lalL> ’ •♦;'i •. r^: ., . •- '5 i ^ ; n ^ . , ' SATURDAY, OCTOBER 86, IMO • T h t W sathar : . Avaragi DsUjr drenlatioa rstaeaat ot V. S. Wantbar Baraan AmrbrBtrr £«tntf^ XMsfil For the Month ot Septamber, 1M$. thalr audienoee 'TUngtag la tha Pblr and oonttnoed eoM tonight; Uat night nt the Hartford armory 6 , 4 4 1 Tueodny rJondy and oUgtatly wnrm- on induction. Groom*’, by X. A. OlCaafo, a com­ Manchester Aliens Set Standards Hera and Tkei* Playe^Tlan edy; Albert Carriere’s "The Hum­ Menbei ot tha Andll er. About Town Another week gone, and •‘M” day mingbird HIccupa", a lively farce, illTralo >--■1 Bnrasn ol CIrenlattons oing to School has again moved up . this week and "Singapore Spider", a mys­ BLUE CASTLE INN ManeitiBster^A CUy of Village Chirm Season^s Work tery-corn^. t ' - ■' — For Guardsmen we found out it Is Jaadary 3. (On the Bolton Road) . ^ ' - Th« director of the lleacheiter Just to giva tha boya tha hplidaya Mias Rita Stephens will dlreot PRICE THREE CEN’IVi ‘ nHatovement AesocUtlon will hold One of the Ifcrgeat classes In at home. InvlUUons for par- "Ringing in the Groom"; iBdgar HOME OF GOOD FOOD! (CtoaalSeg Adverttslpg o« Pag* 14) MANCHESTEi^CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1940 (SIXTEEN PAGES! I a Medal meeting on Friday, Nov- beginners English that haa ever Physical Examination Ucipation in the Armistice Day St. James's iThespians to M arw will handle the Players Ih VOI,. LX„ NO. 24 V \ ; waber $ which will be a teatUnonlal attended night school In Manches­ parade have been mailed to the "The Hummingbird Hiccups", 5 REASONS WHY WE CAN PLEASE, YOU ipithering for Edward A. O'Malloy. ter is enrolled this term. The class Requirements Released iMal commandere, and a company Feature Comedies; List while the direction of the "Singa­ 1. DELICIOUS FOOD! r-th e ir president,-^ who haa been numbers 71. The order for all vote la expected to be taken up Of the First Plays. pore Spider” wiU be taken care of 2. You Can Bring Your Liquor! .. transferred to Leihlston, Me. The aliens to register is given as the —Other N. C. News.' at the next drill. Since the by Miss Gertrude Campbell. reason for the large attendance. draftees' aweethearts received per- .3. A Cozy Place To Dance! •aaoclatlon win also elect a presi­ Members of St James’s Parish dent at the meeting. Dante Paganl, During the World war almllar By Dmuijt She* / miaslon to wear their boy friends’ 4. CloaeTo, YetOntof Town! the vice president of the associa­ classes where the largest In the . The physical axamlnation re- registration buttons, many regi­ Players are requested to come to 5. Where You Can Come Stag! tion Is chairman of the committee evening schools here and the In­ mental insignia have been aeen St. Jamee'a school on Tuesday ave- terest aroused at that time re­ quirementa have been releaaed, around town on girls' coats. Of arrangements. sulted in , many of the etudenta and all soldiers called Into the ning at 7 o’clock to try out for Island parts In the opening fall production TAXn Fleet continuing their studies for four or service will meet the following five years. The number attending V CALL Rev. K. Dent Lackey,’ of Enfield standards: (a) Height; 60 inches Hurt 10 Years Ago, of the group. ' candidate for senator In the night schools in recent years The Players will present three ; 6588 Seventh District, who arrived Ih has been small. minimum and 78 tnchea maximum; one-act plays aometlpte during ■J Manchester too late to epcak at The night school principal eati- (b) Weight; 105 pounds minimum; Not Yet Recovered Thanksgiving week. All members Prempt! DINE AND DANCE the Democratic rally Wednesday mates that there are about 2000 (c) Eyesight; Normsl vision of of the club are eligible for parts, Sato! aliens in Manchester, although Z4-Hoar EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT night, will apeak over WDRC at 20-20 or a minimum sharpness of John Ambrose, who was one of as well as ^ r participation in ServiceI 4:46 tomorrow afternoon. than 1400 have so far regis­ 20-100 in each eye which can' be the beat football players in line stage and scenery work, ’ costum­ Frontier At the tered. corrected with glasses to 20-40; work that the North End ’ ever ing, makeup and program work. The officers of Ward Cheney ,(d) Hearing: Normal hearing be­ turned out, is working only part To Feature Comedies Manchester Taxi Camp. USWV and Mary Bushnell ing able to hear'a low conversa­ time now as the result of an in­ Comedy will be the Playefo’ Joe. M. OrSteH, Prop. Oldfe New England House Cheney Auxiliary, USWV, will Hold To Make Plea tional voice at 20 feet with each jury he suffered while playing forte in their first presentation of CMBoe At The foa Boons ear separately; (e) Diseases: Mild football over 10 years ago. Mr. Music by Smith’s Orchestra a joint ln.<ital1atlon ceremony Tue.s- cases of many diseases will be over­ the season. They plan to oBer * Willkie Rides Through Times Squ: da"v evening, Nov. 12 in Ma.sonic Ambrose la now making hia home Futility Clear looked, but those with such dis­ at the Hotel Sheridan. THE BEST IN FOODS — FINE WINES I Tor; le-. A dinner will precede the For Missions eases as cancer, active tuberculo­ LIQUORS AND AI,E *etain Given^Note Engages Italian Naval About three weeks ago he. suf­ Installation. Ddiartment iifficer.s sis, acute rheumatic fever, chronic will attend the function. fered much pain in his leg and FrxaclB Donxhuc, Permittee. In Hull Talk, r, - arthritis and late syphilis will be was removed to a Hartford hoapl- BOSTON TURNPIKE BOUn: — BOUTON, CONN. Largr .\Hendaiioe Is Ex- rejected: (f) Teeth: A minimum of tal. An X-ray showed that a small ■state Senator William .T. Shea jmtIimI to Hear Address three chewing teeth above and bone in his knee had been broken. Roosevelt Wrote;. Willkie Avers will be the speaker next Tue.sday three below and three cutting It was necessary for him to un-" teeth above and three below, also Units in Stiff Battle; evening, before members of the At Local Chitreh. dergo an operation for its re­ HEAR Pioneer Past Master Assooiation. meeting; (g) Feet and Hands: moval. He is again back at his of Hartford Co\mty. at the fom- Some, defects are permlssable, such Says Secretary Revealed Mum Evelyn Stark, of Minne­ rooming place, but because of the Contents Secret as an absent left thumb, loss of two muntty House in Wapping. apolis, Minn., who is -on a speak­ operation. Is only able to work Failure' to Organize fingers of either hand except where part time. ' ing tour throughout the Ea-st on the two are the right index and Economy Capable of rjiri Scoi;ts of the South Metho­ behalf of the Young Women's Mis- middle finger, a alight clubfoot, Rev. F. Dent Lackey ‘Personal Message’ Be­ irdrome Is Occupied dist church who plan to attend the .sionary Society of the Augustana Special! Monday Only! web fingers and toes unless severe, Arrest Girls; V ------ morning worship servii'e tomorrow •Synod, will appear at the Eman­ ALICE OOFRAN « lieved to Concern Ne­ Building Full Defense. and absence of one or two small (Known Aaltnocn Alice) Of Enfieldy Conn. morning a \ . lOi-tS, in a body, uel Lutheran rhurep here on Mon­ toes If the foot otherwise Is good. \ * I should meet in front of the chureh day evening at 8 o'clock. Ail mem- SPUtlTUAL MEDIUM gotiations with Hit­ Aboard Willkie Train Enroute to Turkish Troops Report­ at 10:30. liers of the Women’s Missionary School Tomorrow Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son Threw Onion Bom With a VelL ler;- Can Only Be Dis­ I>oulsville, Oct. 28.—(IP—Wendell Italy Clmrges \Pledge Giv^i .'Society and the Young Women’s The regular weekly school for L. Willkie asserted today that Sec­ ed Responding to Call Ralph Salvatore of this totvn .Society and their friends are In- the non-commissioned officers of Readings Dally U A. M. to 9 P. M Speaking Over WDRC closed by France’s At Roosevelt and Raljih Lamenr.o of Windsor viteil to attend. the K Guards will be held tomor-, Or By Appointment In the .^rvtre retary of State Hull’s speech Sat­ For Help, Marching N I'liie S|M-«ker row morning commencing at 10:30 of the People tor SO Teafo. Chief of State. urday night was "an extraordinary Greece Helped | Greece on Ah will spend the week-( ii>l at. the 171 Church Street, Hartford, Conn Into Thrace and East- World's F'liir. Miss Stark, who is secretary of at the armory. A discussion on documentation of New Deal futil­ the' Augustana Synod Luther mobilization is expected to be held Phone 6-3737 Reg. 35c eack>. Vichy, France, Oct. 28.— T udo Sister* Accused of ity: •rn Greece; Metaxaf League, is known as a fine speak­ as an aftermath of the school held At 4:45 M. Sunday •'The aecretary pointed up more Hi’ B r i t a i n 2 Powers Group No. 4' of the Memorial 50 (;p)_A Foreign Ministry Throwing Missile as Announces British er and a large attendance is hoped This special incliitles skirls up to 4 pleats spokesman said today Mar­ clearly than could any contem­ ^ Hospital Women's Auxiliary. Mrs. for. Refreshments will /he served Auto Speeds Through porary critic of the New Deal the ---V ! --- S eeing ‘Unlimilesd Willinnr Knof.'kie, leader, will following the program.
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