CURRICULUM VITA……………………………D r. ABDELMAJEED RJOUB Jordan 25113/ Al-Mafraq – Al-Albayt University / Page 1 of 12 Faculty of Engineering / Department of Architecture 0779525000 *** [email protected] GENERAL INFORMATION NAME Abdelmajeed Abdelraouf Mahmoud Rjoub PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH Al-Sarih / 15 Feb 1965 NATIONALITY Jordanian MARITAL STATUS: Married QUALIFICATIONS Ph. D in Architecture ACADEMIC RANK Associate professor LANGUAGE Arabic (tongue), English, Russian CONTACT 25113, Al-Bayt University / ADDRESS FAX +962 2 6297033 Al-Mafraq / Jordan WORK +962 2 6297000 Ext. 2800 E-MAIL [email protected] MOBILE +962 77 9525000 WEBSITE www.aabu.edu.jo Google scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gszxrTUAAAAJ&hl=ar Research Gate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abdelmajeed_Rjoub2 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-abdelmajeed-rjoub-480a03a/ Academia https://aabu.academia.edu/ARjoub DEGREES AND QUALIFICATIONS YEAR CERTIFICATE AVERAGE/ DEGREE AREA OF SPECIALIZATION INSTITUTION 1983 Certificate High School 85.5% Scientific Branch Al-Sarih Secondary School Planning and Design of Tourist Complexes 1990 Master of Architecture Excellent and Hotels in Jordan Architectural and urban characteristics of Housing Complexes for Low Income Moscow State High Institute of Architecture People in Jordan (MArchI) 1995 Ph.D. Architecture Excellent October 15, 2019 CURRICULUM VITA……………………………D r. ABDELMAJEED RJOUB Jordan 25113/ Al-Mafraq – Al-Albayt University / Page 2 of 12 Faculty of Engineering / Department of Architecture 0779525000 *** [email protected] ACADEMIC EXPERIENCES YEAR JOB LOCATION INSTITUTION 1995-2001 Faculty Member Faculty of Engineering Applied Science University / Jordan 2001-2006 Dean / Founder of The Institute Institute of Architecture and Islamic Arts Al-albayt University / Jordan 2001 - Now (Now Faculty of Engineering) 2011-2013 Zarqa University 2013-2014 Faculty Member Al albayt university Faculty of Engineering 2014-2015 Zarqa University / Sabbatical Leave 2017-2018 2019-2020 Dean Faculty of Engineering Al albayt university ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCES YEAR TASK INSTITUTION 2001-2010 Member - The University Council / Representative of The Institute of Islamic Art and Architecture 2018-2019 Member - The University Council / Representative Faculty of Engineering 2001-2006 Member - The Board of Deans 2019-2020 2008 - 2010 Vice Chairman - The Central Tenders Committee Al-Albayt University / Jordan The Head and Member of Numerous Scientific and Administrative Committees / Curriculum, Training, Graduation 2001 - Now Projects, Etc.. Representative of The University in The Arab Council for Students Training of Arab Universities - Association of Arab 2005 – 2009 Universities 2008-2009 Board Member of The Islamic Cultural Center 2010-2011 Board Member of The Revival Islamic Heritage Center October 15, 2019 CURRICULUM VITA……………………………D r. ABDELMAJEED RJOUB Jordan 25113/ Al-Mafraq – Al-Albayt University / Page 3 of 12 Faculty of Engineering / Department of Architecture 0779525000 *** [email protected] TASKS RELATED TO THE FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION, RELEVANT COMMITTEES AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TASK LOCATION YEAR 2002- A Member of the "Committee of Planning and Administrative Works " Al Al-Bayt University 2006 Team Member of the “Committee of Strategic Plan of The University 2006-2010" - Coordinator of Campus Development Sector Mafraq Municipality 2005 Chairman of The Committee of Receipt of the "Bani Hashim Teaching Halls Building" Al Al-Bayt University 2003 Chairman of the" Committee of Planning and Future Expansion of Mafraq City". Mafraq Municipality 2009 Decoration Works of Operational Room of Parliament Elections 2007 Mafraq Governorate 2007 RESEARCH INTERESTS Regional Experience of Urban Planning. Architecture and Technology. Housing Policies in Jordan And the World. Regional and Traditional Islamic Architecture. Heritage Management and Conservation. Architecture and Environment. October 15, 2019 CURRICULUM VITA……………………………D r. ABDELMAJEED RJOUB Jordan 25113/ Al-Mafraq – Al-Albayt University / Page 4 of 12 Faculty of Engineering / Department of Architecture 0779525000 *** [email protected] PUBLISHED ARTICLES PAPERS IN ENGLISH PAPERS TITLE AUTHORS JOURNAL TITLE AND PAPERS CITATION PUBLISHED PUBLISHED ACCEPTED 1. Hikmat Ali √ conference International 1. Post Occupancy Evaluation of 2. Abdelmajeed Rjoub Sustainable Buildings (SB-05). Tokyo Japan 2005 Building System # 5 As Sustainable file:///F:/tokyo%20new/sbo5/program/pdf/13-038.pdf Structural System In Jordan. Co-author 2. Documenting the architectural 1. Abdelmajeed Rjoub √ Architecture and Modern Information Technology (AMIT) 4 \17 – 2011 heritage resources in Mafraq 2. Wael Al-Azhari Moscow Architectural Institute governorate using GIS Title Id : 702759 Title : Arkhitektura i Sovremennye Informatsionnye Tekhnologii ISSN : 1998-4839 http://www.marhi.ru 1. Abdelmajeed Rjoub √ 2012 3. The Emergence of Agro-Pastoral 2. Abdelaziz Mahmood Kamla-Raj Enterprises Villages in Jordan - Hamamet al- http://www.krepublishers.com/02-Journals/JHE/JHE-00-0-000-000-1990- Olaimat as a Case Study. Web/JHE-6-List%20of%20Papers-Present%20Status.htm 1. Abdelmajeed Rjoub √ International Journal of Architectural Heritage 4. The Architecture of Heritage 2. Abdelqader Al-Husan Taylor & Francis Inc. Mosques in Mafraq Province http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/15583058.asp 5. The Relationship between the 1. Abdelmajeed Rjoub √ Architecture Research 2016, 6(1): 1-12 components of cultural Heritage and DOI: 10.5923/j.arch.20160601.01 Contemporary Trends of Architecture Scientific & Academic Publishing in Jordan http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.arch.20160601.01.html October 15, 2019 CURRICULUM VITA……………………………D r. ABDELMAJEED RJOUB Jordan 25113/ Al-Mafraq – Al-Albayt University / Page 5 of 12 Faculty of Engineering / Department of Architecture 0779525000 *** [email protected] 6. Ottoman Architecture in Jordan. 1. Abdelmajeed Rjoub √ conference International Conference \ Ottoman studies "17 Architectural styles and urban Istanbul \ April 2017 features of the Hejaz Railway Stations 7. Development and Trends of Urban 1. Saqer sqour √ Architecture Research 2016, 6(5): 116-122 Growth in Mafraq City, Jordan 2. Abdelmajeed Rjoub DOI: 10.5923/j.arch.20160605.02 3. Mohannad Tarrad Scientific & Academic Publishing 8. Standardization in Construction as 1. Abdelmajeed Rjoub √ Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 11 (2017) 141-148 a tool to Reduce Cost of Housing for DOI: 10.17265/1934-7359/2017.02.005 the Low-Income Families in Jordan David Publishing 9. Urban and Architectural Impacts 1. Abdelmajeed Rjoub √ International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Volume 8 • Number 1 • of Hejaz Railway in Mafraq-Jordan 2. Rami Al-Shwabakeh January 2018 Center for Promoting Ideas, USA 10. The Types and Locations of 1. Abdelmajeed Rjoub √ Architecture Research 2019, 9(3): 51-62 Informal Housing in Al-Mafraq City DOI: 10.5923/j.arch.20190903.01 of Jordan Scientific & Academic Publishing 11. Evaluating the Satisfaction Rate 1. Rami Al-Shwabakeh In Review for Affordable Housing in 2. Abdelmajeed Rjoub Individual Non-Gated Residential Area: The Case of AlSharq Housing Project in Zarqa-Jordan October 15, 2019 CURRICULUM VITA……………………………D r. ABDELMAJEED RJOUB Jordan 25113/ Al-Mafraq – Al-Albayt University / Page 6 of 12 Faculty of Engineering / Department of Architecture 0779525000 *** [email protected] اﻻبحاث باللغة العربية عنوان البحث الباحثون مقبول للنشر المجلة \ المؤتمر منشور 12. السياسة السكنية ودورها في حل المشكلة د. عبد المجيد الرجوب √ مؤتمر مجلد أبحاث الندوة العالمية الثانية للسكن الميسر \ الرياض السكنية لذوي الدخل المحدود في اﻷردن. د. خالد المومني دولي المملكة العربية السعودية اذار 2004 13. العمارة اﻻسﻻمية في اﻻردن _قلعة الفدين د. عبد المجيد الرجوب √ المجلة اﻷردنية للتاريخ واﻻثار. العدد 4 - 10\2010. الجامعة اﻷردنية \ عمادة العثمانية على درب الحاج الشامي نموذجا . عبد القادر الحصان البحث العلمي http://journals.ju.edu.jo/JJHA/issue/view/220 14. المفهوم اﻹسﻻمي لعﻻقة المعمار مع البيئة صقر الصقور √ مجلة الدراسات اﻹسﻻمية وتطبيقاتها العمرانيّة والمعماريّة. عبد المجيد الرجوب عمادة البحث العلمي \ جامعة ال البيت 2012 15. تطور العمران والتجمعات الحضرية على عبد المجيد الرجوب √ مؤتمر أبحاث المؤتمر الدولي العاشر "تاريخ بﻻد الشام" امتداد محطات الخط الحديدي الحجازي في محافظة دولي التنظيمات العثمانية وتطبيقاتها في بﻻد الشام في القرن 13 هـ / 19 م المفرق. المجلد الثاني. المحور/ سادسا: أثر التنظيمات على العمران في بﻻد الشام منشورات الجامعة اﻷردنية 16. توظيف التراث العمراني في السياحة: عبد المجيد الرجوب √ مجلة المنارة / جامعة ال البيت حاله دراسية لمركز مدينة المفرق رامي الشوابكة عمادة البحث العلمي October 15, 2019 CURRICULUM VITA……………………………D r. ABDELMAJEED RJOUB Jordan 25113/ Al-Mafraq – Al-Albayt University / Page 7 of 12 Faculty of Engineering / Department of Architecture 0779525000 *** [email protected] REVIEWING AND EVALUATION SCIENTIFIC PAPERS IN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND JOURNALS 2nd International Workshop on (Affordable House). Riyadh Development Authority. Saudi Arabia/ March 2004. 3rd International Workshop on (Affordable House). Riyadh Development Authority. Saudi Arabia/ March 2007. Conference on "Technology & Sustainability in the Built Environment - King Saud University – Faculty of Architecture and Planning. 2010 Al-Manara for research and studies The Jordanian Journal for Islamic Studies LOCAL CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS AND SYMPOSIUMS Conferences, Workshops or Symposiums Participation Paper Title Location Year Scientific day #3 Researcher Urban planning and disasters in Jordan AABU 2017 Faculty of
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