Chicago-Kent Law Review Volume 88 Issue 2 The Supreme Court and the American Article 15 Public April 2013 The International Criminal Court's Unjustified Jurisdiction Claims: Libya As A Case Study Jennifer Nimry Eseed Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.kentlaw.iit.edu/cklawreview Part of the Criminal Law Commons, and the International Law Commons Recommended Citation Jennifer N. Eseed, The International Criminal Court's Unjustified Jurisdiction Claims: Libya As A Case Study, 88 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 567 (2013). Available at: https://scholarship.kentlaw.iit.edu/cklawreview/vol88/iss2/15 This Notes is brought to you for free and open access by Scholarly Commons @ IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chicago-Kent Law Review by an authorized editor of Scholarly Commons @ IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 148 Side A 05/13/2013 14:40:30 \\jciprod01\productn\c\ckt\88-2\8sh882.txt unknown Seq: 1 8-MAY-13 17:06 STUDENT NOTES 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 148 Side A 05/13/2013 14:40:30 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 148 Side B 05/13/2013 14:40:30 \\jciprod01\productn\c\ckt\88-2\8sh882.txt unknown Seq: 2 8-MAY-13 17:06 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 148 Side B 05/13/2013 14:40:30 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 149 Side A 05/13/2013 14:40:30 ͳ͵Ǧ Ǧ ǤȋȌ ͷȀȀʹͲͳ͵ͻǣ͵ ǯ ǣ ȗ ȋDz dz Dz dzȌ Ǥͳ ǡ ǯ ǡǦ Ǥʹ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ͵ǡ ͳʹͳǤͶ ǡ ͳͷǡʹͲͳͳ Ǥͷ ͳͻͲ ʹǡʹͲͳͳ ȗ ǤǤǡʹͲͳ͵ǡ ǦǢǡ Ǧ ǡ ʹͲͳͲǤ 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 149 Side A 05/13/2013 14:40:30 ͳǤAbout the Courtǡ ǡ ǣȀȀǤ Ǧ ǤȀ̴Ȁ ȀΨʹͲΨʹͲ ȀȀΨʹͲΨʹͲ Ǥ ȋ ǤʹͷǡʹͲͳ͵ȌȏAbouttheCourtȐǤ ʹ. Jurisdiction and Admissibilityǡ ǡ ǣȀȀǤ Ǧ ǤȀ̴Ȁ ȀΨʹͲΨʹͲ Ȁ ΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲ ȀȀ ΨʹͲ ΨʹͲǤȋ ǤʹͷǡʹͲͳ͵ȌȋJurisdictionandAdmissibilityȌǤ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ͵ǤThe States Parties to the Rome Statuteǡ ǡ ǣȀȀǤ Ǧ ǤȀ̴ȀȀΨʹͲȀȀΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲ ΨʹͲǤȋ ǤʹͷǡʹͲͳ͵ȌȏTheStatesPartiesȐǤ ͶǤId. ͷǤICCProsecutortoopenaninvestigationinLibyaǡ ȋ Ǥ͵ǡ ʹͲͳͳȌǡǣȀȀǤ Ǧ ǤȀ̴Ȁ Ȁ ΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲ Ȁ ΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲ Ȁ ΨʹͲΨʹͲȀȀȀΨʹͲͲʹͲ͵ͳͳǤǤ ͷ 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 149 Side B 05/13/2013 14:40:30 ͳ͵Ǧ Ǧ ǤȋȌ ͷȀȀʹͲͳ͵ͻǣ͵ ͷͺ CHICAGOǦKENTLAWREVIEW ȏͺͺǣʹ ǡ Dz Ǥdz ͳǡʹͲͳͳǡ ͳͻ͵ǡ ǡ Dz dz Ǧ Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǥͺ ǡ ǡ Ǥͻ ǣȋͳȌǡ Ǧ ͳͷǡʹͲͳͳǢͳͲȋʹȌ ͵ͳǡʹͲͲͷ Ǥͳͳ ǡ Ǧ Ǥͳʹ . In Swift Decisive Action, Security Council Imposes Tough Measures on Libyan Regime, Adopting Resolution 1970 in Wake of Crackdown on Protestsǡ Ͷͻͳ ȋȀͳͲͳͺȀǤͳȌȋ ǤʹǡʹͲͳͳȌǡ ǣȀȀǤǤȀȀȀ ȀʹͲͳͳȀ ͳͲͳͺǤ Ǥ ȏ In Swift Decisive ActionȐǤ ǤSecurityCouncilApproves‘NoǦFlyZone’OverLibya,Authorizing‘AllNecessaryMeasures’to 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 149 Side B 05/13/2013 14:40:30 Protect Civilians, by Vote of 10 in Favour with 5 Abstentionsǡ Ͷͻͺ ȋȀͳͲʹͲͲȌȋǤͳǡʹͲͳͳȌǡ ǣȀȀǤǤȀȀȀ ȀʹͲͳͳȀ ͳͲʹͲͲǤ ǤǤ ͺǤJurisdictionandAdmissibilityǡsupraʹǤ ͻǤ ǡQuestioningAuthority:ACasefortheInternationalCriminalCourt’sProseǦ cution of the Current Sudanese President, Omar AlǦBashirǡ Ͷʹ Ǥ Ǥ ǯ Ǥ Ǥ ͺǡ ͲͶ ȋʹͲͳͲȌȋ ǯ ǡ Ǧ ȌǢ ǡThe Prosecution of Sudanese President Al Bashir: Why a Security Council Deferral Would Harm the Legitimacy of the International Criminal Courtǡ ʹ Ǥ ǯ Ǥ Ǥ ʹǡ ʹͺ ȋʹͲͳͲȌ ȋ Ǧ ǡ ͵ͻȌǢ ǡHoldinganArsonist’sFeettotheFire? TheLegalityAndEnforceabilityoftheICC’sArrestWarrantForSudanesePresidentOmarAlǦBashirǡ ʹͶǤǤ ǯǤǤͺͻǡͻͲ͵ȋʹͲͲͻȌȋ ǯ Ǧǡ ȌǤ ͳͲ. UnitedNationsSecurityCouncilResolution1970ǡ Ͷͻͳ ȋȀȀͳͻͲȌȋ ǤʹǡʹͲͳͳȌǡ ǣȀȀǤǤȀȀ Ȁ̴ ǤǫαȀȀͳͻͲȋʹͲͳͳȌ ȏ Security CouncilResolution1970ȐǤ ͳͳǤ ǡsupraͻǡͻͲͺǦͲͻǤ ͳʹǤ Id.ͻͲʹǤ 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 150 Side A 05/13/2013 14:40:30 ͳ͵Ǧ Ǧ ǤȋȌ ͷȀȀʹͲͳ͵ͻǣ͵ ʹͲͳ͵Ȑ UNJUSTIFIEDJURISDICTIONINLIBYA ͷͻ Ǥͳ͵ǡ ǡ ǡǤͳͶ Ǧ Ǥ ǯ ǯ Ǥ ǡ ȋDz dzȌǡ Ǧ ǡ ǦǤ ͳͷǡ Ȅ ȋǤǤ ȌȄ Ǥ Ǧ ǡ Ǥ Ǧ Ǥ ǤǦ ǯ 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 150 Side A 05/13/2013 14:40:30 Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ͳ͵Ǥ ǡsupraͻǡͲͶǢ ǡsupraͻǡʹͺǤ ͳͶǤ Seesupra9Ǥ ͳͷ. SecurityCouncilResolution1970ǡsupraͳͲǤ 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 150 Side B 05/13/2013 14:40:30 ͳ͵Ǧ Ǧ ǤȋȌ ͷȀȀʹͲͳ͵ͻǣ͵ ͷͲ CHICAGOǦKENTLAWREVIEW ȏͺͺǣʹ ǡ Ǥ A.PoliticalHistoryandOriginoftheRecentConflict ͳͻͻ Ǥͳ ǡ ǡ Ǥͳ ͳͻǡ ǯ ǯ ǡ Dzǯ ǡdz ǤͳͺǦ Ǧ ͳͻͺͲǤͳͻ ʹͲͲʹǡ Ǣ ǡ ǯ ǤʹͲ ʹͲͲǡ Ǧ ǡǤǤ Ǧ ǡ Ǧ ǤǤ ͳͻͷ͵Ǥʹͳ ʹͲͳͲǡ̈́ͳǤͺ Ǥʹʹ B. The2011LibyanConflict ǯǦ ǡ Ǧ Ǥʹ͵ Ǧ 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 150 Side B 05/13/2013 14:40:30 ǯ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ ǡ ǤʹͶ ǡ Ǣ ͳǤ Libya Profile: Timelineǡ ǣ ȋ Ǥ ʹͻǡ ʹͲͳ͵Ȍǡ ǣȀȀǤ Ǥ ǤȀȀǦ Ǧͳ͵ͷͷͶͶͷȏLibyaProfile:TimelineȐǤ ͳǤ Id. ͳͺǤ Id. ͳͻǤ Id. ʹͲǤ Id. ʹͳǤ Id. ʹʹǤ Id. ʹ͵Ǥ ICC issues arrest warrants for Libyan officials for alleged crimes against humanityǡ ȋ ʹǡʹͲͳͳȌǡǣȀȀǤǤȀȀȀǤǫ α͵ͺͺͷͷȏǦ ICCissuesarrestwarrantsȐǤ ʹͶǤ ǡBuildingNewLibya–WheretoStartǡ ȋǤʹͷǡ ʹͲͳͳȌǡ ǣȀȀǤǤ Ȁ ȀǦǦȄǦǦǦ ͳʹͺͶ͵ͺȀͳ͵ͳͺǤǤ 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 151 Side A 05/13/2013 14:40:30 ͳ͵Ǧ Ǧ ǤȋȌ ͷȀȀʹͲͳ͵ͻǣ͵ ʹͲͳ͵Ȑ UNJUSTIFIEDJURISDICTIONINLIBYA ͷͳ ǡǤʹͷ ʹͲͳͳ ʹͲͳͳǡǤʹ Ǧ ǯǤʹ ǯǡǦ ǡ ǡ Ǧ ǡǦǡ Ǧ Ǥʹͺ ǡ Ǣ Ǣ Ǥʹͻ ǡ ǡ ǡǡǤ͵Ͳ ǡ Ǧ ȋDz dzȌǡȋDz dz ͵ͳ Dz dzȋDzdzȌ͵ʹȌ Ǧ ͷǡʹͲͳͳǤ͵͵ Ǧ DzdzDz ǯ Ǥdz͵Ͷ ǡ ǡ ʹͲͳͳǤ͵ͷ Ǧ ʹͷǤ LibyaProfile:TimelineǡsupraͳǤ ʹǤ ICCissuesarrestwarrantsǡsupraʹ͵Ǥ 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 151 Side A 05/13/2013 14:40:30 ʹǤ Id.Ǣ ICC Prosecutor: Gaddafi used his absolute authority to commit crimes in Libyaǡ ǡ ȋ ͳǡ ʹͲͳͳȌǡ ǣȀȀʹǤ Ǧ ǤȀȀ ȀΨʹͲΨʹͲ ȀȀ ͲͳͳͳȀΨʹͲȀǤ ʹͺǤ ICCissuesarrestwarrantsǡsupraʹ͵ǢICCProsecutorǡsupraʹǤ ʹͻǤ ICCProsecutorǡsupraʹǤ ͵ͲǤ Id. ͵ͳǤ Head of the Executive Committee of the INCǦLibya Mahmoud Jibril meets with the ICC Prosecutorǡ ȋ ʹͻǡ ʹͲͳͳȌǡ available at ǣȀȀǤ ǤǤȀȀȀǦ Ǧ Ǧ ǦǦǦ ǦǦ Ǧ ȏHeadoftheExecutiveCommitteeoftheINCȐǤ ͵ʹǤ SecretaryǦGeneralFormallyWelcomes‘New’LibyatoitsFirstMajorUnitedNationsMeetǦ ing, Noting New Flat ‘Flying so Proudly Outside Building This Morningǡ ȋ ȀȀͳ͵ͺͳ ȀʹʹͶͻȌȋǤʹͲǡʹͲͳͳȌǡ ǣȀȀǤǤȀȀȀ ȀʹͲͳͳȀͳ͵ͺͳǤ Ǥ ȏ Secretary General FormallyWelcomes‘New’LibyaȐǤ ͵͵. The Council’s Statementǡ Ǧ ǡ ǣȀȀǤ ǤȀȀȋ ǤʹͷǡʹͲͳ͵ȌǤ ͵ͶǤ Id. ͵ͷǤ Muammar Gaddafi: How he diedǡ ǣ ȋ Ǥ ͵ͳǡ ʹͲͳͳȌǡ ǣȀȀǤ Ǥ ǤȀȀǦ Ǧͳͷ͵ͻͲͻͺͲǢ Ƭ Ǥ ǡ 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 151 Side B 05/13/2013 14:40:30 ͳ͵Ǧ Ǧ ǤȋȌ ͷȀȀʹͲͳ͵ͻǣ͵ ͷʹ CHICAGOǦKENTLAWREVIEW ȏͺͺǣʹ ǡ ʹͲǡʹͲͳͳǡ Ǧ Ǥ͵ Ǥ͵ ǡ Ǥ͵ͺ ǡ ǡ ǯǡ ǡ Ǥ͵ͻ ǡ Ǧ ǯ Ǧ Ǣ ǡǤͶͲ ǯ ǡ Ǧ ǡ ǤͶͳ ǡ ǤͶʹ C. InternationalResponsetotheLibyanConflict ǡ Ǧ Ǧ ǡ ǤͶ͵Ǧ ǡ ǤͶͶ ǡ ǡ Ǧ ǤͶͷ 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 151 Side B 05/13/2013 14:40:30 Jubilant Rebels Control Much of Tripoliǡ Ǥ Ǥ ȋǤ ʹͳǡ ʹͲͳͳȌǡ ǣȀȀǤǤ ȀʹͲͳͳȀͲͺȀʹʹȀȀ ȀʹʹǤǫαƬ̴αͲǤ ͵Ǥ MuammarGaddafi:Howhediedǡsupra͵ͷǢLibyaProfile:TimelineǡsupraͳǤ ͵Ǥ MuammarGaddafi:Howhediedǡsupra͵ͷǤ ͵ͺǤ Id. ͵ͻǤ Jibril on confusion over Colonel Gaddafi’s deathǡ ǣ ȋ Ǥ ʹʹǡ ʹͲͳͳȌǡ ǣȀȀǤ Ǥ ǤȀȀǦ ǦͳͷͶͳ͵ͳͷǤ ͶͲǤ Id. ͶͳǤ MuammarGaddafi:Howhediedǡsupra͵ͷǤ ͶʹǤ Muammar Gaddafi’s death: NTC commander speaksǡ ǣ ȋ Ǥ ʹʹǡ ʹͲͳͳȌǡ ǣȀȀǤ Ǥ ǤȀȀǦ ǦͳͷͶͳʹͷʹͻǤ Ͷ͵Ǥ LibyaProfile:TimelineǡsupraͳǤ ͶͶǤ Arab League backs Libya noǦfly zoneǡ ǣ ȋ ͳʹǡ ʹͲͳͳȌǡ ǣȀȀǤ Ǥ ǤȀȀǦ Ǧͳʹʹ͵ͷͷͶǢ Libya: US and EU say Muammar Gaddafi must goǡ ǣ ȋ ͳͳǡ ʹͲͳͳȌǡ ǣȀȀǤ Ǥ ǤȀȀǦǦ ͳʹͳͳͳʹǤ ͶͷǤ LibyaProfile:TimelineǡsupraͳǤ 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 152 Side A 05/13/2013 14:40:30 ͳ͵Ǧ Ǧ ǤȋȌ ͷȀȀʹͲͳ͵ͻǣ͵ ʹͲͳ͵Ȑ UNJUSTIFIEDJURISDICTIONINLIBYA ͷ͵ ʹǡʹͲͳͳǡ ͳͻͲ ǤͶ ʹǡʹͲͳͳǡ Ǧ ǡǦ Ǧ ǡ Ǧǡ ǯ ǡ ǡ Ǧ ǡ ͳͷǡ ʹͲͳͳ ʹͺǡ ʹͲͳͳǤͶ ʹͲͳͳǡ ǡ ǡ ǤͶͺ ͳǡʹͲͳͳǡ Ǧ ǡǦ ǯ DzdzǤͶͻǦ Ǧ ǤͷͲ ȋ Ȍ Ǧ Ǥͷͳ Ǧ Ǧ Dz ǡ Ǥdzͷʹ ǯǡ ǯǦ ͳͻͲǡ Ǧ Ǥͷ͵ ǡ ǡ Ǧ ǡ Dz 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 152 Side A 05/13/2013 14:40:30 ǤdzͷͶ ͶǤ SecurityCouncilResolution1970ǡsupraͳͲǤ ͶǤ PreǦTrial Chamber I issues three warrants of arrest for Muammar Gaddafi, Saif AlǦIslam GaddafiandAbduallaAlǦSenussiǡ ȋ ʹǡʹͲͳͳȌǡǣȀȀʹǤ Ǧ ǤȀȀ ȀΨʹͲΨʹͲ ȀȀ ͲͳͳͳȀΨʹͲȀ̴ ΨʹͲ ΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹ Ͳ̴ΨʹͲΨʹͲǦΨʹͲΨʹͲΨʹͲǤ ǡǦ Ǧǡ Ǥ Ǥ ͶͺǤ LibyaProfile:TimelineǡsupraͳǤ ͶͻǤ SecretaryGeneralFormallyWelcomes‘New’Libyaǡsupra͵ʹǤ ͷͲǤ LibyaProfile:TimelineǡsupraͳǤ ͷͳǤ SecretaryGeneralFormallyWelcomes‘New’Libyaǡsupra͵ʹǤ ͷʹǤ Id. ͷ͵Ǥ HeadoftheExecutiveCommitteeoftheINCǡsupra͵ͳǤ ͷͶǤ Id. 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No. 152 Side B 05/13/2013 14:40:30 ͳ͵Ǧ Ǧ ǤȋȌ ͷȀȀʹͲͳ͵ͻǣ͵ ͷͶ CHICAGOǦKENTLAWREVIEW ȏͺͺǣʹ Ǥ ǯ Ǧ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ǡ ͳͻͲǤ Ǥ A. BackgroundInformationontheRelevantBodies ͳǤ ǡǦ Ǥͷͷ ǡ ͳʹͳ ǡ ͳǡ ʹͲͳʹǤͷ ǡ ȋDz dzȌ Ǥͷ Dz ǡdz ǡǦ ǡ Ǥͷͺ Ǥͷͻ Ǧ 33531-ckt_88-2 Sheet No.
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