SH BM 9/29/04 4:16 PM Page 667 Index Miss Masque, Miss Acts of Vengeance, 390 Adventure Comics #253, A Victory, Nightveil, Owl, Acy Duecey, 4478 586 A Carnival of Comics, 229 Pyroman, Rio Rita, AD Vision, 21, 135, 156 Adventure Comics #432, “A Day in the Life,” 530 Rocketman, Scarlet Adam, 97 446 (ill.) A Distant Soil, 21 Scorpion, Shade, She- Adam, Allen, 117 Adventure Comics #482, A Touch of Silver (1997), 275 Cat, Yankee Girl Adam Strange, 3–4, 317, 441, 180 (ill.) AAA Pop Comics, 323 Academy X, 650 500, 573, 587 Adventurers’ Club, 181 Aardvark-Vanaheim, 105 Acclaim Entertainment, 563, Justice League of Ameri- Adventures in Babysitting, 525 Abba and Dabba, 385 613 ca, member of, 294 Adventures into the Unknown, Abbey, Lynn, 526 Ace, 42 Adamantium, 643 434 Abbott, Bruce, 147 Ace Comics, 160, 378 Adams, Art, 16, 44–45, 107, The Adventures of Aquaman ABC See America’s Best Ace Magazines, 427 254, 503 (1968–1969), 296 Comics (ABC) Ace of Space, 440 Adams, Arthur See Adams, Art Adventures of Batman (TV ABC News, 565 Ace Periodicals, 77 Adams, Jane, 62, 509 series), 491 ABC Warriors, 441 Ace the Bat-Hound, 59, 72, Adams, Lee, 545 The Adventures of Batman and Abhay (Indian superhero), 283 402, 562 Adams, Neal, 22, 25, 26, 32, Robin (1969–1970), 56, 64 Abin Sur, 240, 582 “Aces,” 527 47, 59, 60, 94, 104, 174, The Adventures of Batman and Abner Cadaver, 416 ACG, 42 177, 237, 240, 241, 334, Robin (1994–1997), 56, 67, Abomination, 259–260, 266, Achille le Heel, 342 325, 353, 366, 374, 435, 493 577 Acolytes, 658 445, 485, 502, 503, 519, The Adventures of Bob Hope, Aboriginie Stevie, 583 Acrata (Planet DC), 282 542, 582, 635, 642 103, 502 About Comics, 194 Acrobat, 578 Adapt (Australian superhero), Adventures of Captain Africa, Abra Kadabra, 220, 575 Action #23, 550 283 378 Abrams, J. J., 549 Action Ace, 551 Adolph (1983), 36 The Adventures of Captain Abrams, Jeffrey, 542 Action Boy, 110, 111 Adonis, 598 America (movie serial, Absorbing Man, 267, 577 Action Comics, 41, 80, 90, Adrienne, 649 1943), 112 AC Comics, 1, 140, 160, 210, 171, 342, 440, 479, 481, Adult Swim (Cartoon Network), The Adventures of Captain Mar- 212, 234, 514, 532, 560 486, 489, 495, 498, 500, 246 vel (movie serial, 1941), AC Comics Heroes, 1–2 501, 502, 509, 510, 522, ADV Films, 413 127, 128–129, 379, 509, See also Astra, Astron, 534, 539, 550, 552, 562, Advanced Dungeons and Drag- 575 Black Cobra, Black Ter- 615 ons, 514 The Adventures of Jerry Lewis, ror, Black Venus, Blue Action Comics #1 (Super- Adventure, 171 502 Bulleteer, Bolt, Captain man’s debut, 1938), Adventure Comics, 31, 80, Adventures of Robin Hood, Flash, Captain Free- 172, 229, 305, 313, 103, 177, 236–237, 300, 479 dom, Captain Paragon, 427, 515, 522, 525, 349, 372, 373, 385, 413, The Adventures of Sock Mon- Captain Wings, Cat- 538, 539, 554, 556 414, 431, 469, 470, 482, key, 106 Man, Commando Action Comics #252 483, 489, 500, 501, 536, The Adventures of Superboy Yank, Dynamicman, (Supergirl’s debut), 553, 557, 561, 614 (TV pilot), 545 Eagle, Femforce, Fight- 432, 489, 534 Adventure Comics #58 The Adventures of Superboy ing Yank, The Flame, Action Girl, 2–3, 3 (ill.), 184 (1941), 327 (TV series), 482, 484, 495, Golden Lad, Green “Action Heroes” Series, 434 Adventure Comics #247 548 Lama, Grim Reaper, Action League Now!!!, 493 (1958), 308, 568 See also Superboy THE SUPERHERO BOOK SH BM 9/29/04 4:16 PM Page 668 Index The Adventures of Superman Alakazam the Great, 18 All Star Comics, 40, 142, 189, Alpha Flight (superteam), (comic book), 472, 482, Alan Class Company, 602 239, 252, 298–299, 414, 9–11, 34, 77, 359, 367, 504, 512, 515, 522, 525, Alanna, 4, 317 470, 499, 567, 628, 629 529, 567, 625 540, 548 Albert, Edward, 165 All Star Comics #3, 566, Altar Boy, 39 The Adventures of Super- Albert, Richard L., 324 585 Alter Ego (fanzine), 300, 501 man #441, 551 (ill.) Alberta, Canada, 626 All Star Comics #7, 585 Alternate realities, 208, 251, The Adventures of Superman Albino Joe, 349 All Star Comics #8 (Won- 262, 270, 290, 294, 299, (radio program), 58, 356, Albright, Red, 131, 511 der Woman’s debut), 300, 314, 315, 568 586 Alcala, Alfredo, 607 142, 213, 298 Alternative Futures, 11–15 The Adventures of Superman Alcala, Felix Enriquez, 297 All Star Comics #37, 299 Altieri, Kevin, 227, 474 (TV series, 1953–1957), Alcott, Todd, 635 (ill.) Altman, Jeff, 296 173, 363, 371, 372, 430, Aleta (Guardians of the All Star Comics #57 (end Alyn, Kirk, 90, 509, 540, 543, 540, 544, 550, 575 Galaxy), 242 of the original Justice 544, 546 The Adventures of the Jaguar Alexander, Joan, 545 Society of America), Amalgam, 590 (1961–1963), 138 299 Alexander, Scott, 266 Amano, Yoshitaka, 22, 134, Adventures of the Mask Alfred Harvey Publications, 247 All Star Comics #69 271, 596 (1995–1996), 338 (Huntress’s debut, Alfred Harvey’s Black Cat Amara Aquilla, 651 Aegena, 624 1977), 270 (1995), 81 (ill.) Amazing Adventures, 86, 442, Aegis Entertainment, Inc., 623 All Star Comics (Winter Alfred the Butler, 56, 58, 59, 536 Aeon Flux, 494 60, 496, 518 1940, Justice Society Amazing Adventures (TV Aerosmith, 405 Ali, 519 of America’s debut), series), 278, 365 Affleck, Ben, 164, 166 (ill.), 197 Alias (comic book), 201, 215 298 The Amazing Adventures of African-American Heroes, 4–9, Alias (Marvel MAX), 388, 465, return of (1976), 300 Kavalier & Clay (2000), 280, 77, 154, 202, 206, 241, 466 All-Star Squadron (comic 418, 525, 528 300, 309, 344–346, 471, Alias (TV series, 2001–pre- book), 300, 359, 404, 470, Amazing Amazon, 32, 510 472, 473, 494 sent), 147, 537 501, 567, 639 Amazing Fantasy, 372, 455 first African-American Alias the Spider, 480 All-Star Squadron (super- Amazing Fantasy #15 comic-book superhero, Alice in Wonderland, 646 heroes), 177, 300 (Spider-Man’s debut), 5–6 Alien, 51 All-Star Western, 299 429, 449, 451, 516, first African-American Alien Brat, 441 All Top Comics (November 525 superhero series Aliens (comic book), 167, 168 1947), 234 Amazing Man (superhero), 27, (comic book), 7–8 Aliens (villains), 589 All True Crime, 333 230, 300, 359 in Marvel Comics, 6 Alizarin Crimson, 211 All-Winners Comics, 356, 475 origins of, 4–7 Amazing Man Comics, 574 All-American Comics, 101, All-Winners Squad (super- as sidekicks, 4–5 Amazing Mystery Funnies, 348 219, 298, 532 heroes), 284, 285, 533, stereotypes of, 4–5 Amazing Spider-Man (comic All-American Comics #16 566, 585 Aga, Hidetomo, 322 book), 206, 318, 395, 396, (Green Lantern’s See also The Invaders Agent America, 216 433, 451, 454, 455, 462, debut), 172, 239 Allan, Liz, 317 Agent Liberty, 561 463, 456, 460, 461, 496, All-American Comics Allard, Kent See The Shadow Agents of Law, 169 500, 501, 588, 599 #19, 40 Allen, Barry, 219–220, 317, Agniputra (Indian superhero), Amazing Spider-Man #2, All-American Comics 564, 565 283 450 (ill.) #25, 529 death of, 220 Agul, 606 Amazing Spider-Man All-American Publications, 172 See also The Flash (Sil- Ahab, 646 #68, 431 (ill.) merges with DC Comics, ver Age) AIDS in comics, 423 298 Amazing Spider-Man Allen, Gale, 440 Aikawa, Noboru, 135 All-Czarnia 9-Octave Chime- #129 (Punisher’s Allen, Irwin, 209 A.I.M., 114, 364 Haiku Festival, 312 debut), 334 Allen, Matt, 180 Aino, Minako, 412 All-Flash Comics, 219 The Amazing Spider-Man (TV Air Corps, 511 All Hero, 126 Allen, Peggy, 532 series), 96, 579 Air Man, 76 All in the Family, 536 Allen, Steve, 522 Amazing Spider-Man and the Airboy, 194, 574 All-Negro Comics, 5 Allied propaganda (World War Incredible Hulk, 457, 492 Airplane! (movie), 392 All-New Comics, 81 II), 172 Amazing Spider-Man: City in AIUEO Boy, 325 All New Super Friends Hour “Allied Earth Calendar,” 596 Darkness, 526 Ajax Atomic Labs, 161 (animated series), 9, 65, Allies, 514 Amazing Spider-Man: Crime Ajax Comics, 382 471, 477, 492, 545 Allred, Laura, 322 Campaign, 526 Ajys (The Freedom Collective), All-Purpose Cultural Catgirl Allred, Michael, 107, 168, Amazing Spider-Man: Mayhem 284 Nuku-nuku, 393 322, 324, 405, 505, 520, in Manhattan, 526 Aki, 597 All Select Comics, 475 653 Amazing Stories, 440 Akira (comic book), 20 All Select Comics #2, 585 Alpha Centauri, 241, 242 Amazing World of Superman, Akira (superhero), 22 Blonde Phantom’s Alpha Flight (comic book), 486 Aladdin, 608 debut, 91 282, 368, 622, 623 Amazo, 576 THE SUPERHERO BOOK SH BM 9/29/04 4:16 PM Page 669 Index Amazon (superhero), 368, America’s Greatest Comics, Anime and Manga, 18–23, 155 Aqualad, 30, 31, 32, 317, 516, 627, 628, 634 126 anime henshin, 19 373, 429, 430, 487, 565, Amazon archetype, use of in “America’s Guardian Angel,” anime second wave, 19 567, 590, 592, 593 comic books, 213, 214 510 anime Sentai genre, 19 See also Tempest Amazon Artemis, 582 Americomics, 93 anime, start of, 18–19 Aquaman (animated series, Amazon Code, 516 AmerTek, 472 Animeigo, 21 1967), 295, 435, 491 Amazon Princess, 535, 536 Amethyst, Princess of Gem- Aniston, Jennifer, 636 Aquaman (comic book), 373, Amazon Queen Mother, 634 world, 537 Annihilist, 181 501, 503, 576 Amazoness, 457 Amies, Christopher, 527 Annihilus, 577 Aquaman #36, 30 (ill.) Ammerperson, Connie, 52 Aquaman (superhero), 30–31, Amazonian Princess, 573 Ant, 373 Amoeba Boys, 391 34, 65, 173, 247, 294, Amazons, 487, 629 Ant-Man (superhero), 23–24, Amok, 105, 109 296, 297, 315, 317, 373, Amazons!, 538 45, 47, 213, 259, 280, Amora, 89 429, 432, 433, 477, 478, Amber, 570 288, 315, 318, 334, 372, Amorpho, 385 482, 487, 501, 510, 517, The Ambiguously Gay Duo, 106 388, 510, 564, 568, 581, Amphibian, 33 529, 535, 545, 549, 565, Ambush Bug, 105 586, 618 Amulet of Right, 119, 121 568, 572, 586–588, 633 A-Men (Australian super- See also Giant
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