/T‘ •'*■ V > ' ‘ , ^ ■ r'j ■ ATtrafa Daily Net Prcaa Run The Weather res Week EadM ^SAtURIjA^Y, j A i ^ A * ^ g, 1966 FareeSat e f tl. 8. Weather Bneaa TWELVI ilMattfl|g)Baifr gtigtttttft Ijaralb Jaa. 8, 1688 11,4 9 6 Fair, eeWer toolght. Lew 8>-I8. ~L_ Taeaday meetly cl^ndT. conttaiaed for Manchester, City of, for $67.60 Member e f the Audit - eeM. High **-$5^ ■ and. this ia marked "not paid,” . Missionary Speaks Bureau af Clreulattea - jyjoutTowfiT So, unless semeona,ln the Town Pairbanks-V icht" ^W^dding MtuicheBler^A City of Village Charm Court paid this bill, iTliitsgine your At North Ghjii^ch RosEWfumii Heard Atof^Jnain Street T ' V ■' ---------- K. 1*C. iRblJert and Mi*, 0 * «- record? are a lot better th(^l purs, I wUl be Interested in knowing MAli^CHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1955 (Classified lAdvertlaiBg an Page ii) ai. ‘ with their aon. Itobe^t Side Stn^iMj/Too The Rev. Kehndth Enright, mis- Women to proccM and VOL. LXXIV, NO. 84 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS hen. left h y thle momtaf And ott Some o f Man^luute what you find, and appreciate your’ V*a Vcfaa, Nev., lifter apeftd- drawing this to our attention. It Monary to the Belgian Congo, will wrap nursery plants. Day In* Ihe hoilMaya with Mrs. Gaf- j n S i i r «Nack gaitization 1* not until teme time isn't the first time it has happened during a general meeting of though, so maybe.that ia one r « t ; ■rate, plus bonus. 47 hour a'a parenta, Mr. and M n. Peter SUte Police t o vive a tot/of re next month, the club' will hold it* !.^ a p te f oC Methodist Men of r aon why we .never have any money weeki Time and one half Pereas at Work Br<Md 81. He ia station­ spect from these quarters, and to first rneetmg Tuesday night, ac­ North Methodist ChurCh Mon­ China Red ed'at Air Torce x Baae in prove that they are always on the cording to a notice sent in this in thd blink. , Sincerely, day evening at 8 o'cloA. ^ gen­ over 40 hours. Steady Kevada. Job; we present the. ibllowin*. week. The announcement, itself Jimmy Morianos, co-owner of is priceless and we pun>oscly Dean H. Robinson, President . eral invitation has been- extended w6rk through April. saved it for this column today. It THE SUICIDE CAUB. INC. to eveor church member and friend Planes Hit the Thrw J’a Res^raht. Just over The Holy Name Sodety^df the to hear the Rev. Mr. Ehright speak Church of the Ahaumptlon "w ill the Manchestereater )me, ip Bolton, follows: j "To all the ladles in Manches­ 306 Feet Above Sea Level upon the'theme "What the Bible hold Ita monthly corporate Com- -parsedipsed aloni:aloniTj tM true itqry. ter and vicinity, 'Manchester W e'll put it right at the top Has Meant to Afriesu”. G.-R. BURR 00. munion at the 7 o'clock Mass th- dhPtweek itfo JimmsKs son, without any buildup: The altitude INOORPORATI^ A t Tachen \; AVates' extend an Invitation to join morrow mominK at the church^ John; wiS'hofaie from service. He is studying at the Kennedy them at OpefrHouse.^'tinker Hall, of Manchester is 300 feet. l i t O AKLANl^ BT. \A11 members are requested to par­ had gone bift for the night And it I of Missions in Hartford, im- North Mancbeeter Main Street, Jan. 11 at 8 o'clock. The reason for the rush in pub- Methodist Board of Mi*\i Taipeh, Formosa, Jan, 10 ticipate. WM a late, hour when he and. his llClzIng this information is that d decided to atop at his "You no doqbt have heard 'a *ions.''Me expects to return to the A (/P)— A t least 100 Chinese f i ^ i moment, on the Ups and forever on we've been getting any number of father^ restaurant for sand- field in the summer of MI-3-4U1 ComOiunist ' warplanes Willard B. Rogers, chairman of the 'hips,' hut quotes alone won't phone calls on the subject since f he wart a dlMrict the Board of .Directors of the First wich; ' ' ) long before Christmas. bombed the strategic Tachen The pair entered the back door. do, the trick. OUr purpose is. to •upervisor >ingaged in theological National Banks of Manchester and In fact, the volume of calls in training,, located in Belgian OflW- w m Islands today in the Reds’ turned ^th eU gh t ind starW to j A splie art^d. en^rage ^ c h _ o ^ « which wp've been asked the town's Colchester, on Thursday was elect­ prepare a sandwich and a cup o f| ^ d each others weight go, Africa, for'dive years. Hee r ^ ^ - biggest air raid against Chi­ ed a director of the Hampden altitude has led us to the conclu­ celved his liberaT'urta degree from coffee. Before Johnny had a problems. Wates is a chartered' nese Nationalist territory and Brewing Oo., Willlmansett. Mass. sion that there was a landslide Traylor Univer*lty\A*l«M y Cemi chance to apply the mustard, he club for women. Women in simi­ business done bv barometers thiq After Release by Russia This meeting was held in the Ho­ lar clubs ail oyer the country have n iry granted him the degree in the defense ministry said two Ike Renews was encountered by a . big, burly tel Kimball, Springfield. Mass. past Christmas. , divilitty. The Rev. Mr. ICnright oi the Russian-built aircraft State Trooper. Johnny was asked found success and liappmess That remarkable conclusion was W AM W LL-^ Future meeting* will probably be led a Master’s dagrwYrom the o rt what he was doing in the restaur­ through them. reached easily, enough.'The only were shot down. held in New York a* several of "The loss of those excess pounds Kennedy School. preparAto*Y ant. thing necessary was to know that, The mlntetry said more than Bid for 15fo the influential directors are of bis entrance uponi doC ^al Studies. "Oh. my father owns this res­ can change a womianA personality in'setting a barometer, one must ANDERSON 300 bombs wens dropped- by the New York Oty. __ completely tP her delight and the Alton B. Cowie#, president o< the taurant." the young man Mid. A know the altitude. We found that raidere—38 L A ll''’fi'ghter-bombera TrMper I ^slight of her friends and fam- out when, after the 78th call, we Chapter, said the speaker would il- and 24 TYJ2 light bombers escort very likely story the. hstrate his addres" with slidw a M Building Tariff Slash Covenant Congregatldnalists will thought. - asked why all the sudden interest ed by four MIG swept-ving Jet R e s u lt "Ladies, put your best foot for- in altitude.' -------------- a general discussion ^ rio a _ w ill^ fighters. MSit Of the bombs fell hold their isnnual buBiness meet­ "You better put your eqat on follow.. Refreshments "will be Contractors ing this evening about 7:80 at the and come wdth me," Johnn; was I 'vard fpr Easter-^on't say the old Another Indicat'on of the popu­ Into the eea, the, ministry- added. Washington, Jan. 10 (/F) — church. 43 Spruce St. \ Reports suit will do—what's the use! Join larity of. the barometer as served. a . i|»$MMiflBl C oiwiwtreM In addition tq two planes shot President Eisenhower today . United Nations, N. Y .,^ n . 10 (/P)—Secretary Geheral Dajr told. the ladies that .have your problem, will be submitted by' the different "W ait a minute officer, let Christmas gift was contained in AlhyeHoi^^RoiiiodoRiig down, the ministry said two oth­ asked (in g ress for power to Hammarskjold and PremieKUhou En-lai ended theiY Peiping organisations and officers elected call my father and everything will' work With theifn. Pick out the a story related by a local man .who er* were heavily damagMi by anti­ temnning attire jmu'd like te wear make a "moderate, gradual conferences today with an expressed hope "to conttpue con­ to serve in 1055. A full attend­ be stralgtehed out.” i . ■ had gone into a department store Make Dressings - ‘‘Business Built On aircraft fire from the Ulands. 200 In .the Easter parade— then let us looking for one for himself. He mile* north/bf Formosa. and reciprocal" cut in tariffs tact.” Their communique m ad ^O mention of the fate of the ance la hoped for. A potluch The request was granted at^ 3 Customer Satisfaetton’* supper at 6:30 p. m. will prwede help-you reach your goal and you found a whole counterfui of them . Over 100 Sorties -- by as much as 15 per cent. 11 U. S. airmen imprisoned in Rqd China. In' turn will help lu. Girls, remem­ and started browsing, he reports At Club Meeting the deliberations. Jimmy was roused from hi* Full Insurance CoversK* The Iteds flew more than 100 In a special message, the Presi­ “ We feel that the.se talks h a v ^ e e h Useful and we hope ber—the .larger the waistline, the when a h i^ e d saleslady dashel sleep and answered the phone. Tel. MI-9-.3033 or “ sorties, liwth the first attacks com­ dent sold this nation's own interest to be able to continue the contact eXablished in these meet­ shorter the lifeline!! Get -back over, p u t'h er arms .protectively ,A total of 15# dosen dressing* ing in lour wave*.
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