I RIC HARD W. 8ARSTOW Dr akewalls House , Drakewalls , Gunni sl ake , Cornwall , England. TEL. ~O .: Tavistock 632381 ( STD (022 ) V.A.T.No. : 132-7852- 67 ORDERI NG INFORMA TION Mail orders are prom ptly filled and despatched on a 7- day examination basis , subj ect to a pproval. Immedi at e refund guar anteed on r eturn of the specimen(s) in good condition. Please quote the name and numbe r of the s pecimen( s ) r equired and enclose P.o ./Cheque with or der. All prices are inclusive of V.A.T. No charge is ma de f or postage and packing , except for overseas customers and postage ov er 75p. We r es erve the ri ght to make slight substitutions , if necessary , unless advised to the contrary. Special r equests a,!d "wants lists" are welcome . We hope t hat we may be of some service to you , and assure you of our best attention at all t i mes. APRIL 1980 1. AESCH YN ITE. Va l Nalps , Graubunden, Switzerland. Sharp micro crystals impl anted on g1i1eiss matrix . ~xi " £1. 50p 2. AGARDITE. Gou Skour , J bel Sarhrp , Morocco. Specimen A: Apple- green s~a l l fibrous tufts and masses scattered ov er large well formed Azurite crystal s which are mostly r eplaced by gr een Ma l achite - the crystal s ranging in size up to f" , and intergrown on a limonitic matrix. 1-~'x1 fx1 ~ " , @9.oo . Specimen B: Apple- green crystal tuf t s scatter ed ov er limonitic matrix with a little crystal lised Azurite . 1 ~x 1" , £1. 50p 3. ALGODO NITE. Mohawk Mine , Keweenaw Pen., ~lichig a n , U.S.g , Very rich tarnished br assy mass with quartz. 2tx2x1i ", £8. 00 4. ALLEMONTITE. Trebsco , 80h emia , C.S.S.R. Specimen A: Solid dark grey metallic mass. 1i x1i x1" , £7.00. Specimen 8 : Rich dark grey mass on quartiose matrix . 1ix1~X1" , £3.50p 5. ANAPAITE. Gellaver de Cerdena , Gerona , Spai n. A 1~x1 " cavity in mudst one lined with olive coloun,d bright sparkling crystals. 2x2x1~ " , £3.75p 6. ANGLESITE . Greystone , Lezant , Cornwall. Small glassy lustrous shar p s pear- like crystals richly lining small cavities in galena/quartz matrix. Specimen A: 2~x2x1~ " , £3 .7§p. Specimen 0: 2x1 -tx1~ ", £2.75p. Speci men C: 1f.X1 ", £1 . 50p 7. APATITE variety FRA NCOLITE. Holmbush Mine , Stoke Climsland, Cornwall. Sharp clear colourless crystals to 3 rrrn in size lining cavities in quartz veinstuff. :,. or"n Specimen A: 2 x1 -}x 1 ~ " , £3.75p. Specimen 0 : - not so ri ch as specimen A - 1f.x1i" , £1.75p 8. ARGE NTITE. Ra yas Mine , Gu anajuato , Mexico. Small sharp Silvery- grey cryst als to 3 mm in size s cottered and intergrown on chalcopyrite matrix. 1 ~x t.x~· " , £8.00 9. ARSENOPYRITE. Panasqueira , Oeira- Oeixa , Portugal. Specimen A: Oright Si lvery sharp crystals to nearly 1" in size intergrown on matrix , with the reverse side showing s harp creumi} rhombic calcite crystal s to ~ " in Size, and a little crystallised siderit e . 3x 2~ 1 t " , £24.00. Specimen 0: Bright silvery sharp crystals to i " in size inter growCl on massive arsenopyrite. 2~xl~X1 -~ " , £12 . 25p 10. ATACAMITE. Moonta, South nustralia . Lustrous dark green small sharp crystals lining cavities in cellular massive at acamite with a little limonite. 2f.x2x1f." , £12.00 2 11. AZURITE. TynQgll I-Ii ne , Co. Galway , Ireland. SmQll bright bluB sparkli ng crystals thic~ly lining numBrous l ar ge cavities in cullul?r crystalli ne a zurite and light brown limonite m",trix , with a littlB bright green fibrous r~a lachite in placl:!s .. r x3-}x2·i~· II , £26 , 00 12. DARV TES . Settlingstones Mine , Hexham , Northumberland. Lustrous creamy coloured bl aded crystals to 1 cm i n size intergrown all over witherite matrix. 2tx2" , £3.50p . 13. OARVT ES. Florence i'iine , Egr emont , Cumberland. Sel ect gro p of large l ustrous crBumy coloured tubular tarminatad crystal s to over 2" on f aca edges. One side of the crystals are coated with crBomy saddle- shaped DolomitB crystals . At tractive speci men for displ ay , 4+x4~'x2" , £24.00 14. BAS TNAES I TE . Mo untuin Pass Mine , California , U.S . A. VBry rich pi nkish massas with minor mat rix. 1h1t" , £1 . 25p each. 15. DER THIERITE . Pri bram , DohBmi a , C.S.S.R. Ta rnished met allic gray bl aded masses intergrown with minor quartz matrix. 3x2x1" , £14 . 00 16. OERVL variBty A[jUAM,qRINE . Teofilo Otani , Minas Garais , Br azi l. A claar well formed and terminated single cryst al showing interesting etch patterns in places. 33mm long by 9x9mm across the axis . £3.00 17. OI NDH EI MITE. Travinnick Mina, St. Kew , Cornwall. Very rich YBllowish maSS BS with quartz and minor limonite. SpBcimun A: 4x2tX1t " , £7 . 00. Specimen 0: 2tx2x1t " , £4 .75p. SpBci men C: 2x2x1" , £2.75p. Specimen D: 1 ~x1x 1 " , £1.50p 18. orSMUTHINITE . Fowey Consols mm~ , Tywardreat h , Cornwall. Si lvery- gray aci cul ar crystals sparsel y scattered in cavities in cellular quartz/chulcopyrite veinstuff. 2'~'x2x 1 -~' '' ' £B . OO 1 ~ . OORNI TE . · Hingston Down Mine , Calstock , Cornwall. Pur ply t arnished mass with a li ttlB silvery arsenopyrite in associati on. 1tx1t x1 " , £2. 75p 20. OR EWSTERITE . Corrantru8 Mina , Strontian, Argyllshi r e , Scotland. Small sharp creamy to colourless crystal s thi ckly ancrusti ng both si dBs of mat rix. 2.;!-x 1*" , £2.50p 21 . CALCITE . Ladywash ~line , Eyam , Derbyshire. A group of large transpar ant t o translucent well formed scalBnoh edr al crystals in parallel growth . The l argBst orystal i s y~" i8 size. Overall SiJZB 4~x4x2t " , £17.00 22. CALCITE . Luvant ~1 in e , Plmde(m , Cornwall. Lustrous creamy sharp huxagona l crystal s to nearly 1 cm in size intergrown on small claar quartz crystal s soveri ng ma trix. >}x2x1~~ , €5 . 00 23. CALCITE. Tsumeb , Otavi , S.W. Africa . Sharp clear lustrous r hombic cr yst als t o i " in si ze dotted on smallur calcite crystals , some tinged appl e- green by inclUSiO ns 07 .duf tite, covari ng matrix. 4-!rx2~ " , £1 2 .00 24. CARNO TITE . Uravan, Colorado , U.S. A. VerV rich yellowi sh masses wi t h sandst one . Specimen A: 3xJ~- " , €4 .75p. Speci men 0 : 2x1tx1-t" , £3.50p 25. CASSITERITE . T8snn , ncar PotOSi , Oolivia . A rolle'd pebble of fi ne grai ned creamy to' ,utty coloured alluvial cassiter ite . 3x2~x1.;!- ", £2 . 50p 26 ; CASS I TERITE . UnCi a , Oru ro , Oolivia . Unusual greyish to dark brown botryoidNl masses of ' wood-tin' . Speci mens each a ppr ox 1tx1 " , £1.75p each . 27 . CASSITERITE . J omaluang District , Muluya. Reddish to creamy- white rol l ed all uvial pebb18S in plastic bogs , uach containing a pprox 8 ozs. Some of the pebbl es show rounded crystal faces . £2 .50p per bag . 28. CASSITERI TE variety Wood- Tin. Wust Whual Kitty , St. Agnes , Cor nwal l. Dark brown banded mass with a littlu qU Qrtz. Tge specimen has been cut and po lished to show thu banding to !;lest advant age; 2-tx2" , £4 .75p 29 . CERARGVRITE . Cerro GordQ , AtQcama district , Chi lo. Orowni sh masses ri chl y covering gossQny limonitic matri x with small bright gr ue n sharp ATACAMI TE cryst als in association. 3x2.;!-x1~ " " £14.00 3 30. CERUSSITE. r r 2nc!ybottl l2 ili n2 , Swdod;]l l2 , Yorkshire. Lustrous cro;]my - whit G t,buiwr crystQls to 1 cm in sizL thickly int l2 rgrown on l Qrgo Qr OQS of co l lul~ r barytos Qnd limoni t u m,trix . 5x:8-x2.l· " , £15. 50p 31 . CHRO~l E CERUS SITE. Ku pi ~l i no, Dun dos , T;]sm3ni Q, Aust rali ::J . Spociml2n A: Lust raus light yellowi sh- gr een sharp cr ystol s t o 4 mm i n si ze richly lining a 2" cavi ty i n limonitic mQt rix with trElCOS of croamy-whitG dundasite . ~x2~x1 i " , £16. 00. Spocimo n ~ : Lustr ous yellowis h- gr ue n sharp crystal s to 3 mm i n si zo scattor ud over limonitic mo t r ix. 2+x 1.:Lx1" , £6 . 00 32. CHALCOC I TE . C2rn 21'0;] Mine , Illog;]n , Cor nwall. Da r k gr oyi sh sharp platy hoxagonal crys t al s which appear to h av ~ altored to borni to , to 5 mm in size , richl y i ntergrown nnd scatt er od ovor c81 lulnr qU8rtzos8 vEJ instuff. A hand writton Si r Arthur Russoll 18bel accompani es t he s pecimen , which st at es th8t i t was originally in t he Caroness Curdctt-Coutts collecti on. 3x2~'x2 " , £38 . 00 33 . CER USSI TE. Huol Goot , Orittony, Frnnco. Lustrous well formed translucent cr ystal s to 1 cm i n si zo scatt er od ov er limoni tic matrix. A vory ol d 8nd int erest ing specime n, oX8mpl os f rom t his 10c8lity 91'0 now r8r e . ~x3 ", £38. 00 34 . CHALCOPHYLLITE . Penberthy Croft Mi ne , st. Hilary , Cornwall. Oright emeral d- green platy cryst al s t o 3 mm i n size scatter od in cavi ties in cellul ar gossany matrix wi th a littlo botryoid8l ma ib achito. 2x1t x1 " , £7.00 35. CHILDRE NI TE. Goorgu & Charlotto Mine , near Tavi stock , Devo nshi r o.
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