Virginia Chess Newsletter 2000- #2 1 Walter Muir (1905-1999) IM Walter Muir, of Salem, passed away on December 29th. His funeral was held on January 7th. One of America’s greatest correspondence players (alth- ough he liked to describe himself as primarily an over-the-board player), Muir was arguably Virginia’s most esteemed chess personage. Certainly he was known worldwide; among his other accomplishments, Muir was the first US player to defeat a Russian in international corres- pondence play. Muir’s opponents over the years included such luminaries as Frank Marshall, Reuben Fine, Arnold Denker, George Koltanowski & I A Horowitz. He finished second at the Virginia state championships of 1938, 1958 and 1965. He was Roanoke city champion in 1958, 1959 and 1968. Muir published his autobiography, My 75-Year Chess Career, in 1997. WALTER MUIR - G WILLIAMS WALTER MUIR - W MITCHELL NORTH AMERICAN CC PRELIM 1931 ATLANTA 1939 EVANS GAMBIT ALBIN Notes from www.chessmail.com 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e5 3 dxe5 d4 4 Nf3 Nc6 5 g3 Bg4 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 b4 Bxb4 5 c3 6 Bg2 Bb4 7 Bd2 Qe7 8 0-0 Bxd2 9 Nbxd2 0- Ba5 6 d4 exd4 7 0-0 d6 8 Qb3 Qf6 9 e5 dxe5 0-0 10 Qa4 Kb8 11 a3 Nxe5 12 Nxe5 Qxe5 13 10 Re1 Bb6 11 Bg5 Qg6? (11...Qf5 is correct) Qb4 Bc8 14 c5 Nf6 15 Nc4 Qe7 16 Na5 1-0 12 Nxe5 Nxe5 13 Rxe5+ Kf8 14 Qa3+ Qd6 15 Rd5!! ‹óóóóóóóó‹1-0 WALTER MUIR - JOHN W COLLINS ILLINOIS CCA SPECIAL #29 1943 õϛ˛‹ı‰Ìú RETI õ·‡·‹›‡·‡ú (John Collins is a member of the US Chess Hall õ‹È‹Ò‹›‹›ú of Fame. He is perhaps best known as “Bobby Fischer’s chess teacher.” For many years he was õ›‹›Í›‹Á‹ú one of the nation’s top players in his own right.) õ‹›Ê·‹›‹›ú 1 Nf3 d5 2 c4 c6 3 b3 Nf6 4 g3 Bf5 5 Bg2 e6 6 õÔ‹fl‹›‹›‹ú Bb2 Nbd7 7 0-0 Bd6 8 d3 0-0 9 Nbd2 e5 10 õfi›‹›‹flfiflú e4! dxe4 11 dxe4 Bg4 12 Qc2 Qe7 13 h3! Bxf3 14 Nxf3 Rad8 15 Nh4 g6 16 a3 a5 17 Rfd1 b6 õ΂›‹›‹Û‹ú 18 Rd2 Rfe8 19 Re2 Nh5 20 Nf3 Ng7 21 Rd2 ‹ìììììììì‹ 2 Virginia Chess Newsletter 2000 - #2 ‹óóóóóóóó‹ f6 22 Rad1 Nc5 23 Nh2 Nge6 24 Ng4 Nb7 25 õ‹›Ï̉›‹ıú Kh2 h5‹óóóóóóóó‹ 26 Nh6+ Kh7 27 Nf5 õ›‹›‹›Ó›‡ú õ‹›‹ÌÏ›‹›ú õ ›Ë›‡·‹›ú õ›‰›‹Ò‹›Ùú õ·‹›‹fl‹›‹ú õ‹·‡È‰·‡›ú õ‹›‹›‹›‹›ú õ·‹›‹·‚›‡ú õfl‹„‹›fi›‹ú õ‹›fi›fi›‹›ú õ‹fl‹›‹›fiflú õflfi›‹›‹flfiú õ›Ú›Í›‹›Íú õ‹ÁÓ΋flÊÛú ‹ìììììììì‹ õ›‹›Í›‹›‹ú WALTER MUIR A FRANTZEN CORRESPONDENCE 1961 27...gxf5‹ìììììììì‹ 28 exf5 Nd4 29 Bxd4 exd4 30 Bxc6 EVANS GAMBIT Rg8 31 Rxd4 Qc7 32 Bd5 Rg7 33 Qe2 Bxg3+ 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 4 b4 Bb6 5 a4 a6 34 Kh1 Rxd5 35 Qxh5+ Kg8 36 Qe8+ Kh7 37 6 Ba3 d6 7 b5 axb5 8 axb5 Nd4 9 Nxd4 Bxd4 Rxd5 Bd6 38 R1d4 Bf4 39 Rd7! 1-0 10 c3 Bb6 11 0-0 Qf6 12 Kh1 Nh6 13 f3 0-0 14 d3 Bd7 15 Nd2 Kh8 16 Qe2 Qe7 17 Nb3 WALTER MUIR - PIOTR ATYASHEV Rxa3 18 Rxa3 d5 19 Rfa1 dxc4 20 dxc4 Be6 CORRESPONDENCE 1958 21 Ra8 f6 22 h3 Ng8 23 Kh2 h6 24 Qd3 f5 25 SICILIAN c5 Bxc5 26 Rxf8 Qxf8 27 Nxc5 Qxc5 28 exf5 Notes from www.chessmail.com Bc4 29 Qe4 Bxb5 30 Qxb7 e4 31 Qxe4 Qxc3 (Piotr Atyashev, of Baku, won the 2nd USSR CC 32 Ra7 Qd2 33 Qe5 Qd6 34 f4 Bd3 35 Rxc7 Championship 1952-55.) 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 e6 3 d4 Qf8 36 g4 Nf6 37 Rb7 Ng8 38 Rb8 Qf7 39 Qe6 cxd4 4 Nxd4 a6 5 c4 Nf6 6 Nc3 Qc7 7 a3 Nc6 Bc4 40 Qxf7 Bxf7 41 g5 Bc4 42 Kg3 h5 43 Rb7 (Black introduces here a new idea to bring about Bd3 44 Rf7 Bc4 45 Rf8 Be2 46 Kh4 Kh7 47 immediate pressure against the white c-pawn. The g6+ 1-0 normal development is 7...Be7 followed by ...0- 0, ...d6 and ...Nbd7) 8 Nc2 Ne5 9 Ne3 Bc5 10 VIRGINIA CHESS Qe2! Nc6 11 Nc2 0-0 12 Be3 b6 13 f3 Bb7 14 0-0-0 Bxe3+ 15 Qxe3 Na5 16 Kb1 Nxc4 17 Newsletter Bxc4 Qxc4 18 Qxb6 a5 19 Ne3! (After 19 Qxb7 2000 - Issue #2 Rfb8 the white queen would be trapped.) Editor: Circulation: 19...Qc6! 20 Qd4 Rfd8 21 e5 Ne8 22 Nc4 Qa6 Macon Shibut Catherine Clark 23 Nb6 Rab8 24 Nxd7 (White wins the backward 8234 Citadel Place 5208 Cedar Rd Alexandria, VA 22309 d-pawn, thus vindicating once again the Maroczy Vienna VA 22180 [email protected] Bind.) 24...Rbc8 25 Qg4 (White now initiates a sudden attack against the Black king!) 25...Bc6 26 Ú Í Nf6+ Kh8 27 Qh5!! gxf6 28 Qxf7 Virginia Chess is published six times per year by (see diagram at top of next column) the Virginia Chess Federation. VCF membership 28...h6? (Black, anxious to avoid the immediate dues ($10/yr adult; $5/yr junior) include a mate, overlooks the loss of a rook. Necessary was subscription to Virginia Chess. Send material for 28...Rxd1+ or 28...Ng7) 29 Rxd8 Rxd8 30 Qf8+ publication to the editor. Send dues, address Kh7 31 Qe7+ Ng7 32 Qxd8 fxe5 33 Rd1 Be8 changes, etc to Circulation. 34 Qd3+ 1-0 (Black’s game is lost so he resigns.) . Virginia Chess Newsletter 2000- #2 3 WALTER MUIR - M MICOVIC Bb7 14 Qc4 Bxg2 15 Rg1 Bh3 16 0-0-0 a5 17 CORRESPONDENCE 1970 exd6 exd6 18 Qa6! Qf6 19 c3 Rfc8 20 Qxa5 SICILIAN Bf5? 21 Bd4!! Qh4 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 ‹óóóóóóóó‹ Nc6 6 Bc4 e6 7 Be3 a6 8 Qe2 Qc7 9 Bb3 b5 õ‹ÌÏ›‹›Ù›ú 10 Nxc6 Qxc6 11 f3 Be7 12 a4 b4 13 a5 Bd7 õ›‹›‹›‡È‡ú (13...bxc3? 14 Ba4) 14 Na4 Qb7 15 Nb6 Rb8 16 Qd2 Bc6 17 0-0-0 0-0 18 Bg5 Rfd8 19 Bxf6 õ‹›‹·‹›‡›ú Bxf6 20 Qxb4 d5 21 exd5 exd5 22 Rhe1 d4 23 õÔ‹›‹›Ë›‹ú Kb1 Rd7 24 Ba4 Rc7 25 Rd3 g6 26 Rb3 Rd8 õ‹›‹Á‹fl‹Òú 27 Re2 Kg7 28 Bxc6 Qxc6 29 Rd3 Rd6 30 f4 õ›Êfl‹›‹›‹ú Re6 31 Qe1 Rxe2 32 Qxe2 Re7 33 Qd2 Qe8 34 Qb4 Re1+ 35 Ka2 Re2 36 Qc4 Rxg2 37 h3 õfifl‹›‹›‹flú Qe1 38 Qxa6 Rxc2 39 Nd7 Bd8 40 Qd6 Qe6+ õ›‹ÛÍ›‹Î‹ú 41 Qxe6 fxe6 42 a6 Rc6 43 Nb8 1-0 22 Qxf5!‹ìììììììì‹ gxf5 23 Bxg7!! 1-0 (If 23...Qxh2 24 WALTER MUIR - WERNER STERN Be5+ Kf8 25 Bxd6+ Ke8 26 Ba4+ Kd8 27 Rg8 CORRESPONDENCE 1972 mate) SICILIAN Notes from www.chessmail.com WALTER MUIR - SANFORD GREENE 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 g6 5 Nc3 NAICCC II 1976 Bg7 6 Be3 Nf6 7 Nxc6! bxc6 8 e5 Nd5 9 Nxd5 SICILIAN cxd5 10 Qxd5 Rb8 11 Bc4 0-0 12 f4! d6 13 Bb3 1 e4 c5 2 d4 cxd4 3 c3 dxc3 4 Nxc3 Nc6 5 Nf3 d6 6 Bc4 e6 7 0-0 Nf6 8 Qe2 a6 9 Rd1 Qc7 10 Bf4 Nd7 11 Rac1 Qb8 12 b4 Be7 13 Ng5 Nce5 CHARLOTTESVILLE OPEN 14 Nxe6 fxe6 15 Bxe6 Nb6 16 Bxc8 Nxc8 17 Nd5 Nc6 18 Qh5+ g6 19 Qh6 Bf8 20 Qh3 Kf7 July 8-9 21 Rd3 N8e7 22 Rf3 1-0 Mt Vernon Best Western Rt 29 & Rt 250 Bypass WALTER MUIR - ZOLTAN SAROSY Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 NAICCC II 1976 TWO KNIGHTS 5SS, G/120, $$1500 (top three G, rest b/50): $400-200- 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Nf6 4 Ng5 d5 5 exd5 150, top X, A, B, C, D, E, U1000 each $100, Top Unr - Na5 6 Bb5+ c6 7 dxc6 bxc6 8 Qf3 Rb8 9 Bd3 $50. EF: $40 if rec’d by 7/2, $50 at site. VCF memb req’d Bd6 10 Bf5 0-0 11 0-0 h6 12 Bxc8 Qxc8 13 ($10, $5 jrs, OSA). Youth entry $20 advance, $25 at Ne4 Nxe4 14 Qxe4 f5 15 Qe2 e4 16 b3 Qe6 site, play for non-cash prizes only, counts as 1/2 entry 17 Ba3 c5 18 Nc3 Nc6 19 Rac1 Ne5 20 f4 exf3 for prizes. Reg 9-9:45 am, rds. 10-2:30-7, 10-2:30. One 21 gxf3 Rf6 22 Kh1 Qe8 23 Nd5 Re6 24 Rce1 1/2-pt. bye available, irrevokable bye in rds 5 or 6 declare Qc6 25 Nf4 Re7 26 Bb2 Kh7 27 Qg2 g5 28 before rd 3. Hotel $55, 1-2, 804-296-5501. NS,NC,W. Nh5 Kg6 29 Ng3 Rf8 30 h4 Qd5 31 h5+ Kh7 More info http://www.wizard.net/~matkins/co.htm or 32 f4 Qxg2+ 33 Kxg2 Nc6 34 Rxe7+ Nxe7 35 email [email protected] or phone Catherine Clark 703- fxg5 hxg5 36 Ne4 Bf4 37 Nxc5 Rc8 38 d4 Nd5 360-3391 but no phone entries! Enter: Catherine Clark, 39 Bc1 Bxc1 40 Rxc1 Kh6 41 c4 Nf4+ 42 Kf3 5208 Cedar Rd., Alexandria, VA 22309.
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