fawole, S.A. "| Assistant Technical Officer- — | . ; . : . in-Training ‘ee 1-9-64 © — : po KilaaaAcC. - .- Climatalogical Assistant, i . | : _. Grade . .. 11-64 — : Ngbemena, 5.0. .. Assistant Technical Officer- po ‘ in-Training s. 2 15-8-64 . — Ngoye, B. .. Assistant Technical Officer-. , / : in=Training -° 1-9-6464 °° — / °F Obijuru, A. C.- .. Assistant Technical Officer-in- . ~ ° - Training -15-8-64 ° = Ofojebe, JoN. BL ©. sAssistant Technical Officer-in- " / 5 Training .. 1-964 —-: Ogunbanjo,. G. K. .... Htypist, Grade HT ee Oguntade, D. .. Assistant Technical Officer-in- . ’ Training 1-9-6400 — Okogwu, O. | .. Assistant Technical Officer-in-« . 2 ’ Training 4 ..! .. 15-8-€4 — Oni, S. O. , ‘.. Climatalogical pesstant _ Grade Il . 1-664 Ps 8th October, 1964 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1523 NEW. APPOINTMENTS—continued . Department Name Appointment’ Date of Date of © . ; .- 7 <lppointment frrival Ministry of Communi- Onyewueryi, O. C, J. ‘Assistant Technical Officer-in- ° a cations—continued: >, ‘Training 15-8-64 — Ossi, S U. ” Assistant Technical Officer~in- ; oo Training 15-8-64 _ Uwa; keri, E Telephone, Operator 3-9-4 — Williams, B, .. Postal Officer... 18-8-64 6 Ministry of Defence ebute, F. O. .. ‘Typist, Grade II “1-464 0 Ministry of Health ke, Miss C. R. 3rd.Class Labaratory ° we . Technician. 266-64 - . Ockiya, MI. Port Health Assistant 4-9-64 - Ministry of Informatign Ayeni; M.S. .. Driver-Mechanic 4-11-63 - _ Ministry of Internal/ . Adebowale,B.O. .. Immigration Assistant, - , Affairs ee Grade III ee 10-12-62 °~ —~ Bonin, VY. F. - Immigration Assistant, : mo, a Grade IIT 10-12-62 - Ministry of La Izenwyata, S.C, Storekeeper, Grade III 4-38-64 ~ Ojedokun, F, G. 3rd Class Clerk. 4--7--04 vite Ukandu, E. C.. ‘3rd Class Clerk 25--8--04 — Ministry of Transport Ezekudo, A. Actisan, Grade III 1—t-64 -¢ Ogunkoya, Miss M.A. Air Traffic. Control Communi-. cator . ve 147-64 Minis and Ogbonna, N. A + Clerical Assistant 1--10-. 61 - Surv Ogunlami, J. x _*,. Survey Draughtsman, Grade Il 23.-1- 64 _ Ojum, Z... Drawing Office Attendant 7-38- 6+ if Oke, Miss $ . oO. SurveyAssistant, Grade IT . 25-1-64 ~ Thompson, 0. GG... Assistant Works Superintendent oo in-Training .. .. 27--8-63 “ Statistics Obot, UT. = Enumerator —.. 1--4-64 “om — Omokorode, R. S. Statistical Assistant,"Grade il 1-5-64 —_ Raheem, A. Mi Statistical Assistant, Grade TT 1--9--64 —_ 1 Notification in Gazett No: 82 of 10-64amended 2. Notification in Gazette No. 68 of 27-8-64 amended. ~ 3 Notification in Gazette Nv, 69 of 3-9-64 amended. PROMOTIONS Department , Name ; Appointment _ Date of |". oe: Be Promotion Agricultural Research .. Oyewole, S. AL Storekeeper, Grade I 15-864 Audit wet Wwilliams, G. Pi Assistant Director of Federal Audit ., . 24-9-64 Inland Revenue Atinmo, J. B. | Principal Inspector of Taxes .. 1-9-6 Ifidon, 5. AT. Principal Inspector of Taxes . 1--9--64 1Olagbaiye, I. A, Chief Inspector of Taxes 1 9 -b4 ao —. *Palabi, C. A. -- Tax Callector, Grade I 1 9. 64 Ministry- of Communi- Dobson, T. R. * .. ¢*Prineipal Technical Officer . 1-9 64. : cations‘ Omoregie, E.D. °° .. Principal Technical Officer . 1-9-4 ' .Ministry. of Health Asuquo, Mrs E.O. .. - Matrori . 1-9. 4. Balogua, Mrs F. O. Matron aaa eon te4 64° . ~ Essien, Mrs R. E. A... Nursing Sister . 9.9 4 Osho, Miss B.O. .. Matron . 1-9-64 Sode,J. A. -. Health Superintendent 21-9-.64 : ; Somefun, Mrs C. ALO. ‘Matron : ws 19-64 . Ministry of Information: Ajayi, D. A. SeniorOverseer wee 1-7- 64 . Da-Silva, D. Head Storekeeper, Grade J 17 64 Odejimi, J. O. Assistant Technical Officer 1-7: 64 | Ogunsanya, A. O. SeniorForeman ... -- 1-7-64 ° : ‘Ojofeitimi, J. A. .. Assistant Technical Officer 1-77-64 Ministry of Justice | Adikankwu, E. AE... ist Class Clerk os 1-8-64 | Ministry of Transport Amunikoro, F.A... Air Traffic Control Assistant, Grade TT... 14-64 « Elechi, C. A. .. Aur Traffic Control Officer, Grade II... 1-9 64 , Kofon, E. E. Air Traffic Control Officer, Grade I .. 1 9-64 - Korie, G. j. Air Traffic Control Assistant, Grade ll’.. 1-464 . Mabere, T. 4. Ade Traffic Control Assistant, Grade II... 1-4 64 . Obadun, J: B. me Ait ‘Traffic Controk Assistanty Grade IT. 1 4°64 A & 2 4524 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 84, Vol. 51 * PROMOTIONS—cotitinued . : ‘ 7, Department Name . Appointment Date of . Promotion ~° Ministry of Transport Ogosi, E, N. ve Air ‘Traffic Control Assistant, Grade II .. 1-4-64 Miana Okiwelu, F. C, .. Air Traffic Control Assistant, Grade II .. 14-64 Okoduwa, J. C. Air Trafic Control Officer,.Grade II. 1-9-64 Onochie, A. A. Air Téiffic Control Officer, Grade II... 1-9-64 Robins, H. P. Assistant Shipping. Master .. vo 1-+4-64 Waus:V.OW. .. Air Traffic Control Assistant, Grade Il ws) 14-64 Prisons Yola, U. .. ..- Disciplinary Staff vs 1-7-64., Statistics Abifarin, J.A. |... Statistical Assistant, Grade I. woe 1-4-64 : Abulu, A. .. Ist Class Clerk .. Lee 1-9-64 Adeniran, A.A. 1st Class Clerk .. oo eas 1-9-64 Aguigwo, D. A. Statistical Assistant, Grade”I . 14-64 Akinremi, E, 0, Statistical Assistant, Grade I oye. 1-4-64,. Arighe, J. G. Statistical Assistant, Grade J 1-4-64 Awoh, P. O. Statistical Assistant, GradeI 14-64. » Bala, ‘T. .. Statistical Assistant, Grade I 1-464 ; Coker, T. OQ. 1st Class Clerk .. + .- 14-64 . - Daniel, I. Statistical Assistant; Grade I we 14-64 : Ebong, E. J. dst Class Clerk :: , wa 14-64. Monagolu, L. 0. StatisticalAssistant, Grade I 14-64 ioteyn -Nyiusa, FY Statisticaf.‘Assistant, Grade I 1-4-64 Pol wae QOmotosho, Miss N. M. ist Class Clerk... .. 1-9-64 . Othman, Z. @ .«. Statistical Assistant, Grade J 14-64 -Oyeleké, J. : Mechanical Accounting.Assistant, Grade T 1-4-64 Shittu, B. Ae Statistical Assistant, Grade. Dr. oe 14-64 een Uadia, S. OF Library Clerk, Grade I . 1-9-64 Zaria, S$.
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