
Chineseschismatic church failure, Fidesageney reports ([cstl'o],arl hv inrloctr.ination anrl probubly rvith ilrcir. [r.cc will alicnittcrl, accluicscctl to bccorrre chicls of the'pltliotic' clrur.ch." 'l'ltc nt'rvs nllen(.y atltlerl that "piltIiotir," sottrc ol llrr. pfiostri nfc sot'\.inH the schisrnllic chur.clr l0lrr0ti||ttly. lt |r'por.tctl thllt on(] oI llrcttt tokl a stt'attitt'r. \r,ho n,us alllc [o ask [irtr st'clotlf il' 1c *'as "It Italrpy: is l tclrihlc lifr, lrul '' I t:anno[ .say r1\'th ll'r lritlcs ctrntirrtrorl : "ltr (r0t'litirl rliocescs {hl1 trtrnt. he['d wclI oIct l(]{) (il{)c(.s:ln GEOGRAPHICAL EXCHANGE-lndirn Sislcrr Littishia and Jessy Marir, lefl, exchangr: geographical pt'icsts yott n'ill hatrlll, Iinrl a not€r with Chinasr Sisterr Donnr Meric rnd Maria Pius es lheir pefh$ crossed recenlly.l Sl. Mary- rlozcn rvho go along rvith tlrc ille- of.lhe.Woods. '% INOIANAPOLIS, RE I'tr}R,\E L EAT D - LEA E INDIANA,sEPTEMBER 11, 196I S tavor of lhe logirxr'; llrr'.y are tt'ttittr-rl$illt hollol'lntl, in it ('oult- ,fiLOW"TO ll')' wllcf(' rllr.lt.lrt,rlrrr,ss is gttt- ITINT,IGION' crnl. lhcir sitrratiotr is lr lrr.ivilcgctl ira c ts rathcl'tlrnn to reccivc onc lrccirrrst' llrt' ;r1;11,'ttlttltilrni. Chinese,Indian Sisters tltc hrrtds of 'patriotict nlollslv gives Illcl]1 ,10 l)r,f (!{'nl. 'l'hey of llrc t'()\'(!ltu() of c()hfis(itlc(t art nfraid to t{o it nrldtr<l, beclusr: ecclcsinstical pr()ll(,I't]'. New educationcurbs crosspaths at Woocls id that thc 1.. rulclr h no ftttrrre runablc st'. ]l.\ti\' (ltr -'t'llli - \\'(x)Ds, evoKe crlsls 'l'ht in Poland Iltl. - - nrotltclltttusc of lltc ple Srslt |s t'f I)rr)\ t(k'n0e hctlt Nls A lcl't rvhcn LONI)ON - Sltultr clirslres rlilfcrorr<res r'cfossl'ot(ls" al'(, ir('nod onI ilt a nl lniittu|r' 0f thc llecttnttt have all'ca(lv takur llltrcc rncoting of llrc .Joint Chrir.r:h- trrtrrots;rl t'ltrrlclt ltct'ttlll as ltlttr' llctu'ccn tlre ('allrolirt ('l()l'gy ljlutc (jornrnission sef up ill lf,5ti -\olrthilrl t'alr{i(lus---t\\'() ('lrirrt'str "lI is Ir'rrethut tlrcl'lnl rloar.lv and (lonturunisl ilulhofilics rvlttn t r,ligrorrs inl,tt,trelioll \t.as lnrlllttr -c0tnlt:tt'cd ill(i t\\() ttotr.s frtr 15u,t' ollicill slatrrs anrl lirl autltorizctl in all pulllic in l)olanrl in the \vnlic of il thc irn tirt'il lt'.spetlivc halI ln addition. Fides raid, thc iourucl's thcil scnri.rvt'll lrr.ing: 1'ut olt sclrools. :lltlrour:h inu'orlticcr! \\ schismatie church har adopled ncw lil\\' lllilcillg furthcr lc- il) af()lllt(l thc stlrltl. ltttl |tom. Iront ltorrrtr tlrer. ;rr.r' lllat.lrctl trnrkrt a {.'llut'cll.jilata policy b1' ()n :rgfcorn(!nI rrr'(l prl) crs lot caclt otltet' tn a of brptiring nobody slt'it:littrrs lc'lilliorrs irr. ligltt. lincs lo tlrc lourrnutrisl Iliat l ctr'. tlre lcligiorrs courscs urrder lhe rge of 18. Thir rula, s{t'ttctiott, accoltling lo t'c- llttreilu of Ilr:'ljHurn lrrrnt *lr:tll rlcrc alrolishctl h,r, the poinled "ir tl.!\'crnnlenI Fides out, bound lo pot'ts l'ccci r'Ctl iii, llte.v lcct'ivc {lrcir il}stlur.rrlrrs. I'rtlish last ] car, exhrust ilr rourcr lor recruil. 'l'ltitt lrrtlcarr l({'(,1)s lllonl u t(l('l 0llligl'e ci|clcs hcre. menir." L]c:ntcnnial to bc:nrarkccl r:oIstilttt THE INFORMANTS hcrc :;aitl strIr'r,illilrrce. ('orttinll ort lltc lrt'els rrf pltvirrus lhr: ltisltops har c l.r(luc:ito(l ir li'irit's lclieu'etl llrt: [icd clfort lcr:islatirrtr balrirrg rrlligiorrs etas-r- nlc{!llnS of thc (lontrnissiorr tn lo folcc f'hincse f'lrtlrolics to cs lrtrrrr lhc scltools. thc lrrrlrlrc tltc 1ssn,, of casrrrg the sitrratjln, hlt'lh t'ith Ilorne. lt noted lhat nr.\\ l;rrv llsl t rr.ts I','li;liotts ln. St. i\{cinrad parislr ;rttrl pl'()spccts \t'(,t'r! thlrt onc tll0 attcnll)t bcglrn forrr I'caf.\ ago \llll('ltltt otttsirlc ttolntal schotrl 'l'his tt'rrttlrl takr: lrl,itr:r' rorrn. -r\ugus{, 1l}5?-wholl ii go\'cl.n. Irorlrs, instlrrt'tion ('an ol)l), 'l'ltc1' sairl thc bislrri|5 *'ant tirll ilr(1il[-cont roll('rl nrcct ing in Pok- bc rortrlrrr'lotl lrt' sl;rlc,itlrlrrort'rl frcc<lorl irr the appointnlcnt of ing sct. up llro Patliotic A.ssocia- t('it('llers :tntl is sulr.joct to slIi<:t lcachels \\'itltorrI stirte inlcrk'r.. I iorr of ('hincsc (lathtrlics, il'hc go\ rtft)lllcnI c0ntt'01, ctrec, *'ltile tlre govpl'11111gs111t1- ncxt tu'o 1't'ar.s, it t.ccirllp(, 11,1* "a sists tltat tllc nanlc of pLrispeetirr: pcliotl of lerror so th.catlfrrl lcnchcls rnrrsl hc sullnritted to the llttl it l;rn harclly be conceivcrl statc eutln)ritics for' approval, at a rlistuncc." It t-outinua(l: "i\l{elltptii $Ct'e nla(l(: tlrr-orr:Ih r"'l'lte llislrops, hrrnl ('ollgl'css0s lo lqatl flre Iritsts :rrrrl lir,li- giotts of lurth lllicsts arr<l lait.v crr rntsse to st,rr:s ulro rlirl no[ .patriotie lrlopt tlre s{atutes of lhc choosc to bt'r'al; rlith thr Vlrticarr '['hc *attrl nssot iation.' rrstral nlcirns r)f lltcl'alc lltc t:r.cat rnu.lrrr.il.v ]Jro tes tu rtt et t it ucle *Arc lthl.sical nrrd nroral constt-irint crlttsirlt'r'etl lrs t nrtttit's of llre peoplt'antl 'l'lrcy uclc cntplol'ctl: tlter.c ly()t'c acclt- o{ tlrt'sl;rtt'. at'c in plison, satrons, public tr.ials. dcntrncia- aflo'tri;rl or u.ith. ottt lt'ial, l'()r' tions, intcrnigations b1' tll1, anrl \ lriorrs trcr.io<ls; bl night, scquesllntions pr.iests otltct's lravr ltcorr exilcr! to Ir.ontit'r to L'oLtrtcil oI antl of Iicligiotrs ol' both t'cgiorrs; nlanl, Ar'(r suir.lccttrl to lrreised se\es . l'cforrrr br' lirlrol rrntlcr. "ii,,,,l,li.li.",,,iil atrrl rcpt atctl stldy sr'ssiolls for thc cr.t' of \',\'t'r('.\N0r't'\',-r'ar.rtrnilt .,\tr- cARDtNAL r.l sairt rhar orrrrg (-atholics." t'adrt's anrl {hcv rvill noI loar.c ''nran1. i,?::i;:":11,,,,11.'i:iri'',r_,,.1,,,r,r I gustin Ilca, prusidtnt ol thc Scr,- rrrcarrl lrilc lropes xn(l colt- *..ii ni,ii',;i.;,, i,i '\ll lhis rrts rlonc. ilteil trtitrcs, tht'ir carlrls or rlur-k- it snirl, to t'ctat'iat fttr Il|0tllutittg jrtr:ttu'cs" 'l'sc.tung caurps rrntil 'r,onr Cltristiatt arc lrlat:etl in tlte I'r'ot- Ila(] hirli a [olrc Catholit,s trr break [r.ttrrr lhcl' a|r: cr.lerl.' l)t.r)n)otc(l "tlrc (]atholics "Ailc Stttnc rt ho arc rlispet's':rl tt ot.k t'trit1'. slt'esscrl hclc u ltaI lre said cslant colrrnrrrnitl '111 tlrrali- sclti.stn irt lhc t'attks o{ lloruc lrnrl tlreir.hoafts to "t'cspcclful rvas lhc pclsonalill'of -fcprcs(]nts Iltc r-'sectttion tltc (Urrnrrnurist) par.t1.." al Irrnrhlc rlalls. {tlil arrd sick attitttdc" o[ [it's anrl l'rrpt-'.lolrrr ol a lllitsls trr'c inlt'r'nctl in ccclcsi- l'r-olcstanl learler-s to\1'ard thc XXIll," as testificr.l l)l statcnlcnts ltlan tltat. ltas lttrt ont' obicctivc: "arrthoIitatiIr: (lostrttctioo as{ical lcsirlt trr:cs t.ui ot'f Ir.onr all l{}r'thconling Sccortil vaticart Coun. rnatlc ll1' sucit cr- lhc t:ottlplclr: oI tllc (lltt'istian oulsirlt: colllart antI tlrt'], ina1. nol. cil. pollr'llts of thc I'rutt'stant uollrl" lajtlt." '['r'.r'lruna ilo oilt. :ts l)r. Althut'Ilichael Ilarnse.y, [,rrrlrr. itr ;trr ar.tlt'le "lI FOUNDATION of thc torvrr anr! rs inrpossiblc {o grvc lhc tll{: pfo:io!}t ;\rr:hbishop of ('anter. rr'hich tlrc \\'ur.strrv llariro br.oarl- par'islt ou cs it-s tiligin to the lunll)cf of thc Christian Ianrilies !-'Lrrr. I)r'. IInnns l.ilir: ol llan- east. attackctl tlre l,olrsh hier- licnctlictinc rr-r,rrr!iso{ naarbl St, tltitI halc l)r'on rlispcr.sorl arrd oIcr, hcad of tltc tjnilcrl Luthr!t.. ar.clr]'f0r'issurrrr.t irrstructions to ('lturclt (lerrnanl'; Jlcinlarl .\r'chnbbel , n hich rvas pt'actit:alh' (l(.:rlf())o(l :rn of and thc clet'g}'to ignor.t: thc nr.rv larv t'fet.trtrn of an abbe.'* chrrlt,lt Io {irountlhr:cnking ll'r.t.isel-r' lburuletl i11 lE;t. llct'itttstt tltcl'','',. ('ltlisti;rn arrrl I'r'otestant l!piscopal llishop i\us- living tlrc statc full control clotr 'l'he accotttntrrdatc both thc rtronks and ('rtholrr 'l'hc {aitlrlrr1." titr I'arrltrc of I'iltsbut'gh, I'a., or cl I'cligious lcsslns outsidc the frlst settlels Iilirrg tlrc la.r rnen of thc tol n. .iob ( Cottlinuod g In tlte ttt.tghirot'ltood of St. ltein" sr.l.for chrrrtrh of orr Jragc ) schools, took ei!tllt Jcnl's to collrplct(] and lN SPITE of tlris silrralrol, lad scrt' nternbt-rs of St. I,'eltlin- involletl nealll' all thc pulrsh- "lhc Ii'itlcs sairl, tnolirlc ol lrr.icsls, antl pa lislr at I,'cltliuantl. Ijtrt ionels in its iabols. the Little Flor-cr llcli4ious arrrl lar' ('lrlistiaus is 'l\{inia rr'ht.n tlrt: Ecntdictines bcgiln to 'flre nerr t,lrrrlclr uas tlcdicalcd ext|aor<lirtirr'-1," Il stiltc([: [urc' convon tions coil,luct |t'{ui:rI Srrni!a1' soltices (llorrrrrlbreaking "Cut orr St.
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