Sat, 01 Jun 2013

Sat, 01 Jun 2013

TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sat, 01 Jun 2013 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> 10:00 AM Diamond Club (R) (Variety) The highest-rated Taiwan variety programme, hosted by the famous Regine, is now on Channel U! Judged by a panel of "Shrewd tongue" guest artistes, the programme showcase unique talents from all walks of life - magic show, street dance, dog talent performance. <钻石夜总会> (综艺节目)(重) 由台湾名嘴利菁主持,《钻石夜总会》汇集了全台最独特、 最叫人惊喜连连的表演节目。从魔术,杂耍,舞蹈至狗狗特 技表演等,样样让观众看得目不暇给! 12:00 PM LOHAS (R) (Infotainment) Join Paige Chua, Ya Hui, Ng Hui & Candyce Toh in defining the LOHAS way of life (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainable living), through environmental and health & fitness themes to discover unique food finds, crowd-drawing activities, fashionably fabulous grooming tips and bites of entertainment scenes in Shanghai and Singapore. <乐活好正点> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 由蔡琦慧、许雅慧、黄慧及杜惠娉联手主持,这个全新生活 时尚资讯节目将介绍新加坡及上海两个城市里符合健康与环 保概念的潮流新鲜事,包括美食、个性小店、美容时装、娱 乐艺术等等,展现时下"乐活一族"所崇尚的生活方式。 1:00 PM The Stories In China (Infotainment) Hosted by Cai Li Qun and Ken, "Stories of China" is a fun and adventurous travelogue that takes its viewers to the different parts of China. From cultural to traditional activities, each episode features the most authentic aspects of China ever as Li Qun shares with the viewers stories about the place visited and its people. <在中国的故事> (娱乐资讯节目) 最真实的中国,最动人的故事! 让节目主持人蔡立群与阿Ken,带大家去见识中国各地多姿 多彩的文化与习俗,品尝各种风味不同的地方美食,以及与 观众分享一些鲜为人知的民间轶事。 2:00 PM Super Taste (R) (Infotainment) Follow Sha Sha and the comical duo "Hao Jiao Xiang Qi", as they bring you around the world to search for mouth- watering delicacies and the coolest tourist attractions! Hosts: Sha Sha, Aaron Chen, Xie Xinhao <食尚玩家> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 超强美食搜寻,最新玩乐资讯的节目又回来了!人气美食、 梦幻甜点、美味小吃、观光胜地、旅游景点、私房美景、"食 尚玩家"一网打尽,带您去吃喝玩乐!主持人:莎莎, 浩角翔起 3:00 PM Dong Yi (R) (Eps 9 & 10) (PG)(Dual King Xiaozong successfully proves Yuzhen's innocence Sound - 2nd track in Korean)(English with Tongyi's help. He gives full credit to Tongyi and Subtitles) (Korean Drama) rewards her. Meanwhile, the Queen Dowager fears that her plot against Yuzhen will eventually be exposed. <同伊> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - 华韩语) (PG)同伊和萧宗平安躲过危机之后,萧宗带着造成音变事件 (英文字幕) 的岩盐回宫,证明了玉贞的清白。萧宗为了感谢同伊,便赐 赏同伊珍贵的物品和御食。另一方面,明圣大妃因担心自己 所制造的阴谋会被揭发而感到恐慌。 5:00 PM Autumn's Concerto (R) (Eps 21 & 22) Tuoye confesses his love to Muchen who decides to accept (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) him. Xiaole leaves home to find Guangxi in Taipei. Muchen (Taiwan Drama) is worried that Xiaole may faint anytime without his insulin injection. <下一站, 幸福> (台湾剧)(重) (PG)拓也向慕橙表白积压多年的爱慕,慕橙决定接受托也。 (中英文字幕) 小乐一声不响离家出走,去台北寻找光晞。慕橙担心小乐没 打胰岛素针随时会昏倒在路上。 7:00 PM Talent Star (Variety) "Talent Star" is a talent search show hosted by O-Di and Wu Yi Pei. Talented contestants from the whole of Taiwan go on stage to show what they are capable of. Expect the unexpected as the contestants work hard to impress the audience and the three judges. <达人总动员> (综艺节目) 由欧弟及吴怡霈主持的综艺节目"达人总动员",吸引台湾各 地的达人聚集在达人秀的光辉舞台上较劲,竭尽全力演出。 且看他们的表演是否能夺得观众及三位评审的认可。 8:30 PM Neighbourhood Gourmet (Variety) The comical Kitty Yuen and King Kong will introduce viewers to delicious food all over Hong Kong. They will also learn the secret recipes of various chefs' signature dishes and hold a PK contest in every episode. <街坊厨神> (综艺节目) 小仪与金刚这两位「街坊厨神」将带观众朋友穿街过巷到处 扫匀香港、九龙、新界各个地区的街坊美食。此外,两人还 会向大厨们拜师学艺,请教他们的独门厨艺秘技,并且即场 以所学的制作该店招牌菜,再由众街坊食客试吃评分。 9:00 PM Fabulous Boys (Ep 3) This drama revolves around a fictional boy band named AN (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) Jell. Chen Yuxi plays a nun-in-training who has to pose as (Taiwan Drama) her twin brother and takes his place in the group, resulting in a series of complicated relationships among the group's members. <原来是美男> (台湾剧) (中英文字幕) (PG)本剧集讲述一位实习修女高美女偶然代替哥哥女扮男装 成为AN Jell偶像组合的一员。剧集讲述偶像组合的成长过程、感情 经历以及他们的困惑和烦恼。 10:30 PM Money Week (R) (Local Current Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Affairs) Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world. <财经追击> (本地时事节目)(重) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。节 目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更好地 掌握市场走势和投资情报。 11:00 PM News Tonight (R) (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻)(重) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动脉 ,让大家轻松掌握。 11:30 PM Love Multiplication (Ep 15) (Chinese Starring Raymond Lam, Tammy Chen, Alex Fong and Ady Subtitles) (Drama) An, this contemporary drama serial depicts how four young people throw themselves into a whirlpool of emotions as they go in search of love and lasting relationships. <爱情新呼吸> (连续剧) (中文字幕) 由林峰,陈怡蓉,方中信与安以轩主演,“爱的新呼吸"叙述 四位都市青年,为了追逐真爱与永恒的归宿,不惜投身于情 海波涛之中。 12:30 AM The Thin Line (R) (Eps 1 & 2) Chen Youshun runs a seafood trading business and has (Drama) three children, namely Tianbao, Tianyou and Tianhui. Tianhui falls in love with a successful businessman, Huang Junjie. Innocent as he may seem, Junjie has actually gotten near to the Chens to carry out a secret plan. <还我情真> (连续剧)(重) 陈天保、陈天佑和陈天慧是同父异母的兄妹,三人的父亲陈 有顺经营海味买卖生意,算是小康之家。天慧偶然认识成功 商人黄俊杰,并对他产生感情。岂料,俊杰竟是有顺前外遇 的儿子,因为气愤有顺当年抛弃他母亲,所以故意接近陈家 ,展开他的复仇计划。 2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sun, 02 Jun 2013 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> 10:00 AM Million Singer (R) (Variety) "Million Singer" is currently one of the top variety shows in Taiwan. Hosted by Harlem Yu, the programme invites famous singers to take part in "Remember the Song Lyrics Contest" every week. Winners stand to win the grand prize of NT$1,000,000. <百万大歌星> (综艺节目)(重) <百万大歌星>是目前台湾最新最热门的综艺节目。主持人庾 澄庆每期都会邀请许多艺人来参加歌唱游戏, 考验他们背记歌词的功利。如果他们一路过关斩将, 就可赢取一百万元奖金。 11:30 AM The Magic Ring (R) (Variety) This is Hong Kong's first variety programme based on magic. Tune in for a fascinating time as contestants try their best to impress the judges! Host: Sammy <魔法擂台> (综艺节目)(重) 香港首个以魔术为主题的综艺节目。且看参赛者如何施展浑 身解数吸引评审们的眼光! 主持人:森美 12:30 PM Kawaii Style (R) (Infotainment) Bask in the excitement of Tokyo's latest trends with Joanne Peh and her Japanese co-hosts where they bring you what's hot and highly recommended by the experts and locals in Japan. <哈日时尚风> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 如果你想掌握日本的时尚、美容、美食和潮流趣事,那你决 不能错过由时尚代表白薇秀、Nicole Ishida和Noa Iwamoto联手主持的《哈日时尚风》!你也可以从Instagram 上搜查 #kawaiiUstyle,抢先欣赏白薇秀在日本拍摄时的幕后花絮! 1:00 PM Love Keeps Going (R) (Eps 17 & 18) Watch out how a heart-warming sunshine girl changes the (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) life of a cool, arrogant self-centred musician in this popular (Taiwan Drama) upcoming drama "Love keeps going". <美乐, 加油> (台湾剧)(重) 剧中,王心凌饰演乐观上进、刻苦耐劳的女主角——查美乐 (中英文字幕) ,阴差阳错之下与素有"台湾第一美型男"之称的韩以烈(贺军 翔饰演)相遇.美乐的热情真诚如阳光般照进了以烈冷漠的内 心,改变了他的人生,最后与他 共谱恋歌。 3:00 PM Dong Yi (R) (Eps 11 & 12) (PG)(Dual Xu Longji suspects Tongyi may be Xiaoyuan's daughter Sound - 2nd track in Korean)(English after finding out she had only started working in the palace Subtitles) (Korean Drama) six years ago. Tianshou visits the site where Xiaoyuan and Tongzhou were killed by the soldiers. Unexpectedly, he finds the headscarf which he had given to Tongyi before her escape. <同伊> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - 华韩语) (PG)徐龙基查出同伊是在六年前才被登录为奴婢,因此怀疑 (英文字幕) 同伊乃是崔孝元之女。同伊在父兄的忌日前往事发地点拜祭 。没想到随后而来的天寿竟在山上发现自己当年交给同伊的 头巾! 5:00 PM Japan Eats (R) (Infotainment) Hound down interesting and discreetly hidden Japanese eating-houses and restaurants known only to the most discerning locals in Japan with host Jeffrey Xu. <日本美食通> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 主持人徐鸣杰将带你环游日本,找寻色香味俱全的美食佳肴 以及不起眼但又广受当地人欢迎的餐馆。喜欢吃或旅游的你 ,一定得收看《日本美食通》,你的最佳指南! 5:30 PM Power Sunday (R) (Variety) "Power Sunday" is a variety programme hosted by Jacky Wu filled with fun, laughter and exciting games. Invited artistes will experience "bungee jumping" and masquerade hide and seek games. These hilarious game segments will keep the viewers entertained every week. <Power 星期天> (综艺节目)(重) 由天王名嘴吴宗宪主持的综艺节目. " Power 星期天 " 里有两个好玩刺激游戏单元。在"对不起,HIGH到你"单元里 ,艺人站上2.8 公尺的高台上,体验最高最刺激的自由落体,而在" 案发现场躲猫猫" 游戏中,看明星歌手到你家,玩最有创意的找查疑点,最好 玩的家庭躲猫猫游戏。 7:00 PM Running Man II (Dual Sound - 2nd Running Man is back with a brand new series! Tune in track in Korean)(English/Chinese famous artistes are invited onto the show each week to join Subtitles) (Variety) hands with the hilarious hosts to tackle one challenge after another. A fun-filled show not to be missed! <Running Man> (综艺节目)(双声道 - Running Man 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 的原班主持人回来啦!除了搞笑的主持群外,每期的节目也 将为您请来实力相当的嘉宾艺人。精彩节目,切勿错过! 8:30 PM Art of Love (Ep 4) (PG)(English Art of Love is an inspiring web series that tells five different Subtitles) (Local Drama) stories of shattered dreams and emotional entanglements. When a mystery man enters the lives of the characters, he inspires them with the power of Art. <心。艺> (本地连续剧) (英文字幕) (PG)由一个神秘黑衣人,在个别故事里,每一段"不完美"的 关系和情感问题,将因神秘黑衣人带来的"艺术灵感",获得 解决并得到"完美"的收场。 9:00 PM Lie To Me (Ep 1) (PG)(Debut)(Dual Kong Yazhen gets entangled in a web of lies when she Sound - 2nd track in mistakenly lies that she is married to Xuan Jijun, a hotel Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) manager from an affluent family. (Korean Drama) <甜蜜谎言> (韩剧)(双声道 - 华韩语) (PG)(首播)这部韩国喜剧讲述著名商界精英玄基俊和古怪疯 (中英文字幕) 狂的大龄剩女孔雅贞因为一个荒唐的谎言与种种机缘巧合, 而被卷入一场甜蜜和充满冲突的结婚绯闻的故事。 11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动脉 ,让大家轻松掌握。 11:30 PM Money Week (R) (Local Current Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Affairs) Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business

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