April 11, 1941 Friday, THE SOUTHERN JEWISH WEEKLY Page Eleven Weizmann Lauds B’nai B’rith Aid to A Complete Line of Palestine in Address to Convention PASSOVER PRODUCTS JEWS IN in Chicago Homemade Cakes MERLIN’S Delicatessen & Restaurant |i|l 412 Main St. Ph. 3-0620 SPORTS __ 'Y A A iff 1 iy Morris Weinbr ODDITIES IN SPORTS • • • ers the world has ever seen was ATTWOOD'S Two Jewish youngsters once born and bred in a country where For travelled more than six thousand the sport is illegal ... We’re re- Exceptional miles to run a race of 100 yards, ferring to Sidney Franklin, the Prescription Service only to be “scratched” from the Jewish toreador from Brooklyn, Also Complete Line of event at the last moment ... The who is at present a South Ameri- Toilet Requisites and can ... two lads, Marty Glickman of Sy- idol of Michi- In the Drug Sundries racuse and Sam Stoller brilliant New Year’s llif ip At Prevailing Adv. Prices members Day sunshine gan State, were of the that poured over the 1024 Park St. Phone 7-2133 Olympic team ... gridiron at the 1929 Rose Bowl tilt 1936 ' Free Motor Delivery The Original Celtics, one of the between the rambling wrecks of Jlife MM 'WkiMlmilMSmt p|j ¦mvmmm- wm & greatest teams ever to appear on Georgia Tech and the Golden Bears the basketball courts of this coun- of California, the 100,000 football try were made up of four Jews and fans witnessed the oddest play ever Park Free While You Select one Irishman ... Nat Holman, to be recorded in football history the Latest Style of— joe Lapchick, Dave Banks and ... They saw Roy Riegels, center WALL PAPER Barney Sedran composed the He- of the California eleven, intercept Sss-, * l-fll ' ' Reasonable Cost '• :• ' ' >.< - ' brew quartet on this invincible a forward pass and start running IT/TV"” ; J:' “Irish” quintet ... And, speak- until he was hit, though not ing of Hibernians, the greatest knocked down by an enemy player Metropolitan MRS. HENRY MONSKY, DR. CHAIM WEIZMANN, HENRY MONSKY, PRESI- of the first decade of the ... Completely spun about by the athlete DENT OF B’NAI B’RITH, AND MRS. WEIZMANN, AT THE LUNCHEON was Abel Kiviat, tremendous force of the Paper present century attempt- SESSION OF B’NAI B’RITH’S CONVENTION, WHICH WAS ADDRESSED BY Wall a Jewish running star who flaunt- ed tackle, Riegels began running DR. WEIZMANN. ed the colors of the Irish-Ameri- the other way to his own goal line Store ... can Athletic Club ... Stunned as the crowd was, it 1451 West Forsyth Street Benny Leonard, the retired un- was even more electrified when Telephone 5-2539 defeated lightweight champion of the figure of Jewish Benny Lorn WISDOM First Income Tax Is the world, participated in more hurtled sixty yards at breakneck than 100 bouts during his long, speed to catch up with his own of the Levied in Palestine thrilling career, and yet, oddly teammate and tackle his own man enough, his hair was never mussed on the two-yard line ... The TALMUD JERUSALEM (JTA)—The first By MORRIS KRAMER up in any of these fights ... This strangest play in football history. income tax in Palestine’s modern . JEWISH . history has been announced by the story is not a mere legend that RECORDS Reg. has grown up around an illustri- Mauri Rose, the diminutive au- Government. There will be a flat Thy levy ous fighting champion merely to tomobile racing driver, is the only Honor Father of ten per cent annually on the income 12 oz. can of prove that the man was invinci- Jewish racer ever to be rated as of companies, payable “Whether thou art rich or whe- each > ble but is based on cold fact ... the number one driver in America midyear. The rate of indi- yr ther art poor, honor thy father.” viduals has FULLER Leonard used a special grease —an honor awarded by the Amer- not yet been an- —Proverb. nounced. compound to keep his long black ican Automobile Association ... FURRITURE POLISH One of the great principles in hair from falling into his eyes ... “Lulu” Bender, erstwhile captain the Decalogue is One of the greatest bull-fight- of the Long Island University the command- J with the purchase of a ment to honor your parents. For in Exide Batteries - Tires Blackbirds the team that won - honoring your Accessories - the national invitation basketball parents you show the SEGRAVES’ COMPLETE FULLER DRV RIOP Concrete Foundations tourney at Madison Square Gar- gratitude which is due them for all SERVICE STATION Sidewalks & Driveways den —scored 1,000 points in his they have done for you, and The famous Dry Mop. in honoring Telephones 2-1161 2-1162 reversible Two REASONABLE COST fours years of college basketball, them you show that sides for faster dusting. Chemically you 3601 St. Johns Ave. ROSIER for an average of twenty points also have attained a fine and treated yarn. Complete with long 2901 W. Beaver Ph. 3-9137 per game. noble character. hardwood handle and can of polish. ’ Babe Scheuer, shot put champ- “Honor thy father.” For your “'Real FRIJIT"' 1 ion of the 1932 I. C. 4-A. jamboree father is not only a father. He is COCOANUT MILK held in Los Angeles, heaved the your best friend, whose sole in- Look For The Sign! 5 Miller Electric Co. sixteen-pound weight for a dis- terest in life is to advance your MY - PLACE Exclusive Dealers for tance of fifty-seven feet—a world’s interests and to establish a place Fred Hawthorne , MY-PLACE —2OB Main St. Lightolier and Chase record —only to be disqualified on for you in the world, so that you MY-PLACE—W. Forsyth St. Fixtures ... will be a success and be free a technicality As a result of from (2 doors from Roxy Theatre) 556 Riverside Ave. the disqualification, he lost out pain, sorrow and misfortune. Phone 7-2104 for a berth in the 1932 Olympics. You cannot appreciate the «K)» •»> i The activities of one boy who thought and concern of your father <?> 1 participated in track and field for your welfare, just as you can- WHY PAINT? | ft 1 for a little-known college put that not appreciate all the sacrifices our Hedrick & Whitney s:j Get new low prices on Co. college on the sports map of he has made for you from the & ASBESTOS SIDING :£ Driveways was - Monthly - America ... The lad Allan time you first came into the world, Small Payments General Concrete Work Tollmich—who earned the reputa- and when in those early formula- & g “Jax’s Oldest Concrete FLA. ROOFING tion of being “the one man track tive stages in your life, when you Contractors” I SUPPLY CO. i$ team from Wayne University.” needed his counsel and his help. S 2402 Main St. Ph. 5-0651 $: 564 Stockton Phone 7-2159 Morrie Arnovich, now struggling While you have the chance, do for a regular berth on the New not grow estranged from him. York Giants, was feted with an Seek his society; show your thank- “Arnovich Day” two years ago fulness as much as possible with BONO when he was playing for the Phil- manifestations of your thought- CLEANERS and DYERS adelphia Nationals ... This was fulness. As he grows older, and as WE CALL AND DELIVER the first time in baseball history you see him more seldom, you can- 411 Garments Fully Protected The Fuller Brush Co. By Insurance Wm. H. Lavan, Manager that a first year rookie had been not know his feelings as he views Phone 3-9254 1005 Forest St. 1121 Barnett Bldg. 5-3001 proffered a “day.” his life and thinks of his successes Jewish EMIL FEHL, Dealer Frank Baumholtz, the and his failures. He needs your af- basketeer from Ohio State, was fection as well as your sympa- outstanding chosen as the “most thetic interest, and if you will D-W Chemical Laboratories Master Exterminators York basket- player” by the New consider these things, you will ... offer a confidential service for your home as well as certainly do your utmost to make your place of business. his old age pleasant and happy. NO CHARGE FOR COMPLETE INSPECTION Do not think that your father 11 West Church Street I sbchMa l'l !.”UB DELCHER’S Phone 5-0348 is ancient just because he has dif- 324 Broad St. Ph. 5-3269 Rug Cleaning Moving ferent views from yourself on 2010 Kings Ave. Ph. 3-1933 Fur Storage many things in life. If you will (Southside) 262 Ave. Riverside listen to him and obtain the flavor Phone 5-0140 of his ripened wisdom, you will | THERE’S ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW . benefit greatly, for he will save $ WANTED YOUR $ you from the mistakes of his past, x* ¦ at a— X PROPERTY X which you cannot understand until houses, | We sail three or four you travel the same road. *:* lots, stores or business prop- *:* SPARKS THEATRE every week. Let me sell A McCASKEY CASH REGISTERS con- yours. We have buyers for ball scribes at the recently FLORIDA : ARCADE : EMPRESS jjj* Systems, Sales Books National Invitation Tour- any kind of real estate in X Credit cluded PALACE : CAPITOL SAFES ney Play ... Another Jewish play- •lax. SAN MARCO : ROXY Duval Bldg. Ph. 5-4788 er, Ossie Shechtman from Long Is- RUFUS H. KING X SOI | —: IMPERIAL lerty412 Graham Bldg. Ph. 5-1536 v Jacksonville, Fla. land University, was runner-up. Ira Hanford rode Bold Venture a victory in the blue-blooded a**-'m*t**t to wmwmsmk | Kentucky Derby classic in 1936 and became the first Jewish jock- “WE FEED THE MULTITUDES” ey to cross the line a winner ..
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