April 22, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 8 10325 religious, racial or ethnic groups) and our environment. For 39 years, Earth and nays are ordered, or on which the those that are mainly antigovernment, Day has remained an annual oppor- vote incurs objection under clause 6 of rejecting Federal authority in favor of tunity to remind ourselves of our daily, rule XX. State or local authority or rejecting ongoing responsibility. Record votes on postponed questions government authority entirely. It may Our Nation has experienced an envi- will be taken later. include groups and individuals that are ronmental renaissance as of late with f dedicated to a single issue, such as op- business, popular culture and political position to abortion or immigration.’’ leadership getting ‘‘green’’ and becom- COMMENDING CAPTAIN RICHARD On Page 7, under Disgruntled Mili- ing galvanized by the challenge of cli- PHILLIPS, U.S. NAVY SEALS, tary Veterans, they’re listed as having mate change. AND THE U.S. NAVY IN SOMALI the potential to boost the capabilities The industries and communities of PIRATE HIJACKING of the extremists. my district in Colorado are on the Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I move Mr. Speaker, this is the same Cabinet front lines of a changing climate—from to suspend the rules and agree to the member who will no longer use the a shrinking ski season and fewer tour- resolution (H. Res. 339) expressing the words ‘‘terrorist’’ or ‘‘war on terror’’ ist dollars to an increased threat of sense of the United States House of and who now wants to call some of our wildfire and water resources stretched Representatives regarding the hijack- veterans and pro-life activists ‘‘terror- even thinner. My district’s economic ing of the Maersk Alabama, the kidnap- ists.’’ This is outrageous. well-being has a lot riding on a healthy ping of Captain Richard Phillips by So- President Obama, your Cabinet Sec- environment. mali pirates, the rescue of Captain retary is the real threat to our secu- Mr. Speaker, I commend all of those Phillips by United States Navy SEALs rity. who will work, volunteer, teach, and and the crews of the USS Bainbridge, f learn about the ways we can protect USS Boxer, USS Halyburton and Patrol our Earth and economy. I rise in strong Squadron (VP) 8, and for other pur- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER support of all of those who work to poses. PRO TEMPORE make Earth Day every day and who un- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- derstand the fact that our communities tion. bers are reminded to address their re- and economies are firmly rooted in a The text of the resolution is as fol- marks to the Chair. healthy environment. lows: f H. RES. 339 f BUDGET DEFICIT Whereas on April 8, 2009, a group of armed HONORING SOJOURNER TRUTH Somali pirates hijacked the Norfolk, Vir- (Mr. YARMUTH asked and was given (Mr. SCHAUER asked and was given ginia-based Maersk Alabama, a U.S. flagged permission to address the House for 1 cargo ship; permission to address the House for 1 minute.) Whereas this attack represents the first minute.) Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Speaker, for the such attack on a U.S. flagged vessel in mod- Mr. SCHAUER. Mr. Speaker, first, I last 2 weeks when I was home in my ern history; rise to thank Representative JACKSON- district, I heard from many of my con- Whereas Captain Richard Phillips of LEE for her leadership of her resolution stituents who were justifiably con- Underhill, Vermont, commander of the today in honoring Sojourner Truth. Maersk Alabama, graduated from the Massa- cerned about the large amounts of defi- chusetts Maritime Academy and has over 20 As the Congressman representing cits that we face, about the borrowing Battle Creek, Michigan, I rise on behalf years of maritime experience; that we will have to do and about the Whereas Captain Phillips and the crew of of a community that is proud of its cit- spending that we are proposing to do in the Maersk Alabama were delivering a life- izen Sojourner Truth, who lived her the President’s budget that he ap- sustaining USAID shipment of over 8,000 last 26 years there. proved recently. You know, those who metric tons of food aid to Kenya, Somalia, My hometown was home to a pilgrim have sought to, maybe, take advantage and Uganda when the ship came under pirate born into slavery, unable to read or of that fear have said, ‘‘Nobody ever attack; write, who traveled the country, elo- Whereas the crew of the Maersk Alabama borrows their way to prosperity.’’ Oh, overpowered one of the pirate attackers, and quently confronting the injustices of really? slavery and the unequal treatment of Captain Phillips offered himself up in return In fact, virtually everyone who has for the safe release of his crew and ship; women. She spoke truth to power, and grown wealthy in this country—every Whereas four pirates then fled with Cap- she changed the world. Her life is testi- corporation and any individual—has tain Phillips to an 18-foot lifeboat; mony to the endurance of the human borrowed to make that possible, and Whereas the United States Fifth Fleet im- spirit. that’s exactly what we’re doing. We mediately dispatched Maritime Patrol (P–3) Every day that I come to work at my face a choice. We face a choice of hav- Aircraft to locate and positively identify and office, I sit across from a portrait of monitor the Maersk Alabama to vector the ing a dysfunctional health care system, closest U.S. Navy ship to the scene; Sojourner Truth, which hangs on my of having an energy system that makes wall. It lifts me and it grounds me, and Whereas the United States Navy destroyer us insecure and that damages our envi- USS Bainbridge, which had been patrolling I know that the memorial in Emanci- ronment, and of having an education the region due to increased pirate activities, pation Hall, along with a monument at system that relegates our citizens to a arrived on the scene; her resting place in Battle Creek, will dismal future. Whereas the USS Bainbridge, under the do the same for the millions of citizens What we are doing in the budget we command of U.S. Navy Commander Frank who will view them over the years to passed is to borrow, yes, but to invest Castellano, monitored the conditions on the come. lifeboat and prevented the pirates from es- in those very important matters that caping; f will guarantee a brighter life for our Whereas Commander Castellano served as society and for our people, and that is EARTH DAY the on-the-scene coordinator for the com- what we are committed to do. bined rescue efforts of the State Department, (Mr. POLIS asked and was given per- f Federal Bureau of Investigation hostage ne- mission to address the House for 1 gotiators, and the U.S. Navy; minute and to revise and extend his re- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Whereas U.S. Navy SEALs quickly de- marks.) PRO TEMPORE ployed to the scene; Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Whereas, while being held by pirates, Cap- tain Phillips attempted a daring escape, div- to highlight and support the many ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair ing into the ocean and trying to swim to communities, volunteers, teachers, stu- will postpone further proceedings safety before being recaptured; dents, and individuals celebrating today on motions to suspend the rules Whereas the pirates held Captain Phillips Earth Day and their efforts to protect on which a recorded vote or the yeas at gunpoint for 5 days; VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:39 Aug 09, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H22AP9.000 H22AP9 wreier-aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with BOUND RECORD 10326 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 8 April 22, 2009 Whereas the Navy SEALs once again dem- well as Captain Richard Phillips, who armed Somali pirates hijacked the onstrated their extraordinary bravery, skill, gave himself up to ensure the safety of Norfolk, Virginia-based Maersk Ala- and professionalism in rescuing Captain his crew. bama, which is a cargo ship sailing Phillips; under a U.S. flag. The Alabama was on Whereas the USS Halyburton assisted the b 1030 USS Bainbridge with the rescue operation, a mission to deliver over 8,000 metric We’re all familiar with the story by tons of vital food aid to Kenya, Soma- by skillfully ensuring that the pirates were now. On April 8, a group of armed So- blocked in their attempt to reach the Somali lia, and Uganda. This food aid had been mali pirates hijacked the Norfolk, Vir- coast; provided by U.S. taxpayers through the Whereas the USS Boxer assisted in the res- ginia-based Maersk Alabama, a U.S.- United States Agency for International cue operation by standing by to provide im- flagged cargo ship—the first such at- Development. It was highly ironic, tack on a U.S.-flagged vessel in modern mediate medical support, which was thank- then, that the Somali pirates targeted fully not needed in this operation. history. Captain Phillips and his crew a vessel destined to provide relief to Resolved, that the United States House of were delivering a life-sustaining their home country. Representatives— USAID shipment of over 8,000 metric 1. commends the crew of the Maersk Ala- tons of food aid to Kenya, Somalia, and When the Alabama came under at- bama and Captain Phillips, who selflessly tack, it was also the first such attack placed himself in harm’s way to protect his Uganda when the ship came under pi- rate attack.
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