THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CHINA 2020 STRATEGIC PLAN BY TOURISM AUSTRALIA AGENCY TO INCREASE TOURISTS FROM CHINA (2012-2016) By M. ANDIKA ERFENDHI PUTRA ID No. 016201300103 A thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Concentrate in Diplomacy Studies May 2018 i THESIS ADVISER RECOMMENDATION LETTER This thesis entitled “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CHINA 2020 STRATEGIC PLAN BY TOURISM AUSTRALIA TO INCREASE TOURISTS FROM CHINA (2012-2016)” prepared and submitted by M. Andika Erfendhi Putra in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International Relations in the School of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense. Cikarang, April 2018 Recommended and Acknowledge by, Witri Elvianti, S.IP., MA. Thesis Adviser ii PANEL OF EXAMINER APPROVAL SHEET iii DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I declare that this thesis entitled “The Implementation of China 2020 Strategic Plan by Tourism Australia to Increase Tourists from China (2012-2016)” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree. Cikarang, Indonesia, April 2018 M. Andika Erfendhi Putra iv ABSTRACT Name : M. Andika Erfendhi Putra ID No. : 016201300103 Title : The Implementation of China 2020 Strategic Plan by Tourism Australia to Increase Tourists from China (2012-2016) Tourism has become an important component in the relations between countries; the tourism sector has great potential to contribute to the development of the State and the economic progress of a State through export revenue and expenditure from international visitors. Over time, tourism has opened up many jobs; contributed to building a good infrastructure, and can eradicate poverty. Australia is known as a country with beautiful nature, high quality of life, and a country with a tourist area that has the best performance that can compete well in the international region. Supported by these factors, Australia makes use of the tourism industry as an essential element for the development of the State, achieving its economic interests and national interests. To improve the country's revenue from the tourism sector, Australia established Tourism Australia as a National Tourism Agency, which launched the 2020 Tourism Plan to increase more international visitors, and launched the 2020 Strategic Plan of China that targets more Chinese visitors to visit Australia as their target market. The plans are launched to achieve their Tourism 2020 Strategy and achieve the national interest of the Australian State. This research uses the theory of Soft Power and Public Diplomacy as a perspective to analyze the implementation of strategies from Tourism Australia in increasing Chinese visitors to visit Australia. In Soft Power theory it is explained that the Soft Power is used by a State to influence other States to do something to achieve the State's objectives without resorting to violence or coercion and the concept of Public Diplomacy is one way that can be used to implement the Soft Power and achieve that goal. Tourism Australia has taken several steps in 2012-2016 such as, conducting research on consumer targets, organizing business events with other countries, creating exciting campaigns, utilizing the entertainment and sports industry to promote the country's tourism, developing the aviation sector, building strong relationships with all actors related to the tourism industry. In this research found that Tourism Australia has managed to make an increase in the number of Chinese visitors to visit Australia and achieve economic improvement from the State of Australia. Keywords: Tourism Industry, Australian Tourism, Tourism Australia, Chinese Visitors, Soft Power, Public Diplomacy v ABSTRAK Nama / ID No. : M. Andika Erfendhi Putra / 016201300103 Judul : Implementasi Rencana Strategis Cina 2020 oleh Tourism Australia untuk Meningkatkan Turis dari China (2012-2016) Pariwisata telah menjadi komponen penting dalam hubungan antar Negara, sektor pariwisata memiliki potensi besar untuk berkontribusi terhadap pembangunan Negara dan kemajuan ekonomi suatu Negara melalui pendapatan ekspor dan pengeluaran dari pengunjung internasional. Sektor pariwisata telah membuka banyak lapangan pekerjaan, berkontribusi untuk membangun infrastruktur yang baik, dan mengurangi kemiskinan. Australia dikenal sebagai Negara dengan alam yang indah, kualitas hidup yang tinggi, dan Negara dengan kawasan wisata yang memiliki performa yang mampu bersaing dengan baik di wilayah internasional. Didukung oleh faktor tersebut, Australia memanfaatkan industri pariwisata sebagai elemen penting untuk melakukan pengembangan Negara, mencapai kepentingan ekonomi dan kepentingan nasionalnya. Untuk meningkatkan pendapatan Negara dari sektor pariwisata, Australia membentuk Tourism Australia sebagai Agensi Pariwisata Nasional yang meluncurkan Rencana Pariwisata 2020 untuk meningkatkan lebih banyak pengunjung internasional, dan meluncurkan Rencana Strategis Cina 2020 yang menargetkan lebih banyak pengunjung cina untuk berkunjung ke Australia. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Kekuatan Lunak dan Diplomasi Publik sebagai perspektif untuk menganalisis implementasi strategi dari Tourism Australia dalam meningkatkan pengunjung Cina untuk berkunjung ke Australia. Dalam teori Kekuatan Lunak dijelaskan bahwa Kekuatan Lunak digunakan oleh suatu Negara untuk mempengaruhi Negara lain untuk melakukan sesuatu agar mencapai tujuan Negara tersebut tanpa menggunakan faktor kekerasan atau paksaan dan konsep Diplomasi Publik adalah salah satu cara yang bisa digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan Kekuatan Lunak dan mencapai tujuan tersebut. Tourism Australia telah melakukan beberapa langkah pada tahun 2012-2016 seperti, melakukan penelitian terhadap target konsumen, menyelenggarakan acara bisnis dengan Negara lain, menciptakan kampanye yang menarik, memanfaatkan industri hiburan dan olahraga untuk mempromosikan pariwisata Negara, mengembangkan sektor penerbangan, membangun hubungan kuat dengan seluruh aktor yang berkaitan dengan industri pariwisata. Dalam riset ini ditemukan bahwa Tourism Australia telah berhasil membuat peningkatan dalam jumlah pengunjung Cina untuk berkunjung ke Australia dan mencapai peningkatan ekonomi dari Negara Australia. Kata Kunci: Industri Pariwisata, Pariwisata Australia, Tourism Australia, Pengunjung Cina, Kekuatan Lunak, Diplomasi Publik vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT First of all, I would like to thank Allah SWT who has given me health, strength, and patience in completing this thesis as a graduation requirement from my studies pursued at President University, without his blessing I would not be able to finish this thesis. Next I want to thank my parents, Erfendhi and Leonawaty, and my sister Anditia Safira, who has worked to support my education since childhood, has always supported me in any way, and always prayed the best for me. A great thank you also for my thesis adviser Witri Elvianti, S.IP., MA for the time given to guide me in completing this thesis. I am also grateful to all the staff and lecturers of the International Relations study program who have given me a lot of knowledge in my study time at President University. Further my special thanks to my friends Galdrin Naufalfikri, Ardiansyah Bakti, Fx Tolan, Krisna Bayu Setiawan, Abdi Abdillah, Irfan Affandi, Indo El Harry, Fahry Nazrullah, Rahmat Anugerah, Yoga Prabasetya, Tahta Diwangkara, Sultan Beybar Mastura, Ageng Jaya Putra, and others who have always supported me, made an interesting impression on my university life, and struggled together to complete our thesis. My gratitude is expressed to all my friends at President University who have provided an unforgettable experience. Cikarang, April 2018 M. Andika Erfendhi Putra vii LIST OF ABREVIATION DITRLG : Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government GDP : Gross Domestic Product NLTTS : National Long-Term Tourism Strategy NTTAC : National Tourism and Aviation Advisory Committee RET : Department of Resource, Energy and Tourism TA : Tourism Australia TMC : Tourism Minister’s Council UNWTO : United Nations World Tourism Organization viii TABLE OF CONTENTS THESIS ADVISER ................................................................................................. ii RECOMMENDATION LETTER .......................................................................... ii PANEL OF EXAMINER ....................................................................................... iii APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. iii DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY .................................................................. iv ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ v ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT ....................................................................................... vii LIST OF ABREVIATION ................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................ xi LIST OF TABLES ...............................................................................................
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