:Cia'ss Honors af Dansville Are .Announced by F·aculfy , Sopurnt~cl hy the nnrrowcHt of The Ingham County mnrglns, u girl will lenil the l!J'i7 Ninety-Eighth Year No. 7 J.ll'liduntlng . class at Dnnsvlllo Mason, Michigan, Thursday, February 14, 1957 Agrlcultl!rnl school, with n hoy 4 Soctions- 30 P11go~. ns. snlutatorlfln, Dorothy Duns· more. Is the vnlcrllctorlnn, tho !nculty announcer!, with noylyn Voss the· snluatorlnn, The girl's IIY(!rugc Is 3.57, the hoy's, 3,53. Democrats Sight Win in April Election Dorothy Is the dnughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Dunsmore, Dletr, road, noylyn Is the son of Mr. 1ind Mrs. Orin Voss, Sr., Wll· llnmston road. Stw enter·ecl Dnn8· Last 127 Link vllle , Agricultural srolwol from Delegates Back the Dart rllstr!ct unr! he from the Cndy, both us freshmen. Will Be. Ready Doth have been. !cac!ers !n ex· trn·currlc\llar nctlvlllcs ns well Ryan for Judge ns Is sdwlast!cs. By Next Fall The· valcd!ctor!nn l111s been !n choru~; for 1 ycnrs, harl pitrts In SpecllicatlnnH being drawn up In Mason Wednesday night dclegntcs to the county con­ hoth the junior nne! ser)lor plays, !or the lnst !Ink of US·127 he· vention pl'Ophesied gains in the April election. They en­ served on the student council for Doi'Othy DliJISIIUll'e tween LeH!Ie nnrl the Jncltson 2 yenrs, on the Brlcl•s and Ivy section recently let have a De· dm·sed .Judge Theodore P. Ryan fm· support in Monday's non­ staff, ns llbrnrlun one year unci comber 1<1, 1057, completion dnte. partisan judicial primary. They backed Fred Tripp in Lan­ Is chairman of the chapel com· Bids on the 9 miles of grueling sing's non-partisan mayomlty race. Delegates also flocked mlttcc this year. nncl drn!nage structur·r!s covering The .Voss hoy has been a leacl· the •·clocatlon from Lrslie south· .· ru·ouncl Stuart .T. Dunnings, Jr., to ~lgn his pelilion Jm· state cr In FI~A for ·1 ye:n·s, hacl a role erly nt•c lwlng t11lcr.n Werinesrlay, senatm·. In the junior play, was aclvertls· MurPh 6, The rleari!lnc Is l0:.3rJ The convention was called to elect. clclcgntcs to the stai.L! lng manager of Drldts nnrl Tv~, that forenoon, TIH'y w!l! lw sang In the chorus 2 yPnrs, was· opener! In the small illtclltorlum convent ion in Grand Rnpids Febt'Llll ry 22 and 2:1 Ingham i!-1 librarian 2 years,· pnrticlpatecl In of the Lansing Civic Center, uc· entitled to 3~ slate dclegatl!s. trac·k 3 yenrs anrl In h!s sopho· col'f!ing to a legal notice whleh Ingham Democmts doubled mol'c year played hnsehnll and appears on Page 7, Pm·t 4, of the haslmthnll. Ingham County News.' the number, giving to each : AftE:r grarhtatlon from high i Blr!s ,viii cover grading and ' 1elegate one-half vole. 5 Candidates school Dorothy plltn~ to do secre· drainage structures for 8.917 I Ingham delegates are going lo tarlal work an~ noylyn expects milcH, with dun! 22·foot r·oncrctc the ~tale C'onvenllon unhossPrl. to enter Michigan State unlver· pavement. , They threw off the unit rule, Make Bid for slty to study agriculture. To be let nl the snmc time will ··Othe1· top seholar.~ nml their be a contract. for 5.468 miles of 1 I Thomas QLrtmhy of Grand .pla'c!ngs arc Darhal'il Cochrane, 2Hoot prime and double seal on Rapids, director of Michigan':< 1 1 Circuit Judge thfrr!: Wilmer· Pnrson, fourth; the west service road from Leslie,. i workmen's compensation depart· Janet Briggs nnd Evelyn 'rown· north to Tomlinson road, ment and a n1Pmber of the n~· Each of Inglmm's ;; srmrt,' tier! for fifth; 'E!eanm· , tlonnl Democratic cornmltlee, in r:anr!ir!alc~ The successful bldrler will he I for circuit judge is speculating Lance, sixth; Norton· Rice, sev· 1 his lwynole address J!ayed Re· required lo start work on the who hiH opponent will he after cnth; John Phelps, eighth; and publicans anr! praised Democrat:;. Itoylyn Voss Lesl!e-Jackson stretch within 1rJ Monday. Cnrl Minnis, ninth .. , He alluded to State l!lghway clays after . getting notice of TIH' c•ontcsl In fill the vacarwy 1 Commissioner Charles 1\f. Zieg. award. He muHt start grading by caused hy rctlrPmPnl of .Turlge April and progress at the rate : ller as Clntckhole Charlie. 1' Charlc!s llayr!en will slim to 2 of cubic yards per week, .r. (n.gha.m .. D(!irymen Learn of GO,OOQ. ; Democrats can not. call Mlch· In Monday's SJICdai primary. He must start paving operations " lgnn 11 Democratic stale, Quimby Those 2 will be chosen from by · August 1 and complete the 'j 1 declared, until the party cap. among: ~topo:~~·d Milk Control Law paving by October 15. Even I tures county coul'l houses and though the road must be opened Itown halls. In only G of 107 years, Sam Stt·c•Pt II u~IIC's, formt•r · 'Glynn McBride, MSU agricul· "On the other hand,'' McBride tci I raffle hy December 14, the Quimby said, have Democrats Lansir]g mayor and former Lan­ ~ing municipal judge. IUTlli' economics authority, played said, "such control laws would contractor wl!l have until July been in control of the lcgb!ature. !ollow·thc·lcadet through a maze tend to slow technical advances, ADVENTURE BECKONS young women as well as young men. These 3 London misses are working C. Urlli'C! h:c·tl~y, a Lansin>r 15, '!958, to finish up fencing and their way _?round part of the world by stenography. They came to Mason to sec a pen pal, the former Two of !hose yeat•s wcr·e in 18!J3 of state milk' control pros ancl !till Incentive on the part of both sodding and seeding, and the 4 years were at the crest member of tax allocation board. cons in Leslie Tuesday afternoon producers and processors, reduce Two other sections between Gloria Gorham, now Mrs. Kenneth 89atty. They are comparing food items in George's Market with of Roosevelt popltlarity-1932 tc: J·:ul·l E. lUcUouatcl, Lansing and never received a scratch. A competition, be subject to polltir:s, Leslie and Jackson were Jet last those of London. That's Gloria at the left. Then come Diana Ball, Brenda Goodman and Marion 1936, Quimby said. municipal judge and for·meL· as· year ago he 'discussed the futility be difficult to administer and month. Potter. They were guests at the George Gorham home. (Ingham County News photo.) sistanl prosecutor. Democrats should not rest un· 1'hcndm·c! 1'. l~yun, former of 'Increased Class I. fluid m!ik ml~;ht ·not either· improve farm ~'*'·' *** **ll' til non·parllsan means non-parll· prices· and was verbally stoned. prices or reduce the price of rc· member of state appeal hoard and san Democrats and independent incumbent judge, apprJintcd by Tue~dny he i!dilrcssed members tali milk." Mason Voters means incl('pendent Democrats, Governor Williams to fill vacancy of the 1\lason local of the Mlciil· McBride sulci th'c proposed Ia.\· the keynoter declared. upon retirement of Jurl!(e !lay. gan Mlllt, ·Producers association would fix producer prices haseri 1 English Maids Visit Mason Pen Pal I · It is quite likely, Quimby said, den. · a~ the nnnunl meeting in Lcsll::-. on cost studies and would also M t Ch ' On a sentimental journey to F'rench·speaking people In Mon· expect to get home on it some· that Democrats will be in a ma· ,JumPs W. Wllliums, Lansinf!, Claiming· that. Michigan State ·Is flx retail prices and regulate us oose Mason last weel: end came 3 !rca!. They hnve enjoyed work· time this year. They're not horne· jority on the supreme court lifter former assistant atlorncy gcn· ori ~obody's side, and 'only inter· tr11de practices. He also pointed . English maicls. They came to sc·~ ing and living in the melting pot sick yet, though. They arc having the April election and that Demo· era!. esteil, In lielping iarm~rs "think out that the law \vou!d only pro· 3 d•d t a pen pal, Mrs. Kenneth Beatty of Windsor and Detroit. They arc fun nnd seeing many sights. crats w!il be in complete control A light vote is foreseen and it through!' state"' milk control legiS· vide for tlw state program and ' c (nee Gloria Gorham.) For 12 now prepared to mix with 'the along the wny. ' f . r an I a es will probably he concentmted in lllti<in;.McBrlde said the proposed that it. would be up to a vote of Iyears, heiMc Gloria was quite, great numbers of Ukranians in The 3 young women say the~ 0 the s~.1te arlmmtstratlve lnarct the cit.y and suburban section of Jaw has no guaraptee .of: hlg!Jcr producers In given marketing 1 . M . , 'll t ·. · '[ ~ . 1 . - .10,. she ancl-onQ of the Englj.sh ·~ml Arthur.. and. Fort. William will rliscuss the Suez crisis if ,by clecttng state hlgh~ay _com· the county. p)'ices · !or prodqcers·. or lower areas whether or not particular I 1 ~tl as~ s.d rs ct ( ~r mar~ girls have been exchanging Jet· and in the Canadian northwest. Canadians ami Americans insist. missioner ana superinte. \ of ., Lansing",'' i~asl Lansing and 'price~· for.oonsumers, In fact, he marl(ets would Pperate under thP. e ec .on 3 , on ay vo ers mus ters.
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