15!.^ WmM: ii^ifeaa?|ps m i PI' p i .*--2 vr-ii .IRJII DAILY CIEOtJLATIOIt i # '! t i a B BVBNIKG HBBALD »J m <fibr '<lk« montti of FetoiiaiTi 19M, 3e*A ;fV^ -<.%" »wWrs5i,*X % ,6 9 0 f,C/ ii^ 1m .•k,:b' *.r»' •■i^% rnimmim >;»; - p V i i *'l len-l-S’da V0L»XLnTnN0.152. CUssliled AdTertislng on Page A >r^s; ■ o i i i ^ a i ^ : f- : 7 't'f "'ir-'' T COOLIDGE BANS P o^ W as'Ajl^^ : 4 : I W O P O U C M N EASTER ‘‘SHAKES” BR0ADCAS1IRS fomaif; V KILLED No More Handclasps by Presi­ OPMWARFJUffi A 6 A 6 i rr .Sho^/ Himsolf iQ tE RESIGN TO dent for Tourist Companies m t Stolen in Looting to Advertise. O N ( m m o f S k k e i t a BUSINESS Washington, March 29.— O N mWM -March 29.— Au; i ' >■''■ President Coolldge has called ' alllfed i eleven-year-eld burg­ a halt on handkshaking with lar slwt and kilted himself r J i : the thousands of tourists who hdre today when a gun, said by % d Intends Handing in annually visit Washington Seek Change in C o p y ri^ IM e iQ o re Mob F # Oiit ppllne to' kave been stolen, was of E n { ^ around Easter time, it was a<^dentally discharged as be learned today. taw— Claim High Charges Orer Loot-Pefice B ^ r e was sneaking home over a Resignation Soon— None The White House Is dally back fence. Declares Scientist turning down many requests The fioy was Steve Mogyor- from large delegations of Have Driven Two Stations Gang Qdef Is NotPhiing dy. He died almost Instant­ )Haye Been Accepted by Method That Finds E a^er tourists for presiden­ ly when'the bullet from a .re­ tial receptions. volver, IdenHfled by police as PoGce Commissioners. The pew policy Is said to Ont of Business. Fair Widi Than, part o f the loot taken from the ease in Early Stages. have been adopted as a result contoctlonery store o f Charles of the discovery last year that Nagy, crashed Into his eye. tourist companies were “ ad­ Officer Joseph Foley and Officer 'Washington*, March 29.— Open New York,-Maroh 29.— Richard. Police arrested Steve’s broth­ Liverpool, March 29.— The vertising” presidential hapd- warfare, brewing for months, was Reese Whlttemore, the bandit chief er, Andy, 20, on burglary Rudolph Wirtalla ol the Manches­ shakes as an attraction to that a means has been found foif in full swing today between the who volunteered'to reveal the story charges.' Andy confessed t l « ter Police department have resign­ prospective customers. he and Steve had robbed the detecting the iacepUon of cancerl^i- National Association of Radio ed their positions, It •was learned of his criminal career to free his Nagy store, police said. by means of a simple blood test Broadcasters and the American So­ wife from the clutches of the law, today. Both are to be effective on made by Dr. H. McCormick-MlUai- tiC May 1. Foley’s resignation was re­ UDSSHOOTING CRAP ciety of Authors, Composers and was grilled again today by the au­ ell, senior medical officer of the ceived by the Police Commissioners Publishers. thorities seeking to 'earn the hid­ MANfraVffTEON cancer hospital here. Leading the public attack last ing place of the 21,900,000 loot ad­ Saturday night. Wlrtalla’s was re­ Although English medical men •' night, Paul B. Clews, executive sec­ mittedly stolen by the “ Night Club” ceived this morning. HAHED M IO COURT are not entirely convinced of Dr., r Supernumerary Officer Fred retary of the broadcasters, charged bandits in the past year. WET ISSUE ANYHOW Mitchell’s theory, he la enthnsias- ^roUBseau has informed members the Composers’ association with a Whittemore’s story, which has tic and declares that his finding la .' "the dawn of a great discovery 'ii of the Board of Police Commission­ series of offenses, from monopoliz­ already led to the ai^rest of one ers that he Intends to withdraw ing \he best music of the country which will bring consolation and man In Baltimore and caused a comfort to many suffering hearts.” ■ from the force, but no formal re­ Four Other Cases Before to taxing a number of broadca.^tlng K Will Be Forced Into Elec­ *ih' general alarm to be broadcast for In Eariler Stage. , •f*' . ' signation'has, as yet, been received stations out of existence. He spoke from W EAF of New York four others, still is unsatisfactory to “ By means of a clever^ design- ‘ from him. Judge Johnson in This ed apparatus,” Dr. Mitchell said in m Going Into Business. and a hook up of stations which District Attorney Banton, who tions in States With 40 an Interview, “ this scientist can v; It Is the intention of all three of­ reached virtually the entire radio threatened this morning that Unless ■'Ih: now examine a few drops of a pa* '•■i^ rw- ficers to go Into business for them­ Morning’s Session. audience east of the Rocky Moun­ Whlttemore volunteers a more com­ tient’s blood and detect cancer In -v" selves. Mr. Foley, plans to enter tains. Clews urged the listeners plete story, “The Tiger Girl” •will Miltien Poindation. ■; Its earlier stages In any part of the to write to their congressmen and .aY remain behind the bars. ■ f - the trucking business In Manches­ Prominent New York business men gave Mrs. Grace Ott Bange more body. ter and Mr. Wirtalla may be asso­ senators to urge an amendment to Tries to Hide Out. Officer John McGlinn broke up a “ Further than this, by a similar . the copyright laws to meet the de­ than 2A50,(M)0 with which she promised to buy telephone company stock . Whittemore’s confession thus fa? Washington, March 29— Irre­ j* ciated with, a relative In business crap shooting party in the vicinity blood test six months after an op­ In Springfield. Mr. Broysseau, who mands of the broadcasters. at employees’ rates— she used to be a telephone girl. She and her clerk has shown two marked inclinations spective of the fate of the Edge eration, the scientist Is able to dis­ has been working for a gasoline of the Nathan Hale school on Hearings on Copyright. on the part of the bandit chief. The husband, who earned 240 a week, spent It all living the life of Mr. and resolution, proposing a national cover whether the operation has and oil company installing pumps Spruce street Saturday and six of Hearings on use of copyright first la fear of execution In Mary­ Mrs. Riley. Here she and her husband are shown in court after all but referendum on prohibitioh in been successful In removing all at service stations In the time the party were brought to the music over the radio "vrill start be­ land for the murder of a prison a few thousand had baen spent. guard and a consequent desire to 1928, a survey of the approaching traces of cancer from the organa'> when he was not needed as a po police court this morning. The boys fore the Senate committee on pat affected. • ^ lice officer. Intends to devote his ents, headed by Senator Butler, Re­ avoid extradition to that state. The congressional elections today dis­ •were all under eighteen years old ‘“This method has been e^volyed. publican of Massachusetts, April 5. second Is hatred of William Unkel- entire time to that work. and they were so intent on the game closed that anywhere from one- after five years of research. The In­ Neither of the two resignations back and Anthony Paladino, “ the that they did not notice the ap­ A bill on this subject already has third to one-bplf of the voters of strument used provides of means, which have been received have been introduced by Senator Dill, squealers,” members of the Whltte­ proach of the officer. He 'was able DENIES UNION PLAN CHAPMAN WRIT IS the country are going to have an for measuring blood reactions' been accepted by the commission­ Democrat of Washington. more gang, and an apparent desire to gather in six of them, also 35 to shield Jacob and Leon Kraemer opportunity to express their con­ spectroscopically.’' ers. No meeting of the board has cents in silver and the dice. Most of “ Unless the law is revised the and Milton (Shuffles) Goldberg, been held since Officers Foley and the boys had been In police court high class programs of music over victions on modification -of the GERMANY • AUSTRIA ASKED FOR TODAY also members of the band. Wirtalla formally resigned, but Is before for one cause or another and the radio will be seriously curtail­ Volstead act this yea?. The gang leader’s story, accord­ believed certain that both with­ the judge this time found them ed,” Clews declared. The wet and dry question Is - n ing to detectives, has incriminated drawals from the force will be ac­ guilty. Besides giving the boys “ The radio broadcasters desire entering into more congressional TERFT GETS HIS TAX Unkelback and Paladino, but Whlt­ cepted at the next meeting. some fatherly advice in regard to to pay an adequate compensation contests this year than in any el­ ■m temore has accorded the Kraemers, their future conduct, he Imposed a for the use of copyright music. Latter Would Never Think of Next to Last Move to Save ection since the adoption of the who are said to be International fine of two Hollars without costs in Wqold Include All.
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