Publishing online Now in print since 2013, because the offline & Tor (((internet))) is since 2017. censorship! StormerThe most censored publication in history Vol. 87, 14–21 Apr 2019 Daily Stormer Sunday Edition Samizdat! When I was young I had a view of Christ that was is a deep wellspring of magic within him. If you mirrored by the The Life and Morals of Jesus of talk about bringing them to justice under systems Nazareth, written by our founding father, Thomas of law or secular principles they will laugh at you. Jefferson. He took all the miracles out of the Bible– If you say that you plan to kill them in the name of no virgin birth or resurrection. He made it sim- Christ, they are deeply afraid. Jews and Moslems ply about the moral philosophy of Jesus Christ. It have a genetic memory, and they as a people re- seemed obvious as a young man that the moral member what it is like when Christ the lion decides code of Jesus Christ was the greatest and most just to roar. of all. As such I grew up instilled with apprecia- Now that I live in a rural Slavic village, the living tion for Christ’s importance to justice and the rich magic of Christ on this day is obvious enough even history of European civilization, but I was not a be- for a fool like me to see. Everyone vacates their liever in his divinity. homes to attend mass in unison. None forget to I grew up in the secular white noise of America, tell you “Христос воскрес!” as you pass by them and the plain churches of televangelists praising on the way to the Church. From the minute dawn Israel and begging TV viewers for money never breaks on Easter, the mood is joyous. Women are managed to instill within me a sense of magic or busy all day preparing a multitude of dishes, the wonder for Christ. For many years I thought that most intricate of which is the duty of the Кулич. It Christ was an even better story if he weren’t di- takes many hours because they stop to let it rise vine. It cheapened it in my mind to call him the three separate times. Every Orthodox Church is son of God, born of a virgin. I thought that if Christ beautiful and awe inspiring, and every mass is in- were some kind of magical superhero, then what’s timately personal – a powerful and soothing spiri- the point in trying to be Christlike? If he were a tual balm delivered to you in chants comprised of normal man of flesh and blood and no magical sig- Slavonic. It is the opposite of the modern Ameri- nificance, just like you or me, then it means that can protestant experience in every way. each and every one of us is capable of shaking the I now find myself in the exact opposite of the po- foundations of power for all the world by just our sition that I occupied in my youth. I no longer put a words alone. Believing agnostically in Christ made lot of faith in the moral philosophy of Jesus Christ. me think seeking martyrdom was of value– it sepa- The justice I want is cruel and unusual. The blood rated me from the flocks of idol worshippers send- eagles of the Heimskringla, the retaliatory slaugh- ing those filthy Jews and their TV proxies money. tering of sons in the Poetic Edda. Do unto others Easter was just a time that I got sick off of eating and turn the other cheek no longer seem to me to Cadbury creme eggs. be fit modes of action in the current world. But in It was in my early twenties that I began to under- spite of this, I now believe in the divinity and magic stand the true power of Christ, and it was not by of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe in the merit of the word or deed of any Christian. I was already him as a unifying symbol for the white race, and I a racist and anti-Semite, and I began to see the take joy in the fear he instills in the wicked and for- absolute visceral hatred that Jews and Moslems eign. My appreciation for Christ used to occupy my had for Jesus Christ. It began to turn gears in head, but now it occupies my gut. my head that these publicly secular, atheistic Jews On this day, Christ has Risen, and let all nations would suddenly turn into the villains of a Chick who stand in the way of his children be put to the tract when the mention of Jesus Christ was made. sword. On this day of our Lord, let us commit our- And if Jesus was not significant to their faith, why selves to the destruction of every Jew and Moslem would they describe him in their Talmud as boil- who have dared to defile Christendom. Let the life ing in excrement? Why would they call his mother of our nation and people be death to all the wicked- a whore? ness and iniquity of the world. The more I began to be confronted with the re- actions of these Semitic invaders to the name of Follow Andrew Anglin on GAB for the latest news Jesus, the more I began to understand that there and site updates: https://gab.ai/AndrewAnglin Surface web: dailystormer.name Deep web: dstormer6em3i4km.onion The Daily Stormer is non-profit and 100% reader- Daily Stormer’s Bitcoin address: supported. We do what we do because we are attempting 19m9yEChBSPuzCzEMmg1dNbPvdLdWA59rS to preserve Western Civilization. We do it out of love. Because the website and this Sunday Edition are not mone- tized, we require contributions from readers to pay the ex- penses involved. PayPal (and everything else known to man) has banned this site and me as an individual person from using their ser- vices, so right now all we have is bitcoin. Sunday Edition BTC: 1NsNmzzXtqiZ4YStnYWaEgCauWBGBs2iqB Vol. 87 Daily Stormer ̈ Sunday Edition 3 I reſent that Reznor now makes teno muſic. I haven’t liſtened to any of his ſoundtras or even wated any of thoſe movies, though I’ve heard they’re beer than the NIN albums of the laſt decade. The Fragile was ſo good when it came out. Actually beer than PHM. Reznor another ultraaccompliſhed white man who couldn’t deal with white women and had to go full gook btw. Juſt imagine the options he had. He’s not only that famous, he’s ultra ri and has ſtayed in ſhape. And he marries a filipina who looks like ſhe juſt popped out of the jungle in a colorful robe. What has happened to our ſociety? —Andrew Anglin Publishing daily at: dstormer6em3i4km.onion BTC: 19m9yEChBSPuzCzEMmg1dNbPvdLdWA59rS 4 Daily Stormer ̈ Sunday Edition Vol. 87 Sections Featured Stories 4 World News 27 United States 61 Jewish Problem 90 Race War 104 Society 116 Deus Vult. Insight 126 Boomerwaffen Leader Arrested Featured Stories on Totally Unrelated Charges Andrew Anglin We are already well on our way. Daily Stormer And it is the will of Christ Himself April 21, 2019 that the Jews be made to suffer for their crimes against Him and against us, His people. Christ is Risen! “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send Andrew Anglin peace, but a sword.” -Jesus Christ Daily Stormer April 21, 2019 Jesus Christ and Adolf Hitler did not come to earth to save the people so that we could simply allow Jews to Governor Cunt swore to come down destroy us. on the brave Boomer Death Squads protecting our Southern border—and You are the sword. now the feds have arrested a member It is your duty to fight. of the United Constitoutional Patriots on a totally unrelated charge. There is no evidence here that he was using the gun at the spic round- ups, and I think he probably wasn’t. He even said in interviews previously Today is Easter, the most impor- that because of his felony conviction, tant day in the Christian calendar. he was just running the home base The day that Jesus Christ overcome and planning the strategy—not out death itself after having been mur- there actually hunting the spics di- dered by the evil Jews. rectly. They seem to have found a gun The Daily Stormer wishes everyone in his house. Which I would wager a happy day. he was smart enough to keep in his And we encourage everyone to con- But on this day, spend time with wife’s name. sider the deeper meaning. your family, and be thankful for what AP: Christian civilization—and by that, remains. For what we still have left on I mean “white people”—have been this day. A New Mexico man belonging to an killed by the Jews. But remember: we are going to rise armed group that has detained Cen- Everything that we were has been like Christ and we are taking it all tral American families near the U.S.- systematically stripped from us, just back. Mexico border was arrested Saturday as Christ’s life was stripped from him. in a border community on a crimi- God Himself is on our side, and the But like Christ, we will overcome nal complaint accusing him of being a Jews shall not prevail against us. the Jews and we will rise from the felon in possession of firearms and am- grave.
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