Team Member Full Team Name SumOfAmount Michael Moser Kids Kickin' Cancer 10,000.00 Madison Moser Kids Kickin' Cancer 10,000.00 Scott Joslin Hodgkins Haters 6,900.00 Henry Bruens Friends Fighting for a Cure 5,667.00 Sherri Hester Friends Fighting for a Cure 5,279.00 Karen Shepherd COUNTRY Financial Crusaders 3,616.00 Brian O'Neill 1 team 2 team, Red team Blue team 3,400.00 Don Peterik Brady's Bunch 3,025.00 Angie Dalton Quarter Pounders 3,000.00 Ann Gullixon Seize The Day 2,990.00 Ciarra Kohn Quarter Pounders 2,961.34 Sharon Kocher Basset Buddies 2,943.95 Nancy Kobus Going For Gold With Wayne's Music World 2,622.00 Adam Chandler Chandler's Cancer Crushers 2,533.00 Dede Verplaetse COUNTRY Financial Cancer Crushers 2,144.00 Marilee Bracero Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 2,115.00 Paulette Feit Rhiannas Bananas 2,050.00 Nancy Pate Mixed Nuts 2,040.00 Barry Benecke Imperial Walkers 2,012.26 Michelle Spicer Quarter Pounders 2,000.00 Lisa Schneider Imperial Walkers 1,986.20 Bruce Hawkins sakura 1,985.00 Doris Smith Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,982.30 Gary Filkin Going For Gold With Wayne's Music World 1,865.00 Greg Jonas Going For Gold With Wayne's Music World 1,776.00 Susie Bornder Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,773.00 Rob Moser Hodgkins Haters 1,745.00 Jim Pate Mixed Nuts 1,728.00 Kelley Wickenhauser 4 Seasons 1,635.00 Angela Donalson Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,625.00 Susan Gambino Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,625.00 LeJo Blevins Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,614.62 Paula Lendo Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,585.00 Diane Stroud Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,550.00 Kristi Lanari Going For Gold With Wayne's Music World 1,539.00 Tricia Johnson Will Walk for Cure 1,504.00 Jeffrey Ritter Will Walk for Cure 1,500.00 Lynn Consalus Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,500.00 Carla Painter Painter's Posse 1,462.00 Lindsey Peterik Brady's Bunch 1,445.00 Colin Schurtz Rando's Commandos 1,409.28 ELAINE FRANZEN Banking On A Cure 1,404.00 Becky Kranz Kathy Crutcher's Crusaders 1,403.00 Fran Massie Going For Gold With Wayne's Music World 1,398.00 Greg Symanski Will Walk for Cure 1,395.00 Pam Garrett COUNTRY Financial Folks 1,387.23 Ty Hawkins sakura 1,375.00 Greg Johnson Will Walk for Cure 1,311.91 Lisa Shaffer 1 team 2 team, Red team Blue team 1,300.00 Sara Bowman Community Cancer Center 1,300.00 Julie Manley Camp Hope 1,284.00 Natalie Pitts Cancer is the Pitts-Youth 1,280.00 Joan Leitzen TEAM LATEADA 1,270.00 Vicki Kobel NCHS Iron Faculty 1,252.00 James Broach Kids Kickin' Cancer 1,250.00 Peggy Swerdlik The Lift Crew 1,229.00 AnneMarie Gentry Women's Division 1,225.00 Barbara Nunemaker The Lift Crew 1,218.00 Mary Kay Scharf ABC-ya Cancer 1,216.34 Maureen Miner TEAM LATEADA 1,209.00 Sally Gulley Basset Buddies 1,205.00 Courtney Bruning Team T.O.U.G.H. 1,201.00 Cindy Miller Jazzercise for Life 1,190.00 Lynn Oltmanns Krenns Krew 1,173.80 Becca Kirkpatrick Huntin' For A Cure 1,158.00 Carol Hanafin TEAM LATEADA 1,157.00 Marilyn Holcomb Country Financial R & R 1,144.00 Jean Riley Country Financial Pink Ladies +1 1,137.00 Karen Essington Going For Gold With Wayne's Music World 1,132.00 Cristina Zellers Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,125.00 Angie Lindsey The Lift Crew 1,122.00 R. Kent Heath Imperial Walkers 1,119.55 Diane Fullerton Brady's Bunch 1,118.00 Crystal Ciasnocha Mixed Nuts 1,113.21 Suzanna Simpson Country Financial R & R 1,105.00 Brian Shaffer 1 team 2 team, Red team Blue team 1,105.00 Maralee Willis Max's Mob 1,100.00 Jayne Runyon NCHS Iron Faculty 1,100.00 Mabel Shifflet Friends Fighting for a Cure 1,085.00 Jennifer Strange St Joe Surgery 1,071.82 Sherri Valeu Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,064.61 Justin Woith The Lift Crew 1,060.00 Sarah Smith ducking cancer 1,050.00 Alise Clark Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,045.00 Jessica Rieffel Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,035.00 Debbie Greene Cancer is the Pitts 1,030.00 Amy Lundeen Mixed Nuts 1,027.00 Cheryl Gebhardt TEAM LATEADA 1,015.00 Marla Peterson Sylvia's Angels 1,010.00 Jeremy Surprenant Michele's Stars of Hope 1,010.00 Melinda Decker Grandpa's Team 1,010.00 Debra West Sylvia's Angels 1,010.00 Ronald Neal Sylvia's Angels 1,007.00 Lois Rubbel Country Financial Pink Ladies +1 1,006.00 Theresa Weldy Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,004.00 Connie Jackson Sylvia's Angels 1,001.00 Jeannie Mayfield TEAM LATEADA 1,000.00 Kathy Wood Sylvia's Angels 1,000.00 Karen Maharas TEAM LATEADA 1,000.00 Charlotte Solomon Sylvia's Angels 1,000.00 Bruce Weldy Deb's Mardi Gras Marchers 1,000.00 Janet Tennell MIdnight Dogs 1,000.00 Jeff Morris 1 team 2 team, Red team Blue team 1,000.00 Kim Feger Walmart of Normal 990.00 Amanda Cushing Bloomington-Normal Marriott 953.00 Brett Barbee Hodgkins Haters 950.00 Nicholas Johnston Michele's Stars of Hope 940.00 Andrew Maxfield Actuaries That Count 933.00 Wendy Hebel Kathy Crutcher's Crusaders 919.00 Cora Parrish Camp Hope 915.50 Kevin Dehm Camp Hope 912.17 Douglas Saal MIdnight Dogs 900.00 David Wasser Will Walk for Cure 899.00 Sue Mackenzie Camp Hope 858.00 Ken Smith Purple Reign 850.00 Tracie Elias Purple Reign The Next Generation 850.00 Earlene Wilson Huntin' For A Cure 838.00 Shelley Pearson A Family Affair 820.00 Tori Bevins Hope Reigns 818.00 Cindy Edwards Basset Buddies 810.00 Rebecca Sherfey Producers of Hope 808.00 Lorraine Hetzler Camp Hope 806.00 Lauren Moore Kleb-o-Sonic 800.00 Annette Detwiler Going For Gold With Wayne's Music World 787.00 Marcia Ripsch Team T.O.U.G.H. 771.00 Elsie Kolb Camp Hope 765.00 Courtney Yamada Seize The Day 765.00 Lori Hardman Jazzercise for Life 755.00 Julie Homan Going For Gold With Wayne's Music World 753.00 Angela Colba COUNTRY Financial CVN Striders 737.00 Billy Walden Walgreens Walkers for Life 725.00 Steve Robinson Basset Buddies 718.00 Cory Donaldson Huntin' For A Cure 718.00 Tina Tate Basset Buddies 716.25 Virginia Lundeen Mixed Nuts 710.00 John Clausen Hodgkins Haters 709.02 Denise Schuster Snuffing Cancer by Leaps and Bounds 702.60 Evelyn Ehlers Krenns Krew 701.00 Jeanne Ummel Rhiannas Bananas 695.00 Shana Brownlee Jazzercise for Life 693.00 Julie Kronmiller Cancer Crosscheckers 690.00 Timothy Moore Hodgkins Haters 690.00 Elizabeth Mays Kung Fu Fighting Cancer 679.85 Meg Moser Kids Kickin' Cancer 670.00 Stephen Wilson Huntin' For A Cure 668.00 Kelly Hendrickson Friends Fighting for a Cure 665.00 Steven Crutcher Kathy Crutcher's Crusaders 650.00 Marie Stork Save Second Base 641.30 Sandra Hinthorn Camp Hope 640.00 Traci GRaves TCT 640.00 Mark Swerdlik The Lift Crew 640.00 Dale Nunemaker The Lift Crew 640.00 Jose Rodriguez Hodgkins Haters 640.00 Jackie Mathias Hope Reigns 638.00 Elaine Hanan Camp Hope 630.00 Staci Long The Lift Crew 615.00 Kate Moser Kids Kickin' Cancer 615.00 Beverly Baley Krenns Krew 614.80 Kathy Brady Brady's Bunch 608.00 Carole MacMinn Country Financial Pink Ladies +1 603.00 Marlisa Dietsch Mixed Nuts 602.00 Shelby Hinshaw De-Feet Cancer 602.00 Holly Lambert Camp Hope 600.00 Ann Fitzgerald Purple Reign 595.00 Jon Pate Mixed Nuts 593.52 Jim Welander mitsubishi trackers 575.00 Judy Painter Painter's Posse 575.00 Valerie Cooper Huntin' For A Cure 573.00 Lori Andrews Mixed Nuts 567.00 Kathy Bowen Going For Gold With Wayne's Music World 562.00 Kathy Dailey Country Financial Pink Ladies +1 560.00 Betsy Bruning Team T.O.U.G.H. 559.33 Colleen Collins Banking On A Cure 548.00 Barbara Wahls Hodgkins Haters 545.00 Missy Hamilton Cancer Crosscheckers 545.00 Lori Hamilton Cancer Crosscheckers 535.00 Amy Starr WOCK'N HOOVER HOTTIES 533.00 Leslie Vetter Huntin' For A Cure 525.00 Jill Hamlow Basset Buddies 525.00 Jennifer Schenk Kristi's Angels 525.00 Ronda Heidecker Kleb-o-Sonic 525.00 Lisa Raimondi theknights 525.00 Judith Stansbury We Are Here For You 525.00 Sarah Bronke Walmart of Normal 520.00 Sarah Sexton Country Financial and Hollywood Rocks 520.00 Mary Kerber De-Feet Cancer 517.00 Todd Rever Team R.E.E.C.H. 515.00 Rita Pelton Purple Reign 515.00 Heather Bruning/Wahls Team T.O.U.G.H. 515.00 Anne Campbell Mixed Nuts 513.00 Laura VanHoorn Friends Fighting for a Cure 510.00 Becky Griffin Warriors Against Cancer 510.00 Gail McCane Northside Gliders 505.00 Jennifer Oliver Team R.E.E.C.H. 505.00 Deb Graybill ducking cancer 500.00 Rhonda Furst Kathy Crutcher's Crusaders 500.00 Stacy Beerup Gabriel's Angels 500.00 Sarah Miller ducking cancer 500.00 Kevin Kemarly Imperial Walkers 500.00 Teri Wilson Huntin' For A Cure 500.00 Mike Watson Basset Buddies 500.00 Rachel Stroh Jazzercise for Life 500.00 Sheila Kaurin Max's Mob 500.00 Kris Miller 1 team 2 team, Red team Blue team 500.00 Sharon Wooten Generations 495.00 Patty Saal MIdnight Dogs 490.00 Amy Filter Kathy Crutcher's Crusaders 488.10 KAREN STAUFFER CSI 482.00 Lisa Bacon Basset Buddies 472.00 Eric Gullixon Seize The Day 465.00 Carol Mathias Hope Reigns 459.00 Sandy Braasch Krenns Krew 458.80 Dona Hudgins Lymphomaniacs 457.50 Diane Forrest BroMenn Strutters 455.00 Jolene Clifford Community Cancer Center 450.00 Jennifer Smith Jazzercise for Life 450.00 Jenny Hand CSI 445.79 Michael Grabruck 1 team 2 team, Red team Blue team 443.00 Rebecca Thomas Michele's Stars of Hope 443.00 Brad Shaffer 1 team 2 team, Red team Blue team 440.00 Kerry Carlson Pirates for the "Cure"-a-bean 438.86 Nita Spratt Huntin' For A Cure 438.00 Kim Duffer Friends Fighting for a Cure 435.00 Veronica Hettinger Krenns Krew 430.00 Tim Kirby Camp Hope 430.00 Carolyn Moore Kids Kickin' Cancer 425.00 Lori Batronis Princesses Against Cancer 425.00 Laura Swope Huntin' For A Cure 421.00 Dave Schuster Snuffing Cancer by Leaps and Bounds 420.00 Wendy LaMont Banking On A Cure 419.78 Karen Creasey Kleb-o-Sonic 406.00 Vicky Pletsch theknights 405.00
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