INDEX Volume 199, OCTOBER-DECEMBER 1976 Abboud, F. M. , see Takeshita, A. , 353 Alcohol Abrams, G. D. , see Lucchesi, B. R. , 310 tolerance and physical dependence in mice, body Abstinence-like syndrome, precipitated by pargy- temperature as quantitative measure of, 158 line in morphine-dependent mice, 400 withdrawal reactions in DBA/2J mice, drinking Acara, M. and Rennick, B.: The biphasic effect of patterns as predictors of, 408 organic cations on the excretion of other organic Allis, B. , see Cohen, G. , 336 cations, 32 Alloxan, effect on islet tissue permeability, protec- Acetaminophen and conjugates, renal distribution tion and reversal by dithiols, 575 and significance in pathogenesis of analgesic Ally, A. I. and Nakatsu, K.: Adenosine inhibition of nephropathy, 1 isolated rabbit ileum and antagonism by theo- Acetazolamide, effect on movement of sodium into phylline, 208 posterior chamber of dog eye, 510 Amerson, E. W. , see Cook, C. E. , 679 Acetylcholine p-Aminohippurate, accumulation by rabbit renal storage and release in isolated chicken heart, ef- cortical slices, metabolic modulation, 498 feats of physostigmine, 236 p-Aminohippunic acid, renal transport in vivo, stim- turnover rate in cortex and hippocampus de- ulation by penicillin, 25 creased by morphine, meperidine, viminol R2 Analgesia, correlation with decrease of acetylcho- and azidomorphine, correlation with analgesia, line turnover rate in cortex and hippocampus 662 elicited by morphine, mepenidine, viminol R2 ‘4C-Acetylcholine, biphasic effect of other organic and azidomorphine, 662 cations on excretion of, 32 Analgesic activity ofd-propoxyphene in rat, effect of Adenosine inhibition of isolated rabbit ileum and l-propoxyphene, 415 antagonism by theophylline, 208 Analgesic nephropathy, significance of renal distri- Na,K-Adenosine triphosphatase bution ofacetaminophen and its conjugates, 1 activity, cardiac, effects of grayanotoxin I, 287 Anderson, M. W. , see Wilson, A. G. E. , 360 cardiac, inhibition by ouabain and myocardial so- Anthopleunin-A, polypeptide from sea anemone dium, computer simulation, 287 (Anthopteura xanthogrammica) with potent Adrenergic nerve terminals, in blood vessels, effects positive inotropic action, 298 of nitroprusside, 269 Antonin, K-H. , see Klotz, U. , 67 Adrenergic receptors, beta , of chromatophores of Arnold, V. W. , see Goldstein, D. B. , 408 frog (Rana pipiens), 222 Arnsdorf, M. F. and Fniedlander, I. : The electrophy- Adrenergic receptor blocking agents, beta, cardiose- siologic effects of tolamolol (UK-6558-01) on the lective, isoproterenol antagonism of, compara- passive membrane properties of mammalian tive study ofhuman and guinea-pig cardiac and cardiac Purkinje fibers, 601 bronchial beta adrenergic receptors, 329 Arteries, isolated, rabbit, relaxation by fusanic acid, Adrenocortical function, variations in, effect on do- 620 pamine f3-hydroxylase and norepinephrine in Asano, M. , see Hidaka, H. , 620 rat brain, 639 Atropine, biphasic effect on excretion of other or- Aiken, J. W. , see Fredenickson, R. C. A. , 375 ganic cations, 32 Akera, T. , Bennett, R. T. , Olgaard, M. K. and Axelrod, J., see Taliman, J. F. , 216 Brody, T. M.: Cardiac Na,K-adenosine tn- Axon phosphatase inhibition by ouabain and myocar- giant, crayfish and squid, ionic mechanism of sa- dial sodium: A computer simulation, 287 licylate block of nerve conduction in, 464 Akena, T. , Ku, D. D. , Frank, M. , Brody, T. M. and giant, membranes, squid, mode of action of tn- Iwasa, J.: Effects of grayanotoxin I on cardiac chloroethylene on, 179 Na, K-adenosine tniphosphatase activity, Azidomorphine-induced decrease in acetylcholine transmembnane potential and myocandial con- turnover rate in cortex and hippocampus, come- tnactile force, 247 lation with analgesia, 662 695 696 INDEX Vol. 199 Azotemia, experimental, relationship of urinary fu- Burmeister, W. E., see Lucchesi, B. R. , 310 rosemide excretion rate to natriuretic effect in, n-Butanol, protection against 6-hydroxydopamine- 490 induced destruction ofsympathetic nerve termi- nals by, 336 Bailie, M. D., Crosslan, K. and Hook, J. Butler, T. C., Dudley, K. H., Johnson, D. and Rob- B.: Natniuretic effect of furosemide after inhi- erts, S. B.: Studies of the metabolism of 5,5- bition of prostaglandin synthetase, 469 diphenylhydantoin relating principally to the Bailie, M. D., see Bond, J. T., 25 stereoselectivity of the hydroxylation reactions Bain, G., see Markowitz, R. , 385 in man and dog, 82 Barbiturate withdrawal, electrophysiology in spinal 5-Butylpicolinic acid (see Fusanic acid) cord, 189 Bartolem#{233}, M. , see Slotkin, T. A. , 141 Cabbat, F., see Cohen, G., 336 Behavior Caffeine, in plasma and saliva analyzed by radioim- in mouse, interactions between narcotic analge- munoassay procedure, 679 sics and benzodiazepine derivatives on, 389 Calcium-45, influx in rat parotid gland, stimulation maintained under second-order schedule by intra- by carbachol, 526 muscular injection of morphine or cocaine in Cannon, J. G., see Sharabi, F. M. , 630 rhesus monkeys, 278 Capurro, N., Kent, K. M. and Epstein, S. E.: Effects operant, in pigeons, effects of carbon disulfide and of intracoronary and intravenous nitroglycerin FLA-63 on, 669 on coronary collateral function, 262 Bellamy, G. M. , see Murphy, P. J., 415 Carbachol, stimulation of 4>Ca influx in rat parotid Bennett, R. T. , see Akera, T. , 287 gland by, 526 Benzodiazepine derivatives, interactions with nar- Carbon disulfide, effects on operant behavior in pi- cotic analgesics on behavior in mouse, 389 geons, 669 Benzoic acid, ionic mechanism of block of nerve Carbon monoxide conduction by, 454 effect on hexobarbital metabolism in isolated, per- Bertolatus, J. A. , see Shah, N. S., 103 fused rat liver compared with hypoxic hypoxia, Bhat, H. B. , see Quest, J. A. , 255 61 Bieck, P. R. , see Klotz, U. , 67 effect on in vivo metabolism, distribution and ac- Bile, excretion of methadone metabolites, role of tion of hexobarbital compared with hypoxic hy- metabolism in, 93 poxia, 53 Biosynthesis and metabolism of endogenous tyra- Cat(s) mine, 216 differential transmission in superior cervical gan- Blood glion of, 538 coronary venous, prostaglandin-like substances effects of anthopleurin-A in, 298 following myocardial ischemia in, 611 electrophysiology of barbiturate withdrawal in normal, sickle and fetal human, effect of sodium spinal cord of, 189 para-aminosalicylate on oxygen affinity in, 441 inhibition of sympathetic nervous system by het- Blood vessels, isolated, effects of nitroprusside on erocyclic congeners of dopamine in, 630 smooth muscle and adrenengic nerve terminals motor nerve terminals, effects of cyclic nucleo- in, 269 tides on, 544 Body temperature, mice, as quantitative measure of neuroexcitatory effects of digoxin in, 583 alcohol tolerance and physical dependence, 158 neuromuscular transmission, role ofcyclic nucleo- Bond, J. T. , Bailie, M. D. and Hook, J. B.: Matura- tides, 553 tion of renal organic acid transport in vivo: Sub- Catecholamines, uptake in synaptosomal prepara- strate stimulation by penicillin, 25 tions ofrat brain, molecular geometry of inhibi- Brain tors of, 649 developing rat, effects of neonatal or maternal Central nervous system (see Nervous system, cen- methadone administration on omnithine hydrox- tral) ylase activity of, 141 Cerebellum, cultures, prepared from methadone- opiate receptor sites, loperamide binding to, 131 tolerant and control rats, effects of methadone nat, effect of variations in adrenocortical function hydrochloride on growth, 368 on dopamine f3-hydroxylase and norepinephnine Cha, Y.-N. and Edwards, R.: Effect of Schistosoma in, 639 mansoni infection on the hepatic drug-metabo- synaptosomal preparations, rat, molecular geom- lizing capacity of mice, 432 etry of inhibitors of uptake of catecholamines Chan, Y. L. : Cellular mechanisms of renal tubular and serotonin in, 649 transport of L-dOpa and its derivatives in the Brody, T. M. , see Akera, T. , 247, 287 rat: Microperfusion studies, 17 5-Bromosalicylic acid, ionic mechanism of block of Chang liver cells, mechanism of uptake of chloro- nerve conduction by, 454 quine-’H in, 687 1976 INDEX 697 Cheney, D. L., see Zsilla, G. , 622 Davidow, B. , see Kaul, B. , 171 Chicken, isolated heart, effects of physostigmine on Davis, D. C. , see Shannon, H. E. , 389 cholinesterase activity and storage and release Dayton, P. G. , see Rose, H. J. , 490 ofacetylcholine in, 236 Demartini, J. E. , see Willson, N. J., 368 “C-Choline, biphasic effect of other organic cations Dembiec, D., see Cohen, G., 336 on excretion of, 32 Diazepam Chloroquine-3H, mechanism of uptake in Chang and oxazepam interactions with morphine and liver cells in vitro, 687 methadone on behavior in mouse, 389 Cholinesterase activity, in isolated chicken heart, pharmacokinetics and plasma binding of, in man, effects of physostigmine, 236 dog, rabbit, guinea pig and rat, 67 Christensen, H. D., see Cook, C. E. , 679 Dicumanol, elimination in rats, effect of enzyme Chromatophores, of frog (Rana pipiens), beta adre- induction and relationship to dicumarol distni- nergic receptors of, 222 bution, 74 Clark, R. L., see Hewitt, W. R. , 498 Dieterich, H. A. , Kaffei, H. , Kilbinger, H. and L#{246}f- Clay, G. A., see Mackerer, C. R., 131 felholz, K .: The effects of physostigmine on cho- Cocaine linesterase activity, storage and release of ace- intramuscular injection in rhesus monkeys, be- tylcholine in the isolated chicken heart, 236 havior maintained under second-order schedule Diethyldithiocarbamate,
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