iA'"- 3 0642 00152 8 43 //OJ/ REF U 428 C9 1935 CYCLOPS FOR REFERENCE Do Not Take From This Room /. A (^J *' f-* Til.. V •^ -«. ^^ ^.v^^ii^^-^ii^ ••»*•• /^,.^.' I^^?*^ ^' A -t^ > "> f^-<. <(r -*, '"*»^t o/^ THE CTetOPS 198^ E) B E) I e T I O M To Captain Kirby Green, who has been an inspiration to us through our two years of college life, the class of nineteen hundred and thirty-five dedicates this, the twenty-second volume of the Cyclops, in token of our love for him as a man, our admiration for him as a soldier, and our devotion to him as a leader. Mr e o L 1= E e E TA'SrHY Sp.Col. U 428 .N6 C9 J935 Worth Georgia College, Cyclops / lYo), THE BOARD OF REGENTS UNR^RSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA Marion Smith, Chairman Sandy Beaver, Vice-Chairman Andrew Jackson Kingery, Secretary and Treasurer Eugene Talmadge, Governor of Georgia Ex Officio Marion Smith, Atlanta State-at-Large S. H. Morgan, Guyton First Congressional District W. J. Vereen, Moultrie Second Congressional District George C. Woodruff, Columbus Third Congressional District Cason J. Callaway, LaGrange Fourth Congressional District Clark Howell, Jr., Atlanta Fifth Congressional District W. Elliott Dunwody, Jr., Macon Sixth Congressional District E. S. Ault, CeJartown Seventh Congressional District M. D. Dickerson, Douglas Eighth Congressional District Sandy Beaver, Gainesville Ninth Congressional District R. P. BuRSON, Monroe Tenth Congressional District Philip Weltner, Chancellor, University System of Georgia THIo i-n II I Jdn.mha.n C Roolks, A.M., Ld.D. Prcsithut 1 HERE is dcvelopinj; .\ new type of Americ.in college student. Increasingly he is interested in sports, music, dr.im.> .ind other recre.itional activities. He also manifests a different attitude toward scholarship, the library, and the laboratory. life is viewed more seriously, yet not less joyously. It has been gratifyinj;, indeed, to note the growth of this spirit at North Georgia during the present year. While instructors in the academic and military departments have insisted upon their usual high standards of excellence, the Athletic Department, Band, Orchestra and Glee Club have made outstanding contributions to campus and community life. The awakening interest in public speaking and dramatics suggests a line of possible future development. The increased attendance of co-eds has resulted in a more normal social life, and the appearance of the Y. ^X'. C. A. is most encouraging. The work and influence of the Y. M. and Y. VC. should be extended, and it is hoped that adequate student leadership will another year come forward. Through the co-operation and fine spirit of students and faculty alike 193< has been an excellent year; the place of North Georgia in the University System has undoubtedly been strengthened. Its appeal is distinctly unique and state-wide. As we lo<ik toward next year, may not alumni, students, faculty and friends build a yet stronger college and a more effective spirit and loyalty. J. C. RoGl'RS, PrcsitlrnI, North Gcorg,'ia C.oUcg,c I ^ \ ei < i pj.?r ; / THE CTetOP^ FACULTY John Durham Animony, B.S., M.A. P. D. Bush, B.S., A.M. Profcsior uf Biology Professor of English B.S., Tr.insylv.inia; M.A., Emory Univer- B.S. .ind A.M., University of Gcorj^i^i sity A.B., A.M. F. Angelsberc Andrew W. Cain, Professor Social Science Director of the Baud of Retired United States Army Band A.B., North Georgia College; M.A., Uni- Director versity of the Philippines; Graduate Stu- dent, University of Georgia, University of Texas, University of the Philippines, Ni.NA AuirMAN, A.B. University of California, Columbia Uni- Secretary versity, University of North Carolina, and University of A.B., Gcori^i.i St.itc Collcs^c for Men Virginia j. C. Barn IS, B.S. Capt. Charles Carlton, D.O.I. Professor of Mathematics Assistant Professor of Military Science B.S., North Georgia College; Graduate anil Tac/ict Student, Harvard University W. D. Booth, B.S., M.A. Camillus J. DisMUKEs, A.B., M. A. Assistant Professor of English Professor of French B.S., Georgia State College for Men; .\.B., Birmingham - Southern College; M.A., Emorv University M.A., University of North Carolina ei^ dl e]> Page '- FACULTY LoRiMi.R B. Frueman, B.S.C, M.S.C. Si;RGT. RiCMARl) McCoNNii-L, Assistant Professor of Social Siii'i'ic iNi. (D.E.M.L.) B.S.C. .ind M.S.C, University of Geor- Assistant Professor of Military Science ti(s j>i.i; Cir.idu.ite Student, Northwestern and Tai University BiNJAMIN v. (lAIM ARI). A.M., I'lD.D. Lucy Monday Professor I'linritiis of (n»l<>x\ /)(((/; "/ Women .\.H., Oglethorpe University; A.M., Uni- versity of Georgi.i; Pcd.l)., Oglethorpe Mrs. Marc. ARI i Ri i vfs'' University; Ciradu-itc Student at Univer- Itnlniclor in Home litiinomics sity of Georpi,! .ind University of Chi- cigo John C. Sirmons, I'li.H., M.A. Mrs. Fannii Gri i n"' Education Dietitian Professor of Ph.B. .ind M.A., Emory University; Capt. KiRiiv Grii N, Ini. (D.O.L.) Gr.»du.ite Student, Duke University Professor of Military Science and Tactics p, m. hutchfrson, b.s.c, Strotiiir, A.B. Capt. O.R.C losiPiMNi Vkrnir C.oinmanJant Librarian Shorter College; A.B. in Libr.iry B.S.C, North Georgi.i College A.B., Science, Emory University Thomas S. Logan, B.S., M.S., Pii.O. Professor of Physical Science and Chemistry R. W. Stfphi Ns, A.B. Coach of Athletics B.S. .ind M.S.. Emory University; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University A.B., Oglethorpe University •No Picture Pixr I ' THE) CTCtOPS CAPTAIN CHARLES CARLTON L HIS page is most respectfully dedicated to Captain Charles Carlton, who for six years has watched and guided the footsteps of many cadets at North Georgia College. Captain Carlton has served in the capacity of Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics since 1929. He has been most efficient. Since his arrival at North Georgia the military rating of the school has steadily increased. A good deal of the credit for this achievement is given him. Captain Carlton furnishes to every student who conies within the portals of this institution an inspiration that cannot be found in books. North Georgia will miss you; future cadets will miss the opportunity of your asso- ciation, but success will be your portion wherever you may be, and the love and admira- tion of the cadets will be with you. i b^ ci el /'i/.ijf 14 ri-iF. en. ,. x.i )i^s SOPHOMORES CLASS OFFICI-RS \l/. Harry Tannjr Praidciit MooDV H. Ml I Ki V Viir-PnsiiLii/ Ernest C. Phillips, Jr. Secretary \i'M)l }{. VIlLl lAMSUN, Jr. Treasurer PiXf I « SOPHOMORES Pir.i/ roll': li. Allfn, l\. Alli-N. Sfionil rou: Babb, G. Batiman. Thin! rou: W. Batiman, Blalock. George Babb lOVl-JOY, r.A. "What sure/ iltli;^b/ a quiet life afforih." Decora 1,2; Sergeant Band 2. CiRi r.oRY Batiman 1)1 I I>ST1 P, (.A. \^iiiliciiia>i "All iiffii/'li' and coiir/cdiii , What iiKirc loiiLI mortal Hisb?" Phi Mu I; Y. M. C. A. 1. Blanche Allen William Batlman ellijay, ga. dllpstep, ca. 'She lias eicr and neier proud fair 'A gentleman makes no noise. Had foii;^ue at uill, and yet iias iicter Corporal "B" Company 2. loud." Corona 1. C. Lanier Bi.alock Edith Allen NICHOl LS, GA. ellijay, ga. "A rare bird on earth." 'The hand that hath made you fair hath Rex 1, 2; Decora 1, 2; Y. M. C. A. 1. made you good." 2; Cyclops Staff 2; Rifle Team 2; Ser- Corona 1. geant "B" Company 2. N THE. 19 3 5 e -jiL * HE I 9 o 1 |l)SI I'll S. liUKW \ John Rom in C»k)K llAXI I V, OA. SI NDIA, C.A. "Ill- s/ioirv oirii\iitnally surface iiuliia- "Nii/ioi- uflii iiiii/ihiii /mil, /irokc /Jw ." lii>ns of iiilcllcci IIKIIllll." Glee Club 1, 2; Qiuirtot 1, 2; IXcor.i Rex 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2; Quarlet I; 1. 2. Ortieers' Club 2; First Lieutenant "A" Comp.iny; Decora I, 2, Secretary-Treas- urer 2. Jam IS CoRii Y Hu(.ii Carni y ZI-.BUI.ON, GA. UAI 1. t.KOUNl), (,A. 'A ttorhniaii I hat iicftltlh not to he "Anything, for a ciiiiit lifr iishanii-il." Tennessee Wcslcyan 1. Phi Mu 1. RlIU CllILDl.KS GRIIFIN, GA. "From the crown of hh head to the sole of his foot he /< all mirth." University ot (ieori;ia I; Si^^m.i Thet.i 2. Frtd Collins BAXLtY, GA. "Health and cheerfulness mutually hcf^et each other." Decora 1, 2; Corporal Band 2. lirttrou: BiiOTN, Caiini V. SnoiiJ rou : Chii Din*, Col LIN*. TtiirJ rou: Cook, Cori i v. SOPHOMORES SOPHOMORES iir^f row: Daves, Daviis. Second rou-: Davis. Dyer. Thinl rou: Field, Flovu. Richard Davis TAYI DKSVII I r, GA. "Tlhit load I'i'fdiiics li;^/</ uhicb h ibccrfiilly Ixtnic." Rex 1, 2; Decora 1, 2; Sergeant "A" Company. BuKC Dyi R DAHIONrCA, GA. "iVo mail h />al>l>\ iilu) does not think hiimclf so." Sigma Theta 2; Rifle Team 2; Decora 1, 2. Stanley Daves Field HURST, CA. Charles rocky face, ga. 'No/ one word sfiokc he more than it as "l-or jolly, no need." he's a ^ood fellou uhnh one tan deny." Corporal "B" Company. Rex 1, 2; Ritlc Team 2; Glee Club 1.2; "D" Club 1, 2; Football 1; Manager Baseball, Basket-ball; Color-Sergeant 2.
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