E462 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 28, 2021 which is affected by current laws keeping and by sharing their rich culture and traditions First Lt. Somers met her physician husband, their money out of the bank system. The with neighbors and friends. In Illinois’ Third Captain Joseph Aloysius Ballard, while serving SAFE Banking Act provides clarity for busi- District, which has one of the largest con- at the Chanute Field Army Hospital in Illinois. ness owners, banks, and regulators in the cannabis industry while promoting safety centrations of Palestinian, Jordanian, and Syr- They married on April 2, 1948. Dr. and Mrs. and ensuring further growth to the U.S. ian Americans in the country, the Arab Amer- Ballard made their home in Lexington, Ken- economy. ican community is a fundamental part of our tucky, where they raised eight children and REALTORS thank you for your diligent civic life and culture. were active members of Christ the King work to help provide access and clarity to le- Unfortunately, Arab Americans continue to Church. Mrs. Ballard had 17 grandchildren gitimate businesses in those states that have face misconceptions, bigotry, and anti-Arab and 11 great-grandchildren, with 2 more ex- legalized cannabis, which in turn will boost hate. These civil rights abuses, and instances pected in July. In 2015, at the age of 95, Mrs. economic growth in real estate and other in- of harmful stereotyping and bullying, must be Ballard threw out the first pitch at the Lex- dustries around the country. combatted through education, awareness, and Sincerely, ington Legends Military Appreciation Night to CHARLIE OPPLER, legislation. highlight Kentucky’s women veterans. 2021 President, Arab Americans join all Americans in the It is my honor to recognize this amazing pa- National Association of REALTORS. desire to see a peaceful and diverse society, triot, celebrate her life, and appreciate her for f where every individual is treated equally and her service and sacrifice to our nation during feels safe; we must continue to work towards World War II. As a part of ‘‘The Greatest Gen- RECOGNIZING GITANJALI RAO, a future where every American is able to live eration’’, Mrs. Ballard was an important part of COLORADO’S 4TH DISTRICT CON- free from discrimination. the war effort to preserve the freedoms that GRESSIONAL APP CHALLENGE I am proud to celebrate the extraordinary we enjoy today. I am forever grateful for WINNER contributions Arab Americans have made to Americans like Mary Somers Ballard. this country, and I am deeply honored to rec- ognize National Arab American Heritage HON. KEN BUCK f OF COLORADO month this April. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f DISTRACTED DRIVING AWARENESS Wednesday, April 28, 2021 PERSONAL EXPLANATION MONTH Mr. BUCK. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize Ms. Gitanjali Rao for being selected HON. CHERI BUSTOS HON. RAJA KRISHNAMOORTHI OF ILLINOIS as Colorado’s 4th District Congressional App OF ILLINOIS Challenge Winner. With one in five pre-teens IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the U.S. reporting being cyberbullied, Wednesday, April 28, 2021 cyberbullying others, or having seen Mrs. BUSTOS. Madam Speaker, I was un- Wednesday, April 28, 2021 cyberbullying, Ms. Rao’s app ‘‘Kindly’’ serves able to vote on the Legislative Day of April 19, Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI. Madam Speaker, I as a preventative measure to help protect 2021. For the purposes of supporting human America’s children from this unfortunately rise today to join thousands of organizations rights around the world, had I been present for and individuals around the country in observa- common harassment. the roll call vote H. Res. 130—Condemning Ms. Rao, a student at STEM School High- tion of Distracted Driving Awareness Month. the continued violation of rights and freedoms Ten years ago, a mother who lost her daugh- lands Ranch and TIME’s 2020 Kid of the Year, of the people of Hong Kong by the People’s created the app ‘‘Kindly’’, a one-of-a-kind app ter to a distracted driving crash successfully Republic of China and the Government of the petitioned this body to have April officially des- that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to Hong Kong Special Administrative, I would detect and prevent cyberbullying at an early ignated as Distracted Driving Awareness have cast the following vote: Month. Unfortunately, we are still dealing with stage. Ms. Rao’s commitment to young people Roll Call 121: Yea. affected by cyberbullying is a credit to her. Her the impact of distracted driving on our road- f hard work and ingenuity are showcased ways. through this thoughtful, innovative app. She IN MEMORY OF MARY SOMERS Research shows that using electronic de- has shown true leadership in her community, BALLARD vices increases cognitive distraction. This can and her app will help defeat cyberbullying be deadly on the road, where a split-second around the country. HON. ANDY BARR distraction can cause a crash. Approximately On behalf of the 4th Congressional District OF KENTUCKY 3,142 people died in distraction affected driv- of Colorado, I extend my best wishes to Ms. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing crashes in 2019—that’s eight people every Rao. Madam Speaker, it is an honor to recog- Wednesday, April 28, 2021 day dying from a completely preventable nize Ms. Rao for her great accomplishments. cause—and this number is widely believed to f Mr. BARR. Madam Speaker, I rise today to be undercounted. honor the life of Mrs. Mary Somers Ballard. During the COVID–19 pandemic, the roads IN HONOR OF NATIONAL ARAB Mrs. Ballard was born in Holyoke, Massachu- have become much more dangerous. Motor AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH setts on July 22nd, 1919. She passed away vehicle deaths in 2020 are estimated to be the on April 14, 2021. highest in 13 years, despite dramatic drops in Mrs. Ballard was a descendant of two of the HON. MARIE NEWMAN miles driven Americans stayed home. While co-founders of Rhode Island. She was a proud OF ILLINOIS it’s too early to have a full understanding of New Englander who trained in nursing at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES what caused this increase in the number of Mercy Hospital in Springfield, Massachusetts. people dying in crashes, distraction certainly Wednesday, April 28, 2021 She enrolled at Boston University and worked played a part. Ms. NEWMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise to at Massachusetts General Hospital. At the age celebrate April as Arab American Heritage of 23, she entered the U.S. Army Nurse Recognizing these dangerous trends, I’m Month and honor the outstanding contributions Corps, 811th Air Evacuation Squadron. When proud to be the leader of the SAFE TO DRIVE that Arab Americans have made to this coun- asked why she joined the military, she said Act with my colleagues MIKE GALLAGHER and try. ‘‘We were at war. I joined the Army Air Corps STEVE COHEN. SAFE TO DRIVE incentivizes For over a century, Arab Americans have because I thought I could make a contribu- states to pass laws eliminating distraction on been an integral part of virtually every aspect tion.’’ First Lieutenant Somers served two our roadways. I hope my colleagues will join of American society, including medicine, law, years in England. Following D–Day, she cared me in supporting passage of this legislation. business, education, technology, government, for the wounded soldiers in hospital flights I encourage all motorists to commit to driv- military service, and culture. The incredible from France and Germany to England. Mrs. ing attentively and safely, without the distrac- contributions and heritage of Arab Americans Somers was stationed with U.S. troops behind tion of cell phones or other devices. I also have helped us build a better nation. enemy lines during the Battle of the Bulge and hope my colleagues will join me this month in Men and women of Arab descent have entered Paris the day after its liberation. After raising awareness about this important issue. strengthened their communities through in- the war, she remained in the reserves until Do it for all of our constituents. Their lives are volvement in community service and public life she married. more valuable than any call, email, or text. 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