i i I Recentpublications Corbat,C.A. 1990. A nestingecology of selected JOnsson,P.E. 1990. (TheDunlin Calidds alpina beach-nestingbirds in Georgia.Ph.D. disserta- schinziias a breedingbird in Scaniain 1990- on waders 54 tion,Univ. Georgia, 194 pp. FromDiss. Abstr. Int. numbers,hatching success and population- B Sci.Eng. 51(8): 3631. 1991. Orderno. trends).Anser29: 261-272. In Swedishwith DA9100652.Haematopus palliatus, Charadrius Englishsummary. (Department of Ecology,Ecol- compiledby HenkKoffijberg wilsonia. ogyBuilding, S-223 62 Lund,Sweden). Tryingto makethese lists as complete Dann,P. 1990. Breedingterritories, nesting and Koffijberg,K. & van Dijk,K. 1991. Broedvogelin- as possible,and the nextone even thetiming ofbreeding of the Double-banded ventarisatievan Kluut,plevieren, meeuwen en morecomplete and up to date,your Plover Charaddusbicinctus. Corella 15: 13-18. stemsin Groningen in 1990. [Breedingbird surveyof Avocet,plovers, gulls and terns in the helpis mostwelcome. Please send new provinceof Groningenin 1990]. GrauweGors 19: titles,abstracts, reprints, copies, Denisov,I.A. 1990. [Migrantand breeding 15-20. In Dutch.(Uiteinderweg 2, 9905 RG reports,and (important too!) omissions wadersof the north-westernpartof Riga]. Holwierde,Netherlands). Recurvirostra avosetta, Ornitologiya24: 148-149. In Russian.Data for Charadriushiaticula, Charadrius dubius, or correctionsto: HenkKoffijberg, 27 spedes. Charaddus alexandrinus. Huigenbos807, 1102KA Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Remember to Domberger,W. & Ranftl,H. 1986. [Breeding Kube,J. 1988. (Ecologyand breeding biology of include,if possible,the addressof the populationsof Curlew,Redshank and Black-tailed thewaders in the Oder valley near Schwedt). firstauthor, and translationsof titles if Godwitin NorthernBavaria, 1977 to 1986].Anz. Acta Omithoeco/. 1: 379-394. In German with theyare inother languages than Eng- Ornithol.Ges. Bayern 25:189-194. In German Englishsummary. (Wilhelm-Pieck Ring 13-15, B withEnglish summary. (inst. Vogelkunde, 11/204,2500 Rostock,Germany). Breeding of lish.For help with this issue I amvery Sandrinaweg1, D-8825Triesdorf-Weidenbach, Haematopusostralegus, Vanel/us vaneflus, gratefulto TheunisPiersma, lan Bain- Germany).Numenius arquata, Tringa totanus, Charadriusdubius, Ga//inago ga//inago, bridge,Gudmundur A. Gudmundsson, Limosa limosa. Numeniusarquata, Limosa /imosa, Tringa totanus,T. ochropus,T. hypoleucosand Philoma- andto allthe peoplewho sent their chuspugnax from 1967 to 1986. articles,reprints etc. to Gudmundur. Fleming,P. 1990. VariableOystercatchers nestingat WaikanaeEstuary 1971-1989. Notorals37: 73-75. Haematopusunicolor in New Kummer,J. 1990. [Onthe breedingof Charadrius Translatedtitles from languages other Zealand. hiaticulain the MarkBrandenburg district]. Beitr. thanEnglish are bracketed;round Vogelkd.36: 291-292. In German.(Anton- Saefkow-Str.8, DDR3500, Stendal, Germany). bracketsif the translation is bythe Girard,O. & Yesou,P. 1991. (Spatialdevelop- author(s),square brackets if not. mentof an Avocetcolony (Recurvirostra avosetta).Gibler Faune Sauvage 8: 31-42. In Lang,B. 1988. (Twoplovers spedes breeding in N.B. a copyof your paperor abstract Frenchwith English summary. (Office national de thesame habitat). Cormorant 6: 273-275. In la chasse,Centre d'Etudeet de Recherche Frenchwith English summary. Charadrius alex- wouldbe very helpfulto add key- appliquesur les oiseaux d'eau, Reserve de andrinus and C. dubius on Merville-Franceville words or an annotation to the titles. Chanteloup,F-85340 L'lle-d'Olonne, France), beach, France. Breeding Gram, I., Meltofte,H. & Rasmussen,L.M. 1990. Maclvor,L.H., Melvin,S.M. & Griffin,C.R. 1990. (Thebirds in Tondermarsken1978-1988). Mil- Effectsof researchactivity on PipingPlover nest joeministedet,Skov-og Naturstyrelsen, 108 pp. predation.J. Wildl.Manage. 54: 443-446. (Dept. Balbierius,A. 1990. [BreedingPlover (Charadrius In Danishwith English summary. Report avail- Wildl.Management, Univ. Mass., Amherst 01003, hiaticula)and Oystercatcher ( Haematopus ablefrom: Skovog Naturstyrelsen, Slotsmarken USA).Charaddus melodus. ostralegus)in Nemuno Delta]. Acta Ornithol. 13, DK-2970 Horsholm,Denmark. Price DKr 95. (Lituanica)3:139-141. In Russianwith ISBN 87-503-8939-4. Results of counts of breed- bthuanianand Englishsummary. ingand staging birds in 13000ha of reclaimed Miskelly,C.M. 1990. Breedingsystems of New marshesand estuary, in south-westernDenmark. ZealandSnipe Coenocorypha aucklandica and ChathamSnipe C. pusila;are they food limited? Brandsma,O.H. 1991. (Managementof meadow Ibis132: 366-379. (Dept.Zool., Canterbury Univ. birdsin the grasslands ofGiethoorn-Wanneper- Henriksen,K. 1991. (Breedingperformance of Christchurch1, NewZealand). veen(Northwest Ovedjssel)). Levende Natuur RingedPlovers Charadrius hiaticula on filled-up 92: 5-12. In Dutchwith English summary. (c/o areasin Arhus Harbour, eastern Jutland). Dansk D•rectieBeheer Landbouwgronden, Postbus Orn. Foren. Tidsskr. 85: 63-66. In Danish with Oliver,D.W. 1990. UttleRinged Plovers breeding 20022,3502 LH, Utrecht, Netherlands). Study of Englishsummary. (Kaervej 17, 8230 Abyhoj, in Fife. Scot.Birds 16: 42-43. ('Duneam',The the effectsof severaltypes of grasslandmanage- Denmark). Feus,Freuchie, Fife KY7 7HR, Scotland). menton the numberofnesting meadow birds in Charadrius dubius and C. hiaticutain Scotland. wetland'De Wieden'in the Netherlands. Hill,D. & Carter,N. 1991. Populationdynamics of Avocets(Aves: Recurvirostridae) andthe use of Pehrson,O. & Thorssell,S. 1990. (Reconstruc- Byrkjedal,I. 1991. The role of drive conflicts as a simulationmodels to aid management.In: Pro- tionof grazedinland wader habitats). Fauna och mechanismfor nest-protection behaviour in the ceedingsof the V InternationalCongress of flora85: 225-233. In Swedishwith English sum- shorebirdPluvialis dominica. Ethology 87: 149- Ecology,August 1990, Yokohama, Japan (BTO, mary.(Zool. institutionen, Box 25059, S-400 31 159. (Museumof Zoology, University of Bergen, NationalCentre for Ornithology,Nunnery Place, GOteborg,Sweden). N-5007Bergen, Norway). Thefiord,Nodolk IP24 2PU, U.K.). II I F•gelvarld50:6-12. InSwedish. (Inst. for Sauer,J.R. & Bortner,J.B. 1991. Population Gavrilov,A.E. & Gavdlov,E.I. 1990. [On the trendsfrom the American Woodcock Singing- systemekologi,Madnekol. avd., Stockholms interruptivemoult of primariesin the Kentish GroundSurvey, 1970-88. J. Wild/.Manage. 55: Universitet,S-106 91 Stockholm,Sweden). Plover(Charadrius alexandrinus). Ornitologiya 24: 300-312.(Patuxent Wildl. Res. Center, U.S. Fish 170-171. In Russian. andWildl. Serv., Laurel, MD 20708, USA). Popu- lationdecline of $colopaxminor, most likely Brennan,LA., Finger,M.A., Buchanan, J.B., causedby habitatchanges. Schick,C.T. & Herman,S.G. 1990. Stomach Gavrilov,E.I., Gavrilov, A.E. & Besedin,E.V. contentsof Dunlinscollected in western Washing- 1990. [Onthe autumn wader migration inthe Ill ton. Northwest.Nat. 71: 99-102. (Dept. Wildl. & Riverdelta]. Omitoiogiya 24: 142-144.In Rus- Temme, M. 1991. Ein welteresBrutvorkommen Rsh.,P.O. Drawer LW, Mississippi State, MS sian. der Rotbrust-Brachschwalbe, Glareola maldi- 39762,USA). Calidrisalpina. varum,aut den Philippinen.[Another breeding recordof the OrientalPratincole, Glareola maldi- Glustchenko,Yu.N. 1990. [Resultsof wader varum,in the Philippines].Beitr. Vogelkd. 37: 61- Brock,K.J. 1990. Temporalseparation of certain migrationstudies at the lowlandof KhankaLake 64. In German.(Alter Horst 18, D-2982Norder- adultand juvenile shorebirds during fall migration. in 1972-1983].Omitologiya24: 176-179. In ney,Germany). Indiana Audubon Q. 68: 67-74. Russian. Thompson,D.B.A. & Thompson,P.S. 1991. Cayford,J.T. & Goss-Custard,J.D. 1990. Sea- Gonzalez-Kirchner,J.P. & Sianzde la Maza,M. Greenshanksand habitat change: 1964-1990. In: sonalchanges in the sizeselection of mussels, 1990. (Somedata on the food of Black-winged D.A.Stroud & D. Glue(eds.): Britain's birds in Mytilusedulis, by Oystercatchers, Haematopus Stilts(Himantopus himantopus) chicks in wet- 1989-90:the conservation and monitoring review, ostralegus,an optimalityapproach. Anita. Behav. landsof Ciudad Real (central Spain)). Do•ana pp. 107-108.Tringa totanus. 40:609-624. (RSPB, The Lodge, Sandy, Bed- actavertebrata 17: 113-115.In Spanishwith fordshireSG19 2DL, UK). Englishsummary. Underhill,L.G. 1990. Breedingproductivity of SiberianKnots and Curlew Sandpipers, 1987- Chadwick,D.H. 1991. Heavenlygoats: the Grazhulyavichius,G.B.1990. [Spring migration in 1989. $afringNews 19: 3-6. (Dept.Math. Star., mysteriousand musical Common Snipe. Birder's thearea of the Kurish Spit, Baltic]. Ornitologiya Univ.Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South World5:10-14. Gallinagogallinago. 24: 145-146. in Russian. Afdca).Calidfis canutus and C. ferruginea. Cox,J.B. 1990. Themeasurements ofCooper's Gudmundsson,G.A., Lindstrom & T. Alerstam,T Behaviour,ecology and distribution Sandpiperand the occurrenceof a similarbird in 1991.Optimal fat loads and long-distance flights Australia.S. Aust.Ornithol. 31: 38-43. (7 Agnes bymigrating Knots Calidris canutus, Sanderlings Ct.,Salisbury East, S.A. 5109, Australia). Calidris C. albaand Tumstones Arenaria interpres. Ibis Alerstam,T. 1990. Birdmigration. Cambridge, acuminata,C. ferruginea,C. cooperi,C. para- 133:140-152.(Animal Ecology Group, Depart- CambridgeUniversityPress, 420 pp. ISBN:0- melanotos,C. melanotos. mentof Ecology,University of Lund,Ecology 521-32865-9. Price$105.00. Building,S-223 62 Lund,Sweden). Dietrioh,S. & H•)tker,H. 1991. (Wheredo North Babenko,V.G. 1990. [Onthe autumn
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