\ To From M/S.GoldenSands, M'Sc'' Tmt.S.MYthili, No,15,4th Street, Director, Assistant VGPLaY Out, EastCoast Road' andMining, GeologY Injambakkam,Sholinganallur ; - 4' Tiruvannamalai Chennai115 Sir, _-r n^r rnh ctnne Sub:MinesandMinerals.MinorMineral-Roughstone Tiruvannama|aiDistrict-VembakkamTaluk_ElacheriVillage-and 20/3A over an in S'F'Nos'|]2C'2BZB'2D'7 'B'g Patta Land Gravel quarry Hectare - Roughstoneand extent of 3'74'5 - Mining by M/S' Golden Sands . leaseapptication preferred for approval- Regarding' plansubmitted by M/S.Gorden Sands ChennaiDistrict letter dated Ref: 1' M/S'Golden Sands' 22.02.20t8. 1B' letter Rc.No.23lKanimam/20 2. This office dt:22'02'2OLB letter Divisional Officer' Cheyyar 3. The n"u"nuu dt:22'02'2018' Rc'No'AS/ LO76l2Ot8' ^-r 'r,ininn of Geology and Mining' 4' The Assistant Director 12'04'2018 TiruvannamalaiInspection Report (MMC't) Department' 5. G.O'(Ms')'No'791 Industries dated:06'04'20t5' Communication Notice 6. Precise Area dated21'06'2018' *t'*o'ttf Kanimam/2018' by M/S' Golden Sands' 7. Mining Plan 'unmitteO 25'06'2018' dated' t'*'i'*** 4thStreet' VGP Lay M/S' GoldenSands' No'15' In the reference(6)th cited out,EastCoastRoad,Injambakkam,sho|inganal|ur,Chennaihasbeen.directed tosubmittheminingplanpreparedbytheRQP(RecognizedQualifiedPerson) withinaperiodofg0daysforapprova|aSperRu|e41(5)ofTamilNaduMinor MineralConcessionRules,lg5gwithregardtotheRoughstoneandGrave|quarry and 20l3A over an land SF'Nos' ll2C'7828'2?.'7'8'9 leaseapplication in Patta extentof3'T4.5.HectareinElacheriVillage,VembakkamTaluk,Tiruvannamalai District. il2il AccordingryM/s. Golden sands has submitted three copies of Mining Plan, prepared by Thiru.R.Singaram,M.Sc., FMS., FGS.,F;;, Recognized person, Qualified RQP/MAS/25912074/A,26, pranav street Road, MGR Road, Besant Nagar, chennai, for the Rough stone quarry lease application patta appried in land SF,Nos.t/2C,2828,2D,7,g,9 and 20/3A over an extent of 3.74.5 Hectare of Elacherivillage, Vembakkam Taluk. In this regard, the draft Mining pran submitted by M/s. Goldensands has been scrutinizedas per Rule41 (7) & (B) of the Tamil Nadu Minor Mineralconcession Rules, 1959 and containsthe plan of precise area showingthe natureand extent of minor minerar, detailsof geology and rithorogyincruding minerar reserves, the type of mining assessmentof impact of mining activity, annuar programme and excavation for five years. Therefore in exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 4L (z) of the Tamil Nadu Minor Mineral concessionRules 1959, the miningplan is herebyapproved subject to the followingconditions : 1' That the miningpran is approvedwithout prejudice to any other Law applicabreto the quarry reasefrom time to time whether such raws are made by the centrar Government; state Governmentor any otherauthority. 2. This approvar of the miningpran does not in any way imprythe approval of the Governmentin terms of any other provisionsof the Mines and Minerars(Deveropment and Reguration)Act, L957, or any other connected raws incruding Forest (conservation) Act, 1980, Forest conservation Rures, 1gg1, Environmentprotection Act, 1980, Indian ExprosivesAct, 1BB4 (central Act IV of 1BB4)and the Rulesmade there under and The Tamil NaduMinor Minerar concession Rures, 1959. 3. That the mining plan is approvedwithout prejudiceto any other ' order or directionfrom any court of competentjurisdictio.n. .--3,--' //3tt M/s.Golden Sands, No.15, 4th street, vGp Lay out, Eastcoast Road, Injambakkam, Sholinganallur, Chennai is directedto produceEnvironmental clearance certificatefrom the DistrictLevel Environment Impact Assessment Authorityfor grant the of RoughStone and Gravelquarry lease for a period of 5 yearsin Patta land sF.Nos.r/2c,2828,2D,7,8,9 and 20/3Aoveran extent of 3'74.5 Hectareof Eracherivilrage, vembakkam Taruk as per Rure42 (i) of theTamil Nadu Minor Minerar concession Rures, 1959. Encl: 2 Copiesof ApprovedMining plan. AssistantDilect6r, Geologyand Mining, Tiruvannamalai. Copysubmitted to: 1. The Chairman,DEIAA, q# Collectorate, Tiruvannamalai. %* 2. The Commissionerof Geologyf,nd Mining,Chennai-32. 3, The DistrictCollector, Tiruvannamalai. .
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