Initial Environmental Examination Document Stage: Final Project Number: 43253-025 November 2016 IND: Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Program (Tranche 1) - Harihara Bulk Water Supply and Harihara Water Supply Distribution Network Package Numbers: 01HAR02 and 01WS04 Prepared by Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation, Government of Karnataka for the Asian Development Bank. This initial environmental examination report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Initial Environmental Examination UPDATED November 2016 IND: Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Programme (KIUWMIP) Tranche 1: Harihar City 24x7 Water Supply Scheme Prepared by Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation, Government of Karnataka for the Asian Development Bank The initial environmental examination (IEE) prepared based on preliminary designs was reviewed and approved by ADB in April 2013. It has been disclosed in KUIDFC and ADB’s website (http://www.adb.org/projects/documents/kiuwmip-harihar-uwss-subproject-iee) The approved draft IEE has now been updated reflecting the detailed design of the HariharTown 24x7 Water Supply Scheme CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of September 2016) Currency unit – Equivalent to Rs1.00 = $ 0.015 $1.00 = Rs 66.7 Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank ADB SPS Asian Development Bank Safeguard Policy Statement APMC Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee ASI Archaeological Survey of India BOD Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand BPL Below Poverty Line CAP Corrective Action Plan CBO Community Based Organizations CC - Cement Concrete CFE - Consent For Establishment CFO - Consent For Operation CMC - City Municipal Council CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board CGWB - Central Ground Water Board CSS - Construction Supervision Specialist DPD - Deputy Project Director PMDCSC - Project Management Design Construction and Supervision Consultant EA - Executing Agency EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment ELSR - Elevated Level Storage Reservoir EMP - Environmental Management Plan ES - Environment Specialist GRC - Grievance Redressal Committee GRM - Grievance Redress Mechanism HDPE - High Density PolyEthylene IA - Implementing agency IEE - Initial Environmental Examination IWRM - Integrated Water Resource Management KIUWMIP - Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Programme Km - Kilometres KMRP - Karnataka Municipal Reforms Project KSCB - Karnataka Slum Clearance Board KSPCB - Karnataka State Pollution Control Board KSRTC - Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation KTCP - Karnataka Town and Country Planning KUIDFC - Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation KUWSDB - Karnataka Urban Water Supply & Drainage Board Lpcd - Liter Per Capita Per Day M - Meters MFF - Multi-Tranche Financing Facility MLD - Million Liters Per Day Mm - Milimeters MoEFCC - Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change NGO - Non-Government Organization PIU - Program Implementation Unit PMU _ Program Management Unit RPMU _ Regional Program Management Unit PVC - Poly Vinyl Chloride RCC - Reinforced Cement Concrete ROW - Right Of Way SEIAA - State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority SPS - Safeguard Policy Statement STP - Sewage Treatment Plant ULB - Urban Local Body WTP - Water Treatment Plant WEIGHTS AND MEASURES oC degree centigrade dB Decibels dia diameter kg kilo gram Kl kilolitre km kilometre kmph kilometre per hour ha hectares HP Horse Power LPCD liters per capita per day lps liters per second lpm liters per minute m meter m3 Cubic meter mg milli gram mm milli meter m2/day meter square per day M million mcm million cubic meters ML Million liters MLD million liters per day sq.km Square Kilometer NOTE{S} In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 5 A. Introduction to KIUWMIP 5 B. Background of IEE 5 C. Environmental Regulatory Compliance 6 D. Scope of IEE 9 E. Report Structure 9 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAM COMPONENTS 9 A. Present Situation 10 B. Proposed 24 X 7 Water Supply System 11 C. Investment Program Implementation Schedule 14 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 24 A. Physical Characteristics 24 B Ecological Resources 29 C. Economic Development 29 D. Social and Cultural Resources 31 E. Environmental Settings for Subproject Components – 24 x7 water supply system 32 IV.SCREENING OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 35 A. Introduction 35 B. Pre-Construction Impacts 36 C. Construction Impacts 40 D. Operation and Maintenance Impacts 49 V. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 51 A.Project Stakeholders 51 B. Consultation & Disclosure till Date 51 C. Future Consultation & Disclosure 52 D. Grievance Redress Mechanism 52 E. Grievance Redress Process 53 F.GRC / SC composition and selection of members 53 VI. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 55 A. Environmental Management Plan 55 B. Institutional Arrangements 110 C. Training Needs 115 D. Monitoring and Reporting 116 E. EMP Implementation Cost 117 VII. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 120 VIII. CONCLUSION 122 Appendix 1: National Ambient Air Quality Standards 123 Appendix 2:Applicable Noise Standards 124 Appendix 3: Salient Features of Major Labor Laws 125 Appendix 4: Existing water supply – base map 127 Appendix 5: Proposed water supply scheme for Harihar 129 Appendix 6: Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) Checklist 132 Appendix 7: Environmental Audit of the Existing Water Treatment Plant in Harihar 138 Appendix 8: Emergency Response Plan Template – Water supply work 144 Appendix 9: Sample Outline Spoil Management Plan 152 Appendix 10: Sample Outline Traffic Management Plan 159 Appendix 11: Minutesof theStakeholderConsultationMeeting 169 Appendix 12: Public consultation at Harihar 170 Appendix 13: Sample Monthly Reporting Format for Construction Supervision 172 List of Tables Table 1: Applicable Environmental Regulations 6 Table 2: Salient Features of Existing Water Supply System in Harihar 11 Table 3: Proposed 24x7 Water Supply Project Components in Harihar 12 Table 4: Target Outputs and Outcomes for Subproject (Harihar) 13 Table 5:: Ambient Air Quality in Harihar 15 Table 6:Tungabhadra River Water Quality 17 Table 7:Ground Water Development in Harihar Taluk 18 Table 8: Noise Level Monitoring at project sites of Harihar 18 Table 9: Existing Land Use for Harihar CMC 19 Table 10:Population Growth of Harihar Town 20 Table 11: Dried Sludge for Use as Soil Conditioner 26 Table 12:Environmental Management Plan for Anticipated Impacts – Water Supply System– Pre- Construction 41 Table 13:Environmental Management Plan for Anticipated Impacts – Water Supply System– Construction 47 Table 14:Environmental Management Plan for Anticipated Impacts – Water Supply System– Operation 62 Table 15: Institutional Roles and Responsibilities 71 Table 16: Outline of Capacity Building Program on EMP Implementation 115 Table 17: Environmental Monitoring Cost 117 Table 18: Cost Estimates to Implement the EMP – Water Supply System 77 List of Figures Figure 1: Location of Sub project city 12 Figure 2: Schematic Diagram of Proposed water supply scheme of Harihar 13 Figure 3: Rising main for Harihar WS Figure 4: Location of WTP at Harihar in Google map Figure 5: View of Existing WTP components 14 Figure 6: Proposed Augmentation at WTP 14 Figure 7: Layout plan of WTP at Harihar Figure 8: Distribution zone including area ia nad aroundHarihareshwara temple Figure 9: Harihareshwara Temple location at Harihar- Google map Figure 10: Marking of Harihareshwara Temple at Harihar Figure 11: Average monthly temperature and rainfall 16 Figure 12: Grievance Redressal Process 39 Figure 13: Environmental Safeguards Implementation Arrangement 71 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Programme (KIUWMIP) aims to improve the level, quality and sustainability of basic water supply services in selected urban local bodies (ULBs), contributing to improved quality of life among the urban poor. KIUWMIP will be implemented over a period of 8 years (four years for Tranche 1) beginning in 2014, and will be funded by a loan via the Multi-tranche Financing Facility (MFF) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). 2. Harihar 24x7 water supply project is one of the projects proposed in Tranche-1 towns viz., Harihar, Davanagere, Byadagi and Ranebennur. Water supply is currently intermittent and suffers with huge losses and quality issues. ADB requires the consideration of environmental issues in all aspects of the Bank’s operations, and the requirements for Environmental Assessment are described in ADB’s SPS (2009). This Initial Environmental Examination
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