It. V'-’ : V PAGB TWENTT THURSD i v , DECEMRER 2«, 19B7 ,\ / V Average Dally Net Prew Run ' > . y »v • llanrljpalpr lEoPtifttg l^prali For the Week Ended The Weatber I>ecemb*e t l . 1957 ranenai at D. S. Waatbar B m a a j institute is Albert J. Genua, former is Atty. John R. FiUOerald. Man- ■ About Town 4 Policemen I asaiatant dean and head of the cheater Town Fouft, prosecutor, j You den ( nee<l to pay j erime laboratory at the N. Y. Instl- who teaches the civil and criminal j 1 2 ;j^ 6 8 aondr, cooler toalght Lew i A dUtriet\^id« dinner meeting of liite of Criminology. law course. Chief Schendel said ; $250 to $300 for Member of the Audit M. Olotidy Saturday with a Methodist college young people Start Course The school is complete with all that course is one of the bejit in i Bureau of Circulation ■tonal rain. High 48 to 40. will be held et the South Meth­ the neces.sAry equipment to conduct the country and that it will give | odist OiJJrch tomorrow night. Se\-- daily cla.s.sfa in civil and criminal his men the type of instruetion INCONSPICUOUS Manchester’—A City of Village Charm en college students from the North Four Manchester policemen last law. flngerprin'ing lechniqpes, : that would be hard to duplicate. week began a 3-month course of Methodist Church will attend as criniinology, investigation, labora-' The institute la modeled some­ ...QUALITY HEARING AIDS VOL, LXXVII, NO. 74 (FOURTEEN PAGES) guests of the Methodist Men of iiustrilction at the new Hartford In tory procedures, delectlon, and Ip-1 what from the Northwestern Uni- : MANCHE^TIjR,. CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27. 1957 (Claseined Advertiilng oq Paga 18) « PRICE FIVE CENT9 thst church. stltute of Criminology. They ate . vestigativc photography. A 15-in,in-! versit.v course of Instruction In : Sgt. Edward Winsler, and Patrol iite se.ssion on each of these .si'ib- criminology, recognized as the best -1—X- men Samuel Maltempo Allai jecl.s is held daily, five days a In the roiintr.v. ' The executive board of the Rob­ Smith and Joseph Sartor. Patrol week, for 12 weeks. ertson PTA will meet tomorrow man Walter Cas.sella Jr. 'ucces.s Anyone nia.v attend the In.stitiite. - ofTeri (he world*i larteit*eclHnt. night St g o'clock In the teachers fully completed the same course Tongue Ttrinter Court Gives Dallas fke Maps room at the school. I Scholatslops are available so that fincst*quelity heariag aids'— the first one given at the school. ■ worthy individuals may learn all ' liny, irght. tnconipicuous—at Tix’rix ChargesiJiarffps ^ The Institute, a privatelv owned Ft. Carson, Colo. /P Pvt. Al­ $«5 to SI65! Eyeclast* and at- phase.s of criminal investigation i the-eer models. Come in, aee Mrs. Margaret Hutchinson, llfi school, was started in Hartford and law enforcement procedures. bert Kahslekulu of Wailiiku, Ha­ Summit St., who.se 82d birthday them— More Tirne to Set three monl.hs ago. and already has Police Chief Herman O. Schendel waii. figures ne has the longest mm Mtf putm—■$ wn* ti mmm .. Tonight on^TV R ep ly to nans fell on Dec. 24. was remembered \ gained nallonai recognition. It is h,is obtalneil five of the.se scholar­ middle name in the armed forces. ■ _..h »• orofim tMtw« NHMgi by a number of. her neighbors and i the first criminology school in New ships which he userl to send Cas- It’s Kahekilikiiiikalewaokanie- I friends Christma.s Eve, with gifts, I England, to e.stahiish permanent : sells to tile opening course and hameha. IN.VS PHARMACr Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. ^ flowers and a shower of birthday | quarters and offer to the public a : tile otJier four to the session which Phone Ml .1-413A (4*)— Criminal Court .Judge and Christma.s cards. The widow The name means "rhiinder. Oh Sch oolin tegra tion Bulganin complete couise. taught by •'ex­ ' starred last week. Great fTiief of the Island. " Kaha- RauIston|,Schoolfield said to­ of James B Hutchinson, she has , perts’' in the field. The dean of the I Included In the institute facult.v i S MONffV-gACK •UAtANTM | two daughters and a son. Miss j lekulu is a combat trainee here. day lie will answer statements Alice Hutchinson and riavid. who . New Orleans, Dec. 27 (/P)— ‘ time to work out the problems tonight that mone.v changed Moscow. Dec. '27 (4^)— live at home, and .lessle who Is ! The Fifth United States Cir- both times he was overruled by hands to “ fix” cases in his Pravila challenged the West Mrs. Robert J. Lyons. iniit Court' of Appeals today the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. court. today lo accept recent Soviet Judge Atwell then ruled Sept. 5 disarmahieni proposals - and reversed a lower court ruling that the schools should be inte­ Schoolfleld said he_ would give Col. and Mrs. Edwin J Perrett his side of the ca.se in an hour long 5B Brookfield St., will have charge j which had ■< ordered Dallas, grated with the start of tlie next thus, the ^Communist pprt.v term. television appearance tonight at 8 organ said, satisfy world pub­ of the 10:45 Sunday morning aerv- j Tex., to integrate its schools p.m. on Chattanooga Station Ice at the Salvation Army. Major 1 at midtferm. The cj.se came back to the .New WDEF-TV. lic opinion. Soviet Bids and Mrs. Jeremiah Sweet 82 Fair- The Appellate Court aald Daila.s Orleftps Court on an appeal from Wltne.sses testified before the “ Humanity awaits from field St. will conduct a memorial I school authorities should have more the Dallas School Board which Senate Labor Rarkets Committee western .statesmen a direct service at the citadel at 7:.10 pm. contended Judge Atwell in set­ time to proceed with de.segregation. in Washington abmit paying reply to the clear and concrete Afro-Asians for Mrs. Mary Arnold. Previously, the Appeals Court ting a specific dale to- integration $'20,000 t(T get criminal eases fixed here had ruled Dallas schools mu.st failed lo comply with the man­ in Schoolfleld's court. proposals of (he SoViet gov­ The Youth Choir of Covenant integrate "with all deliberate date of the Appeals Court. - Schoolfleld ignored a rortlmittee ernment,” Pravda .said, Congregational Church will re­ speed. ■' Tlje .school board asked for s Iqfltation to testify and has de­ Nationalize hearse at the church tomorrow at Federal District J\idge William writ of mandamus ordering Judge clined so far to discu.ss It publicly. Washington. Dec. 27 (>P)— 7 p.m. At the same hour members ' Atwell at Dallas then set the time Atwell, to change his mind; the The outspoken jurist, one-time The Soviet proposal to "ban By ANTOINE YARED of the Confirmation Class will St midterm, which comes in Feb­ Appeals Court said that because ^"nd^ate for Ihe weapoiLS in Ceiltri have a Christmas part.v at the , FROM MANCHESTER'S ORIGINAL SELF SERVE GROCERY STORE— ; of its action in reversing the ap­ mination for governor, told news- i n. , Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 27>(/P)— ruary. The Soviet Union today of­ Richard Nelson home. 61 Garth The Appeals'Court, in an opin- peal. the petition for mandamus men last night that his local televi- | U urope was reported\Up Rd Pastor Rask may be called if Ion by J,.dge Richard Rives, said. | T nlJ? Sion reply would involve more than | intensive Study toda.v by fered large-scale loans and transportation is needed. i "We thought, and still think, that i i” ***. t u - his own guilt or Innocence. ! U.S. officials charting pos- economic assistance to all this court's mandate made it clear' * •.'V.C. ««« . .u”He . declinedi, 't,'".'' to— dftw.ss details of j new, A m ei icaii di.sarma-l African-Asian nations, and in "Africa As I Saw It" will be! Quiet of NiffJit Broken hy Music HALEYS Self Serve and Meat Dept. that before a more specific date I ^ ' " ‘d dt would "con- [mont moves. ' effect called upon them to na­ presented by Miss Florence U I Salvation Army carolers, accompanied by a brass sextet, serenaded with Christmas carols Christmas should be fixed and before anv m - ’ «well's"1^ e iis n<o»..order Into inlegiate .1al m id-! affect every man. woman-and child"i “ ^ The plan advanced by Soyiet tionalize -foreign enterprises. Harrison at a dinner Jan. 16 ini Eve. They visited several areas in town The carol sing Christmas Eve is a tradition with the ders or judgments should he en- term, A Texas law passed ! Premier Bulganin in a letter to Hartford, by the Service Bureau ! 4 • , • ,, Isl ,ess.SOS'S! iriovInst IJJin slisthe at’ jllt nited s t l StstesLolfr," 'e,of s\$III.\merica. | Iko. •'The offer of aid was mad* in tha Salvation Army here. i Herald Photo bv Ofiarai. !r 4 r<^ulre compliance with May penalizes achool diatrirta for It will involve more than just the P**-^^*^*^^ Eisenhower two weeks Russian delegation's economic re­ for Women's Orginazations. Miss tlie judgment directed unless it receives a guilt or Innhcence of Raulston regarded as unacceptable Harrison recently' returned from a See Our Display For port to the Africa-Asian confer­ date, the sehool authorities should majority vote of- its. voters...... .favoring coring Schoolfleld"Schoolfleld " ’ .• i n itswa presp r e ^ t form. ence which opened here yesterday 4-month tour of the African con­ Pfc. Charles A. Borgida. son of be accorded Mrs. David .Mark, 17M Garden a reasonable further , integration.
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