August 2017 page 10 To learn more about UPMA, go to Contents www.unitedpma.org Volume 96/Number7 • August 2017 Follow us on Twitter @upma15 Features UPMA Leader (ISSN-0032-552X) is printed 10 times a year— monthly, except for combined 18 The Southern Sales Pitch—Membership January/February and Septem- ber/October issues—by the Unit- Made Easy ed Postmasters and Managers of by Sherry Worrell America (UPMA), 8 Herbert St., Alexandria, VA 22305-2600; 703- 20 Career Awareness Conferences Encourage 683-9027; www.unitedpma.org. Employees to Have a Positive Attitude Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, VA, and other mailing by the USPS Learning Policy and Program offices. Support Team Subscriptions All UPMA and 22 Innovation and Reinvention Are at the UPMA Retired members receive Center of Every Postal Service Business the UPMA Leader as part of their membership dues. The nonmem- Strategy ber subscription rate is $18 a by Postmaster General Megan Brennan year; single copies, $3. For ad- dress changes, contact the UPMA National Office, 703-683-9027. Columns Publication Content Opinions ex- pressed herein are those of the 4 President’s Perspective authors only and do not necessar- Sean Acord, co-president ily reflect the views of UPMA. The publication of any advertisement herein does not necessarily con- 6 Leadership for Success stitute UPMA endorsement of the Norma Powell, West Area vice president, and David Weber, West products or services offered. Arti- Area vice president cles, photos and/or artwork may be mailed or emailed to UPMA 8 Stronger and Better Together Leader, PO Box 734, Front Royal, Dan Heins, co-secretary-treasurer VA 22630; 540-636-2569, phone/fax; kbalentyoung@gmail. com. 10 National Office News Dave Ravenelle, executive director Advertising Inquiries Please contact Balent-Young Publishing, 11 From the Field PO Box 734, Front Royal, VA John Lindsey, Southern Area postal coordinator 22630; 540-636-2569, phone/fax; [email protected]. 12 Focus on the Hill Reprint Permission © 2017. Bob Levi, director of Government Relations Permission is hereby granted to UPMA members to reprint materi- al from the UPMA Leader, provid- Departments ed proper credit is given. Non- members may request written reprint permission by contacting 14 Committees Balent-Young Publishing, Inc., Rich Hui, Membership chair, and Shari Hetzler, Adverse Action [email protected]. member rep Postmasters: Please send all address labels clipped from 24 2017 UPMA National Convention Registration Form undeliverable copies, along with USPS Form 3579, to UPMA 28 UPMA Retired Leader,8 Herbert St., Alexan- dria, VA 22305-2600. 30 Chapter Presidents President’s Perspective Sean Acord, co-president No Shortage of Leaders in UPMA hank you to all the chapters Kristi and I -90 adjustments were originally had the pleasure of visiting during this scheduled for April, T past convention season. Your hospitality then May, then was appreciated and I hope I was able to shed June and then July. I am at the point of some light on the many issues with which we just saying you will as an organization are faced. This organiza- see it when you see I started the year in Illi- tion has many re- it; I don’t know nois and ended with a trip to tirees who still what to believe. Roanoke, VA, with stops in want to be involved The project was Maine, Tennessee, Alaska and and share their completed, ap- other chapters in between. Each knowledge. They can help make proved and now we are waiting convention was different in its your chapter even more produc- on implementation. own way, but the bottom-line tive. They just need to be asked— It was first reported that the reason for each was the same as many of NALC was set to ratify their con- to better the working your active members tract agreement in mid-June. conditions and es- “The smallest of do. That ratification apparently has tablish a network of gestures can In my previous been pushed back to the end of fellow EAS employ- make the biggest article, I spoke about July. On ratification, the Postal ees who can assist difference.” the Level-18 budget- Service will have 45 days to noti- when the need arises. ing methodology. fy us that we are “on the clock” To those newly elect- After my article was for our pay talks. Once on the ed chapter board members who submitted, I received word that clock, we will have 90 days to will take office Nov. 1, congratu- approximately 980 offices did consult (unless an extension is lations for stepping up and hav- not receive the correct adjust- granted). To get prepared for our ing the desire to lead. ments; thus, in June, another ad- proposals, we will have a pay talk As board members, you will justment was made. The calcula- group assembling at the end of be faced with many challenges. tions for these offices were made July that will begin to formalize Your chapter and our national using the old formula of sub- our requests. organization need you to truly tracting the first 2,000 hours for Most of you should be read- be active in your duties. Each of- the Postmaster. This adjustment ing this issue of the UPMA Leader ficer should be focused not just is visible on the July flash report; a week or so before the national on growing membership, but it should be the final adjustment convention in Louisville, KY. This making sure members are in- for Level-18s. The issue of LDC event always was the highlight of formed and involved. Chapter 80 hours for the Level-18s still is the year for our predecessor or- presidents: Use your board and being discussed because this was ganizations; friendships are re- retirees to reach out to your not part of the original Kaizen. newed, training is given and orga- members and non-members. I also previously addressed nizational business is conducted. The smallest of gestures can the Levels-20/21 budgeting This convention will include a make the biggest difference. methodology. The LDC-80 and continued on page 13 4 August 2017 / UPMA LEADER Adverse Action Member UPMA Executive Board Representatives Dixie Bentley, 1334 Whitetail Co-Presidents Ave, Sumner, IA 50674-9586; G. Sean Acord,8 Herbert St., Alexandria, Tony Leonardi,8 Herbert St., Alexandria, c: 319-240-6289; pm61265@ VA 22305; 703-683-9027; sacord@united VA 22305; 703-683-9027; tleonardi@ gmail.com—NE, KS, CO, MO pma.org unitedpma.org Tim Burke, 834 Reserve Way, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1796; c: Co-Secretary-Treasurers 570-267-8001; f: 650-577- Dan Heins,Stewartville, MN 55976; 507- Stephanie Jett, Piggott, AR 72454; 870- 2510; timburke18411@gmail. 533-4571; [email protected] 598-2706; [email protected] com—NY, WV,VA, MD, DC David Disharoon, PO Box Vice Presidents 1322; Dawsonville, GA 30534; h: 770-983-3660 c: 404-217- East Area West Area 2482; disharoond@bellsouth. Richard Hui,Leominster, MA 01453; 978- Greg Nors,Hillsboro, TX 76645; 254-582- net—PR, FL, GA, SC, NC 537-8030; [email protected] 3572; [email protected] George R. Finley, 1601 Forum Wayne Francis,Red Springs, NC 28377; Norma Powell,Groveland, CA 95321; 209- Circle, Lot 151, Graford, TX 978-537-8030; [email protected] 962-7792; [email protected] 76449; c: 512-365-0066; geo [email protected]—TX, NM, OK Catherine Winnie,Accord, NY 12404; David Weber,Adrian, MO 64720; 816- 845-626-5881; [email protected] 401-6643; [email protected] Brenda K. Gibbs, PO Box 445, Drew Martin,West Jefferson, NC 28694; Edmund Carley,Lincoln, IL; 217-732- Garnavillo, IA 52049-0445; h: 336-246-8861; [email protected] 4912; [email protected] 563-964-2178; c: 563-880- 9490; gibbsbk@hotmail. Mike Quinn,Tilton, NH 03276; 603-286- Gary Choice, Quitman, TX 75783; 903- com—IA, ND, SD 4592; [email protected] 763-2247; [email protected] Shari Hetzler, 3350 Albion Shelly Stigall, West Paducah, KY 42086; Jim Maher,Chesterfield, MO, 63017; 314- Ridge Rd., Albion, CA 95410- 270-744-6673; [email protected] 551-3588; [email protected] 9998; o: 707-937-0667; c: 209- 419-1635; hetz51@yahoo. com—CA, HI, NV, UT, AZ UPMA Retired Co-Presidents Clara McCullar, 324 Country Club Ln., John Olson, 233 Poplar Ave., Lowry, MN Richard Hui, PO Box 745, Selmer, TN 38375; 731-645-6619; 56349; 320-805-0094; johnolson233@ Gardner, MA 01440-0745; o: [email protected] gamil.com 978-537-8030; c: 978-549- 3360; [email protected]—NJ, ME, MA, RI, NH, VT, CT Executive Director Parliamentarian Dave Ravenelle,8 Herbert St. Alexandria, John Galera, 2120 Oahu Ave., Honolulu, Robert Jett, PO Box 24; Piggott, VA 22305; 703-683-9027; dravenelle@ HI 96820; 808-284-2833; mysurfshots@ AR 72454-0024; o: 870-236- unitedpma.org gmail.com 7636; c: 870-598-1558; [email protected]— LA, MS, TN, AR, AL Postal Area Coordinators Bill Judge, 1610 Scottsdale Capital Metro Area: Pacific Area: Drive, Tipp City, OH 45371; Janie Holder, 2115 Corinth Poseyville, Jackie Deter, 1232 Castlegate Ln., Santa o: 937-773-6424; c: 513-702- Bremen, GA 30110; o: 770-574-8755; Ana, CA 92705; o: 562-544-5835; 9702; judgey55@yahoo. c: 678-836-7788; [email protected] c: 714-914-8752; [email protected] com—OH, PA Eastern Area: Southern Area: Mark Kluge, 5850 Sunset Ln., Jo Oberly, 1105 Old Eagle Rd., Lancaster, John Lindsey, 140 Buckingham Ln., Allen, Hartford, WI 53027-9512; o: PA 17601; o: 717-257-2233; c: 717-330- TX 75002; o: 972-245-3566; c: 903-271- 262- 628-3535; c: 262- 644- 2469; [email protected] 9900; [email protected] 9359; mskluge777@msn.
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