4990 THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 1, 1893. with justice to all parties interested and we do from Choppington guide post to Sheepwash Bridge hereby submit the same to your Grace together as the same is more particularly delineated on the with the consents in writing of the said patrons plan hereto annexed and thereon coloured round and incumbents and in case you shall on full con- with a pink verge line. sideration and enquiry be satisfied therewith, we "PART III. request that your Grace will be pleased to certify " All that portion of the parish of Bedlington the same and the consents aforesaid by your in the county of Northumberland and diocese of report to Her Majesty in Council. Newcastle bounded on or towards the north partly " Given under our hand tbis first day of May, by a stream known as ' The Willow Burn' and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight partly by buildings known as ' The Choppington hundred and ninety-three. Cottages' and partly by the boundary of the " E. B. Newcastle." Willow Bridge Farm on or towards the east by And whereas the said scheme drawn up by the lands in the occupation of the Barringtou Colliery said Bishop, and the consents referred to in the Company on or towards the south by the Blyth said representation, are as follows :— and Tyne branch of the North Eastern Railway Company and on or towards the west partly by " The SCHEME. the boundary of the township of Hepscott and " 1. It is proposed to separate a certain district partly by the boundary of Puce Bush Farm which now part of the parish of Choppington in the said portion of the parish of Bedlington is more county of Northumberland and diocese of New- particularly delineated in the plan hereto annexed castle more particularly described in the first part and thereon coloured round with a blue verge line. of the Schedule hereto from that parish and to " E. JR. Newcastle. annex the same for ecclesiastical purposes to the parish of Bothal in the same county and diocese. "CONSENTS. " 2. It is also proposed to separate a certain " We the Very Reverend William Charles Lake district now part of the said parish of Bothal D.D. Dean and the Chapter of Durham of the more particularly described in the second part of Cathedral Church of Christ and Blessed Mary the the Schedule hereto from that parish and to Virgin the patrons or persons entitled 'to present annex the same for ecclesiastical purposes to the to the vicarages of Choppington and Bedlington said parish of Choppington. were the same now vacant do hereby signify our "3. It is also proposed to separate a certain consent to the foregoing representation and scheme district now part of the parish of Bedlington and to the several matters and things therein stated more particularly described in the third part of and proposed. the Schedule hereto from that parish and to In witness whereof we have hereunto caused annex the same for ecclesiastical purposes to the our common or chapter seal to be afixed. Dated said parish of Choppington. the sixth day of May in the year of Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three. " From and after the passing of any Order in u Council carrying this scheme into effect the W. C. Lake Decanus. incumbent of the said parish of Bothal shall have "I the Most Noble William John Arthur exclusive cure of souls within the limits of the Charles James Duke of Portland of Welbeck said district now part of the parish of Choppington Abbey in the county of Notts, the patron or and the incumbent of the said parish of Chopping- person entitled to present to the rectory of Bothal ton shall have exclusive cure of souls within the were the same now vacant do hereby signify my limits of the said districts now part of the said consent to the foregoing representation and scheme parishes of Bothal and Bedlington and the fees for and to the several matters and things therein stated marriages, churchings and burials and other and proposed. ecclesiastical dues offerings and emoluments " As witness my hand this nineteenth day of arising from the said districts shall thenceforth May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight belong to the incumbents of the parishes to which hundred and ninety-three. such districts shall have been respectively annexed. "Portland. " That no alteration shall be made as to the "We the undersigned being respectively the patronage or (save as aforesaid) the endowments incumbents of the benefices affected by the fore- of any of the benefices affected by this scheme. going representation and scheme do hereby give this our consent in writing thereto and to the '« SCHEDULE. several matters and things therein stated and •' PART I. 44 proposed. All that portion of the parish of Choppington " Given under our hands this twenty-sixth day of in the county of Northumberland and diocese of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Newcastle which is bounded on or towards the iundred and ninety-three. north by the River Wansbeck (a long stream) on " Richard Foster Vicar of Choppington. or towards the east partly by the said river and " William Charles Ellis Rector of Bothal. partly by the boundary of North Choppington " C. T. Whitley Vicar of Bedlington. Farm on or towards the south by the high road leading from Morpeth to Choppington guide post And whereas the said scheme hath been trans- and on or towards the west by the boundary line mitted by the said Bishop to the said Archbishop of the parish of Morpeth which said portion of 'or his consideration ; the parish of Choppington is more particularly And whereas the said Archbishop, being satisfied delineated on the plan hereto annexed and thereon with the said scheme, hath certified the same and coloured round with a green verge line. ;he consents aforesaid to Her Majesty in Council, " PART II. jy his report dated the twenty-sixth day of June, " All that detached portion of the township of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, Sheepwash in the parish of Bothal in the county of which said report is in the words following :<— Northumberland and diocese of Newcastle bounded " To the QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty on or towards the north and north-east by the in Council. road leading from Sheepwash Bridge to Cleasewell "We the undersigned William Dalrymple by Hill Farm on or towards the east south and west divine Providence Lord Archbishop of York by the township of Choppington and on or ?rimate of England do hereby report to Your towards the north-west by the high road leading Majesty in Council..
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