Soil Conservation District annual meeting Saturday The ' annual winter gathering of the Clinton .County Soil Conservation District will take place this Saturday at Ovid- / Elsie High School, with both some new and some normal ac­ tivities taking place., - Two directors will be elected during the business meeting, and Ray Warner, Bengal Township district cooperator, will be honored by the SCD as the "cooperator of the •year.1* 2 SECTIONS - 28 PAGES The Ovid->Elsie High School site will provide a change 112th Year, No. 41 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN — THURSDAY, Plus 32-Page Tab Section 15 Cents of pace from the Smith Hall meeting place of previous years. District officials anticipate moving the meeting place around in future years, too.'This year's site will provide facilities not only for the dinner and program but also for the pre-dinner activities at 11 a.m. This will consist of a farm pond safety 'I demonstration at the Ovid-Elsie High School swimming pool. Sgt. William Carter of the Michigan State Police, director of all skin Need more local support diving for the department, will explain water safety and conduct a demonstration on scuba diving. / At the same time, soil and water conser­ vation exhibits of the FFA chapters of the county will be judged by George P. Graff, State CARTER Soil Conservation Committee assistant execu­ tive secretary; H. G. McGie, area engineer for the Soil Conserva­ of schools, citizens told tion Service; and Duane Dalgleish, consultant for agricultural education in Michigan. Local support of schools has" decreased in recent years to the CASH PRICES WILL BE AWARDED for the top exhibits point where St. Johns school of­ by Don Bast, manager of Clinton Crop Service, contest spon­ ficials say they can no longer sor. v offer a properly balanced pro­ The dinner will start at noon in the high school cafeteria, RAY WARNER gram without more money. '. and the rest of the afternoon's program will take place in the .. ."SCS plaque winner That was the gist of informa­ adjacent auditorium. This will include the election of two di­ tion presented last Thursday rectors. Nominated for the posts are Stanley Thelen and in­ night to about ^120 school dis­ cumbent William Mayers from the Central Area, and Marion trict citizens attending the first Plggot and incumbent Keith Wright from the Northwest Area. Telephone of three citizens committee The nominating committee for the election consists of meetings preceding the March 23 Max Loudenbeck as chairman, Rex Redman, Gerald Welber, millage election. Ray Warner,--Harold Benson, Norman Irrer and Bill Parker. switchover No amount of millage was dis­ Warner will receive a plaque as the district's outstanding cussed, although one person In the cooperator, and nine other farm operators will receive soil audience did ask how much would Sunday be needed. The school board will make that decision prior to the A special tabloid section, featuring two > WACOUST A - General Tele - next citizens committee meeting full-color photographs, Is included In this phone's new Wacousta commun­ Feb. 22, and school officials said week's issue of the Clinton County News as ity dial office will be "cut into the reasoning would be discussed a report on the activities of the Clinton service" Sunday, Feb. 4, A.M. fully at that meeting. County Soil Conservation District. It is Goodney, Grand Ledge district marked section C. Arelatededitorialappears- manager for the company, an­ on Page 12-B. nounced today. SPEAKERS LAST weekgotinto some specifics concerning school The new building is located conservation district signs in recognition of their outstanding financing, even though their pres­ on Wacousta Road between Her- work during the year. They include Dale D. Wheaton, Ward and entations dealt with percentage plson and Corrison Roads. George Miller, Rex Redman, Joe J. Fabus, Efiian E, Smith, Increases and decreases more William Hufnagel,- Dick and Jacky Andrews, Fred Sykora, and Equipment in the new building than actual dollars and cents W. L. Thelen. will serve those Grand Ledge figures. That will come next district customers located north The feature program of the afternoon includes a color' meeting, they said. of the 1-96 expressway. The 700 slide presentation by 'Donald Gibbs, soil scientist with the customers served through the The underlying theme of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, concerning agriculture^ in Hawaii. new pffice have all been assigned meeting was, however, that local •s. •Gibbs-worked rwith,-.the Clinton County^CS~office: from^arcU hew telephone numbers; sour.ees.--.pf revenue are carry­ 1966 to March 1967 in a training position. Since the regular GrandLedge ing less and less of their share telephone director will not be of the cost of education in the THE 16-PIECE STAGE BAND from Ovid-Elsie High School published until May, an interim St. Johns school district. The These books are being bound and marked for Clinton Memorial Hospital, where the Friends of the will also provide entertainment during the meeting. directory "has been issued which hypothesis was backed up by Dinner invocation (.will be given by Justin Shepard, minister Bement Public Library are planning a librqry service to patients there. Mrs Brandon White (left) is includes the telephone number several tables of percentages of the Duplaln Church of Christ. Robert Moore, district chair­ changes. included in an 11-page letter president of the Friends of the Library, and she was aided during a workshop last week by Asst. Lib­ man, will give his annual report, and Secretary Clarence Manning sent out prior to the meeting to The new Wacousta building rarian Mrs Cleo Desprez and Mrs John Rumbaugh and Mrs Gordon lacovoni, two members of the board and Treasurer William Mayers will also report. Door prizes the citizens committee members. will house only dial equipment will be awarded at the conclusion of the meeting by Keith • Local school taxes for the of directors of the. Friends of the Library. and will not have office facilities. Wright and George McQueen. 1965-66 school year amounted to The Grand Ledge district busi­ Persons attending the annual meeting of the SCD-are asked $532,403, or 39.3 per cent of ness offices are located in Grand to park on the north side of the high school and to enter the total school revenues for that Friends of the Library project Ledge and Wllliamston. building through the north door. year, one table pointed out. In Construction of the new Wa­ the 1966-67 year which wrapped cousta community dial office, up last June 30, local taxes which cost $18,600, was begun totaled $555,750, or only 37.6 And now a library for the hospital in 1967. Specialized dial equip­ per cent of total school reve­ DeWitt soldier ment additions in the Wacousta nues. area to provide for present and By LOWELL G. RINKER the organization, says there'll be more. to have the book cart rolling three days future service expansion and im­ School officials are antici­ Editor "IT'S HARD TO SAY JUST where we'll a week, but on which days and for what provement cost $252,000. pating about $560,050 in local Reading In bed can be a pleasant past- go from here,* she commented. "There hours hasn't yet been determined. killed in battle school taxes during this school time at home, and the new Friends of are numerous projects that a group like The Friends of the Library received fiscal year, or only 33.9 per approval from the hospital for the proj­ DeWTTT-The Viet Nam War the Bement Public Library are about this can get into, depending on the needs cent of the total revenue. The ect in November, and Mrs White, Mrs claimed another Clinton County Deadline near to instigate a plan unique at Clinton Me­ or desires of the group." total revenue is estimated to be Millman and Mrs Hila Bros's, the cur­ life Monday when Spec. 4 John morial Hospital to provide patients there The hospital library cart service is_ about $1,652,686, but that is less rent librarian, spent an entire day at F. Ruiz, 20, of DeWitt was killed for exemption with a wide range of reading material, s probably the biggest of the four projects, than the anticipated expenditures Sparrow Hospital in Lansing studying in action while returning from a but It is similar to one of taking books of $1,727,565. Volunteer members of the four-month- to shut-ins at the Clinton County Infirm- • the library set-up provided there. night ambush patrol. old library group have been working for applications ary and to nursing homes in the area. "IT IS A BIGGER DEAL there than His parents, Mr and Mrs the past couple of weeks to prepare a Deadline for applications for MEANWHILE, STATE sources Other undertakings include placing of a we could ever hope to have here," Mrs Domingo T. Ruiz of 11400US-27, are paying a greater share of selection of about 200* books at the Bement book drop at the high school to aid senior citizen and veterans ex­ Public Library for use at the hospital. White pointed out, "because I'doubt if DeWitt, received word of his the local school revenues. Rev­ , students there in returning library books we could ever have a paid librarian. death Tuesday. The Defense De­ emptions for real estate taxes are due March 1, 1968, accord­ enue from the state In 1965-66 The new service will start as soon on time, and the placing of a book of But we learned how to set up this ser­ partment telegram to them stated amounted to $740,567, or 54.6 as the books are properly bound and memory at the Bement Public Library vice, what books we would need, and he died of wounds received while ing to Velma Beaufore, Clinton County Treasurer.
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