THE EDUCATIONAL ENDEAVOURS OF THE EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN SOUTH AFRICA IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE by MBULAHENIAARONRAVHUDZULO submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF EDUCATION in the subject HISTORY OF EDUCATION atthe UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA PROMOTER: PROFESSOR I A COETZER JUNE 1999 DECLARATION Student number: 326- 598-6 I declare that "THE EDUCATIONAL ENDEAVOURS OF THE EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN SOUTH AFRICA IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE" is my own work and that all the sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references. SIGNATURE (MR) MA RA VHUDZULO (i) DEDICATION This study is dedicated to: + My sons, Hangwani, Hulisani, Thendo and Ndamulelo. + My late parents Mbulaheni Piet Ravhudzulo and Mavhungu Martha for raising us to be original, special and unique and in this way inspiring us to develop our individuality and love for knowledge. + Maduka Phineas Mavhunga my late father-in-law, my mother-in- law Thidziambi Esther who instilled the value of education and gave everything of their best for my wife to be what she is today. + My beloved wife Anniekie for her encouragement and moral support throughout this study. (ii) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writing of a thesis is a difficult task which requires time, effort and commitment. I am indebted to my friends and colleagues who encouraged and helped me in my study. Some of these people need special mention. Warm appreciation is expressed to the following who have helped or inspired me in this research project: + Professor I. A. Coetzer, for his wise counsel, guidance and support throughout this study. His encouragement, suggestions and ideas inspired me to continue with my research project. + The contributions of my wife, Anniekie, and sons, Hangwani, Hulisani, Thendo and Ndamulelo, have gone beyond that which deserve that traditional acknowledgement and gratitude. Their encouragement, patience and understanding during my years of study are deeply appreciated. + My wife Anniekie for the clean typing and helping in proof reading this thesis + Mr N.C. Ndwamato for editing this thesis + GOD, for His guidance, blessings and for giving me wisdom and good health. LUKE 1:37 "For there is nothing that God cannot do." (iii) THE EDUCATIONAL END EAVO URS OF THE EV ANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN SOUTH AFRICA IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ABSTRACT Since its inception in 1833 the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa has been a missionary church and has always had its own missionary work. It started to organise the Christianization, Evangelization and Westernization endeavours to take place inside the territories of South Africa. The Evangelical Presbyterian Church Missionaries founded, financed, maintained, controlled and administered their educational endeavours without any moral or financial support from the Government. The main purpose of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church Missionaries in founding and supporting schools has been to use education as an auxiliary to the evangelization of the indigenous people of South Africa. Elementary schools served as instruments of direct evangelization rather than secular education. Pupils were taught the 3 R's, namely, reading, writing and arithmetic. Education was a useful tool that enabled the converts to read the Bible and other religious material on their own and preferably in their own language. Converts who demonstrated the ability to read, write and do simple arithmetic were trained to become missionaries' helpers. As these earliest converts became proficient and competent, they were posted out into the interior with the instructions to start new church centres and schools. Although the teaching which took place inside these schools was not of high quality, it was definitely better than nothing. The Evangelical Presbyterian Church Missionaries together with missionaries of other denominations (iv) provided virtually all the education which was available for the Blacks in South Africa. Through missionary endeavours the South African Government have realized that Western education and civilization has been important forces which helped the indigenous people to advance individually and collectively in the social, political and economic fields. Western technology and culture successfully won the indigenous people of South Africa to Western civilization. The acceptance of Christianity and the introduction of the White man's rule in the interior of South Africa effectively stopped the inter-tribal wars. The missionaries have made a noteworthy contribution to the education of the indigenous people of South Africa. They empowered the Blacks to play a worthy part side by side with members of other races (Whites, Coloureds and Indians) in the development of the country they shared. KEY TERMS Educational endeavours; Evangelical Presbyterian Church of South Africa; Christianization; Evangelization; Westernization; Missionary education; Indigenous people; Character building; Teacher training; Industrial training. (v) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DECLARATION...................................................................... (i) DEDICATION.......................................................................... (ii) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................... (iii) ABSTRACT................................................................................ (iv) TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................... (vii) (vi) TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTERl GENERAL ORIENTATION...................................................... 1 1.1 MOTIVATION FOR THIS STUDY.......................................... 1 1.2 CLARIFICATION OF CONCEPTS........................................... 2 1.2.1 Educational endeavours.................................................... 2 1.2.2 Historical perspective ....................................................... 3 1.2.3 Presbyterian Church......................................................... 4 1.3 METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES PERTAINING TO HISTORICAL- EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH.................................................... 4 1.3.l Historical-educational research........................................ 4 Choosing and delimiting a theme ............. 5 Investigation of the theme in the present..... 6 Investigation of the theme in the educational past.... 6 1.3 .1.4 Critical evaluation of data ......... .................. 7 1.3 .1.5 Interpretation of data and writing of the report... 7 1.3.2 The Descriptive Method.................................................... 8 1.3.3 The Phenomenological Method......................................... 8 1.4 COLLECTION OF DATA .......................................................... 9 (vii) 1.4. 1 Primary sources .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 1.4.2. Secondary sources............................................................. 10 1.4.3 Interviews....................................................................... 10 1.5 ASSESSMENT OF SOURCE MATERIAL .............................. .. 11 1. 5.1 External or lower criticism ...... .. .. .. .. .. .......................... ..... 11 1.5.2 Internal or higher criticism............................................... 11 1.6 AIM OF THE RESEARCH ........ .............. ................................... 11 1.7 DERMARCATION AND STRUCTURING OF THE RESEARCH PROGRAMME .. .................... ............................ ......................... 12 CHAPTER2 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN SOUTH AFRICA 2.1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................. 14 2.2 THE FOUNDING OF THE EV ANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH............................................................................................. 16 2.3 THE ARRlV AL OF MISSIONARIES OF THE EV ANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN SOUTH AFRICA....................... 17 2.4 THE PROGRESS OF THE MISSIONARY WORK OF THE EV ANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ............................. 19 2.4. J Valdezia Mission Station, 1875 .......................................... 20 (viii) 2.4.2 Elim Mission Station, 1879 .................................................. 22 2.4.3 Shiluvane Mission Station, 1886 ........................................ 23 2.4.4 Mhinga Mission Station, 1897 ............................................. 24. 2.4.5 Main mission stations and their outstation ............................ 24 2.4.6 Missionary endeavours in Pretoria and Johannesburg Districts . .. ... .. ..... .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. ... .. .... .. .... .... .. .. ... ... 25 2.5 SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS ......................................... 26 CHAPTER3 FOCUS ON PRINCIPLES AND AIMS OF BLACK EDUCATION 3.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 27 3 .2 GENERAL MISSIONARY AIMS OF BLACK EDU CA TION ........... 28 3 .2.1 The Theological aim .......................................................... 30 3 .2.2 The Salvational aim ............................................................ 30 3.2.3 The Antagonistic aim .............................................................. .30 3.2.4 The Eschatological aim.................................................. 31 3.3 THE EDUCATIONAL AIMS OF THE EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MISSIONARIES ................................. 32 3 .3 .1 Introduction .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. ...... ...... .. .... .
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