VOL. VIII. NO. 21. BERLIN, WORCESTER COUNTY,J^iFRIPAY, JUNE 2, $1.00 PER YEAR , lamed every Saturday morning. to theVxrink of a precipice; and that j be an easy metier for wHbunbeltaf. Instwt1 of seeking to 4be future. You and I , have ho Christian height, if thaf revelation Entered aa unoond-clasi matter, January philosophy of God's deal­ SERMON, thoy wer« standing upon tbe crum-jhere today, ar;a flins hnow the right to doubt His love. By so do­ sends him forth to grow into a 23rd, : J04 »t the poat office at ings with us, the whys apd thewhere- Berlin, Maryland. BY bling eJge of that precipice; and not er'a' fault of ing we lift a rebellious fist to strike saintly Colossus! / under tba act of Congres* of knowing how soon they migbA fall would, there not be fores in tbsir f uiluefeSiitfBhouYl ba our & blow at God's very face. The Mar. 3rd, 18/9." Rev. William'Henry Bancroft. upon the jagged rocks beneath, or some of omr airc to turn all such providences to a one thing tbat comforts me ia eve- what awful, weird, appnlling shapes lions? Before we t beneficent account jtoproGt by theca; ty time of trouble is the thought Conquest of Nthe American HENRY E. DAVIS, JR., aiight corue up out of the darkness of stones to cast at i > bo lifted by them into n greatei that some day I shall be able to Saloon Peter's Question. of the chasm below tofurtherterrify lear a few words ft huigbt. A mind like that, read the completed plan oil my life. Contractor & Builder. their souls already aflrighled. Christ meekly bearing affliction, andf rufci- \Vbat MI.) a few shadows here, if By William T. Bills Simon Peter Mid unto Iltro, Lord, Society in America bus so far OARPENTBR. wUttor gooit Thou? John 18:80. "WbHber I go, 'i» cannot come," mote tii-Ai i« u.i tny ing in tbe Lord's superior wisdom there is to be « sunrise by aud by? advanced that in most places the Berlin. - IMTA. said Chriflt. That statement fell up­ t>u.t considerest cot and tender love, will let'tha^unahine Ill, Onca more, I ask you to It is nlwaye a aisd! tlmo inn home on their ear. like the first startling in thice own eyat" into every scene of trouble. It will note Peter's unfitness to follow his liquor dualer is disreputable. Self- its beloved member* is when one of thui:der-peal of an unnoticed storm. was BGVjwciu; caJi-n- t*vcrv temupf/c." It will: take. Lrrd at toat time. Jus* look at the esnecting people keep him from ibcut *» leave it for some distant FARMS Every heart wat^bursiing will) sor­ It was but the echo '"• hip unharmed man I I fancy* him to have risen tbeir midst. The time ;e not far AND place. PerhapK words of farewell row. Grief looked out in blinding that had sounded down Him tnc iiiiruii Witness "Job. from the couch on 'which he had distant, too, when the' drinker of TOWN PROPERTY are to be spoken to a *on, that eon DOVJOHT. BOLD AND HXCHANOBO. teais through every eye. Pain held ceding centuries, beglnrfi 7he Witness David. WitnesB untold been reclining at tbit evening meal, intoxicants wi',1 be as thoroughly the pride of parental hearts, around M8AL. EBTATB AND the m tuples cf evpry face \i\ its tor­ GanUu of Eden. ?.! 11 throngs of God's eainta ic every age. and tailing position directly in front ostracized as the rumseller. PIMR INSURANCE. whom nro eluKtaring the fondest R. l_. PURNIUL-L., turing grasp. aatisne<l to ask only, • B°' Tbe art-gallery of faith i* bung in of Christ. His whole body is in a To rat use to help to save a drunk­ hopes, OH flowering vines clamber omcj Iron BoiMli-jt, KMC Hid* of M»lu St.. Then follows that ' touching dis­ estThpo?' with every part vltb the portr."'!'.- -'(those qolm of excitement The thought ard ia the next worse thing to mak­ MO. around a'lro'li.K. this dear One going course, Christ's valedictory, which the aifawer giv«), "Wti 1' gOf who trusted let Qod, and iu> iloota oV bin iiind is like a mountain- ing a drunkard. forth to hunt a fortune over these*, DR. C. P. OUL.L.EN the inspired hand of John has pre­ thou canst not follow mo'ljiow," be crowded with tiaestatura of such slreaia swollen by a downpour of The saloon :a so closely interwov­ or to seek health in some more sa­ served in its fullness, the Lord giv­ would have done wi.ll. worthies in toe history of God's rain', aud ru&hing on at ? terrific en with all the other evils of the DENTIST, lubrious clime. Perhaps the leave- ing directionx in that farewell ad- not content wiU» tbat kingdom. Whai h.-.ndsome i»r- rafedf speed, its momentum carry ing day that ir. banishing it we shall BERLIN, MARYLAND,, taking ia with a-daughtor who bag drew to His disciples for the future. must further .jues traiui and what gpicelul statues everything before it tbat lieo In the help rid the world of them also. bejn tenderly reared, that daughter Located or, M»ln Street, Conuw»y BaUdlng, But look yonder at the mart called traying an iropat*' these are 1 '" ;ind I be count-, way.' He'exclaims, "W!iy, Lord, If every Christian community Over Andcnxm ft Wllllanu' 8U>ra. comfort accustomed aU her life to Simon Peterl He ia not bearing the wisdom and 1 ed among ti . Hhall be tit for kept its own neighborhood free and luiury, and now starting out cannot I go with Tjhce now? Dost what bis Master says. One Simon Peter has aiiTce Teproducwl »place- In that shining Htll of from »he saloon tbe business would CAMERA OWNERS into untried scones, her purpose to Fam'el' Thoto do3bt my ability to cope witb thought fill? all hie mbid. His Lord himself thousands apy toe that may Keek to harm Thee? be diminished in inconsiderable " It Ton would like to MO a copy of a beanll. hold up the Cross of Christ before is going away to lie in tbe grave. I ask you to con tt tin. , II. Again, I ask you to note that proportions. ful, practical. Intel-citing. modern photo- heathen eyes and flash its light into Never was I so strong as now. graphic maiiaatn«, «rittooaii<l edited witb So, while tbe Saviour is proceeding culled tbe nfrliction .!i tbe Peter's impatience was due to his Dmi Thou /ear that courage is lack­ Patriotism, as well as religion, toe purpone of teaching all photngrapbern heathen minds. Or it may be that, with His address, 1'stor, like a blast muuy disturbance Ob tb; ignorance of the future. Says tbe should impel ns to oppose the sa­ liow to on* that'.- ni&tcrlal* and alclU to the under the sacred leadings of matri­ ing in me? I am braver than a Imit advantage, either lor profit or amuse- of powMer caught by the sparks that placidity cf humii >;e tilt) poet,,"Coming events cast their wild tout of tbe forest Dost Thou loon, for it is the great debaucber uioiu, 9ec4 us your name on n po&tcard. monial affection, she is removing to have leaped along its train, explodes rude boiHtecou , ' the shadows before." So they did here. of politics and legislation. Next Don't (orKci or tlolar, bat write utoniK. Thu a remote city, >iiere to establish a doubt my love? I will lav clown three latest Bomber* will be ««nt (or V> cento. upon \ha Lord's directions tbe ques­ nurface o! the : Petei's exclamation. "I will lay ray life for Thy sake." to corporate greed, and akin to it, new home; for when once their goeet Thou?" tho saloon is probably tbe greatest AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY. tion, "Lord, whither One of tbo uio down my life for Thy sake," shows But look again at tbat same miai wings have grown, itulumliokeeu Chrinl innlcr.-t:iiHln Hi. ttil^.fb A that bu bad some intimation, how­ existing menace to -our national rope Building Udntnn, Mao?. the old nest. in the /-.all o! Caiaphas, tbe high the young birds iti of lb. ever vague and indefinite it .Uiiy welfare." As we love the purity of But Whatever the occasion of the priest! , He has followed bu Lord, in«omek>rm but noti " - ; >'"'• ! with be- our nation, and as we cherish Ita e«parnt>« WM. J. PITTB, for bis \fttster. di denies sacred ideals, we should contend against tht* pow'er which threatens PURVEYOR. and thiiin. >..'' - RU*N/ - their shadi.' . ; d riot of 'fds discipleship b^ know wbrtawfalib" ! oatli, (n.'stvring bin Hatf over sons slain in soul by awumu. ThaWWSSoMM jM££Mfc3$l ' - i. ity. Where now is Pw ioori should incite the Chris- • ... t, not sufficiently deiftaad, t> -r chivalry of tbe laud to .Vnigbtly :' in him i\\r yt-rv rravr -' ,--,pr. NOW 1-i orricc OFPoaiTK COUMT »«U tuous Joel In llerlln offlo* every Satonln their Madter constituting ^lainily emise tl '.rcle bo:ind together by iovw«,ties. The one quwy i« succeeded by ai* *S Calvtt? «. 'or threJ years their boaotnk, \Vt other, "Lord, why cannot I follow have bef>\; powerfully startled, !ik/ Rwt^fliWjiS? ...._.. w ley walked with the Lord, bad bee,, Then, a* Lf b/B to the cema- one iij.&'oiglitmare, '<bal oneX«»'jr- winds.' /here »ow Is m's !slove? y.
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