PAGE 1 | MAY 6, 2021 THE HEBREW WATCHMAN | hebrewwatchman.com WHAT DO YOU SEE? IT COULD BE YOUR AD... HEBREWWATCHMAN.COM 24 IYAR, 5781 MAY 6, 2021 VOL. 99, NO. 34 Margolin Hebrew Academy-Feinstone Police stop Yeshiva of the South to honor memory planned neo- of longtime supporters Nazi attack on Argentine education that will be passed down for generations,” said Mr. Pace Cooper. synagogue on MHA-FYOS Head of School Rab- bi Benjy Owen shared, “Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and their family exemplify Shabbat commitment to harbatzat Torah (spread- (JTA) – Police have arrested ing the influence of the Torah) and two people who authorities believe hachnasat orchim (welcoming guests). were planning a Friday-night at- The naming of our Beit Midrash and tack on an Argentine synagogue. future Main Entrance is an especially The country’s federal judiciary was fitting tribute. In associating these two investigating a group called Goy Group prominent spaces with the memory of Unleashed, according to the Simon Wi- Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, we endeavor to esenthal Center, when prosecutors found recognize and show appreciation for evidence on the messaging services the magnitude and quality of their mo- Telegram and WhatsApp of the immi- mentous leadership and support. We are nent Shabbat attack in the Tucuman proud and excited to honor the mem- province of northern Argentina. Bernice Cooper surrounded by her family in April of 2012 ory of Bernice and Irby Cooper with Police ordered two raids on the capi- this very appropriate recognition.” HW tal city of the province, San Miguel de Margolin Hebrew Academy-Fein- FYOS throughout their lives, a legacy Tucuman, and in a smaller town called El stone Yeshiva of the South (MHA- that their children have continued. Mr. Manantial. In addition to the two arrests, FYOS) announced that its board of and Mrs. Cooper served in school lead- they found guns, knives, radio commu- directors voted unanimously to honor ership at the highest levels including nications equipment and Nazi literature. the memory of Bernice and Irby Coo- president. Their children have served “That two of the group decided to take per with the naming of two significant in similar capacities. For the past five violent action against a Jewish commu- spaces in the school. Initially, MHA- years, the Cooper Family has matched nity is a worrying step, as the threat in FYOS will formally dedicate the re- all newly pledged Building Fund con- Latin America had, until now, come cently remodeled Beit Midrash housed tributions, which have supported the from the far left and Islamist/Iran,” in the Cooper Yeshiva High School ongoing transformation of the MHA- Shimon Samuels, director for interna- for Boys in memory of Mr. and Mrs. FYOS campus. Following in Mr. and tional relations of the Wiesenthal Cen- Cooper. In the near future, the school Mrs. Cooper's footsteps, their children ter, said in a statement Mon., April 26. will undertake a capital improvement continue to chair numerous major fund- Antisemitic incidents are rarely phys- project, which will include the con- raising events including the Opera- ical in Argentina – most are online or struction of a new and grand Main En- tional Campaign, while also donating graffiti – but there were three violent ones trance. Upon its completion, this Main generously to the school and engaging in 2019. The number of total antisemit- Entrance will be dedicated and named in numerous solicitations on its behalf. ic incidents rose by 107% in 2018 over in memory of Bernice and Irby Cooper. “It’s a privilege to honor our parents’ the previous year, according to a report The board chose to honor the mem- memory as their devotion instilled in by the DAIA Jewish umbrella group. ory of the Coopers for their extraordi- their children a love of living Torah-cen- Irby and Bernice Cooper The head of DAIA has been under nary leadership and support for MHA- tric lives and a commitment to Jewish police protection since February, when he received antisemitic threats. HW Dozens killed, injured in apparent stampede during Lag B’Omer in Meron time disasters in the nation’s history. The incident occurred as thousands about possible overcrowding at the site According to Magen David Adom, of religious Jews were pushing each after last year’s festivities were can- at least 38 people have been killed other down a crowded corridor and celed due to the coronavirus pandemic. and 65 injured, including six in crit- staircase. Victims were crushed un- “A serious disaster on Mount Meron,” ical condition, 18 injured severely, der streaming crowds as emergency said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Ne- two moderately and 39 lightly injured. workers struggled to reach the scene. tanyahu. “We are all praying for the re- “MDA is fighting for the lives of doz- Many of the injured were evacuat- covery of the injured. I ask to strengthen ens wounded and will not give up un- ed to hospitals across the country. the rescue forces operating in the area.” Similarly, Israeli President Reu- United Hatzalah volunteers til the last victim is evacuated,” it said. The cause of the stam- ven Rivlin said he is following re- respond to a mass casualty “We just finished treating one of Is- pede was not immediately clear. ports from Meron with “great anxiety” incident in Meron during Lag rael’s worst disasters. A terrible disaster More than 100,000 worshippers and praying for the wounded. HW B’Omer on April 30, 2021. Source: of people who came to celebrate Lag had gathered at the foot of Mount United Hatzalah/Twitter. B’Omer and were unfortunately crushed Meron in northern Israel as they do to death,” said United Hatzalah Vice annually to mark the holiday, gath- More than 100,000 religious Jews (JNS) – Dozens of Israelis have been President of Operations Dov Maisel. ering to visit the gravesite of Rab- had gathered to mark the holiday reported killed and injured in an ap- “This was a very difficult site – sites bi Shimon Bar Yochai and study at the gravesite of Rabbi Shimon parent stampede during Lag B’Omer that we have not seen here in Israel since texts. Bonfires are part of the tradi- Bar Yochai as part of an annual commemorations in Meron, in what is the worst days of the terrorist wave tion there and throughout the country. tradition. being called one of the largest peace- back during the early 2000s,” he said. Israeli officials had expressed concern PAGE 2 | MAY 6, 2021 THE HEBREW WATCHMAN | hebrewwatchman.com Established September, 1925 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Leo I. 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We real- younger, but I know if Fogelman Jew- and Jewish News Service ize that there are less fortunate families. ish Family Service had existed like it There are families who need long-term does today, we would have reached out THE HEBREW WATCHMAN PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT support, and there are families that find for the compassionate care they offer.” (USPS #807-360) is published THE HEBREW WATCHMAN must weekly every Thursday for $36 per give permission for any material themselves facing sudden, unexpected “We also know he might one day need year by contained herein to be copied or challenges. But the Wendy and Avron B. Fogelman Jewish Family Service,” said JEWISH LIVING OF THE SOUTH, Inc. reproduced in any manner without express permission of THE HEBREW Fogelman Jewish Family Service pro- Alex. “That’s a big part of why we’re P.O. Box 353 WATCHMAN. The publication of any vides a safety net to catch anyone in their ardent advocates of the Center and now 1138 N. 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