LET’S HELP (>yWorlM<ll lla(*r bc«U ar« a vlUl «rop-^ Ivity Pot P«y * * * CTcrj man wid yonth who ew> po*- Ut*K Doubi* »lbly do w> thonid tom oat lo help tm— . OvrQuofa (he Ubor critli. A Reffional Newipaper Seirini: Nino Irrlgnled Idnho Counties VOL. 25, NO. 36 TW IN FALLS» IDABO, FRIDAY. MAY 29, 1942 PRICE 5 CENTS lAPS M E D IN Marshall Asserts Ti-oops Britain’s Desert Battlers [A S IE R N CHINESE To Be “Landed in France” TO FIGHI WEST POINT. N. Y.. May J9 (/T>— part of American-DrlUsh strategy. An lriVB.ilon of the European conil- Marshall recalled that prior to nent Was promised today by Oen­ Dcc. 7, members of congre.u seeking eral Oecrgo C. Marshall, army-chief hLn justification for expansion plarvs Throw Back Axis Assaults IP-U P AHACKS of staff, who told the West Point for the army, wanted to know "whero AVOIDING lA X E S By The AuocUUd rre»» groduatlng xlaas that American American soldiers might be called WASHINGTON. Way » CUJ>) — Chlneio reporu today indicated troop.1 'are landing In EnRland. upon to fight and Just what wa.i Secretary of the Treasury Henry the Japanue hoU been euilled lo and they will land In France." the urgent necessity for the army MorgenUiau. Jr,. today had congres­ Ibelr wldejprcBd cajnpalun lo over­ Morshall said the army would Uiat we were endeavoring to organ- sional support for hU cftinpalgn Women Apply for Amy Auxiliary Corps AMERICAN CRAFT run eu lem China and Uicrcby wipe total nearly 4i00/)00 men by the Ire and train," ngalnst corporations thit try to out bues for poa&lble aerial os> end of this .ear. InsUad of the pre- "In reply I usually commented on avoid war taxation by piylnK cxccs' MUlLi BEoltut t^ie Utanc] empire. vlou.ily announced estimate of 3,000.- the fact that we had previously slve salaries. Mtanwhlle. In Uvt Jar PwaJlt. CfOO men, loHRht In France. TiaSy. and Ger­ Morgenthau explained hla pro­ SyPPORI ALLIED American lllers recorded another "Vour utmost endeavor, backed man}’; In Africa, and the far east; In gram for disallowing tax decfiictlons victory over Nippon. by high and unselfish purpo.ic. will Siberia and northern Ruwila." Mar­ to corporatlorLi whlct) pay ''unreas­ The Chinese high command re­ be required to bring UiU struRgle shall said, "No one couW tell what onably high" salaries and unearned ported that "ten more polnta” on lo a triumphant conclusion." he the hiture might hold for us. bonaics. at a meellns ot the Joint one tiling won clear to me. we i congre.islonal committee on Internal S IN AFRICA the oulakirta of fchtuiB. Japanese- told the garduating cadeLi. held YongtM river jlronnhDld above "No comprorolse li paislble. and be ptepated to fight anywtwre. and revenue toxntlon l« t night. By ROCKR P. QREENE Honkoi^'.! had Inllen to Chlncui the victory of the democraclc.'? can on short notice. He cited seven cssca ot "particu­ A««ocUted Press War Editor forces li^concerted attacks started only be complete with the utter de­ "Tlie poRslblUUea were not c larly unpardonable attempts to es­ three d o ^ ofio. feat of Uie war machines of Ger­ drawn, for today we find American cape wartime taiitlon." He said British deaerl fightern, Thl4 orr«wlve action in Uupch many and Japan." .''OldlcrB throughout the rnclfic, In mo.1t corporations were "loo patrio­ heavily supported by Ameri­ province wod dulKned, no doubt, as Oftlnlng significance In view of Burma. China, and India. Tliry have tic to consider such pr«cOcc.i" ‘ can-built Kittyhawks and Indirect relief for Chinese forces the current dL?cuiis1on.< of high rank­ flown over Japan. Ttiey (ire landing that he thought It would ha' Boston bombers, threw back su'Djeeled lo a Japanese power drive ing American army officers wlUi In England, and they will land In wholesome effect If tlie committee In Cheklnns province, hundreds ot Brltbh ofMcIats In London, Mor- PVnncc. We are determined that be­ decided to publUh the nai n German panzer column,to­ mile* to lchanB'8 cwt. flhall's atw tlon that American fore the nun sets on tlils terrible those he died, day after it had knifed 50 rorees in the Ichanff region were /orees "wJlJ land In France" utli the stnigKle. our fJjiff will be recoynlred N»mtf to lie IJXrd miles inside the British de­ Chairman Robert 1j. DoiirU . ... tald to have Inflicted hea\7 losses first definite sUlement by any throiiKlioiit the world as a symbol fense system in north Africa. on the enemy. Cftpturlng two field American official that a ground of- of freedom on the one hand and of N, C.. of the house ways siid mtana tunjt and largo <)uanLLtlei o( Itnslve agidnal the continent waa . <c.nllniiid «a T.ci t. C»l»mn 1) commlltet. announced ihnt the I’ ront-llne dispatches aatd piles. group had "unanimously lolced Ita violent tank battles rased in Hold KInhwa approval and appreclntlon" of the n fjO-mile-wide belt between fork being done I Simultaneously, the high com­ problem, lie Indicated iiie names Sidi Rezegh and Ain cl Go- mand announced that up to dawn Auto Hurtles Into Rocks; of the seven companies might be xula. :Test«rday Klnhwn. besieged capital made public later. A liriilsli communique acknowl­ o£ Cheluana ptovlnce, viut "tUU In Members said MorKcniliaii, who edged Uiat axis forces had driven our hands despite enemy attacks of doea not need icslslntloii to carry wltJiln 15 miles of historic-Tobrut the previous night." Jerome Youth, 21, Killed out the program, sppurrmly sought as Ocrman. Plcld Marshal E ^ ln The Japanese reached that point M okic Vnfley's trnffic death toll for the year toiiny stood to publicize the fact that the treas­ Rommel flung massive tank forces Wednesday, the commiinlquo sold, nt fivejpllowin},' a cra.sh in Jerome county late Inst night, ury already has started Investigation Into the struggle—as many as 230 and street fighting immediately fol­ of 10<l corpornilon tax returns— . single column—and hacked at lowed. one miltr north of the rim-to-rlm britlKc, which took the life earlier Uian ever l>tIore-in the lace ly points. "Bloody engagements are still pro­ o f Jnmcfl \V. Davis, jr., 21, Hon o f Mr. and Mra. J. W. Dtivis, of cpngres-ilonnl conimlltee dticlai- lie British declared, however, ceeding on the oulaklrU." the com­ Jerome. urei of large .inlsrlrr. and bonuses that no fixed BriUsh land positions munique added. ’ being paid offlcrri of companies had been ctJ)tured yet in (he three- ITie Japanese were said to have THE BLACK FLAG FLIES . Tlie Jerome young man was In- ntjintly killed when Uio car he wa."i with war contracu, day-old battle. launched more tlian 10 futile at­ driving; and In which he wa.i alone, Morgenthau a.-nurctl tlie commit­ Pree French troops, fighting with tacks against Lanchl, lo miles north- tee tl^at, the trrwMry liM Iratlng the Drltlsl). were credited with de- ■wtaV KJnhwa, on Wednesday. went out oi control on a curve and 01 ended up upAlde down In a pile of nothing undone "lo i.ce that by no strgying 35 ItaUan tanks In a single They suffered high ca.iualtlcs. tlie lava rocks. form of trick or chicanery l-i any When the army rrerulllnr <>rtic<i opened at Chicago, these women were on hand la ask for applications mgagcmcnt. Chinese said. “Another 1,000 enemy troops were Officer Cltei Spefd one taxpayer permitted to escape for the women’s army aaxlUary corps' first officer cindldatA sehooL The lehooJ will begin about Jnly American-made tanks manned by his Just share and lliu.i to throw un­ JS at Dei Moines. la. the British wjsre reported InfllcUni; Ulled and wounded In a day-long SUte Policeman V. K. Barron. on« just burdens on otlier.n." heavy losses on axis armored forces btttUs In tiie Lanchl sector May SB," of Uie Investigating officers, nald all the communique declarcdi He^juUlned the following coses: attempUng to knock out TbbniX as ettdervctn pointed lo ettt»W e speed Hires Illmxelf prelude to a dfUe Into EgypL About 135 mllea east of KlnJiwa Aa cause of the wreck. The crash A DrlUsh array photographer, who and slightly aouUi. the hlgli com­ occurred about 11 p. m, One company, making an Inipor- mand said, several Japanese war- tont airplane part, b owned by or escaped after being.* Nasi prisoner Tlie death brought to two Uic man who hired himself as lU sali . Morrison-Knudsen, for 13 hours, quoted a German Ueu- ahlps appeftred off Talchow bny yes­ number In Jerome county Uil.n year. LL tenant as boasUng: terday and shelled LonRkUhnn. but Tliere have betn three dcatlis In repre.-'cntatlvc. Hli compen-uvtlon in were repulsed by Chinese fire. 1041 was $l.flSO,000. B y conitolldat- “ Well be In Tobryk by tor>lgl»t. Twin Falls county ns a rer.ult of We've got ChurchlU by the Urctt( tmfflc mUhaps since tlie first of Ing his earnings wlUi those ol hU Australian Front corporaUon, the treoaury "blocked Unions Aid Beet Call Uils Ume." Allied airmen destroynl four Jap­ Uic year. No deaths have been re­ HONOR M DEAD The fifth traffic death this obvious attempt to divert Inary Air SoperlsHl* corded to date for any other of tlie Communities up and dovi'n tli< Di,-si)ile H di.‘icouruK'i»K n-.sponso to the Kuni;rul aiipcnl anese planes and damaged aeveral in Magic Valleu for 1042 oc­ Magic Valley counties.
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