Name Legal Description Physical Description Land Use Area (ha) Region Land District L/B PF251 Cnr Pupuke Road & SH10, Takakuri Sect 1, S0 Plan 67159 Farmland Rural 12.318 Northland Far North District, L/B PF254 Off Tohanga Road, Lake Ohia, Lake Ohia Sect 16 , Blk VIII Rangaunu S.D Rural Farm Land Rural 3.3386 Northland Far North District, L/B PF255 Cnr Puckey Ave & Taaffe Street, Kaitaia Lots 289-291 DP 14289 Ex Bus Depot Commercial 0.4135 Northland Far North District, L/B PF257 23 Colonel Mould Drive, (Lot 3), Mangonui Lot 3 DP 81576 Vacant Urban Section Residential 0.1139 Northland Far North District, L/B PF258 Off Tohanga Road, Lake Ohia, Lake Ohia Sect 11, Blk VIII Rangauna S.D Vacant rural land Rural 2.0461 Northland Far North District, L/B PF269 Kohumaru Station, Otangaroa Road, Kohumaru Sect 1 SO 62833 , Sect 1 SO654 Farm Residential 944.7448 Northland Far North District, L/B PF322 3 Florance Ave (ex 3 Hope Ave), Matauwhi Bay, Russell Sec 1 SO 68218 Residence and detached cottage Residential 0.1805 Northland Far North District, L/B PF414 12 Green Lane Access, Kaeo Lot 2 DP 50878 3 Bedroom House Residential 0.2931 Northland Far North District, L/B PF690 Otiria Road & SH 1, Moerewa Lots 1&2 DP 124185 Bare Land Rural 13.6696 Northland Far North District, L/B PF728 Whangaroa Road, Whangaroa, Kaeo part Opuhiiti No 1 Blk Undeveloped rural block Rural 11.6549 Northland Far North District, L/B PF961 9B Cable Bay Block Road, Coopers Beach Lot 4 DP 60617 house and section Residential 0.1146 Northland Far North District, L/B PF969 Puketotara Block, 420 Mangakaretu Road, Kerikeri Secs 1&2 SO 65745 and Sec 3 SO 64267 Farm Residential 452.387 Northland Far North District, L/B PF989 21A Parkdale Crescent, Kaitaia Lot 49 dp 77073 6 Bedroom House Residential 0.1389 Northland Far North District, L/B PF990 42 Church Road, Kaitaia Lots 2&3 DP 55296 6 Bedroom building Residential 0.1702 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1035 SH10 & 4 Wrathall Road, Mangonui Lot 1 & 2 DP 164400 2 vacant residential sections Rural 0.708 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1106 123 Main Road, Moerewa Allotment 294 Parish of Kawakawa Ex Post Office used for residential purposes Residential 0.091 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1130 Paihia Rd to Lyon & Baffin Sts, Opua Pt Lot 1 DP 183896, Pt Lot 1 DP 183897, Lot 1 DP 199153 and Lots 1&2 DP 147225 Coastal area - Bare Land Other 9.3733 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1152 SH10, Urlich Hill, Mangonui Lot 1 DP 106559 Bare lifestyle block Rural 8.7946 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1268 5975 SH10 California Hill, Awanui Part Kareponia 1B2B 3 bedroom dwelling Residential 0.3332 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1275 35A&B Landing Road, Kerikeri Lots 2 & 3 DP 151027 2 X 3Bdrm dwellings on 2 sections Residential 0.2248 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1276 67 Reinga Road, Kerikeri Lot 26 DP 67308 3 Bdrm dwelling Residential 0.0822 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1279 101 Kerikeri Road, Kerikeri Lot 1 DP 155316 Land used for carparking Commercial 0.0779 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1319 Cumber Road, Ex Ag Research Farm, Kaikohe Lots 1-3, DP 154332, Sec 19 Blk XVI Omapere SD, Sec 30 Blk1V Punakitere SD/Sec 34 Blk319 XVI HaOmapere former SDAgResearch Farm Residential 318.8 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1398 3789 SH1 & Colcroft Road, Towai Lot 1 DP 162676 Bare land used for grazing Rural 1.5276 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1407 7579 SH1 Ohaeawai, RD2, Kaikohe Lot 1 DP 158112 Ex Scholl 3 bdrm house Residential 0.0924 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1536 SH12 Ohaeawai-Opononi, Ngawha Pt Ngatokaturua B Block 11 ha of rural land with 4 bdrm house Residential 11.0094 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1693 24 Lanark Road, Kerikeri Lot 34 DP 154299 and part Lot 1 DP 36697 5 bedroom house on 1.7 hectare section Residential 1.727 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1763 283 Ninihi Road, West of Kaikohe, Otaua Lot 5 DP 42395 Lessor interest - 413 ha sheep & cattle grazing/fattening Residential 413.184 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1766 Waiotemarama Gorge Road, Pakanae Section 15 Blk VI Hokianga Survey District Former quarry site Rural 6.1158 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1815 5 Mary Ann Place, Kaitaia Lot 19 DP 69291 Residential section with dwelling Residential 0.0904 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1826 77 Waiare Road, Okaihau Allotment 38 & Part Allotment Sth West 19 Parish of Omapere and Pt Kainga Pokanoa BlockFormer quarry site with dwelling Residential 7.7883 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1881 34 Tawanui Road, Kaikohe Lot 29 DP 42661 Three bedroom dwelling on 888 m² section Residential 0.0888 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1922 Waikare Avenue, Kaeo Lot 1 DP 87199 2 adjoining two bedroom flats Residential 0.1251 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1928 5 Leigh Street, Kaeo Part Snowdens Grant 3 bedroom dwelling on 1315 m² section Residential 0.1315 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1940 31 -33 Purdy Street, Kaikohe Lot 2 DP 67082 2 free standing flats on 890 m² residential section Residential 0.089 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1941 35 Purdy Street, Kaikohe Lot 1 DP 67082 3 bedroom dwelling on 721 m² residential section Residential 0.0721 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1973 SH1/Puketi Rd, Okaihau Section 1 SO 54356 2.67 hectares vacant land used for rough grazing Rural 2.67 Northland Far North District, L/B PF2011 Carey Road, Kaikohe Lot 1 , DP 162186 Rural land Rural 0.4002 Northland Far North District, L/B PF2014 - 8 William Street, Kaikohe Lot 7 DP 43529 4 bedroom dwelling constructed circa 1960's on a 870 m² residential section. Residential 0.087 Northland Far North District, L/B PF1999 40A Raihara Street, Kaikohe Lot 1 Deposited Plan 478617 1940's timber weatherboard 3 bedroom single level dwelling (104 m²), and a single garage, on a 1097 m² residential zoned section.Residential Flat contour. 40A0.1097 is the frontNorthland dwelling on a shared access.Far North District, L/B PF2015 -12 Williams Avenue, Kaikohe Lot 9 Deposited Plan56889 1960's timber weatherboard 3 bedroom single level dwelling (100m²) on a 832m² residential zoned section Residential 0.0832 Northland Far North District, L/B PF2023 12 Purdy Street, Kaikohe Lot 47 DP 38220 3 Bedroom dwelling on a flat 8 Residential 0.0855 Northland Far North District, L/B PF726 29 Onslow Road, Dargaville Lot 250, DP 859; Part Kaihu 2D Blk Bare residential section Residential 0.1012 Northland Kaipara District, L/B PF771 Kaihu Wood Rd SE of Waipara Rd, Just off Wood Road, Kaihu Pt Opaneke 1C &2D Blks, Blk II Kaihu S.D Bare rural section Rural 1.5429 Northland Kaipara District, L/B PF956 37 Jervois Street, Dargaville Lot 133 DP 859 1 Bedroom House Residential 0.0809 Northland Kaipara District, L/B PF1158 17 West Coast Road, Te Kopuru Lot 7 DP 17979 Bare residential section Residential 0.1012 Northland Kaipara District, L/B PF1261 714 Babylon Coast Road, Omamari Lot 1 DP 194988 Farmlet with 3 Bdrm dwelling Residential 5.186 Northland Kaipara District, L/B PF1498 27 Mamaranui Road, Mamaranui Lots 1 & 2 and Pt Lot 3 DP 30892 and Pt Lots 1 and 2 DP 23173 Three classroom school, pool & sheds etc Other 1.2563 Northland Kaipara District, L/B PF415 Cove Road (Cullen-St Anne Rds), Waipu Cove Lot 2 DP 150683 Bare rural residential section Residential 0.2205 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF967 9 Bank Street, Whangarei Lot 1 DP 157146 on Record of Title NA94B/795 Bare urban land (with advertisement hoardings) Commercial 0.0215 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF968 Tamingi/Te One/Karawai Streets, Marsden Village, Ruakaka Lots 2-6 DP 174870 as contained in Records of title NA107C/635, NA107C/636 and NA107C/6372015 site description - Lot 2 - this is an irregular shaped site that is located to the southern side of Rime Road and western side of Te OneOther Street (zoned22.734 BusinessNorthland 2 and Open Space). TheWhangarei site is undulating District, in contour with some low hills towards the L/B PF1038 194 Gibbs Road, former prison farm, Puhipuhi Puhipuhi 4B North 3B, 3A & 4 block Hukerenui S.D rural farm property Residential 119.0204 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF1269 290 Western Hills Drive, Whangarei Lot 1 DP 27129 Three Bedroom dwelling Residential 0.1335 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF1270 929 Kokopu Road, Kokopu, Maungatapere Lot 3 DP 17116 3 Bedroom House on .62 ha section Residential 0.6237 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF1305 Walton/Robert Street, Army Hall, Whangarei Lots 1&5 Section XIII Deeds Plan W22 and Lots 1&2 DP 199490 Army hall, offices, workshop, storage Other 0.2313 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF1322 52 Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka Lot 1 DP 63333 Three Bedroom dwelling Residential 0.0954 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF1323 202 Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka Lot 8 DP 53669 Four bedroom dwelling Residential 0.083 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF1325 14 Argyle Street, Waipu Lot 1 DP 52572 Three Bedroom dwelling Residential 0.1133 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF1330 Kamo Road, Kamo Lot 1 DP 140003 Bare industrial land Industrial 0.9751 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF1359 Cnr SH1/9 Domain Road, Hukerenui, Whangarei Section 8 SO 69862 and Lot 1 DP 203371 Rural land with three bedroom dwelling Residential 0.1524 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF1397 24 Manaia View Road, One Tree Point, Ruakaka Lot 15 DP 75222 Block of 2 flats Residential 0.0662 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF1399 270 Kamo Road, Kamo Lot 3 DP 209696 plus interest in Lot 5 Bare residential section Residential 0.128 Northland Whangarei District, L/B PF1400 270A Kamo Road,
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