INDEX Abbreviations A. A. Co.: Australian Agricultural Company I. S.: Indentured Servant Note: References are to letter numbers not page numbers. A. A. Co.: Annual Accounts of, 936; Annual James Murdoch, 797, 968; Hugh Noble, Report of, 1010; and letter of attorney 779; G. A. Oliver, 822; A. P. Onslow, empowering Lieutenant Colonel Henry 782; George T. Palmer, 789, 874; John Dumaresq to act as Commissioner of, Paul, 848; John Piper, senior, 799, 974; 1107; Quarterly Accounts of, 936; value of James Raymond, 995; separate, for supply property of at 3 April 1833, 980; see also of coal to Colonial Department and to stock in A. A. Co. Commissariat Department, 669, 725, 727; A. A. Co. Governor, London, see Smith, John: Benjamin Singleton, 889; William Smyth, A. A. Co. Stud, 706a, 898, 940d 759; Samuel Terry, 780; Thomas Walker, Aborigines: allegations of outrages against by 784, 811; William Wetherman, 917; T. B. Sir Edward Parry and others in employ of Wilson, 967; Sir John Wylde, 787, 976 A. A. Co., 989, 1011a, 1013; alleged offer ‘Act for preventing the extension of the of reward for heads of, 989; engagement of infectious disease commonly called the as guide for John Armstrong during survey, Scab in Sheep or Lambs’ (3 William IV No. 1025; and murder of James Henderson, 5, 1832) see Scab Act 906; number of, within limits of A. A. Co. Adamant: convicts on, 996, 1073 ‘s original grant, 715; threat from at Port advertisements; see under The Australian; Stephens, 956 Sydney Gazette; Sydney Herald; Sydney accidents, 764a Monitor accommodation: for A. A. Co. servants in Agamemnon: convicts on, 705 Newcastle, 639 agreements re employment see under accounts payable by A. A. Co., 845; for copies employment by A. A. Co. of Sydney Monitor, 900; Henry Dangar, agricultural labourers: application for 947; G. A. Oliver, 822; Carl Rantzsch, 749; assignment of, 650, 958 Robert Campbell & Co, 986 Alderley, Port Stephens see A. A. Co. Stud accounts payable to A. A. Co.: Andrew Allan, Allan, Andrew (Bailey Park, Penrith): and 791, 964; Beacon Light at Newcastle, account for stud service, 791; and payment 725, 726, 727; J. Brown, 783, 962; of account, 964 Colonial Department, 836, 914; Colonial Allen, Edmund (convict): assignment of to A. Government, 669, 761, 773, 810, 858, A. Co., 703, 717 908, 942, 949, 992, 1067; Commissariat, Alloway Bank, Bathurst see Piper, John, senior Newcastle, 737; Commissariat Department, Annual Accounts of A. A. Co., 936 669, 670, 724, 725, 726, 743, 836, 837, Annual Report, 1010 846, 871, 872, 891, 915, 920, 927, Archdeacon: and lack of consultation with A. 930, 1002, 1018, 1071, 1072; Thomas A. Co. re visit to Port Stephens by Rev. Cowper, 790, 831, 978; Edward Cox, C. P. N. Wilton to conduct baptisms and 785, 977, 1096; George Cox, 803, 972; divine service, 1029 Department of the Master Attendant, 811a, 871, 919, 1003, 1070; executors Armstrong, John (Company Surveyor): of late John Oxley, 801; executors of and accurate marking of land grants late John Thomas Campbell, 796; Chief at Liverpool Plains and Peel’s River, Justice Forbes, 771; John Gaggin, 970; including boundaries, 1024; assistance W. John Gaggin, 800; Government of Van for with survey of A. A. Co. land, 1024, Diemen’s Land, 1071, 1084; Jonathon 1025; and conditions for undertaking Hassall, 798, 969; William Howe, 802, final delineation and accurate marking 971; Henry Howey, 792; Thomas Hyndes, of land grants at Liverpool Plains and 781; A. C. Innes, 770; John Mackaness, Peel’s River, including boundaries, and 794, 966; George Mackenzie, 888; Rev. remuneration for this work, 1000; and Samuel Marsden, 793, 965, 1030, 1060; delineation and accurate marking of land Military Detachment at Port Stephens, grants at Liverpool Plains and Peel’s 672, 673, 712, 713, 724, 754, 773, 846, River, including boundaries, 1001; and 858, 908, 930, 948, 992, 1067, 1077; J. J. delineation and description of land at Moore, 788, 975; W. H. Moore, 786, 963; Liverpool Plains and Peel’s River, 959; delivery of A. A. Co. theodolite by Henry page 256 In the service of the company In the service of the company page 257 Note: References are to letter numbers not page numbers. Dangar to, 1023; and examination of Management of A. A. Co., 739; financial original grant, 649 (para. 6) transactions with, 657, 674, 687, 698, 700, Arundel: price of shipment of wool on, 746, 701, 707, 712, 724, 726, 749, 756, 812, 747; shipment of wool on, 735 828, 839, 850, 857, 866, 867, 873, 878, Ash Island see Scott, W. 912, 921, 984, 987, 1005, 1009, 1028, Asia: convicts on, 663, 695, 703, 1060a 1033, 1037, 1064, 1076, 1078, 1098; and Aspinall, Nicholas: and sale of barilla, 665 instructions to re instalments payable assigned convicts: accidents to, 764a; and on shares to stockholders, 1057; and alleged illegal detention in A. A. Co. notification of appointment of Lieutenant employment of assigned convict, 1104; Colonel Henry Dumaresq as Commissioner application for, 650, 681, 750, 764a, 924, of A. A. Co., 1090; and payment for coal 979, 990, 1027, 1048; exchange of, 659, by bank deposit, 642a; repayment of loan 666, 706, 981, 1060a, 1089; forwarding by A. W. Scott through, 731; and stoppage of, 663; inquiries re, 703, 717, 1068, 1074; of payment of stolen draft, 736 medical treatment for, 675, 716, 738, 769, Bannister, William (convict): transfer of 824, 855, 933, 996; and procedure re assignment of, 659 certificates of freedom, 907; in published baptisms, 1029 list, 663, 687, 882, 1074; receipt of, barilla: sale of, 664, 665 695; refusal to supply, 949; return of, Baring: convicts on, 1060a 904; see also agricultural labourers; Barker, Thomas: and shipment of flour, 926 bakers; blacksmiths; bricklayers; Barnes, William (Sheep Overseer, I. S.): and butchers; carpenters; farriers; gardeners; reward for apprehension of runaways, 690, horseshoers; mechanics; millers; sawyers; 691, 714; submission by of affidavit in stone-cutters; wheelwrights respect of outstanding claim to bench of Assistant Surveyor General, see Perry, Samuel magistrates, 708 Augustus Barrow, John (Secretary of the Admiralty): Attorney General: opinion of re case of and transmission of information about apprehension of runaways, 751; opinion scientific discovery of James King Lord of re extent to which laws of the Colony of Goderich, 916 NSW apply on A. A. Co. land at Liverpool Barton, William (former Company Plains, 902a Accountant): security of property of in auction: of A. A. Co. surplus goods, 825 house to be vacated by J. E. Ebsworth, The Australian: advertisements: for 862, 865; and alleged illegal detention blacksmith, 1026a; horse sale, 679a; horse in A. A. Co. employment of his assigned sale, head stock keeper and shearers, servant, Foster, 1104 699b; merino ram sale, 682a; sale of Bathurst see Piper, John, senior vessel, 679b; share call, 687a, 732 [sic] Beacon Light at Newcastle: accounts for a, 949a; for shearers, 940c; stud service, supply of coal for, 725, 726, 727 706a, 940d; tenders for supply of flour to Beal, Charles (carpenter, I.S.): and request for ‘Warrah,’ Liverpool Plains, 738a; tenders information on saleability of timber on A. for supply of sugar for prisoners rations, A. Co. Estate, 809 754a; tenders for transport of wool, 995a; Becket, James (ticket of leave): and request for denial of statement in The Australian employment, 697 re alleged outrages against Aborigines Beckett, Thomas (convict): and apprehension by servants of A. A. Co., 1011a; notices: of runaways, 690, 714, 751 payment for coal, 642a; prohibition of Beckitt, Thomas see Beckett, Thomas cutting of timber and depasturing of cattle Beecher, Richard (convict): transfer of on A. A. Co. land near Williams River, assignment of, 666 1036a; order for, 880 beef: tender for supply of and other rations bags bearing the mark of A. A. Co.: and to servants of A. A. Co., 864a; tender for information about persons in possession supplying at Newcastle, 884; tender (with of, 869 price) for supply of to Military Detachment Bailey Park, Penrith see Allan, Andrew at Port Stephens, 742 Baker, John (former Company gardener, I. S.): Bench of Magistrates, District of Williams and residence on A. A. Co. Estate, 658 River: and establishment of pound, 1035 bakers: request for exchange of other assigned Bengal Infantry see Charlton, Lieutenant convicts for, 1020 Benton, Thomas (convict): assignment of to A. Ball, Robert: and request for employment, 655 A. Co., 663 ballast: dumping of in port of Newcastle, 902; Berry, Samuel (convict): death of, 941 wool ships and, 901 Berry, William (convict): transfer of to A. A. bank deposit: payment for coal by, 642a Co., 680 Bank of Australia: and authority for paying Berryman, Charles (convict): death of, 879 outstanding drafts upon Committee of page 258 In the service of the company In the service of the company page 259 Note: References are to letter numbers not page numbers. blacksmiths: advertisement for, 1026a; Newcastle, 923, 924, 949, 952 application for assignment of, 750, 958, bricklayer and mason, I. S. see Cowell, William 1027; request for employment as, 1038 Bridges, Thomas (convict): request of to blankets: issue of to Aborigines, 715 receive small sums of money, 826; and Blaxland, John: and his being agent for Mr money in Savings Bank, 957and ticket of Walker, 827 leave, 923 blood horses: stud service, 940d Broadhurst Thomas (ticket of leave): boat builder see Stokes, John Brooks JP, Mr.: and dumping of ballast in port Board for the Assignment of Servants: of Newcastle, 902 application for assignment: butcher, Brown, J.: and account for stud service, 783; 1048; miller, 1048; and assignment and payment of account, 962 of: agricultural labourers, 650, 958; Brown, William (convict): change of blacksmiths, 750, 958, 1027; bricklayers, assignment of, 706, 1089 750, 924, 949; carpenters, 681, 958; Bryant, John (convict): change of assignment gardeners, 979; horseshoers, 750, 990; of, 706 sawyers, 924, 949; shepherds, 650, 958; bullocks: impounding of by William Ogilvie, wheelwrights, 764a, 958; and convicts in 1101 published list of assigned convicts relating Bunn, George (merchant and Company’s agent to A.
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