DOCUMENT RESUME ED 383 514 RC 020 146 TITLE Indian & Metis Trivia Game. INSTITUTION Manitoba Dept. of Education and Training, Winnipeg. PUB DATE [95] NOTE 31p. PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use Instructional Materials (For Learner) (051) EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS American Indian Culture; American Indian Education; American Indian History; *American Indians; *Canada Natives; *Educational Games; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Learning Activities; *Metis (People) ;Tribes IDENTIFIERS Canada ABSTRACT This booklet consists of 220 questions about Native North Americans and Metis people that can be used as learning activities for elementary and secondary school students. Suggestions for using the questions include playing games in pairs or teams, locating resources to find answers to questions, playing trivia games and board games, and using questions as a starting point for further research on famous Native people. Questions relate to Native North Americans who have made contributions to Native culture, education, art, sports, history, and politics. Questions cover such individuals as Hiawatha, Chief Crazy Horse, Chief Sitting Bull, Olympian William "Billy" Mills, singer Buffy Sainte-Marie, artist Norval Morriseau, Indian activist Dennis Banks, photographer Murray McKenzie, and symphony conductor John Kim Bell. Separate answer sheets are included. 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You may want to use the game in different ways. 1. You can informally play the game in pairs or teams. The answers are in the back of the booklet. a) In pairs or small groups you each get a set number of questions. You then have to go find the answers in books or by interviewing other people.Whoever finds the answers in the shortest time, wins. b) You can match a reader and a non-reader. The reader has to read the questions aloud to the non-reader.The non- reader has to think up places (other than the back of the book) that the reader could find the answer. They both get credit when the correct answer is found. 2. You can cut up sections of questions and put them on "trivia" cards. Answers could be taped on the back of each card. 3. You can devise board games using the information in the trivia game. 4. You can expand your knowledge by doing further research on famous native people. We hope you have fun with this game. Mary Candline had fun thinking up al! the questions! 3 2 1. What was the name of the last known Beothuk Indian? She died in Newfoundland in1829. 2. Who was the Huron Indian chief kidnapped by Jacques Cartier in 1535 and taken for show in Europe? 3. Who was the first Indian appointed to the Canadian Senate (1958)? 4. Name the Cree Indian who is one of the most popular folk singers in North America (female). 5. Name the famous Metis who is called "The Father of Manitoba" and sometimes "The Father of the Prairie Provinces." 6. Name the National Hockey League player of Algonkian ancestry who was captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs for eleven seasons and played on four Stanley Cup teams.. He retired in 1971. 7. Name two chiefs of the Plains Cree Indians who joined forces with Louis Riel in the Northwest Rebellion of1885? 8. Who was the great Cree Indian Chief who brought about peace between the Cree and the Blackfoot by accepting as a foster parent the Blackfoot warrior who killed his father? 9. Who was the Marine Lieutenant, part Sioux and born in1938in Pine Ridge, South Dakota, who won the 10000 metres in record time at the 1964 Olympics? 10. Name the outstanding Onondaga Indian athlete, born on the Six Nations Reserve near Brantford, Ontario, especially noted for long-distance running. Every year an athletic award is given in his honour. 11. Who was the first Indian elected to the House of Commons in Canada (1968)? 4 3 12.Name the Manitoba Metisleader who was known as "The Warden of the Plains" andwhose main duty was to protectthe Red River Colony from attacksby Sioux Indians. 13. Who was Louis Riel'sMetis military leader in theRebellion of 1885? 14. Name the Indian of theOnondaga tribe who united severalIndian tribes into what was called"The league of Five Nations",(the Iroquois). 15. Who was the Sioux chiefwho came to Canada after thedefeat of General Custer at the "Battle ofthe Little Big Horn" in 1876? who 16.Give the name of the early Metisguide, scout and interpreter helped the North West MountedPolice carry out their duties. 17. Name the Cree who becamethe first Indian to be appointed a lieutenant-governor in Canada. 18: Who is the Cree authorfrom Alberta who, in his bookThe Unjust Society, made people more awareof injustices done to Indiansin Canada? 19.Name the famous Metis poet and composerwho wrote in song of events such as the Battleof Seven Oaks and The RielRebellion. 20.He stopped the Meech LakeAccord from being passed inJune, 1990. He was the first treaty Indianelected in Manitoba in 1981. He was re-elected in 1986,1988 & 1990. 21. Who is the famous hockeyplayer who started off with theFlin Flon bombers then played nine yearswith the Philadelphia Flyers. 22. Who are the two high schoolgirls who have done fund-raising(in '92) to pay half their wages. They went toSisler High in Winnipeg and worked at KekinenSeniors' Home. 4 23. Who is the woodcarverwho owned Mistik Woodcraft inLeaf Rapids in 1982 and useddriftwood for a lot of his woodcrafts. 24. Who is the President('92) and Founder of the CanadianNative Arts Foundation (CNAF).He was also the co-creator ofthe Ojibway creation story, theLegend of Winona. 25. Who is the Chief ofthe Assembly of First Nations?('93) He is from the Grand Rapids First Nation.He is a lawyer and was vice- chief for Manitoba prior tobeing elected as National Chiefin June 1990. 26. Who is the NDP, MLAfor The Pas? ('93). He is also aformer chief of The Pas Indian Band. 27. Who is the leader of "TheAssembly of Manitoba Chiefs"?('93) He is originally from the FortAlexander Reserve. 28. Who is the nativeevangelist, born in Winnipeg andhelped organize the native gospel music concertat Walter Theatre (08/92)? 29. Who the MetisLieutenant-Governor of Manitoba who is aformer president of the MMF and in "92 waspresident of the Metis National Council. He is originally fromSt. Laurent. 30. Who is the Aboriginal activistwho was a candidate in the municipal election at Point Douglas(08/92)? 31. Who is the native artist who'spaintings feature the eagle and the wolf? He was born in CumberlandHouse, Saskatchewan and is a self-taught artist. 32. Who is the native countrymusician who plays soft countrymusic and comes from Cross Lake? 6 5 33. Who is the metissinger and songwriterwho is well known for his song "Le Metis"? 34. On March 9, 1988,he died following an encounterwith a city of Winnipeg police officer.He was the executivedirector of the Island Lake Tribal Council.Numerous individuals requestedthe creation of a judicialinquiry into this incident. 35. Who is the singerand songwriter who playsin a band "C-Weed"? He is well known for the song"Evangeline". 36. Who is the metispolitician who is a formerpresident of the Native Council of Canada.He is also known as "HarryThe Dog". He gave his leather jacket toPope John Paul when he was on a visit to the NWT. 37. Who is the formerband chief of Fort Alexanderwho died (08/92)? He was presidentof the Manitoba IndianBrotherhood in 1967 and was also once headof the National IndianBrotherhood. He established the "Treaty& Aboriginal Rights &Research Centre" and the "ManitobaAgriculture Program." 38. Who are the two Inuitsoapstone carvers fromCoral Harbour, Southampton Island? 39. Who is the native artistwho won a prize for aportrait he did of his girlfriend entitled "VictoriaMay"?He started off doing art that looked Indian but was notcomfortable with this so switched to his own modeof painting which isnon-ethnic. 40. Who is the Inuit stonecarving artist from CapeDorset, NWT who 'won a scholarship fromthe Inuit Art Foundation in'92 to go to the "Carving Studio andSculpture Centre" in west Rutland, Vermont. 6 41. Who is the Inuit stonecarving artist from GjoaHaven, NWT who won a scholarshipfrom the Inuit ArtFoundation in '92 to go to the "Carving Studioand Sculpture Centre"in west Rutland, Vermont. 42. Who is the Micmac poetwho won the highesthonour in Canada in July, 1992? Thishonour named her to thePrivy Council in honour of Canada's 125thanniversary. 43. Who is the businessmanand government advisorfrom the Northwest Territories who wonthe honour of being named an advisor on the Privy Councilin July, 1992? 44. Who is the womanthat the Tiny Tots NurserySchool in Selkirk is named after? She wasborn on the St.Peter's reserveand worked for The WinnipegFriendship Centre for six years.She started a centre in Selkirkwhich led to the formationof the nursery school. 45.
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