September 18, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5573 KHANNA, KEATING, VELA, KIM, Ms. From the Committee on the Judici- ENROLLED BILL SIGNED KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma, Messrs. ary, for consideration of section 1025, The President pro tempore (Mr. CISNEROS, THORNBERRY, WILSON of 1031, 1044, 1682, 6004, 6206, 6804, 6811, GRASSLEY) announced that on today, South Carolina, TURNER, ROGERS of 6813–16, 6835, 6921, and 6944 of the Sen- September 18, 2019, he has signed the Alabama, CONAWAY, LAMBORN, WITT- ate bill, and sections 530F, 530G, 550D, following enrolled bill, which was pre- MAN, Mrs. HARTZLER, Ms. STEFANIK, 550F, 550J, 570H, 729, 827, 1011, 1048, 1049, viously signed by the Speaker of the Messrs. KELLY of Mississippi, BACON, 1050C, 1093, 1099C, 1099K, 1099V, 1099Z–3, House: BANKS, and Ms. CHENEY. 1212, 1296A, 1704, 1711, 1713–16, and 1733 H.R. 1200. An act to increase, effective as of From the Permanent Select Com- of the House amendment, and modi- December 1, 2019, the rates of compensation mittee on Intelligence, for consider- fications committed to conference: Mr. for veterans with service-connected disabil- ation of matters within the jurisdic- NADLER, Ms. LOFGREN, and Mr. COLLINS ities and the rates of dependency and indem- tion of that committee under clause 11 of Georgia. nity compensation for the survivors of cer- tain disabled veterans, and for other pur- of rule X: Mr. SCHIFF, Ms. SEWELL of From the Committee on Natural Re- poses. Alabama, and Mr. NUNES. sources, for consideration of sections From the Committee on the Budget, 314, 2812, 2814, 6001, 6020, subtitle C of f for consideration of sections 4 and 10608 title LXVII, section 8524, part 1 of sub- MEASURES REFERRED of the Senate bill, and sections 1006 and title B of title LXXXV, sections 8554, The following bills were read the first 1112 of the House amendment, and and 8571 of the Senate bill, and sections and the second times by unanimous modifications committed to con- 330G, 1094, 1099D, 1099F, 1099U, 2851, sub- consent, and referred as indicated: ference: Messrs. YARMUTH, PETERS, and title F of title XXVIII, sections 2876, H.R. 806. An act to require compliant flame JOHNSON of Ohio. and 2880 of the House amendment, and mitigation devices to be used on portable From the Committee on Education modifications committed to con- fuel containers for flammable liquid fuels, and Labor, for consideration of sec- ference: Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. HAALAND, and for other purposes; to the Committee on tions 571, 572, and 5501 of the Senate and Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. bill, and sections 211, 576, 580, 1099N, From the Committee on Oversight H.R. 1618. An act to encourage States to re- 1117, 3120, and 3503 of the House amend- and Reform, for consideration of sec- quire the installation of residential carbon ment, and modifications committed to monoxide detectors in homes, and for other tions 218, 530, 559, 579, 1081, 1082, title purposes; to the Committee on Commerce, conference: Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, Mrs. XI, sections 5802, 6012, subtitle B of Science, and Transportation. TRAHAN, and Ms. FOXX of North Caro- title LXV, sections 9304, 9307, 9311, 9313, H.R. 2134. An act to reauthorize the Helen lina. 9314, 10303, 10432, 10434, 10601, 10603–05, Keller National Center for Youths and From the Committee on Energy and 10612, 10741, and 10742 of the Senate bill, Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind; to the Com- Commerce, for consideration of sec- and sections 212, 239, 550O, 629, 633, 804, mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and tions 214, 315, 318, 703, 3112, 3113, 3201–03, 829, 842, 861, 872, 877, 883, 884, 891, 895, Pensions. 5318, 6001, 6006, 6021, 6701, 6711, 6721–24, H.R. 2211. An act to require the Consumer 899E, 899H, 899I, 1064, 1085, 1099B, title Product Safety Commission to promulgate a 6741, 6742, 6751–54, 8101, 8202, 10421, 10422, XI, sections 1704, 1711, 1713–16, and 3127 consumer product safety rule for free-stand- and 10742 of the Senate bill, and sec- of the House amendment, and modi- ing clothing storage units to protect chil- tions 315, 330F, 330H, 3300, 606, 737, 3111, fications committed to conference: dren from tip-over related death or injury, 3112, 3127, 3128, 3201, and 3202 of the Messrs. LYNCH, CONNOLLY, and GREEN and for other purposes; to the Committee on House amendment, and modifications of Tennessee. Commerce, Science, and Transportation. committed to conference: Messrs. PAL- From the Committee on Science, f LONE, TONKA, and UPTON. Space, and Technology, for consider- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES From the Committee on Financial ation of sections 216, 219, 1612, 6001, Services, for consideration of sections 6006, 6008, 6009, 6742, 6754, 8524, and 10742 The following reports of committees 6017, 6018, 6804, 6811, 6813–16, 6834, 6835, of the Senate bill, and sections 214, 217, were submitted: and title LXIX of the Senate bill, and 882, and 1089 of the House amendment, By Mr. SHELBY, from the Committee on sections 550K, 560G, subtitle I of title and modifications committed to con- Appropriations: X, sections 12408, 1292, 1704, 1711, 1713– Special Report entitled ‘‘Revised Alloca- ference: Mses. JOHNSON of Texas, tion to Subcommittees of Budget Totals for 16, 1733, and 2843 of the House amend- SHERRILL, and Mr. BAIRD. Fiscal Year 2020’’ (Rept. No. 116–106). ment, and modifications committed to From the Committee on Small Busi- f conference: Ms. WATERS, Messrs. SHER- ness, for consideration of section 841 of MAN, and BARR. the Senate bill, and sections 872–76, 878, EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF From the Committee on Foreign Af- 879, 881, 882, and 886–89 of the House COMMITTEES fairs, for consideration of sections 834, amendment, and modifications com- The following executive reports of 1011, 1043,1202, 1203, 1205, 1206, 1211, 1212, mitted to conference: Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, nominations were submitted: 1215, 1221–24, 1231–36, 1238, 1252, 1281–84, Messrs. GOLDEN, and CHABOT. By Mr. RISCH for the Committee on For- title XIII, sections 1671, 1681, 2822, 6203– From the Committee on Transpor- eign Relations. 06, 6210, 6213, 6215, 6231, 6236, title LXVI tation and Infrastructure, for consider- Andrew P. Bremberg, of Virginia, to be II, sections 6921, 6922, 6931, 6941, 6943, ation of sections 353, 1612, 1682, 2805, Representative of the United States of Amer- 6954, part I of subtitle B of title title XXXV, sections 6001, 6006, 6012, ica to the Office of the United Nations and LXXXV, sections 8562, and 10701 of the 6015, 6019, 6021, 6754, 8500, 8511, 8517, 8519, Other International Organizations in Gene- va, with the rank of Ambassador. Senate bill, and sections 634, 1036, 1046, 8520, 8522, 8523, 8525, 8532, 8543, 8545, 8546, Nominee: Andrew Bremberg. 1050, 1099X, 1201, 1202, 1204, 1207, 1210, and 8571 of the Senate bill, and sections Post: Representative of the United States 1213, 1215, 1218, 1221–25, 1229, 1231–34, 311, 313, 330A, 330O, 351, 354, 555, 569, of American to the Office of the United Na- 1240A, 1241, 1250D, 1251, 1255, 1258, 1260A, 580C, 606, 896, 2808, 3501, and 3504 of the tions and Other International Organizations 12608, 1265, 1266,1269, 1270, 1270G, 1270H, House amendment, and modifications in Geneva, with the rank of Ambassador 1270I,1270N,1270R, 1270S, 1270T, 1270W, committed to conference: Messrs. (The following is a list of all members of my immediate family and their spouses. I subtitle I of title XII, subtitle J of title DELGADO, PAPPAS, and KATKO. From the Committee on Veterans’ have asked each of these persons to inform XII, title XIII, sections 1521, 1669, and me of the pertinent contributions made by title XVII of the House amendment, Affairs, for consideration of sections them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- and modifications committed to con- 568, 721, 726, 727, 1083, 1431, 2812, 2813, formation contained in this report is com- ference: Messrs. ENGEL, MEEKS, and 5702, and 6007 of the Senate bill, and plete and accurate.) MCCAUL. sections 530, 530A, 545, 546, 550E, 550G, Contributions, amount, date, and donee: From the Committee on Homeland 550H, 550I, 550J, 569, 570E, 570F, 574, 624, 1. Self: $100, July 2015, Scott Walker for Security, for consideration of sections 705, 706, 713, 715, 1093, 1126, and 1411 of America; $150, April 2016, Mike Gallagher for Wisconsin. 6006, 6012, and 8543 of the Senate bill, the House amendment, and modifica- 2. Spouse: Maria Bremberg: None. and modifications committed to con- tions committed to conference: Mr. 3. Children and Spouses: Paul Bemberg: ference: Mr. ROSE of New York, Ms. TAKANO, Ms. BROWNLEY of California, None; Lucy Bremberg: None; Jane Bremberg: UNDERWOOD, and Mr. WALKER. and Mr. WATKINS. None; Anne Bremberg: None. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Sep 19, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18SE6.021 S18SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with SENATE.
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