Arthropoda Selecta 13 (12): 2943 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2004 A review of the millipede fauna of Vietnam (Diplopoda) Îáçîð äèïëîïîä ôàóíû Âüåòíàìà (Diplopoda) H. Enghoff1, S.I. Golovatch2, Nguyen Duc Anh3 Õ. Ýíãõîôô1, Ñ.È. Ãîëîâà÷2, Íãóåí Äûê Àíü3 1 Natural History Museum of Denmark (Zoological Museum), University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. email: [email protected] 2 Institute for Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky pr. 33, Moscow 119071 Russia. email: [email protected] 2 Èíñòèòóò ïðîáëåì ýêîëîãèè è ýâîëþöèè ÐÀÍ, Ëåíèíñêèé ïð., 33, Ìîñêâà 119071 Ðîññèÿ. 3 Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Caugiay, Hanoi, Vietnam. email: [email protected] KEY WORDS: Diplopoda, Vietnam, checklist, taxonomy. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Diplopoda, Âüåòíàì, ðååñòð, ñèñòåìàòèêà. ABSTRACT: Based on what we believe is a com- variata (Attems, 1953), comb.n., à òàêæå Sellanucheza plete survey of the previous literature on Vietnamese tenebra (Hoffman, 1960), comb.n. (Êèòàé, òèïîâîé âèä). millipedes, we present a list of 136 species recorded from Vietnam. We present all published records, and Introduction several new ones. Locality names have been updated to correspond with modern names. Sinocallipus cf. simpli- With its position in tropical Southeast Asia, Viet- podicus Zhang, 1983, is recorded as new for the Viet- nam is a country with a very high level of biological namese fauna. Tonkinbolus scaber Verhoeff, 1939, is diversity. There is thus reason to believe that Vietnams recorded as new for the Chinese fauna (Hong Kong). fauna of millipedes is very rich. The present review of Prionobelum leve (Attems, 1938) is a new combination the existing literature is meant as a help for future (from Chinosphaera). Kalorthomorpha gracilis gigas studies on Vietnamese millipedes. We have taken the Attems, 1953 is elevated from subspecific status under opportunity to include some new records of known Oxidus gracilis (C.L. Koch, 1847) to specific status as species, but we are not describing new species here Oxidus gigas (Attems, 1953), stat.n. Sellanucheza gen.n. although we are aware of several undescribed species in is proposed as a replacement name for Szechuanella existing collections of Vietnamese millipedes. Hoffman, 1960, nom. praeoccup. The genus includes Millipedes from Vietnam have been described in two Vietnamese species, Sellanucheza grandis (Golo- numerous papers, culminating in two major treatments vatch, 1984), comb.n. and S. variata (Attems, 1953), by Attems [1938, 1953]. Golovatch [1983c] reviewed comb.n., in addition to Sellanucheza tenebra (Hoffman, the literature and gave a list of 116 species (including 1960), comb.n. (China, the type-species). one identified only to the generic level) plus 4 subspe- cies. Because considerable progress has been made in ÐÅÇÞÌÅ: Íà îñíîâå ïðåäïîëîæèòåëüíî ïîëíî- the study of Vietnamese millipedes since 1983, and ãî îáçîðà îïóáëèêîâàííîé ëèòåðàòóðû ïî äèïëîïî- because Golovatchs review may not be readily avail- äàì Âüåòíàìà ñîñòàâëåí ñïèñîê, âêëþ÷àþùèé 136 able for many students, we here present an updated list. âèäîâ, çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûõ âî Âüåòíàìå. Ïðåäñòàâ- The present list contains 136 species. The actual ëåíû âñå îïóáëèêîâàííûå íàõîäêè, à òàêæå íåñêîëü- number of Vietnamese millipede species may be several êî íîâûõ. Íàçâàíèÿ ëîêàëèòåòîâ äàíû â ñîîòâåò- times higher. We are aware of considerable unidentified ñòâèè ñ ñîâðåìåííûì íàïèñàíèåì. Âèä Sinocallipus collections of Vietnamese millipedes, housed in Insti- cf. simplipodicus Zhang, 1983, îòìå÷åí â êà÷åñòâå tute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi, Viet- íîâîãî äëÿ ôàóíû Âüåòíàìà, à Tonkinbolus scaber nam; Zoological Museum, University of Moscow, Rus- Verhoeff, 1939 íîâûé äëÿ ôàóíû Êèòàÿ (Ãîí- sia; Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy êîíã). Prionobelum leve (Attems, 1938) ïðåäñòàâëÿåò of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. Once these collections ñîáîé íîâóþ êîìáèíàöèþ (èç Chinosphaera). Kal- have been worked up, our list will certainly be obsolete. orthomorpha gracilis gigas Attems, 1953 ïîâûøåí â The present paper contains three taxonomic novelties: ðàíãå èç ïîäâèäà âèäà Oxidus gracilis (C.L. Koch, 1. Prionobelum leve (Attems, 1938), which is a new 1847) äî ïîëíîãî âèäà: Oxidus gigas (Attems, 1953), combination (from Chinosphaera levis Attems, 1938). stat.n. Ïðåäëîæåíî íîâîå íàçâàíèå Sellanucheza 2. The taxon Kalorthomorpha gracilis gigas At- gen.n. âçàìåí Szechuanella Hoffman, 1960, nom. tems, 1953, which is elevated from subspecific status praeoccup. Ýòîò ðîä âêëþ÷àåò äâà âèäà èç Âüåòíàìà, under Oxidus gracilis (C.L. Koch, 1847) to specific Sellanucheza grandis (Golovatch, 1984), comb.n. è S. status as Oxidus gigas (Attems, 1953), stat.nov. 30 H. Enghoff, S.I. Golovatch, Nguyen Duc Anh 3. The generic name Szechuanella Hoffman, 1960, Table 2. Locality names in Attems [1938, 1953], their which is preoccupied and is replaced by Sellanucheza modern spelling and provincial assignment. gen.n. Òàáë. 2. Íàçâàíèÿ ëîêàëèòåòîâ â ðàáîòàõ Àòòåìñà [At- Several species and two genera of the large family tems, 1938, 1953], èõ ñîâðåìåííîå íàïèñàíèå è Paradoxosomatidae described by Attems [1938] were ïðîâèíöèàëüíàÿ ïðèíàäëåæíîñòü. also included in his monograph of the family from 1937 and their names thus formally date from 1937. In some Locality name in Modern name Province cases the localities given by Attems in the 1938 treat- Attems [1938, 1953] ment do not fully correspond to those given in the 1937 Annam Central Vietnam monograph. We have included all localities mentioned in the two treatments. Arbre Broye Tramhanh LAMDONG Bana Mt. Bana DANANG Material and methods Bangoi Bangoi/Camranh KHANHHOA Buonmathuot, Buon Ma Thuot DAKLAK The new records that we present are based on material Banmethuot from the collections listed in Table 1. Budap Budap LAMDONG Table 1. Repositories of studied material. Òàáë. 1. Õðàíèëèùà èçó÷åííîãî ìàòåðèàëà. Camau Camau CAMAU IEBR Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Cauda Cauda KHANHHOA Hanoi, Vietnam Chapa Sapa LAOC AI IZPAN Muzej i Instytut Zoologii, Polska Akademia Nauk, Cochinchina South of Vietnam Warsaw, Poland MNHN Muséum national dHistoire naturelle, Col des Nuages Haivan mountain pass DANANG Paris, France Cuabe Cuabe KHANHHOA ZMUC Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Dalat Dalat LAMDONG Denmark ZMUM Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, Varella Varella PHUYEN Russia Djiring Mt. Diling LAMDONG We use the classification by Hoffman [1980], including Donghoi, Dongoi Donghoi QUANGBINH the updatings by Shelley [2003]. Genera within families, and Dongtrang Dongtrang KHANHHOA species within genera, are listed alphabetically. The information on each species is arranged as follows: Fan-si-Pan Mt. Fanxipan LAOC AI 1. Valid name Hagiang Hagiang HAGIANG 2. Synonyms relevant for the literature dealing with the species occurrence in Vietnam. We have always included Honba Mt. Honba KHANHHOA the name used by Golovatch [1983c] if the species in question Ko ntum Ko ntum KONTUM did figure in his list. 3. Records from Vietnam, compiled from the literature. Laichoi Laichau LAICHAU Attems treatments from 1938 and 1953 remain the largest Langbian Mt. Langbian LAMDONG sources of information. We give, in Table 2, the locality Lienchieu Lienchieu DANANG names used by Attems, their modern counterpart, and the name of the province they belong to. Locninch Locninh BINHPHUOC 4. New records, if any. Nhatrang Nhatrang KHANHHOA 5. General distribution. 6. Remarks. Ninhoa Ninhhoa KHANHHOA References have been included if they provide original Phanrang Phanrang NINHTHUAN records for Vietnam and/or affect the taxonomy of the spe- cies. In some cases references giving important geographical Phuho Phuho PHUTHO and/or biological information about the species have also Pol Nagar Ponaga Tower KHANHHOA been included. BARIA- Poulo-Condore Condao Island VUNGTAU Systematic account Poulo Dama Phuquoc Island KIENGIANG ORDER POLYXENIDA Soctrang Soctrang SOCTRANG Suoidau Suoidau KHANHHOA Family LOPHOPROCTIDAE Tayninch Tayninh TAYNINH Genus Alloproctoides Marquet & Condé, 1950 To nk i n North of Vietnam Alloproctoides dawydoffi (Attems, 1938) Tourance Danang DANANG Monographis kraepelini dawydoffi Attems, 1938; Trangbom Trangbom DONGNAI Alloproctoides dawydoffi: Nguyen Duy & Condé, 1967; Golo- vatch, 1983c. Vin h Vin h NGHEAN Review of the millipede fauna of Vietnam 31 Records from Vietnam: PROV. KHANHHOA, Nhatrang; Records from Vietnam: PROV. LAMDONG, Dalat, Mt. PROV BARIA-VUNGTAU, Condao Island [Attems 1938]; Langbian, 23002400 m [Attems 1938]. Atoll Tizard (exact locality unknown) [Attems, 1953]. Also known from India (Ghumti, Darjiling Distr.) [Sil- Also known from Cambodia [Attems, 1953], Réunion, vestri, 1917] and Laos (Xieng Kuang) [Attems, 1953]. Mauritius, St. Helena and the Bismarck Archipelago [Nguyen Duy-Jacquemin & Condé, 1982]. Hyleoglomeris maior Attems, 1938 REMARKS: Part of the material recorded by Attems Hyleoglomeris maior: Golovatch, 1983c. [1938], viz. the specimen from PROV. KHANHHOA, Cu- Records from Vietnam: PROV. NINHTHUAN, Phan- abe, and two of those from PROV BARIA-VUNGTAU, rang; PROV. KHANHHOA, Mt. Honba, forest [Attems, 1938]. Condao Island, was referred to Unixenus sp. by Nguyen Duy- Only known from Vietnam. Jacquemin & Condé [1967]. Hyleoglomeris robusta Attems, 1938 Family POLYXENIDAE Hyleoglomeris robusta: Golovatch, 1983c. Records from Vietnam: PROV. LAMDONG, Dalat, Mt. Genus Monographis Attems, 1907 Langbian, 23002400 m [Attems, 1938].
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