'V i* ^ \- ; X ^ • ■h 1. v ' ■X' WAGE E IG B T E E N FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 19BI V. ManrlifgBtgr gpgtttttg Ifgiftdb ■4 Artrath DsUy Net Fm s R ob '■tl Junior W A Tn hold on /■ Mriaa only art Paul Oarvtol, ael- >br toe Weak SMad IlisW dstlifr H !. ' Hm mootuyt laat •vontne In tbo Sienda Sentenced Towii Employes iaatqr of revaaua, Iftaa Mary Dalla Aprti2^18M / ' a f D. S. Waatoac I \MM»iitTow n llhraxy o< MnneteooU^ n g h flehobt. H ere Sunday Ftra, walfara dimeter, RaCreatien K E R r S CARPETNEWS ' lioyal Ctrcl* o l K la (a 40|Hnt to oUwr mooUngu in town 'nreetor Jginba Hardie, Mm Bn<i Totoght, Mdetly fair, v lriw la nttMMahc* w u not up to oiqMeto- T o Prison Term Get Gertincates .will ntMt In th« yMarntton Itw thrr Nelson of toa Building Dapt, 11,743 toe itoper PTa Ta tlppa dad olootion' ot offieora waa Ye« Mentoer of too Audit o f Uw Oeattf Church Uondar Chief Berman O. SchendsI, ly fair aad warm. xUnr a t T:4B. A fte r tM rM uU r ptol^ionyd untU too moeUng Stanley R^ Sienda. 21, o f 413 N . Ught municipal amployea will Fmnk 'Steele, eealstafit town en­ •t yMir locd ■•m ail at Olreidattoa Thuriday ovoning of next weak Main St, waa given a .one to three racahra certiScatm fvom tha In- B r id e s . mootitthf the groupN^U work on too a ri^ library; ? gineer, Raymond Urtnabart, aoais- Manche$tet A City o f ViUagt Charm m igt(ried dnodngu thott opjoy year prlimn term yastarday when tamatlonal C ity Manager’s Aaan. tant to the genarto manager, and for complation of an in-aervice J i. n "*“ **»^ _h w_ . Ho OM wlU bo 'Tha Olaanora Group o f too South priaantod In Superior Couft. on a- Tax Aaaeaaor Bam y-M utrie. Ura. Rohort M cN M on^ Mrn;<^'Wni- charge of attaoapfad robbery with training program in administra- TOLi,LXXlV,NO.m r - Mothodiat W8CS arin moot Monday Uon at an informal party to be Oeoerto Manager RMiard iCar-, WHAT AlbUT^ICIS? (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY. APRIL f, 19SS. (OtaariAo* A4vertMag an Page llnm Ruhdo. Mombtra arc ranitod- vI oIgacg. tto will preaent tha town oertifl- 18) I ^ C E P IV B at 7:iS p.m. in too ladloa parlor. held April 20 at Omtar Springs od to bringpnehagoo (ortho Kmga All ntombora are urged to attend. Ho pleaded guilty to the riiargo, M ahd the Intacnational City Oer carpel prioee ate u jt^ Dnughtoro homo donaUon day. 7. mode When ho waa ariraotod on Park tiodgO. MoMogta’s Aoan. oertineataa wUI' tJw ieadi ef avery toinllyNBd^ - Those right and a ^ t other / .. l>anlol j. Sullivan, 4S0 B. Oontor Fth. 28 Hartford PtolM after a be awarded by J e s ^ M. Lough- alhak da avetytlilag to held UMl Une Iho tonal card party of Andan St., ratumod 'homo today after drunken rampogo In''which poHce workem will receive cartifleatea lln, state comnUerioner of finance, (er yeu: '' H u rr^ g to Onircli Smrvices' aon-Shoa R oot M46. v m AincU ho four people. from the town for completion of who conducted the eoursc. \ ^ m>omniiig four mohtha in St. Par the couriM. Lsek to toe leaders to caipeto. Wi laty Witt not bo h ^ tonight bo- toraburg, Fla. AarioUnt State' AUy. Dougteae. cauoo Good mday. Tho ca^ ’fhoae reebivlag the ICMA oar- There will be entartaiameat and to-wa)l specialiBts. M W right icnded to Judge a lunch win be earved. partioo w ill bo roaumed next waok. 4m M. i that Sienda' M tiScates art Qaorgo Elliott, ikuper' Whan Itou JCARFET-Thtak Of Dal Friohda In town have- rooolvad oent to Priaon. Daugtaflo intandont o f comatorioo, Mias Jana ussia - / v ,'n : Ib e B ttcU ^ P T A annoiuices that newa o f tXo birth o f a aon, Ken­ the “moat Oerioua” . Kelly, clerk in tho .cMitroIlar'e of- ■i/' althouih tlckota havo boon laauod neth 8., April 8, to tho Rev. Daniel aoid a t tho time Sce, Fire Chief CUttord Maoon, boartiw tho dato at Saturday, April D. and Mra. B etty R AUon, mia- that Sianda had at- W ilfred Maxwell, planning adminla- S o v i e t R u l e '■.'X Sd;- for Ita “ Country Carnival," it alOnaneo in India fo r the paat aix up a Charter Otoe, trator,. Horace MurpBey, park ' $ SHi E f MANCHESTER yaara. They have two daughtora, 1 58 5 la ohUgatod bocauso of c m fllc t'o f atoro In Hartford end ‘ auparintendant James ,L. Parry, datas to poatpono tho carnlvn to Janet, 4, and Martha, A The ^O ARBFD IXT oM p p o m roM D B s t Uq , April' 9 (4 >)— a So­ by too propriotroae, clerk-of-the-worka, Jamw Shaekey, 'V ,. < CARPI Saturday, May 7, Iho oonunittoo Rev. Daniel Allen ia a aon of the afonn. Mann woo viet youth, who defected to Rev. affd MTa. Frederick. Allen, 1 angtnscr, and Fred Thrall, 388 M A IN bMioo ovUryeno jdannlng to attond during Uiio imincident it aiawrbittodant ^ the North ef tool the West land saked for po- will roaorbo tho now dadato, and Putnam,^C!onn.. Torm arly o f Man- >. holBSwl-hls A r t l N i r cheOtor, and ho and hla fam ily ex­ Drag SHNi Uticsl ssylum last month wss that tho affair wUI gain by' tho ad' ''apaitmani/of Mra. Jadiiott Jal' urtto win recaive town cm> dtUonai timo for proparaaiion. pect to Ball from Bombay, India, ; CM. iSalph T. returned to his parents'today of BhrifOrd, end told the' '‘"T"’ " ■" '-'■id:.' 'V . ; I. I. linir II, Slay 14, arriving in Now Toik and her . daughter ho had behind the Iron Curtain. This ^ Tho Soraptlmlat Ctab win liaina June 30 fo r a.^year'a furiough. Bo killed a man and ptooo Ware CoL Ralph T. MlHet, the new - • -........ waa done at hia own request, 'Y aha to further hla atuAea at provincial commander of the Sal­ \ <X"' n.buainooa mooting Monday at • e iookliig for aim U.S. ofhcials said. Conn,' .'i " vation Arm y fo r N ew UnglMul. T r o o p s C a l ] Flying Platforni \ p.m. in the otflco of the Sponew Shortly thorbaftor, ha loft the ' The youth w m ValerJ' Lystkov, m bbor Producta Co. A (ifll attorn^ and Mrs. Miller, will hb speoUl Temple Chapter, No. 83. am but aoon returned and teenage son o f A Russian A ir aneo ia bqnod for aa plana win bo _______ down the doOr, which had guest speakers for tha Easter Force.officer statibhed Just out- comptotedTtw too toxtng~ conn services of the local Salvation e r s . * / date of Tuooday, April It, t i baaa lockad by Mra. J elb eft in hia Foi?.Last MmiJte Easter S 'Mde East Berlin.^ C >n id c r e d nr’--' tion too final Wookend o f April. abaence. Arm y Cbrpa Sunday. \ His defect km'to W est BerUh 4 3 animal Opringsraninaga a ' One of the yoimgest'colonels to ,K hridIn motemplo. afon Sienda agata left the apartmtnt i- . \ ■■■ ■ - ■ Mareb-iS atlrred an teternetlpriel and pmetlcimywalked into the po- tha Army, he conimands the bnv furor. Soviet Foteiga Mtulstor V. roquaeted to aet aaide province In the world. He'. ls a V GREYHOUND UNIS tha- aalo. " / lloc, amiod>'by, tht'a tiixit with a M. M<dotov charged that V^IL^u- 1 ja~Alabania deaerip^oh given them by Mra. forceful apeaker and anargbtic to thdrities' war* holdlhoIdUw ^ youth F^act vdth Raab ■ '-"-Am eeeeet'™ t :- / ■ 0 M a a ^ -'' . all that he does., * against hie w ill endd I'afided hia ANdaUghter, Xare&^Juna, waa Hia wifa is the former Hulda raturn. Atlanta, April 9 (/^>--Gov;. ■ X ' bom jmaterday at m Hartford Oburt oiriciala a t that time aatd to STANUInr JOHNSON S P E C IA L he waa unable to poet the llQ.OOd Carlson,-slater of Bandmaster C. 'Th e United Sitatea'denied this. James £. Foisom refnsed to rou ted to Mr. and Mra. Qeorgo Moscow, A ^ l 9• /(BV-^The . ___ Soviet Union informed the wegt- Froot, S I Bunco DT. bond aet when hla caae waa bound Peter Cerlaon of the Manchester Id^elkoy met With.' hla - parents Call the Nationgl Gaard to BUS SERVICE over to Superior Court ftom the Salvation Army Bond, tto will March 36 under the supervision, o f duty in the strife-ridden em powtrs todiw it considered “unjustified” gny furtlisr Saturday Only Hartford Ptoice Court in March. apeak at the Eeeter early momtag Ufi. officials to West Berlin. U.8. delay in coitc]udin$ an Austrian treaty of independence. It authoritiek said later that ha re- Southern Bell Telephone service Sunday, at the flagpole In expressed hope the to Moscow on Monday of Austrian Starting Sat, April St the Caster Perk at 7 a.m.; also at fiiaed to returii to Communist Bast strike area - of Birmingham, the 10:48 holiness service .In'th a Germany. Aliu, today but orderH the Chancellor Julius Raab would lead to “ speedy conclusion” of the treaty, , . A Present Orptorio' hall, whMi be will enroll new mem­ Why he changed hia mind was State Highway Patrol rein­ SUFFOLKS ber* to the OoTpa,', commiarion the not toiinediatety mads clear tw Soviet Foreign Minister Vk. M. Molotov called in the diplo­ Uff, toficials.
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