20 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thurs., March 24, 1983 Social Security bill approval nepr WASHINGTON (UPI) - Senate hours of debate over six days. Senate approves a supplemental pension plan as of 2008. The House bill hikes the Town, Eighth lash out Champagne dates Bolton board approval of a $165 billion Social Democratic leader Robert Byrd of to give them the same level of benefits retirement age to 67 by 2027, but leaves Security rescue package has moved West Virginia, referring to the bill’s current employees get. The House benefits intact. at regular scapegoat Congress within striking distance of its distasteful individual provisions, said voted, to cover new federal workers • The Senate bill, but not the Hoir$e on a beer budget rescinds gift Friday deadline but first the bitter he wished he did not have to vote for it. Jan. 1, 1984. measure, requires officials to reduce issue of covering federal workers must “But when confronted with the Mandatory coverage would mean the annual cost-oMivinj( increase when ... pafge € page 13 ... page 19 be settled. alternatives — the destruction of the $9.3 billion in new revenue by 1990 and Social Security’s trust funds dwindle, Social Security System, bankruptcy of wipe out one-seventh of Social Securi­ but to warn Congress In advance so A conference committee today was to ty’s longterm deficit. lawmakers can find alternate funding. attempt to resolve a few big differences the Social Security system — I was left The amendment’s sponsor, ’ Sen. Both bills include a six-month delay and a thicket of small ones between the with no choice,” Byrd told his col­ Russell Long, D-La., said federal in this year’s cost-of-living increase for House and Senate bills, in hopes leagues after the vote. employees should be covered “only 36 million recipients, payroll tax hikes Congress can send a bill to the White when we live up to our part of the this decade for 116 million workers, and House before the Easter recess begins The Senate and House bills’ short­ bargain” — passing a supplemental a first-ever benefits tax on upper- at the close of business Friday. term provisions are similar — except plan. income pensioners. Clear tonight; The Senate voted by a lopsided 88-9 on the issue of covering new federal There are two other major differen­ The bills also carry a rider extending Manchester, Conn. Wednesday night for payroll tax hikes, employees, which governimnt unions ces between Senate bill and the House through Sept. 30 the federal unemploy­ sunny Saturday Friday, March 25, 1982 a six-month pension freeze, a first-ever lobbied heavily against. * version, approved March 9; ment benefits due to run out March 31, benefits tax and, next century, raising The Senate rebuffed a compromise, • The Senate bill raises the retire­ and provide additional weeks of checks — See page 2 Single copy: 25<t the retirement age anS trimming the 50-45, then agreed on a voice vote not to ment age to 66 by 2015, first affecting — up to eight in the Senate bill, 10 in the M m t h t B i n basic benefit. f force newly hired federal workers to Americans born in 1938, and cuts the House — for those who exhaust their M r ra ft Approval culminated more than 41- join Social Security until Congress basic benefit 5 percent for new retirees benefits. UPi photo Jobs measure set for final KIRKPATRICK SPEAKS AT U.N. session on Nicaragua WASHINGTON (UPI) - The first loans, to 27 states whose jobless elsewhere in the bilij 200,000 to 500,000. EPA leadership undergoes purge congressional bill to remedy stagger­ benefits were threatened by congres- It spends about [$550 million on The final dispute was over how to ing unemployment, a $4.6 billion siwal delay. humanitarian, aid I to hungry and distribute the money. grab-bag of public works projects and ^*^he bill, laced with “pork barrel” By Greoorv Gordon administrator during the transi­ Sources said the resignations "couple of weeks ago that he wanted tion, White House and EPA sour­ zardou's levels ol lead heealise homeless recession victims, and $217 The House wanted more of it targeted United Press International tion period. were sought by the White House, ces said. humanitarian relief, was ready for ' construction programs for districts of million in job training for theyoung, the to localities, the Senate to states. to resign," said Speakes. Hernandez stopped (ilans l)\ tin ee 2 The resignations of Hernandez but Speakes declined comment A White House spokesman de­ smelting firms to clean up enniam- Rebels report final congressional approval today. Appropriations Committee members old and the “dislocated” whose line of The compromise version combines Speakes said the Perry, Cahill The House, after working on the who wrote the measure, prov ides about work disappeared. WASHINGTON — In a massive and Todhunter were effective when asked if the actions were and Daniel resignations were clined comment on the action. inated soil One ol the eompamt s elements of both plans, with $1,275 purge. President Reagan today today, Speakes said, and the other rternandez had served only a few federal budget all day Wednesday, $2.9 billion in public works projects, The bill also has $5a million for a billion aimed at localities with 9 forced. He told reporters they effective Thursday and would be h;id agreed to the eleaiuip. the postponed fin^ action on the jobs bill most of it directed to areas of highest college work-study ifrogram, $200 accepted the resignations of five three EPA officials resigned on should check with the officials who formally announced by EPA. days as acting chief when agency officials said percent unemployment and $1.5 billion top officials of the embattled Thursday. officials alleged he allowed the until today, (t was expected to approve unemployment for building or repair­ million in grants and loans to communi­ for states, divided according to three resigned. Speakes said Reagan Ruckelshaus was nominated more fighting a Senate compromise measure to ing federal facilities from parks to ties with which to attract new business Environmental Protection Speakes said Reagan has tapped had accepted the resignations in Monday by Reagan to take over Dow Chemical Co. to suggest internal investigators are.sUid\ different formulas. Agency, including acting chief Lee Verstandig to be acting EPA changes in a staff report blaming change the method of channeling the prisons. and $225 million in social service One part of the Senate mix would writing. The White House, how­ following the March 9 resignation ing Todhunter's destruetion of his The biggest single block of money, $1 John Hernandez, a White House administrator until William Ruck- ever, did not release the letters. of Anne Burford. the company for diox in contamina­ office calendars and his failure lii money to regions with the highest grants. send $750 million to states on the basis spokesman announced. elshaus’ nomination to head the unemployment. billion, will be spent on community It aj^provides $126 million to extend of formulas described in the bill for Speakes said Hernandez indi­ Sources said presidential aides tion in two rivers near its Midland. report on his financial stat-emenl Deputy press secretary Larry agency is confirmed by the Senate. cated about two weeks go his wanted to speed the personnel Mich, plant. 5 Once President Reagan signs the biil, development grants, money for states joblessBM)^its 10 weeks for laid off rail each program, $500 million based on a his acceptance of more than $3.00(1 in Nicaragua as expected, a separate $5 billion and cities to use on public works Speakes said that in addition to Lee Thomas was named as intention to resign. Speakes had no changes so they could douse the Todhunter also allegedly pre.s- in fees from a Bethesda. Md. firm workers wRh.^ less than 10 years the number of unemployed in a state Hernandez, Reagan accepted the acting deputy administrator. Both grafted on to the legislation will gush programs, half of which can be used for seniority. compared to the national total, and $250 comment on a report that Hernan­ scent of scandal that has swept sured two agency scientists to later awarded a $40,000 l ontraci by MANAGUA, Nicaragua (UPI) — Rightist rebels into the federal unemployment insu­ public service jobs, aiding women shut resignations of assistant adminis­ Verstandig and Thomas are now at dez wrote top White House aides EPA for months, allowing Ruckel­ make changes in the report, the his .office Nobody knows how manyjotts the bill million to the 21 states with unemploy­ trator John Todhunter, general the associate staff level in the said today they were fighting government soldiers in rance trust fund and then, in the form of out from the heavy construction tilt would create, but estimates range from ment above 9.4 percent. last Monday saying he would be shaus to get a fresh start. final version of which made no Perry is being investigated by a three northern provinces and along the Atlantic coast counsel Robert Perry, office of agency that has been wracked by '' honored’ ’ to serve Ruckelshaus in Lee Verstandig. who only two mention of Dow. House siibcominiltee for possible in their three-week invasion to topple Nicaragua’s federal activities chief PaulCahill, controversy for months with alle­ the future. Some sources said the weeks ago was named an assistant On Thursday, three officials of perjury in denying under oath th.il leftist Sandinista government. and John Daniel, the agency’s gations of coziness toward indus­ letter was an ‘‘appeal’’ to keep his agency administrator for legisla­ EPA's Dallas regional office testi­ he kept “green books" -- secret The rebel claims — made in a radio broadcast chief of staff who will become a try and politics influencing key job.
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