Hostage iHanrltpater Situation £p r n t u n lUrralJi T - • _______ __________ H I VolV. oXlC. IXXC, IXN,o .N ^o. t—o —Ma MncahnMchtwM, tw(io, ntino.n, nF.r,i dFaryid, aDy«, cD«*mc«bm«rb 7«,r i, • Si•n cSein 1c8eB 1 8•8 12 0•« 2S0i«n gSlien gCloe pCyo •p y1 5•c1 5Hco mHeo mDie Delivered I unceriain^-------------------------Jobless TEHRAN, Iran (UPI) - Iran’s — the only man who can free them — foreign minister said today some of and the militants themselves. the 50 U.S. hostages will be freed In his first personal reaction to the F igu res shortly and others tried as spies, with United Nations resolution calling for possible death penalties. But the release of the hostages. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini quick- Khomeini denounced it as a "plot by ly jeopardized the promised releases the American Security Council, CIA D ecline with a blistering attack on the United and SAVAK” — the former Iranian States. secret police. Khomeini said Iranians should Khomeini urged all Iranians to go WASHINGTON (UPI) - sever all ties with the United States to the rooftops of their homes this Unemployment edged down to 5.8 and "rub America's snout into the evening and shout "AIlah-Akbar” percent in November, with most of dust.” He dismissed the U.N. Securi- ("God is great” ) and "Death to the the improvement among women and ty Council resolution calling for world-eating American im- blacks, the Labor Department said release of the hostages as an perialism" today. "American plot.” He charged the United States is Militant students, too, denounced hatching plots daily against Iran and The decline, from 6 percent in Oc- Foreign Minister Sadegh Qodb- he is “expecting new bitter tober, came at a time when most zadeh's statement on the release of happenings” soon. economists have been predicting a more hostages as "completely false” Former acting foreign minister sharp rise in unemployment in the and said none of the Americans, Abol Hassan Bani Sadr was replaced months ahead. Labor Department of- being held for the 34th day today, last week because a schism ficials said that stilt may happen. would be released until Shah Moham- developed between himself on the Unemployment among all women mad Reza Pahlavi is returned to Iran one side, and Khomeini and the mili- edged down 0.3 percent to 5.5 percent to stand trial. tant students on the other. Some in November. Black unemployment In Paris, French justice ministry observers said today's developments dropped almost a full percent, from sources said a nephew of the shah, were a replay of that split. 11.7 to 10.8 percent. the son of his twin sister Princess “ We follow only A yatollah Employment continued to rise in Ashraf, was shot and killed today on Khomeini,” the militants said in a November, but this rise has been a street in the French capital. He statement. "He has said the hostages taking place more slowly in recent was identified as Mustapha Chafik, will remain here until the shah is months. 34, one of the two sons of the shah's delivered to Iran and tried in Iran. And the department reported sharp sister. , The foreign minister's reports are declines in the work week of auto and The conflicting statements on the completely false.” steel workers, reflecting recent American hostages reflected the con- The students’ statement said Day of Infamy layoffs in those industries. tinued deep divisions in Tehran and a though they maintain contacts with Fire and black smoke spew from the 1941. Today is the 38th anniversary of the at- continuing battle involving Qodbzadeh, "we only get our instruc- tack and there will be a memorial ceremony The November decline put the un- Khomeini, militant students and tions from the people and Ayatollah destroyer USS Shaw following the Japanese employment rate back where it was various govemmnt members about Khomeini and no one else.” surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, aboard the sunken USS Arizona. (UPI photo) in ^ptember and kept it in the range the future of the captives. of 5.6 to 6 percent, where it has fluc- Qodbzadeh initially announced tuated for more than a year. what appeared to be a breakthrough J.C. Penney Case |n the deadlock at a news conference John Bregger, head of the division when he said some hostages would be which keeps the job figures, said he freed. does not interpret it as a real decline, “I assure you they will be freed,” nor did he see the previous month as he said. "I cannot,say when that will a real increase. be ... I hope not very far from now.” “I think we’re just fluctuating But he insisted some hostages St a te M in im izes R u l i n g along at the same level,” Bregger almost certainly would stand trial This could halt construction of air pollution through the traffic they J.C. Penney and others. and promised to issue a statement on MANCHESTER - A sUte official said. Changes in unemployment rates is minimizing the effect of a federal Penney’s new distribution center, generate. "This is just the beginning.” he for female part time workers have the matter by Saturday. said. "With this ruling there are "Those who are guilty of espionage court ruling against J.C. Penney's scheduled for a 1981 opening. kosloff said today that Connecticut accounted for much of these small many others who are in violation. ... have breached the limits of plan to build a massive new complex When construction of the center had filed a new environmental ups and downs, he said. The Labor Buckland Cijmmons is one." diplomatic inununity,” Qodbzadeh in Manchester's Buckland Industrial began, the state had filed with the program with the EPA Oct. 12. Department does not predict un- If the EPA finds the program in ac- said. "Some of them are not even Park. EPA for removal of the “indirect Pagano had argued yesterday’s employment. but Bregger said sharp cordance to the CTean Air Act of 1977, rises in unemployment, which most diplomats. These people are not Alan Kosloff, assistant attorney source permit requirement. The ruling before the appeals court last without the indirect source permit economists have forecast, could still going to benefit from diplomatic im- general, said today the Enviromnen- EPA did not rule on the request and June, after losing the case in tal Protection Agency (EPA) may the Clean Air Act of 1977 took effect. requirement, there is no violation. Febraury. lie ahead as the recession takes hold. munity.” 'The State Department of En- Asked if any hostages might be find Connecticut’s environmental “It’s going to happen one of these Technically, that meant J.C. vironmental Protection expects the "My basic complaint is the state of sentenced to death and shot by a program in compliance with the months, probably," Bregger said. Penney, and many other projects, ruling sometime in January. Connecticut never pays attention to firing squad, the foreign minister Clean Air Act of 1977, negating The number of unemployed per- were in violation of the Clean Air Act While the DEP awaits the ruling. the environmental laws until replied: "Anything is possible.” yesterday's court decision. sons edged down by 140,000 in of 1977, because they had no "in- Tony Pagano, representing the somebody builds something,” he But even the release of only some The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of said. November to 6 million. Appeals in New York ruled the EPA direct source" permit. Manchester Enviromental Coalition, of the hostages was imm^iately said today he is preparing to reopen a "Somebody has to protect the en- thrown into question by uncom- should have required (Connecticut to These permits affect projects Total employment, as measured by which would be indirect sources of suit in the U.S. District Court against vironment." he said promising statements by Khomeini issue “indirect source permits.” a household survey, rose by 350,000. Another survey, based on reports from businesses, showed an employ- ment rise of 220,000. The department's index of hourly earnings adjusted for inflation — Social Security Revamp Urged which reflects the purchasing power "The council unanimously finds of workers — showed a 4,1 percent WASHINGTON (UPI) - A govern- predicted the fund “will continue to for an adjustment. least 10 years of marriage and decline during the 12 months ending • A slow phase-in of all workers, widows or widowers should be able to that the time has come to finance ment council today proposed provide this (income) protection for some part of Social Security with in October, as far ahead as anyone can see.” including government and non-profit benefit from the shared earnings con- sweeping changes in the Social non-payroll taxes," said the council, These were the unemployment Among the council’s major employees, under coverage of the cept. Security system, including use of adding a majority felt the hospital in- figures for various groups of recommendations were: system, either with mandatory The lengthy report said the Social funds other than increased payroll surance program was the best place Americans in November compared • Reducing reliance on the payroll coverage for new employees or Security program should be in good deductions to finance the nation’s to start. to the previous month: retirement plan. tax by shifting some program fun- through a credit transfer plan. shape through the 21st century, and then — when more people are retired The council proposed in 1980 paying Adult men, 4.3 percent, unchanged.
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