GREENBUSH LINE Keep in Mind SW* - Severe Weather trains This schedule will be effective from December 14 2015, and Monday to Friday will replace the schedule of December 27, 2014. Inbound to Boston AM PM Holiday Service: SW* SW* Saturday service: Presidents’ Day, 4th of July. ZONE STATION TRAIN # 070 072 074 076 078 080 082 084 086 088 090 092 Bikes Allowed Sunday service: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. 6 Greenbush 5:40 6:37 7:03 7:50 8:50 10:35 11:50 2:11 3:47 5:20 7:05 8:10 All other holidays: For other holiday schedules, please check 5 North Scituate 5:47 6:44 7:10 7:57 8:57 10:42 11:57 2:18 3:54 5:27 7:12 8:17 MBTA.com or call 617-222-3200. 4 Cohasset 5:54 6:51 7:17 8:04 9:04 10:48 12:04 2:25 4:01 5:38 7:22 8:23 Times in purple with “f” indicate a flag stop: Passengers 4 Nantasket Junction 5:58 6:55 7:21 8:08 9:08 10:51 12:08 2:28 4:04 5:42 7:26 8:26 must tell the conductor that they wish to leave. Passengers waiting to board must be visible on the platform for the 3 West Hingham 6:03 7:00 7:26 8:13 9:13 10:56 12:13 2:33 4:09 5:47 7:31 8:31 train to stop. 2 East Weymouth 6:07 7:04 7:30 8:17 9:17 11:03 12:17 2:37 4:12 5:53 7:35 8:34 Times in blue indicate an early departure (L stop): 2 Weymouth Landing/East Braintree 6:13 7:10 7:36 8:23 9:23 11:09 12:23 2:43 4:18 5:59 7:41 8:40 The train may leave ahead of schedule at these stops. 1 Quincy Center L 6:22 - L 7:46 L 8:32 L 9:32 L 11:18 L 12:32 L 2:52 L 4:28 - L 7:53 L 8:49 Bikes: Bicycles are allowed on trains with the bicycle 1A JFK/UMass L 6:30 L 7:28 - - - - - - - - - - symbol shown below the train number. GREENBUSH LINE 1A South Station 6:38 7:36 Keep8:03 in Mind8:49 9:49 11:34 12:48 3:09 4:46 6:34 8:07 9:07 GREENBUSH LINE Train Schedule Effective December 14, 2015 Trains in purple box indicate peak period trains. SW* - Severe Weather trains Monday to Friday This schedule will be effective from December 14 2015, and Monday to Friday SW* - Severe Weather trains will replace the schedule of December 27, 2014. Outbound from Boston AM PM Inbound to Boston AM PM HolidaySW* Service: SW* SW* SW* ZONE STATION TRAIN # 071 073 075 077 079 081 083 085 087 089 091 093 with Severe Saturday service: Presidents’ Day, 4th of July. ZONE STATION TRAIN # 070 072 074 076 078 080 082 084 086 Bikes Allowed088 090 092 Weather with Severe Information Bikes Allowed 1A South Station 6:54 9:25 Sunday10:30 service:12:41 New Year’s2:27 Day, Memorial4:02 Day, Labor4:52 Day, 5:20 5:45 6:38 8:25 10:00 ThanksgivingWeather Day, Christmas Day. 6 Greenbush 5:40 6:37 7:03 7:50 8:50 10:35 11:50 2:11 1A3:47JFK/UMass5:20 7:05 8:10 - - Information- - - 4:08 - 5:26 - - - - Severe Weather (SW*): All other holidays: For other holiday schedules, please check 5 North Scituate 5:47 6:44 7:10 7:57 8:57 10:42 11:57 2:18 3:541 Quincy 5:27Center 7:12 8:17 - 9:38 10:43 12:54 2:40 - 5:05 - 5:58 6:51 8:38 10:13 · When notified, trains marked with “SW*” WILL NOT MBTA.com or call 617-222-3200. operate. 4 Cohasset 5:54 6:51 7:17 8:04 9:04 10:48 12:04 2:25 4:012 Weymouth5:38 Landing/East7:22 Braintree8:23 L 7:17 9:47 10:52 1:03 2:49 4:24 5:14 5:42 6:07 7:00 8:47 10:22 Times in purple with “f” indicate a flag stop: Passengers · Please expect a 15 to 25 minute additional trip time on Severe Weather (SW*): 4 Nantasket Junction 5:58 6:55 7:21 8:08 9:08 10:51 12:08 2:28 4:042 East Weymouth5:42 7:26 8:26 L 7:23 9:53 10:58must tell the1:08 conductor2:55 that they wish4:30 to leave.5:20 Passengers5:48 6:13 7:06 8:53 10:28 operating trains. · When notified,waiting trains to board marked must withbe visible“SW*” onWILL the platformNOT operate. for the 3 West Hingham 6:03 7:00 7:26 8:13 9:13 10:56 12:13 2:33 4:093 West Hingham5:47 7:31 8:31 7:30 · Please9:57 expect11:03train a to15 stop. to 1:1225 minute2:59 additional4:34 trip time on5:24 operating5:52 trains. 6:17 7:10 8:56 10:32 · Express trains may make additional stops when directed. · Express trains may make additional stops when directed. 2 East Weymouth 6:07 7:04 7:30 8:17 9:17 11:03 12:17 2:37 4:124 Nantasket5:53 Junction7:35 8:34 7:34 10:02 11:07 1:17 3:04 4:39 5:29 5:57 6:22 7:15 9:00 10:37 Extreme weather:Times in blue indicate an early departure (L stop): Extreme weather: · In case of “Extreme” weather events, specific schedules may be adopted. 2 Weymouth Landing/East Braintree 6:13 7:10 7:36 8:23 9:23 11:09 12:23 2:43 4:184 Cohasset5:59 7:41 8:40 7:37 10:05 11:10The train may1:20 leave ahead3:08 of schedule4:43 at these5:33 stops. 6:00 6:25 7:19 9:03 10:40 · In case of “Extreme” weather events, specific schedules Those will be displayed on www.mbta.com, in Boston Stations and may be adopted. 1 Quincy Center L 6:22 - L 7:46 L 8:32 L 9:32 L 11:18 L 12:32 L 2:52 L 54:28North Scituate- L 7:53 L 8:49 L 7:45 L available10:13 viaL 11:18 Bikes:Twitter Bicycles @mbta_CRL 1:28 are allowedL. 3:16 on trainsL 4:51 with theL bicycle5:41 L 6:08 L 6:33 L 7:27 L 9:12 L 10:48 · Listen to mediasymbol reports shown for below Commuter the train Rail number. Traffic Information prior to your trip. · Those will be displayed on www.mbta.com, in Boston 1A JFK/UMass L 6:30 L 7:28 - - - - - - 6- Greenbush- - - 7:55 10:23 11:28 1:39 3:25 4:59 5:51 6:18 6:43 7:36 9:22 10:57 Stations and available via Twitter @mbta_CR. 1A South Station 6:38 7:36 8:03 8:49 9:49 11:34 12:48 3:09 4:46 6:34 8:07 9:07 Trains in purple box indicate peak period trains. · Listen to media reports for Commuter Rail Traffic Saurday & Sunday Keep in Mind Trains in purple box indicate peak period trains. Information prior to your trip. Monday to Friday Inbound to Boston AMThis schedule will be effective from DecemberPM 14, 2015, and will replace the Zone Fares Outbound from Boston PM schedule of December 27, 2014. AM SATURDAY TRAIN # 1070 1072 1074 1076 1078 1080 1082 1084 FULL FARE HALF FARE SW* SW* ZONE STATION SUNDAY TRAIN # 2070 2072 2074 2076 2078 2080 2082 2084 ZONE STATION TRAIN # Holiday Service: 071 073 075 077 079 081 083 085 087 089 091 093 with Severe Bikes Allowed Bikes Allowed Weather InformationSaturday service: Presidents’ Day, 4th of July. 1A South Station 6:54 9:25 10:30 12:41 2:27 4:02 4:52 5:20 5:456 Greenbush6:38 8:25 10:00 7:15 9:30 11:08 12:20 2:10 3:55 6:30 9:30 Zone One-Way off Board One-Way on Board Ten-Ride Monthly Pass Monthly Pass mTicket One-Way off Board One-Way on Board Ten-Ride 1A 2.10 5.10 21.00 75.00 65.00 1.05 4.05 10.50 1A JFK/UMass - - - - - 4:08 - 5:26 5- North Scituate- - - Severe7:22 Weather9:37Sunday service:11:15 (SW*): New Year’s12:27 Day, Memorial2:17 Day,4:02 Labor Day, Thanksgiving6:37 9:37 Day, Christmas Day. 1 5.75 8.75 57.50 182.00 172.00 2.85 5.85 28.50 1 Quincy Center - 9:38 10:43 12:54 2:40 - 5:05 - 5:584 Cohasset6:51 8:38 10:13 · 7:29When notified,9:44 trains11:22 marked12:34 with2:23 “SW*” WILL4:09 NOT6:44 9:44 operate. 2 6.25 9.25 62.50 198.00 188.00 3.10 6.10 31.00 2 Weymouth Landing/East Braintree L 7:17 9:47 10:52 1:03 2:49 4:24 5:14 5:42 6:074 Nantasket7:00 Junction8:47 10:22 7:32 9:47All other holidays:11:26 For 12:37other holiday2:26 schedules, 4:12please check6:47 MBTA.com9:47 · Please expect a 15 to 25 minute additional trip time on 3 7.00 10.00 70.00 222.00 212.00 3.50 6.50 35.00 3 West Hingham 7:37 9:52or call 617-222-3200..11:31 12:42 2:31 4:17 6:52 9:52 2 East Weymouth L 7:23 9:53 10:58 1:08 2:55 4:30 5:20 5:48 6:13 7:06 8:53 10:28 operating trains.
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