t' ' f ebruary 19;.1976 / 30C Socialist Dilemma in Portugal;_ Farmers, Baitle Worldwide M¡l¡tary Expánsion;l : Latêst News from thg ' - "'' FREEDOM THRU NONVIOI.ENTACTION . Continental Walk; JI More Tqrror at Pine R¡dge Tû lrrt¡ Ht SÅH 0F¡VT3r13"t3 uû f{üûilF'tr egee ( 1 3 u ïo0uffttJ S ûï-¿¿^t-ItlJ s ¡. ¡ otiented systems like the.B.l,bomber , dresses for sqch publications. The only tion," The Secdnd TÍavèjSpring, 1975; , stfo.and be thereto guide others. Some and nuclear. power plants? Do thev,sur. information in the report which is Kornesger's emphasis.l will find the most sensible.routes. port life-oriented actions tike Frieird- ' pertinent to your request is the follow- .-- _I'AI\ GARTNER I believe in presenting m¡'bieliefs as shipment and.the Continental Walk? lng¿ddfess,. which is quoted: Palo AIüri¡ Ca.. radically., cogently;. and, ündogmatically Samras would have us join her cause, 1VIN as I can. If p'eoplB trust me,'they will but it is clear that the aïti-abortion 339 TAFAYETTE gcqept my having those bèliefs; people-not only seldom joined ours but NEWÍORK, NEWYORK 10012 I was intrieued bv Wandachild's ' Ai for action,'I would not feel com- patriarchfarticle I /22 / 7 61, ànd. were otten on the other side. The true The report does not IWIN, fortable asking someone' to"aid.me until contain any othet bY sincerif of their at the same time by argüments . , self-proclaimeã fife information which is pertinent toyour ' I had'helped w:ith fheir problems and questioñable. and others against organized : orientation is tequest. That is neither, tffIN Maga- feminists struggles. " The polemicidevices soortS. This readins ofhis article and ", used bv zine, nor Maris Cakars are mentioned in Wã-nAy S chwartz, goo{ articþl[!\'-- occuñed,while I . ---.:w¡¡twERI,Ey anti:ab-ortionists and incorporäted in the our report in the FBI files; except for the ifie aisument was , t/ts/76i. ' Steelers/Cowboys football letter hardly deserve the bòther of address of WIN, quoted above. watching the ' Ecrexr Md' Did any of you argue ábout rebuttal, but they should be noted. The d<icument itself is not being eame l/25. , Agaitrthere is the merits,of watching that game? What I goJ mugged last week for my copy of thç matter of redefining furi'rished to vou because. other tñan the ' issues. has been resolved as a result? Was it ¿i WIN. What do you call that? Samtas would have it that the portion'quotrid above, it áoes not , fall 'radical' watch such' FebruarY 19 19761Vol. Xtl) No.6 mÖtivatiôii òf the "war merchants" was within the scope ofyour request. eood eame? Can a -lADRICHAADS population cóntrol: " We need war to ã soec"taclelor be a fan? How about the' .': .NowYork, IYY M: SCrui¡,HAItrìÆR movemqnf 4. Reformers Make SmallCains at control the massesl'l This would bring -RIJDOLÉH Headquarúers Office of battle of the sexes? Is there a Getting the 1YIN lnioc.[ed out of you. with groups & fans & taking th{ Pine Ridge / Susan Abrams .'the anti-war issue within the SPeclaI Invosflgaúlone analogy ! . .,. :WIN How about parameters ofher gfoup's cause; but DepaÍrnentof the Alr Forcg field and competing? B. Refusing to Be a MercenarY in Is IYIN-ning possible in the Movement correctly identified the \f,ashlngþnr DC cooperation? WHAT HE SAW Angola 7 ua¡or CarlaËiflilson hawks'primary motivation as being the-face of patriarchy? Will G.M.W.'s & . r' in imperialistic. Nowweknowwherewewèrel Bob Lamm's article [WIN, l/29/761 9' David Fi'ne captured -BOTHSIDESNOWJacksonvllle, Flrr" -WIN help keep the WIN sub swimming with Saw the te4t fôld'up . California / Jan Faller feniinist support? What is the real, with him in it; Gary Wandachild in the sieniflcance of thè 10. Portugal's Political Drama The anti-abortion letter by Evelyn K. svmbolic &^dmotv pole I was pleased to see WIN highltghtin'! Face ¿oïce-is not enough"---- Wgtçþed the tent snap, Sid Blurñenthal Samras of Gainesville I /29 /761 victory for the IVIIN, plans for the Continental lValk for Dis. OCHS The stakes fly under theflaps; was so blatantly rhetorical that there Steelérs? 12. The Worldwide Nonviolent armament and Social Justice ment on -MII(EButler' Pa. be a Saw the tent fold up to CamP might tendency lo disniiss it out of 112/18/761. I personally feel th¿t such feminist 'does Resistance MilitarY hand, but it brings up a number of an action as the walk is of majot impor- possible explanation for this with him in ¡t, Expansion./ Craig SimPson Rather all take one step to the left than a considerafions which we should be tance in this the Buy-Centennial year. situation. If revolution defined by most few move so far that they have to shout On a quiet evening 15. With the ContinentalWalk in prepared to deal with when confronted But there is much to be done-and male radicals has meant a change in to be heard. ln Boston. Palo Alto MichaelBerkowitz by such diatribes. help is needed. Everyone make substance without a corresponding , . / should In practice, it's good to have people Samras asked why the Peace Move- an.effort to Walk change in style, that is, a redistribution ln Marion Henriquez ì9pp94 tle especially strung out all along the path' Some will MlchaelNixon 16. Sittin' 1 ment is not protesting the "killing" of as it passes through the various com. of wealth and power without -David Neude/ "babies" by abortion as it had success- muníties on route-to Washingtoh, DC. I questioning the value ôf social relation- fully protested the "wholesale would liketo hearfrom all interested ships mediated by power or ownership For $600 you can't buy a jet fighter or a navy destroyer. $600 17. Changes slaughter" of war.'This can and should persons in the Indiana, Ohlo, Michigan interests, then those male tadicals will won't even get you one.lying of a B-1 bomber or one engine 20. Reviews be answered on several levels, but cer- area who would like to help organizing be at odds with the view that calls for on an ahcraft carrier. You can't buy the rights to 4 strip mine tain basic ideas should be kept in mind. of power Bult. Wood- 1à in our areas in support of the Walk. elimination all.forms of and- in West or tear down a nuclear power plant for $600. Cover: Chostof Sitting , A primary one is not to let yourself be _CTAIGGIÁSSNER ownership. Perhaps the men Wanda- Vireinia ' ú, you (or anyone else) to high cut by Jämes Todd. ì : defined by your opponents. In the first Humaulty Houeer 475 \lf. Market St. child criticizes are threatened by " It won't come close to electing place, if she had been reading VnN Oh.44303. thoughts such as those of Peggy government office. And, of cou'rse, you can't buy peace of STAFF tegularþ she would have known that ^Ahon, Kornegger: "Traditional male politics mind for anv orice. Maris Cakars Susan WIN did give space to people within the reduces humans to object status and - can free.wlN from last debts. ln the MarY MaYo Movement who were having second ä;iät $tíoövãî vear's Dwight Ernest then dominates and manipulates them past two weeks we've raiseð over $6,000 gnd w.9 are less$han Fred Rosen thoughts about abortion not so long ago. The Federal Bureau oflnvestigation has for abstract'goals. | \{omen, on the Susan Pines goal of $47 This will guarantee But they discussed the matter on an forwarded your letter of April26,1975 other hand, are trying to develop a $600 away from our ,126.40. Murray Rosenblith ethical level, which Samras did not. that WIN'won't be hampered by past debts. We want to fot a release determination concerning consciousness of'Other' in all areas. UNINDICTED In the second place, Samras asks one of our reports located in their fïles. We see subject-to-subject relationships continue bringing you news you can't get anywhere else. Movement people to join her cause and t' CO.CONSPIRATORS Their letter to us was received on . as not only desirable but necessary. With that mere $þOO we can contiriue to serve as a vital con- tries to guilt triþ us about it. "Where January 19,1976. When we say we are fighting patri- nection between þeople and groups working to make this ' ate you now?" she asks twice, but we Included with their letter was the archy, it isn't always clear to all of us place lt free WIN c'an ask with more relevance where the rcountry and the world a better to live. will report: a Department of Defense In- that that means fighting all hierarchy, year unburdened by anti-atortion people were then. Did telligence Information Report all leadership, all government, and the to look'ahead to our tenth anniversary they get their heads cracked in Chicago (ideñtifiable by referenceio DDIIR 1 very idea ofauthority itself. .Chal- last year's debts. or join the peaceful masses who 650 0167 72, lDec72), authored by our lenging sexism means challenging all $600 can'buy quite a [ot. '¡ marched in \{ashington and other office on Okinawa. The report concerns hierarchy-economic, political and per- cities? And where are they now? Do the publication and distributlon on sonal. And that means an ânarca- penaþ Peace, they fight the death or demand Okinawa of anti-war literature. The feminist revolution. " [From w¡N gun contro!? Do they oppose death- teport contained a listing ofthe ad- "Anarchism: The Feminist Connec- *Membêrof WIN Editorial Board Box547 / Rifton / New Ysrk12471 $46(s89.41 Telephone:914-339-4585 126.40 $s m0 s1 $15 $2s 2WlN w¡N3 t, \ .-.
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