BAS,-BEA LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS 330 BJ.Stard Emily Maude (Mrs.), musictchr. 52 Lugard rd. Peckham.SE Batten GeorgeBeckettli.D.phys.&surg. 2 Underhill rd.E.Dulwich SE Bawtree Edmund S. house agent, 1 Coulgate street, Brockley SE Bastard Ernest J. insurance agent. 12 Fall~brook rd. StreatbamSW -'1.' N 738 Sydenham & see Batten, Stewart & Carpmael -T N 131l4 New Cros,; Basten J ane (Mrs.), chandler's shop, 11 Graveney rd. Tooting SW Batten John, milliner, 142 Trafalgar road, Greenwich SE Ba:c William & Sons, timber mers. 56 Priory gro. South lambeth SW Easter Arthur Alfred, chandler's shop, 5 Belitha villas, South End Batten Richard, butcher, 98 Mitcham lane, Streatham SW Hax .John Thomas, builder, 22 Larkhall rise, Clapham SW lane, Sydenham SE Batten Thoums, ticket writer. 32.\, Bel•Pnden rc>ad, Peckham SE Bax William John, builder, 59 Greyhound lane, Streatham SW Bastian Archie, cab propr. Trinity rd. & 7 Alma ter. WandsworthSW Batten William B. patent medicine proprietor, 431 Brixton road SW Ba:-cter & naynor, who. boot & shoe maker~, ~27 Lower Clptn. rdN.S Bastick Brothers, machinists, 2 Crawford st. Camberwell SH Batterbury Thomas, district surveyor, 15 Griffin road. Plu:rnstead SE Baxter & Sons, newsagents, 4 i Artillery place, Woolwich SE Bastin, Merryfield & Cracknell Ltd. ladies' blouse mfrs. 76 Rectory Batterham Alfred Jas. drug stores, 16 Fonthill rd. J<'insbury Park N Baxter Arthur Claude, confectioner, 42A, Clapham Park road SW road, Fulham SW-TA "Merryfield, London"; T N 2093 Putney Battersea .Borough Council (Wm. Marcus Wilkins, town clerk ; Baxter Charles, decorator, 445 Battersea Park road SW Bastin Annie (Madame), dres.~maker, 27 Mexfield road, Putney SW Edwin Austin, barrister-at-law, deputy town clerk; Wm. Henry BaxterCharlesAlfred,oil & col or man.103Greyhound rd_Hmmsmth W Bastin Wm. George, apartments, 60 Woodland road. Norwood SE Ward A.S.A.A.boro· accountant; 'l'hos. Wm. Alfd.Hayward M.I.O.E. Baxter Charles Edward L.~.A.L. physician & surgeon, 103 Vassal! rd. Bastin William George, plumber, 123 High st. West Norwood SE b rough surveyor; Gerald Quin Lennane F.R.c.s .. L.k.C.P. medical North Bri~:ton SW B~tow Henry, oilman, see Goodwin & Bastow officer oflJealth; l,.;aac Young M.R.f';an.I. chief sanitary inspector; Baxter Edward, fruiterer, 126A, Albion road, St· ke Newington N Bastow William Ja.mes, wine & spirit merchant, 187 Brockley rd SE Charles Edward Ca!'!Sal P.I.O. public analyst; Paul Caudwell B.A. Baxter EdwarJ William, confectioner, 232 High st. Lewisham SE Batch & Hurlin, house decorators, 91 Palatine rd. Stk. Newington N solicitor ; offices: Municipal bldgs. Lavender hill SW 1 TN's 1830 & Baxter Edwin, hairdresser, 11 N orthwold rd. 8toke N ewington N Batch Frederick, hammer handle maker, 120 Tanner's hill, 1~31 Victoria); electricity dept. Lombard road, Battersea SW Baxter Frederick William, plumber, 13 Tell grove. E. Vulwicl:l SB Deptford New '!'own SE (T N 1832 \ ictoria); (Frederick Arthur Bond M.I.E.E. chief B3xter Harry, bootmaker, 57 Peckham Park road SE Batch Percy, teacher of music, 9 East Down park. Lewi•bam SE engineer); depot, Culvert road, Battersea SW; infants' milk Baxter Henry, boot repairer, 2A, Marsh hill, Homerton NE Batchela.: George Wallis, decorator, 175 Norwood road, Herne Hill department, 28 York road, Battersea SW; ~o. 2 dep6t & Baxter Henry, confectioner, 34 Monsell road, Fillsbury Park N SE & 16.-\, Effra parade, Brixton SW-T N 533 Brixton coroner's court, Sheepcote lane, Battersea SW; municipal dwell- Baxter Henry, confectione··, 193 Rail ton road, Berne Hill SE Batchelor & Batcbelor, solicitors, 2 Church street, Greenwich SE- ings, Latchmere & Tolo\n Hall estates office, 32 Matthews street, Baxter Hilda Mury(Mrs.),nursing ho.IJe,50 Salford rd.Strthm.HlSW 'l' N 415 New Cross Battersea SW (Percy J. Marks, supt.); Ambulance, York road, Baxter John, insurance agent, 6 L<tngthorne street, Fulham SW Batchelor Bro;t. ticket writers, 328 Hornsey road, Holloway N B tttersea SW; & personal cleansing station, 196 Sheepcote lane, Baxter John, laundry, 26 Parkhouse street, Camberwell SE Batchelor Alice (Miss), laundry, 121 Herries st. Queen's Park W Battersea SW Baxter Joseph, greengrocer, 16 Peckham Park road, Peckham SB Batchelor Edwd. Thos. Young, insurance supt. 75 Peckham rdSE Batter~ea Borough Council, Falcon whf. 31Lombard rd.BttrseaSW & 1 North Cross road, lJnlwich SE Batchelor George, watch maker, 47 Brixton road SW Hattersea Boro' News (Wandsworth Borough News Co. Limited, Ba:xter Julia (Mrs.), confectioner, H Acre lane, Br~xton SW Batchelor John William Alton, clerk to the licensing justices, 2 publishers), 88 East hill, Wandsworth SW-TN 342 Battersea Ba:xter LeonDrd, chandler's shop. 82A, Cornwall road, Brixton SW Church stTeet, Greenwich SE Battersea Borough Public Baths & Wash-houses (F. M. F. Hampton, Rtxter Maud (Mrs.) chandler's shop, 7 Squa ·ey tMeJt, Tootin" SW .Batchelor William E. valuer, 13A, Railton road. Herne Hill SE superintendent), Latchmereroad; Matthews street & Plou>~"hroad, Baxter Tom, grocer, 3 Ryecroft roa1, Lewisham S]jJ Bate Brothers, decorators, 19 Hornsey rise N-T N 1·53 Hornsey Battersea SW & Battersea Park road, South Lambeth SW Baxter Walter John, costumier, 241 Uxbrid5e rd. Shepherd's BshW Bate Michae1 George Ltd. oil & color men, 49 Lavender hill & Battersea Borough Public Libraries & museums (Lawrence Inkoter, Baxter William, bookseller, 6·! Peckham rye SE 30 Tyneham road, Battersea SW; 166 Stockwell road SW; libr~rian), 265 Lavender hill; branches, Lurline gardens; Baxter William, coffee rooms, 24 Queen's road, Battersea SW 6 East hill & 12 Replingham road, Wandswcrth SW; 49 Lammas hall, Bridge road west & Plough Road Museum, Baxter William, insurance superintendent, 131 High st. Plumstd SE Batter<;ea Bridge road SW; 280A, Brixton hilt & 36 Water lane, Battersea-T N's 1830 & 1831 Victoria Baxter Wynne E. J.P., D.L. solicitor, & coroner for Easte~n distric\ Brixton SW; & 92 Cricklewood broad way NW; & grocers, 76 Battersea (St. Mary's) Cemetery (William Ernest Bishop, supt.), of County of London & Liberty of Tower of London,170 Church Goldhawk road, Shepherd's Bush W; 178 & 180 N()rwood road Battersea rise SW street,Stoke NewingtonN TA" Inqurst,Stoke"; TN 550Dalston West Norwood & 47 Battersea Bridge road SW '1 Battersea Uarrage Co.Ltd.cartage contrs.13Latchmere gro Bttrsa"'W Baxter-Brown Henry, bricklayer, 70 Lurgan av. Hllmmersmith W Bate Alfred S. house decorator, 41 Dunstans rd. Ea. Dulwich SE 1 Battersea Conservative & Unionist Association (Selwyn J. Willis, Baxter-BrownMary A.nn(Mnl.),laundre~s,70 Lurgan av.HmmrsmthW Bate Arthur Joseph, confectioner, Fee Brand & Bate sec.). 83 Falcon roai, Battersea SW-T N 2162 Westeru Bayer .\Iichael, pork butcher, 202 High street, Homerton NE Bate Arthur J• seph, tobacco merchant, see Bed well & Bate Batter;:ea Constitutional Club Ltd. 81 Falcon road, .Battersea SW- tiayfield Horace Us borne, phys. & >Ur~.25 We,-thorpe st. Putney SW Bate Henry, chemist 125 South Lambeth road SW TN 24o2 WtMtern Hayfield John James, photographer, 37 Gipsy hill, Norwood SE Bateman A.. & Son, b~ket mas. 68 Green Hundred rd. Peckham SE Battersea Dispensary for the Prevention of Con gumption (Miss E. Bayles George, blackswith, 2 Grove road, Balnam SW -T N 2032 Hop llrown, hon. sec.), 179 Battersea Bridge road SW Bayles & ::>on, tailors, 5 A.ngell road. Brixton SW Bateman A. L. & Co. sack & bag makers,215 Queen's r.l PeckhmSE Battersea District Post Office (Henry Woods, chief clerk in charge) Bayley J olm & Co. electricirms 3; Ohetwynd road, Highgate NW Bateman John & Co. wax refiners, 16A, Wirtemberg st. Clnpham SW 202 Lavender hill, Bat terse~ SW Bayley & Prideaux, printero, 59 High street, Battersea SW Bateman & Son Ltd. motor tyre repairers, 18 We~tr rn hroadway. Battersea Grammar School (William Henry Bindley M.A. head Hayley Alfrtd, jeweller, 4!1 Upland roai, IJ:ast Dulwich SE King street. Hammersmith W -T A " Vulcanalia"; T N 343 master), 58 & 60 St. John's hill, Battersea SW Bayley George Alfred, photographer, 18 King st. Hammersmith W Hammersmith Battersea Hed •n Advanc"Soc. Ltd. 14!1 Highl't. Battersea SW Bayley John Edward, stationer, 97 High street,. Battersea SW Bateman A.lice (Mrs.), apartments, 98 Studley road, Clapham SW Battersea Labour League (Alfred Bailey, sec.), 4ii5 Battersea Hayley J03t'ph Milstead, fishmonger, 91 Well:! 1 otd, Sydenham SE Batemnn David, bootmaker, 9 Muirkirk roan, Cat ford SE Park road, Battersea SW Bayley Leouard, pharmacis•, 91 Dresden road, Hornsey Lane N- Bateman Francis John Harvey M.A., M.D. physician & surgeon, Battersea Liberal Association Club & Institute (Charles Johnson, '1' N 591 North Heath end, Montpelier row & 27 Tranquil vale; Blackheath SE sec.), 6, 8 & 10 Green lane, High street, Battersea SW Bay'ey Mary (Miss), dressma1fer, 31 Kynaston rd.Stoke~ewington N Bateman Herbert, grocer, Lamington street, Hammersmith W Battersea Li~eral ~ Radical Assodation(Frank Henry Richardson, Bayley .Maurice, cowkeeper, Middle Park Dairy farm, Middle !'ark Bateman Mary Jane (Mrs.), laundry, 6A & 36 Addin"ton square sec. & regJStratwn agent). 467 Battersea Park road SW lane, Eltham SE Camberwell SE & 155A, Stoekwell road SW o ' Batteroea Mothers' Dining Rooms (Miss Rig by, supt.), 111 Bridge Bayley Sophia (Miss), haberdashe-, 72 High street, Battersea SW Bateman Thomas James, shopkeeper, 20 Holbellch road, Catford SE road west, Battersea SW Bayley's Limited, wheelwrights, 142 Uxbridge road W • :Bateman William, optician, 55 St. John's road, Battersea SW Battersea Municipal Alliance (W. A. Merchant, hon. sec.), 344 Baylin Arthur, tobacconist, 104 Norwood rd. West Norwood SE Bateman·s Stores, provisior. dealers, 9 South sitle,Olapham ComSW Rattersl'a Park road ,..:w Baylis George 0. & tions, builders, 41 Webb"s road, Battersea S\V Bater Alfred Jame~, fried fish nealer, 97A, Kirl,wood road & 90 Battersea Polytechnic (Canon-Curtis M.A. chairman of governing Ba}lis Robt.
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