December 5, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2075 philosophical insight, possessing power with- practice of law and advocacy. Most recently, ness to those members of our community who out arrogance, bringing redemptive clarity in 2005, he launched The Leonard Group to are less fortunate. whose truths have never been more nec- focus on legislative and lobbying activities. He Phil spent hours dedicating his life to pro- essary, as we honor the lives of those that also served on the Bush-Cheney Transition viding various items to charity organizations to were lost and their legacy by how we live. Department of Justice Advisory Committee, help those in need. He sewed blankets, hand- Alton A. Burton, PE has risen at the age of 82 which helped the Administration find key can- bags, smocks for kindergarten students for fin- years-old to become a Great American Hero, didates for the agency. ger painting, and even some graduation and we claim him as one of our own, both in In recognition of his considerable accom- gowns for grade school students. title and in spirit. As our Nation moves forward plishments, Jerris was the recipient of the Life- Phil was born on March 27, 1913 and with a unified purpose, we realize that purpose time Achievement Award from Marquette Uni- worked for 40 years as a lithographer for Na- is perhaps more significant than outcome. It is versity Law School in 2000. In 1969 he re- tional Can in Maspeth, NY, where he worked what we all become in the process to embrace ceived the Belle Case LaFollette Outstanding as supervisor. Under his direction, the com- all of the opportunities this country has to offer Professional Award from the Wisconsin Law pany honored a contract to make bomb shells is the real purpose. Alton A. Burton continues Foundation. He is the author of numerous arti- and other can items during World War II. In to live his life with purpose. The people of the cles and was frequently invited to speak to 1988, he and his family moved to Las Vegas, City of New York, the United States of Amer- groups throughout the United States. Nevada. ica and the world became a better place be- Jerris was one of the original true conserv- When he was a young man, Phil learned to cause Mr. Burton has given us all his best; atives, who championed core conservative val- sew and, from that, his passion grew, reaching and he has created a mark in American his- ues throughout his career and through his the lives of hundreds of less fortunate people tory and the world that cannot be erased. service in various organizations, such as Free through various charity organizations. After he Mr. Speaker, I believe that there are no Congress. His intellect and experience were retired and his wife passed away, Phil moved words too magnanimous to fully describe our invaluable to advancing the conservative in with his daughter and her family where he gratitude; we thank former Chief Civil Engineer agenda, and his engaging personality and en- purchased two separate sewing machines to Alton A. Burton for inspiring modesty, selfless thusiasm for policy and politics were con- accomplish his work. He began making bags devotion of the advancement of humanity, tagious. Jerris was a true statesman who and smocks for young people for Paragon through his devoted service to the United made friends on both sides of the political Pools, his son-in-law, Joe Vassallo’s company, States of America. aisle. which was doing charity work for Street Teens His friendships extended well beyond the Mr. Speaker, I believe that it is incumbent at the time. Over the years, he donated at realm of politics and career, however. He on this body to recognize that in Alton A. Bur- least 500 bags to Street Teens. Other charity made friends in all walks of life. ‘‘He treated ton, PE, we have an outstanding citizen wor- organizations that he donated his handiwork everyone the same, and that is what I think thy of the highest respect and esteem, from included Child Focus, the Red Cross, the Sal- made him special,’’ said his daughter Kate his community, the City of New York and our vation Army, St. Jude’s Ranch for Children, Leonard. On the day he was to be sworn in Nation. CCSD Title 1 HOPE education resource orga- by President Nixon as an assistant attorney f nization for homeless students, NECHN Partial general, Jerris gathered his children and in- Care—a New Jersey hospital servicing the TRIBUTE TO JERRIS LEONARD, A structed them that they were going to meet mentally challenged—and New Jersey’s St. GREAT AMERICAN the President, but they were to remember that Thomas preschool/kindergarten. the man who parks the car is just as important What made Phil’s work unique, though, was HON. RALPH M. HALL and just as deserving of respect. the tag he placed inside each finished product. Jerris was devoted to his wife, Mariellen, to OF TEXAS Each little tag read, ‘‘Made Especially for You whom he was married for 52 years, and to his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by Phil Welland.’’ He always thought ahead family. He took an active interest in the lives and, even though he recently passed away, Tuesday, December 5, 2006 of his six children and attended countless his final donation of bags and blankets will be Mr. HALL. Mr. Speaker, I am honored today sports events and other activities in which they this Christmas to Child Focus. to pay tribute to a great American, outstanding were involved. In addition to Mariellen, he is Mr. Speaker, I gladly rise today to honor a public servant, and an esteemed colleague survived by his children, Mary Leonard Ral- selfless citizen who dedicated his life to help- and good friend, the Honorable Jerris Leon- ston and husband David, Gib Leonard and ing others. His warmhearted acts of kindness ard, whose sudden passing on July 27, 2006, wife Joni, John Leonard and wife Jeannine, will truly be missed by those he touched. was mourned by his family and countless Kathleen (Kate) Leonard, Francis Leonard and f friends whose lives he touched. Jerris’s life wife Kelly, and Daniel Leonard and wife Kelly, PAYING TRIBUTE TO LT. COL. was devoted to God, family, country, and his 16 grandchildren, and four great-grand- (RET.) JAMES M. GRECO fellow man, and he leaves a legacy of integrity children. He was greatly loved. and service that will long be remembered and Mr. Speaker, many of our colleagues in the appreciated. House of Representatives knew and admired HON. JOHN T. SALAZAR Jerris received his undergraduate and law Jerris Leonard. I valued his friendship and ad- OF COLORADO degrees from Marquette University, where he vice, as did so many others, and we will great- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was president of the Marquette student body ly miss him. It is impossible to fully grasp the Tuesday, December 5, 2006 breadth and depth of a life of someone like and was elected to Alpha Sigma Nu, the Na- Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Jerris, who gave every project or responsibility tional Jesuit Honor Society. Following gradua- pay tribute to the life of retired Lieutenant his very best effort and who lived his life with tion from Marquette University Law School in Colonel James M. Greco of Canon City, Colo- boundless enthusiasm and compassion. He 1955, Jerris began his career in Wisconsin. rado—a beloved husband of 37 years, father was a role model and mentor to so many, and He was elected to the Wisconsin Assembly in of two, corrections official and veteran, who he leaves a powerful legacy that will last for 1956, representing the North Shore suburbs of passed away on November 27th. Milwaukee. In 1960 he was elected to the generations to come. As we adjourn today, let It was a privilege to know Jim and I offer my state Senate and became Senate majority us do so in tribute to this great American, deepest condolences to his family and friends. leader in 1967. In 1968 he was the Repub- dedicated public servant, and truly great Jim was born in Pittsburgh and graduated lican nominee for the U.S. Senate, but lost to man—Jerris Leonard. from Immaculate Conception High School in incumbent Senator Gaylord Nelson. f Washington, PA. After graduation, Jim enlisted In 1969 Jerris moved his family to Wash- PAYING TRIBUTE TO PHIL as a United States Marine and served in Viet- ington, D.C., when he was appointed by Presi- WELLAND nam in 1965. dent Nixon and confirmed by the U.S. Senate Jim earned his B.A. from Northwestern as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. Oklahoma State University, an M.A. from He served in that capacity until 1971, when HON. JON C. PORTER Oklahoma City University, and an M.A. from OF NEVADA President Nixon appointed him the first Admin- the Army Command and General Staff Col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES istrator of the Law Enforcement Assistance lege. He received an Army Reserve Commis- Administration, a position he held for the next Tuesday, December 5, 2006 sion in 1974 and retired in 2004, after having two years. Jerris remained in Washington, Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to served a decorated and distinguished military where he has been actively engaged in the honor Mr. Phil Welland for his endless kind- career. VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:00 Dec 06, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05DE8.027 E05DEPT1 jcorcoran on PRODPC62 with REMARKS E2076 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 5, 2006 Jim worked as a corrections official with the K’ton Ton, where her children attended, not to trict, Solano County Office of Education, and Federal Bureau of Prisons for 25 years, hold- mention her many contributions to the CBI, Friends of the Fairfield and Suisun Community ing various assignments throughout eight where she currently serves on the school Libraries to provide educational services the li- states.
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